Event History

Displaying events 1681 - 1690 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Marcus Harriot
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Marcus Harriot, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-03-17 08:08:11 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Rebos, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2021-03-17 00:21:04 UTC
Event ID
Ellac Conrat
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Primary reason

Ellac Conrat has been completely on fire ever since he joined Scholae Palatinae. Blazing his way through the ranks, he has been engaged in multiple activities from comps to gaming as well as the ACC. Since his last promotion, he has participated in 9 competitions, 3 PVP matches, 15 PVE matches, and 1 ACC match. He has also earned several awards including 4 Pendants of Blood, 68 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice, 4 Clusters of Earth, and 3 Clusters of Graphite.

Within the Clan channel, Ellac has been a very enthusiastic and optimistic individual frequently engaged with his fellow clanmates. From discussions about Character Development to joking around with other members and just having fun, he has been a member that everyone has come to enjoy conversation with. His passion for fiction and gaming is very admirable, and it's been amazing watching him grow in those areas of interest with other members. Full of clan spirit and ready to tackle any challenge, Ellac has been more than a model of what it means to be a part of Scholae Palatinae. It is a true pleasure to see him finally obtain knighthood after having fulfilled his requirements and having worked hard to get to this one of many milestones in his clan and DJB career. Congratulations, Ellac! I am looking forward to seeing what amazing things you come to accomplish in the near future.

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2021-03-14 14:45:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Ellac, when I brought you to this club I knew it was a perfect fit for you. You hit the ground running and have grown as a gamer and writer by leaps and bounds. The enthusiasm you have had in building your character here is one I rarely see. Your performance in the ACC and in various clan and club-wide gaming competitions has consistently gotten better. There really is no better feeling for a Master than to watch his student rise from those fledgling starting points and attain high levels.

This promotion is well earned. Welcome to Knighthood and to being fully embraced by the Brotherhood.

  • SBM Sykes Jade

Battlelord Sykes Jade, 2021-03-14 14:44:47 UTC
Event ID
Imperial Kah’ri Marru
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Primary reason

Kah'ri Marru has been a rising star ever since he joined Scholae Palatinae. Ever ready to tackle a new challenge, whether it be in art or writing, he has taken part in various comps while showing off his passion for the things he loves. Since his last promotion, he has participated in nine competitions, taken part in 13 PVP matches, 12 PVE activities, and 1 ACC match; passed two SA courses while earning one degree, and has earned various awards. These include 1 Crescent with a Diamond Star, 1 Crescent with a Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with a Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with an Emerald Star, 1 Pendant of Blood, 111 Clusters of Fire, 1 Cluster of Ice, 8 Clusters of Earth, and 5 Clusters of Graphite.

Kah'ri has also been active within the Clan channel from sharing his art to discussing character development. He is always engaging and getting to know his fellow members. He's been a blazing example of our clan spirit, and he shines brilliantly with all he has accomplished. Having fulfilled all the requirements to move forward with all the extra things he's achieved, I am more than honored to see Kah'ri finally reach JM4 and to start on his journey towards becoming an Equite in the future. Congratulations, Kah'ri! Well earned! I'm looking forward to seeing what more you accomplish in the near future.

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2021-03-14 06:41:12 UTC
Additional reasons

While his metrics have already been addressed, I'd like to speak about Kah'ri as a member. As his master, there's one thing about him that I'm sure of after our time together: he's ready for the next step in his journey in the DJB. Reaching Knighthood has always been one of the critical points in the club; it shows a member has the knowledge and skill to tackle what the club has in store.

I feel that Kah'ri has done this repeatedly. He writes, games, explores the halls of knowledge that the SA offers, and is even skilled with art as well. He knows what he wants. He sought me out when he wanted a master, and I admit that I was hesitant at first since I hadn't done anything like this before. But in the end, I decided to take a chance, and we just clicked. When discussing details of his character, some of them meshed well with what I had in mind for my own and just hadn't gotten around to implementing yet, so it really did feel like we were in it together. He has an idea in mind for his character and the direction he wants to take it, and I know he'll be able to see it through. When he puts his mind to something, he can do it.

