Event History

Displaying events 17811 - 17820 of 19204 in total
24 Feb, 2005
A deleted dossier was promoted.
Event ID
Exiodias "Dias" Marr
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Exiodias "Dias" Marr
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Exiodias "Dias" Marr, 2005-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Doku Rivendare
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Doku Rivendare
Primary reason

For his efforts in the KRoS that satisfy the promotion requirements of the CSK guidelines

Doku Rivendare, 2005-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Wes Biriuk Erinos
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Wes Biriuk Erinos
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Wes Biriuk Erinos, 2005-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Primary reason

Sunflash has performed admirably in his role as Acting-QUA while Talon has been on leave. Regardless of if he will retain the position when Talon returns, he has more than earned the rank of Dark Jedi Knight with his dedication to every task I've given him and his open, honest communication.

I predict great things for this member.

Serata, 2005-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Xardras Valenthort
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Xardras Valenthort
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Xardras Valenthort, 2005-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Adept Macron Goura Sadow, 2005-02-22 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

In the month that Lucien has been in House Byss, he has constantly suprised me with a level of activity and a willingness to try that is most impressive. I've been here nearly six years, and I have not often seen someone with as much enthusiasm as Lucien. He is always willing to help with House problems and has taken the initiative a couple of times (particularly with asking questions about things I don't explain properly hehe), spends a good deal of time socialising in IRC, has handed in a number of good submissions (most for no reason), and is always the first one to jump highest when I say jump. I feel he has outgrown the lower ranking members of this club, and I wish that more would follow his example.

Lucien, 2005-02-22 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Tiberius Serpentium
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Tiberius Serpentium
Primary reason

Tiberius has come a long ways since a falling out with the Justicar and a demotion to Apprentice. So far that, in fact, I have no hesitation at all in saying that he deserves this promotion. He has been a steady leader of Hex phyle, consistently putting out some good reports and keeping the Battleteam's activity high. He participated in 22 events during the Great Jedi War and has placed in numerous other competitions run at various levels. <p> He also had a strong showing during the recently completed Krath Rite of Supremacy in which he entered several events and earned two Novas, a silver and a bronze for his graphics work. He also placed in other events earning a total of 33 placing points before weighting. Congratulations, Tiberius! <p> -QUA Dark Sabre

Tiberius Serpentium, 2005-02-22 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Lord Idris Adenn
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

For some time now I have been thinking of promoting Xen'Culo. If not for his assistance to myself and Kirleta, then for the attitude and commitment for what he does. As Master to this young Jedi, I have placed Xen'Culo though a number of tasks, set to improve him for the benefit for himself and for his underlings, but in that time he has improved myself as well, has made me develop myself as a teacher to benefit my future apprentices. He is an intelligent and able man in my opinion, but as all he has his own faults that he is aware of. In his time since he has benn apprenticed to me, Xen'Culo has completed much work for myself including things like assisting me in AWOL checks, developing a BT website for Ethereal Plague, working on writing assignments, completing his leadership course, motivating his BT and House, and developing plans for the future of Kirleta. He has also been a excellent leader for Ethereal Plague since his placement, encouraging others during competitions and providing an active example of activity by participating in house/clan comps, as well as the recent Krath Ros. It is all these reasons as well as several unnamed things that I submit this request.

As Master and Quaestor of this warrior of Kirleta, I formally request the advancement of Guardian Xen'Culo to the rank of Jedi Hunter so not only those of Clan Satal Keto can see the darkness of this youth, but so the entire Dark Brotherhood can atest to the knowledge that Xen'Culo is indeed a spawn of pure darkness.- SW Warhunter Arawn Entar

Lord Idris Adenn, 2005-02-22 23:00:00 UTC