Kah'ri also has a good head on his shoulders. Already he recognizes the value of prioritizing and that sometimes you might need to sacrifice working on one thing so that you can do another, rather than attempting to do both and possibly coming up with a product you may be unhappy with. He also understands that this club is for fun and that a balance must be struck between it and real life. He is a friendly and positive presence in the clan's Telegram channel and isn't afraid of voicing his opinion, while remaining respectful of those held by other members.

There is no doubt in my mind that Kah'ri will be able to handle anything thrown his way. I am proud to be writing this recommendation and can't wait to see where this journey takes him next. Congrats and welcome to Knighthood, Kah'ri! Drinks are on you!

Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr, 2021-03-14 06:39:17 UTC
Event ID
Nightsister Sinya Ani
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

In a mere two and a half months since joining the Brotherhood, Sinya Ani has stunned Plagueis and its summit with her rapid fire progress, accomplishments, writing, and presence. Since her previous promotion, she has been Hunter for at least 28 days, earned at least one SA degree, and been awarded at least two major competition awards. She has also been awarded at least 7 Clusters of Ice and at least 75 Clusters of Earth, and she has participated in over eight competitions. She even went out of her way to pass the Leadership Rewards SA course, rank Rank 4 of the GMRG, and reach Rank 4 of the Shadow Academy society. In short, she has made herself known in nearly every facet that our humble club has to offer.

As Consul of Plagueis, I am honored to request Sinya's promotion to one of the greatest milestone ranks in the Brotherhood: Dark Jedi Knight. I remember it took me at least six months to get that coveted rank. Sinya has impressed us all.

We are so glad to have you in our clan, Sinya. Congratulations.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2021-03-12 03:27:39 UTC
Additional reasons

By the Force, what can I say about my apprentice? Sinya has taken to the Brotherhood like a fish to water. In only a month and change, she has accomplished things that took me year, literal years! She is enthusiastic, passionate, and always up for new ideas. Nothing seems to scare her, and she balks at no challenge.

I could not be prouder of the member she has become and I eagerly look forward to seeing what kind of member she becomes in the future. If reaching knighthood in just over a week past the minimum timeline is any indication, I imagine that we'll be granting her far loftier titles in short order.

Congratulations Knight Sinya Ani, you have made this ol'madman one proud teacher. Now go show the whole of the Brotherhood what you can do.

Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson, 2021-03-12 03:17:24 UTC
Event ID
Eva Gagemon
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Primary reason

Eva Gagemon joined the Clan in October and since this time she has walked a long way. The beginnings are difficult, but Eva Gagemon fights proudly. She joined us through Telegram and Discord. She participated in 3 competitions which were Scimitar of Lord Hoth for the months of October, November and December. Eva also helped to organize 2 competitions which were My Favorite Character Vol. 2 and Heart Full of Love.

Her time difference and many student responsibilities complicate her greater commitment. Nevertheless, lately she has been working hard on her character. She wrote 758 words of character fiction. As part of this, Eva expands the personality of her character within roleplay and creating backstory, where she reveals more combative aspects of herself. Her more combative but friendly personality is a great benefit to Clan.

Statistics are important, but now it is necessary to focus on her personal contribution. Eva, like all members of the clan, is a huge Star Wars fan. From the moment we accidentally met on Facebook, we immediately caught each other's attention. Her enthusiasm for star wars and her friendly personality enchanted me. She is currently working on making changes to her completed character sheet and continues to stay motivated, and I'm looking forward to her further development. I must also mention that I am proud of her, for the fact that, despite her workload, she devotes herself to writing together. Eva is a great apprentice and friend.

I am honored to recommend Eva for this promotion.

Elyon de Neverse

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2021-03-11 23:29:20 UTC
Additional reasons

You're doing a great job so far, Eva. We look forward to seeing you continue on through the ranks!

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2021-03-11 23:28:53 UTC
Event ID
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Old Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Zuza has been chewing through the Journeyman ranks like a faeire drake, keeping us in leadership always on our toes! It has been delightful to observe such enthusiasm and dedication from a new member, though by how well she’s already made a home of us, it hardly feels correct to call her ‘new’ anymore!

In her short time as Journeyman, she’s accumulated a host of accolades, including a Dark Cross, seven Crescents, four Clusters of Ice and 16 Clusters of Graphite, for her participation in a total of 37 competitions. Zuza has also taken her first steps into leadership, at least in the academic sense, by completing a pair of courses on the subject and it would be no surprise if we saw her with a pair of massive epaulettes sometime in the future.

She’s really begun to expand her character via our Battleteam RPs over on Telegram, helping to further integrate to our unit and further detail this pint-sized Infiltrator who’s already begun infiltrating our hearts. As further proof of the detail and dedication that she’s put into making Zuza come to life, her Wiki page is in a far better state than mine was (or is), and it seems she’s really got a knack for adding intriguing detail, such as her Krayt tattoo and clothing preferences.

Zuza has been a true breath of fresh air into both House Qel-Droma and Battleteam Voidbreaker, her enthusiasm and skill, as well as easygoing attitwude a delight to encounter in our chats. She’s shown a great spirit for participation, most notably in our recent Clan event, and I can already tell she’s got the makings of greatness within her!

As Quaestor, it is my privilege to recommend the promotion of Zuza Lottson to JM4 and full “Knighthood”.

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2021-03-10 17:29:49 UTC
Additional reasons

While Zuza Lottson has been training in real life to tackle lions, tigers, and snow leopards oh my, she has been eagerly chasing Krayt Dragons in the stars. Full of enthusiasm and energy, curiosity and excitement, Zuza has quickly taken to our star wars universe. She has latched into building collaborative roleplay sessions with fellow clanmates, participated in clan events with the tenacity of a jaguar, and fleshed out character building among her peers. She has drawn up a wiki, sharing her bubbly optimistic character, and eagerly participated in numerous competitions. She has even taken a few leadership courses!

It truly didn't take her long to worm her way into her battleteam and clan. One could even argue it was instantaneous. During my time working with Zuza, I have noted how openly friendly and welcoming she is. She's a delight to spend time with and talk to, raising the mood of those around her. Since her time in Arcona, she has helped host unofficial game nights, providing opportunities to laugh and bond with our peers. It wouldn't be an odd sight to see her hop onto the clan discord and share some of her time just conversing.

Zuza is a dedicated individual to both the fictional, administrative, and community sides of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and of Arcona. She truly has added to our Ohana here. It is with great honor that I add my support for Zuza Lottson's promotion to Professional, JM4. I wish you luck on your journey among the stars, Zuza! Just...be careful riding that future Krayt Dragon steed!

Diyrian “Diy” Grivna, Master

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2021-03-10 14:45:49 UTC

Zuza’s energy and general presence has made taking on the role of Battleteam Leader a breeze. She is the exact kind of new member you hope and dream for, but rarely get. Friendly, communicative, but also serious about getting involved with the various aspects of the Brotherhood beyond simply going through the motions. She has not backed down from anything thrown in her path, parkours nimbly as a ninja squirrel over any challenges, and continues to show the drive, empathy, and generally good spirited energy that make Arcona, and by extension the Brotherhood, a better place to be a part of. She has demonstrated her desire to help others around her, and does not simply focus on herself, a rare trait that I’ve seen in some of the clubs historically impactful members.

We decided she could stay a while ago, but with this elevation, I think Zuza has planted her own feet and declared that she is here. As her BTL, I look forward to seeing her continue to grow and trailblaze her way forward to the ranks of the Equites, but as a fellow member, I’m simply delighted to have her as a part of our Clan. Congrats, Zuzu

-Wally (wUw)
Battleteam Leader: Voidbreaker

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2021-03-10 17:25:41 UTC
Event ID
Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

When someone talks about the distinction between active members and members who are Active, my mind immediately goes to Alaisy. There is just something awe inspiring, and a little scary, about the way she just gets stuff done, despite her own complaints to the opposite.

Since her elevation to EQ2 about a year ago, she’s participated in 182 (!) competitions, for which she’s earned four Diamond Crescents, 12 Rubies, 16 Amethysts, 13 Sapphires, seven Emeralds and five Topaz. Speaking of Sapphires, she’s made a fine addition to her collection by a shiny new Sapphire Blade, for her outstanding performance in defending Arx. As further testament to her performance there, she brought home all the 30 Seals of Visions, as well as a pair of Gold and triplets of Bronze Novae.

Now, most members have a ‘niche’ which they excel at, but looking at Alaisy’s Cluster haul, it’s difficult if not impossible to say what that niche is supposed to be. With 134 Clusters of Fire, 81 of Ice, 8 of Earth, and 91 of Graphite, in addition to another 18 Pendants of Blood. Not content with this, she's given her all in the almost-over SARLACC tournament, during which she's already finished a trio of graded matches! Is she a gamer? Is she an artist? Is she a writer? My answer: yes.

With all this effort spent on doing comps, working as a freshly Kukri’d Praetor to the Herald (7 months and counting), and taking names and kicking butt, one would be forgiven to think Alaisy can only spare the time to do things whilst being a social recluse. Nothing could be further from the truth! She is a delightful, daily presence in Clan and House chats, helping newbies and tormenting the longbeards, partaking in our TG RPs and offering advice in all things artistic without even charging a consulting fee! I know it is an unusual metric for sure, but the fact she’s made 64 news post comments since her promotion should give some inkling of what an active and dedicated member Alaisy truly is.

I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this promotion than Alaisy. She’s dominated our House activity leaderboard for months on end, and her tireless work to brighten up this dark brotherhood with shiny chrome and polished latex is something to be admired. As Quaestor, it is my honor and privilege to recommend Alaisy Tir’eivra be promoted to the rank of Battlelord (erm, lady).

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2021-03-07 21:58:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Alaisy Tir’eivra embodies the model of modern Equite through both her activity as a member of Clan Arcona, and her work as a Praetor to the Herald. Over the last twelve months since her last promotion, Alaisy has spent the six filling the role of P:Herald while maintaining a day-to-day presence as a leader. As a member, she continues to lead by example and participates in everything from Clan-level competitions, to Great Jedi Wars, and pushes others to rise to the bar she sets. For these efforts, Alaisy had earned both a Sapphire Blade as well as a Amethyst Kukri for going above and beyond in both facets of the club.

Beyond the base metrics alone, Alaisy is a daily participant in the Fiction and Graphics societies- engaging earnestly with members and leadership a like by not just answering the daily character questions, but following up with others who answer to help validate their talking points. She is always willing to give advice on artwork or graphics, and also takes the time to take part in the Telegram Roleplaying events we run to help with member engagement. Her willingness to do all the things and let her stellar activity lead by itself, in a way, encourages others around her to try their best as well.

Combined with her work as Praetor to Herald, I again say that Alaisy represents everything we look for, as an organization, when talking about our upper-Equites. For that reason, I’m honored to congratulate her on this well-earned promotion to Battlelord.

I am proud to be her Battleteam Leader, and even luckier to be her friend.


Battleteam Leader: Voidbreaker

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2021-03-05 06:39:56 UTC

Alaisy Tir’eivra is undoubtedly one of the most active members in our House and Clan. And that activity comes from a pure dedication she displays towards Arcona. She has high numbers of Crescents, Clusters and Competitions participated every month! On top of that, Alaisy is also a Praetor, and an amazing one at that.

Her daily presence on every chat, always engaging in different conversations with everyone, always there to help others when they need, be it a fiction proof, artistic commentary or just to talk, is part of what makes Alaisy an awesome member of this community and one who embodies true camaraderie towards her peers.

I am immensely thankful for having known Alaisy from the day I joined, and she is also a big part of what made me stay in the DJB when I started out. Couldn't be more proud of being your student Mistress!

And now I am proud to back up this recommendation for a promotion to Equite III. Congratulations Mistress! All the way to Elder!

Aru Law

Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2021-03-05 06:40:33 UTC

Alaisy has been a critical contributor to the Herald's office since she assumed the role of Magistrate last August. She has worked tirelessly to bring high quality work to the members of the Brotherhood, taking on the most demanding requests we fill in the form of custom member robes. Beyond that, she has also been an invaluable asset on the administrative side of the office in reviewing the more day to day tasks that come our way in the form of competition approvals and avatar submissions, turning around requests in a timely manner while in turn also working with members on remands and the infrequent denials in a positive way that does not create negative member experiences with those interactions. She has been everything one could ask for as a Praetor and more, and it is my great honor to contribute to the request for her promotion to Equite 3. Well done!

Selika Roh
Herald of the Brotherhood

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2021-03-06 17:16:07 UTC
Event ID
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

Since his promotion back just over 2 years ago, Takagari “Darkhawk” KogaRyu has not stood still. No, this dude has been making some really excellent marks in his own corner of the Brotherhood and even some beyond in the greater Brotherhood. Although the greater number of the competitions and events he has helped to organize in the Brotherhood centered around Naga Sadow and her sub-units, he has even reached out on at least one occasion to run an event with members of a number of other Clans to run a holiday mini-event around Halloween time.

Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself.

In his time as an EQ 3, Darkhawk took the lead on organizing 13 competitions and helping to co-organize another 12 competitions. Some of these included gaming, such as Heroes of the Storm or Hearthstone. Others have given members a chance to help ‘own’ our corner of a galaxy far, far away by naming fleet assets we gained following a Vendetta; acted as a co-organizer and judge for a competition in which members could detail an enemy of the Sadowans; acting as an organizer/co-org for events contributing to the success of Redemption and Honor event. This event saw our Clan retake our home system and saw a good chunk of our Clan taking part. He was also a key contributor and fellow brain-stormer for the Tensions in the Orian Empire event we ran for the Clan to help push our fictional direction forward and saw us publicly grab control of the Orian System as a Clan instead of operating as a shadow government. He also acted as a co-organizer for a pre-War competition alongside 3 other Sadowans to help hype folks leading into Great Jedi War XIV: Homefront. Even when you look back into his time as Quaestor you can see that Darkhawk wanted to create interesting content, like when he conceptualized and ran Three Shades of Black.

Really, it is worth pointing out that Darkhawk served a respectable term as a Quaestor for which he earned a Grand Cross back in October of 2019. There is some excellence that he strides for. There are also instances like the Gold Nova he got in the 13th Great Jedi War for an impressively built Jedi holocron for the event you can look to. That is seriously the sort of thing that sets my own pursuits to shame. And yet, Darkhawk is again about as humble as they come when it comes to such accomplishments. For one, he took first in the recently Quaestor-run Inos Incursion, he is a regular contributor in Clan-run events and with the Crescents (and the nova) he has earned has a placement-to-participation over 20% of the 148 competitions he has taken part in. I mean, the Crescents aren't everything grant it but they do show that Darkhawk tries to bring excellence to whatever he finds himself in doing. This has been further reinforced by the hard work he put in as the Left Hand of Justice. Darkhawk has been a pretty handy partner in helping to lead Clan Naga Sadow, always willing to lend a hand, always willing to contribute through whatever means he has at his disposal.

Darkhawk has been making his own mark across more than just the Clan or the Chamber of Justice. I mean, when it comes to events he willing to put up his dukes against other members of the club to represent in arenas such as Jedi Academy or Heroes of the Storm. Considering those platforms are not his particular avenues of choice for gaming, I find that REALLY admirable. He is also again super humble, even when he is played cooperatively with members in PVE/PVO activities like in Heroes of the Storm, Battlefront 2 and Squadrons. All the way, he is never the sort to assume himself an ace or a hero in any capacity, but he still grinds out Clusters with his comrades-in-arms and his fellow club members. Now, before I start numbering things like the number of clusters, I do want to point out some of the more impressive bits that I have been noticing again as I review Darkhawk's dossier. This dude has written for 33 fiction activities, when you put aside the 2 ACC battles finished. Between those activities, Darkhawk has written a total of 65,851 words of fiction and another 7,648 in the 9 runon posts he has written. Let that sink in for a minute. He has written on average almost 2000 words in each fiction activity he has taken part in. That in and of itself I find again, admirable.

Darkhawk does not shy away from the things he feels need done. He has continued to push in other sectors of the club like the Shadow Academy, having passed 31 courses since his last promotion. That is pretty awesome, considering there are plenty of Equites out there who are content to never touch the Academy again after they go through their paces on the road to Knight. That work has seen him add six more parts to his Dossier ID line for six new degrees. In his positions as Proconsul and Quaestor, he has published 14 news posts in order to celebrate the accomplishments of members, to hype for events and to keep our members informed. Is that the greatest measure of a leader, though? Nah, I would say that Darkhawk's attempts to keep the folks on our mailing list both in the know, and working to ensure that our Clan is making full use of the mailing list to a degree that frankly puts some of his peers to shame- and I speak as one of his peers. He also makes sure to read and to cheer along many a member as they put up their own reports in much the same way he tries to get the Clan keyed up in emails around Clan-member-run competitions, events, Vendetta time and more. Specific to site comments amounts to no less than 66 report comments, and most of them that I can recall are either applauding other members or otherwise showing support. Darkhawk is a cheerleader (and I do not mean that in any way that might deprecate or diminish that contribution) for CNS!

Speaking of events, I would like to point out that Darkhawk has a pretty consistent record with Vendettas. In Great Jedi War XIII he took part in 19 of 32 available events. In Great Jedi War XIV he took part in 22 of 30 possible competitions. Digging back in old reports, I can positively report that Darkhawk was one of those who 'did all the things' alongside 10 other members in the Clan who got participating in every bin during Homefront. He also shares in that accomplishment, given that Darkhawk pushes and encourages other Sadowans to participate and to bring their A game!

Really, between the attitude and drive that this gent brings to the table, I think that he is a more than apt addition to the ranks of our club's 4th grade Equites.

But as he celebrates the accomplishments of our members, I want to take a chance to celebrate Darkhawk's.

He has earned a Grand Cross*, as I mentioned above. He has gotten a Gold Nova, as I had detailed earlier in this recommendation. He has earned a variety of 35 Crescents: 1 Crescent with Diamond Star*, 3 Crescents with a Ruby Star*, 13 Crescents with an Amethyst Star*, 14 Crescents with a Sapphire Star*, 3 Crescents with an Emerald Star* and a Crescent with a Topaz Star*. He has ground out 9 Pendants of Blood* for accomplishments in gaming; he has also racked up 27 Clusters of Fire* and 42 Clusters of Earth* in that time. For the frankly laudable amount of fiction he has written, he has earned 161 Clusters of Ice*. For his artistic endeavors- which I personally feel are nothing to shake a stick at, he has earned 74 Clusters of Graphite*. His contributions to the club have also been recognized in 2 Seals of Loyalty* he has earned.

Since his last promotion, Darkhawk has served admirably in the Chamber and in the Clan. He spent 2 months as an Appeals panelist in that time and later he took over following Ciara's ascension to Headmaster as the Left Hand of Justice. In our Clan, he served 15 months as a Quasetor and has since served another 11 months as my right hand in Clan Naga Sadow. I do not feel hesitant in saying again that Darkhawk shares in each victory within our Clan with each way he so selflessly gives back through word and deed.

Oh, and in the fashion that has become so accustomed to in our chat, I think I owe Darkhawk at least 13 BOOMs for the individual accomplishments that I have listed here.

For your time of service to the club, for your attitude, for the way that you try to give to the Clan a bit of your time and energy each day, I am proud to hold you up as the latest of our Warlords in Clan Naga Sadow. When paired with the supporting recommendations that others have provided, I think it is clear that you have more than earned your place.

We'll drink to you tonight, my friend.

(Don't forget it is customary for the new promote-ee to pick up the tab at these things ;-) )

Bentre Sadow
Overlord of Clan Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2021-03-02 06:39:21 UTC
Additional reasons

DarkHawk is one of the most visible and hard working leaders of the Clan. He has a constant presence in Telegram and regularly sends out cheerful motivational emails to the members announcing achievements, reminding about ongoing competitions and events and encouraging activity. He also is a great contributor and sounding board for discussions and ideas on future developments and activities, and has a fair minded open approach to everyone. He has also worked with others to plan fun clan wide competitions such as The Three Shades of Black, Unrest in the Orian System and Winter in Orian.

In addition to this he was the Quaestor I followed in Shar Dakhan, and before moving to Pro Consul he worked with myself and others to begin the fictional update of our House and continued to advise and make suggestions as it developed throughout the summer and was always enthusiastic and supportive as this progressed. He is someone I genuinely enjoy working with and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

He also has an impressive level of personal activity that sets a great example to members of our Clan, as someone who walks the walk and does not expect anyone to do anything he will not do himself, as seen in his impressive list of medals, seals, crescents, pendants and clusters, and the fact that he has been learning more DB wide games to further participate. That and the fact that his activity since his last promotion includes over a year as Quaestor and nearly a year as Pro Consul and in the Chamber of Justice, it is not hard to see how committed he is to being a highly active member and leader.

For all the above I am more than happy to add my name to the list of recommendations for his promotion to Sith Warlord.

Malisane Sadow Shar Dakhan Quaestor.

Malisane Sadow, 2021-02-28 14:17:17 UTC

DarkHawk has worked hard over the past two years since his promotion to Battlelord to provide entertainment, activity and lore to his Clan, and also worked to support those who needed advice during his time as Left Hand of Justice.

He is constantly messaging the Clan and letting us know what is going on, he is always providing encouragement and is eager to get involved and help people during difficult times. He has run events, supported the push to improve our gaming numbers and is always open to new ideas, as well as coming up with his own to better the experience for his members.

Others have spoken about his achievements, so I'll end it here with a congratulations to DarkHawk on his hard work and to encourage him to keep on serving his Clan and the Club moving forward.

Congratulations on Warlord, DarkHawk

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2021-02-28 22:22:56 UTC

Darkhawk is a guy who tries his best to "do all the things." If you give him an assignment, he will work his tail off to complete it. He isn't afraid to ask questions and supports his members.

I remember during the most recent Great Jedi War, Darkhawk was always cheering his members on in the google group and telegram. He tries to write encouraging messages on what people have accomplished and really steps up to the plate.

I am truly honored to give my recommendation to this promotion. It was well earned and deserved. Congratulations Darkhawk and enjoy the fruits of your hard work!

~Tasha'Vel Versea, RM of Naga Sadow

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2021-02-27 23:25:17 UTC

DarkHawk joined the Chamber as Left Hand as a mid-term replacement following Ciara's elevation to Headmistress. Although he served a slightly abbreviated term, it was not a quiet term. Shortly after he settled into the job, the Chamber opened investigations into two GJW XIV cheating cases. DarkHawk didn't miss a beat, advising the defendants of their rights and patiently explaining the charges against them. I believe that his work on one of the cases likely resulted in a lesser sentence after conviction than had the defendant not heeded DarkHawk's counsel.

Beyond the unfortunate and rapid-fire GJW cases, DarkHawk acted as a capable and reliable advisor. His upbeat, positive attitude was also a welcome addition to the team.

Congratulations on this well deserved promotion!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2021-02-27 23:29:51 UTC

Darkhawk is one of those leaders that leaves everything on the field. Constantly and consistently active since his return, he has driven hard at his goals, be it to bolster the clan's war efforts, create engaging events for members to engage in, or work on projects to help people get drawn ever further into our little corner of the Star Wars Fandom. He seems to always be available to help a new member with a problem, to help an veteran with an issue, or just to chat when that is really all that is needed.

The other day, DarkHawk approached me and asked what more he could be doing, in light of his assignment as Left Hand of Justice expiring. We discussed at some length some different avenues before I realized that I had been operating under the assumption that he was gunning for the elder ranks. As it turns out, DarkHawk has his eyes on that prize as well, but he has yet to get recognized with the final Equite rank.

I've long been fond of pontificating about how ranks in the club are reflective of the role that you are already playing, that leadership is action, not position. In DarkHawk, that is particularly true. In my mind, and by any standard I could find, he is already a Warlord. For that, he has my appreciation and my thanks.

Stand and be counted, my friend. I look forward to seeing what you achieve in your drive toward Elder.

Muz Ashen, the Lion of Tarthos

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2021-03-02 04:14:19 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Since her elevation to knighthood, Nijalah has participated in 41 competitions, with a particular emphasis on large events. She has placed in the top 10 in the Tipping Point clan event and the recently concluded Coming in from the Cold house event, and she made a much appreciated contribution to COU's war effort this past summer. She has been recognized with two merit awards, an Anteian Cross and a Dark Cross, from multiple Quaestors. Her efforts have also netted her nine crescents, a Legion of the Scholar, 6 Clusters of Ice, and 2 Clusters of Graphite.

Although she is one of our quieter members in chat, Nijalah has always been a pleasure for us to interact with. I am delighted to recommend that she be promoted to the ranks of the Equites.

Alethia Archenksova
Quaestor, Sunrider

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2021-02-25 21:57:29 UTC
Additional reasons

Nijalah has been a very helpful member of the Battle Team - taking part in our storyline, being an active part of discussions, and generally being a good friend to have on hand here.

Congrats, Nij. You've earned this.

Raider Jon Silvon, 2021-02-21 21:47:18 UTC