Event History

Displaying events 18081 - 18090 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Trevarus Irad Caerick
Old Rank
Dark Side Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Trevarus Irad Caerick
Primary reason

Lord Cotelin unveiled today the Hall of Immortals. The hall is a magnificent structure located to the south of the Dark Hall, built into a cliff on the edge of the Shadowlands. Created specifically to honor those members who have made everlasting contributions to the Brotherhood, the Hall of Immortals stands as a tribute to those Jedi who have made us who we are. The structure is preceded by a giant statue of an ancient Jedi who holds in his hand an eternal flame. The inside of the Hall is lined by similar statues that were carved from the stone of the cliff. These statues represent the members that are honored by entrance into the hall. The designs were developed by the new Headmaster, Spears, at the Grand Master's request.

Many of the future inductees are obvious, but as the ceremony came today, many members were surprised that the Grand Masters of the past were jumped by the Oracle Trevarus Caerick. "With the opening of this hall," the Grand Master started, "we have chosen to induct one who has made instrumental contributions to the growth of our Brotherhood. This man has been influential in so many tasks that have given way to a clear path to the Final Way. I see no one more fitting for induction on the first day than Trevarus Caerick!"

Trevarus, deep within his thoughts at the time, was taken aback by the sudden declaration. When beckoned to come forward, Lord Cotelin gestured for him to kneel. Cotelin had prepared to perform the Rite of Elevation on that newly hallowed ground.

Trevarus Irad Caerick was promoted to Dark Jedi Master! Cotelin's reasoning was not unknown to any. Trevarus had been an instrumental advisor and counterpart in the construction of the post-exodus Brotherhood. The Oracle laid bare many secrets of the Final Way, helping to fill in the gaps of the Brotherhood history so long hidden in the depths of Antei. Trevarus had also been a great asset in defeating the plague that still scars the Brotherhood. His wisdom and guidance are always welcome in the Dark Council. Dark Jedi Master Trevarus will always be remembered by those in the Brotherhood as one of the Immortals.

Trevarus Irad Caerick, 2004-11-05 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Bloodfyre deserves every promotion, he has been the best Consul of the clan, he helped me many times and never complained or made jokes... which is a remarkable thing. Bloodfyre deserves this.

PRT IoNuTz (Obelisk)/TRP/Cestus of Tarentum

Bloodfyre deserves DJM more than any member of the Dark Brotherhood. If it werent for his leadership and guidance, I would never have achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, nor would I have ever found any interest in the DJB. He has fostered my ability to grow as a Dark Jedi and is continually teaching me new things. He is always available for guidance and always makes an effort to try and help you solve your problems. Tarentum wouldnt be half the clan it is today if it werent for him.

DJK Obscurus (Krath)/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: SKR]

In my short time with the DB I have yet to see a leader as capable as Bloodfyre. His drive to make his House and then His Clan better have been a mark by which other leaders should measure themselves by. Bloodfyre's work has not been limited to his Clan; he actively tries to make the DB a better place, a place where all members are treated equally regardless of rank or position. He takes the time to get to know new members, and is instrumental in getting many members including myself to be active within the DB. I can say without a shadow of a doubt I would not be where I am in the club without Bloodfyre. For years Bloodfyre was a standout member of the Krath Order, having seen the Sith Order fall into disarray Bloodfyre has taken it as his personal crusade to return the Sith to their Glory. Bloodfyre has shown he has a true Mastery of all three Orders, He wan a stand out Krath, he has risen to the Pinnacle of Sith success taking over as the Sith High Warrior, and his lightsaber is a feared sight to many of the Obelisk Order. He is a true Master among the Dark Jedi.

KAP Spears Tarentae (Krath)/P:HM-AED/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: GJW]

Talking about Sith is a very personal thing for me. He has always been there for me in many ways. In times when I was fed up with the Brotherhood he was always there for me to talk to. When I was down he was there. When I simply needed a friend to bounce ideas off of he was there as well. Sith is a very cool headed man, unlike myself who tends to let his emotion get the best of him. I've known him ever since I first joined. I've always been amazed how he has so much to do yet keeps up with his responsibilities on here.

He has never fed us crap lines like other leaders. Attempting to get us to participate by belittingling the group or by making crappy competitions. Sith has always been a man of quality opting for encouragement and for fun. I'll always remember that about him, that if nothing else he wanted everyone to have fun win or lose.

There are many other reasons that he is qualified. I could list medals, competitions, participation, ideas, etc. I wont though because all of that is known and he doesn't flaunt it. What's more, he is a good man. Something that very few people are. He is good, determined, inventive, fun and a great leader. Appointing him as Dark Jedi Master for the Consul is a smart move that can only benefit the Brotherhood.

KAP Kidouses (Krath)/TYR/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: INI]

Bloodfyre (Gui Long) has been a great inspiration to myself, and this entire Clan. In all the years that I've been a member of this Club, I can safely say that Bloodfyre is not only the best Consul I've ever had the priviledge of serving under, but the best Leader overall. Not just in the DB, but out of various other clubs and places I've been in.

He's always e-mailing the Clan, talking to us on IRC...inspiring us, answering our questions, and being an all-around great guy. If anyone deserves a promotion to Dark Jedi Master, it sure as hell is Bloodfyre. I'm going to miss him as Consul dearly when he departs our Clan to take on the reigns of Sith High Warrior, but I know the Order as a whole will benefit from his wisdom and experience.

SWM Cannabisia Tarentae (Sith)/M:LM-FM/Tridens of Tarentum

I joined the DB 6 months ago, and since from the begginig Bloodfyre has always been there for me, and for all of us Tarentum members or even for other DB members that neeeded help. When I needed help, I've always asked Sithie (this is how we like to call him :) ), even dough I could have asked Rekio (who is a nice guy too).
Don't know, I think he is more closer to us, the little people (apprentices,novices, acolytes etc.). I'm not a Krath to express in many beautiful words (which he deserves!) the leadship skils, or what is THE MAN Sith Bloodfyre but I can say this: For always being there when you need him and for his perfect leadrship over Taretum I consider him worthy, no more more then worthy to receive the elevation for the Dark Jedi Master rank.

PRT Frosty Romanae (Obelisk)/TRP/Cestus of Tarentum [ACC: INI]

Bloodfyre puts a fairly amazing amount of time into his position, and pays careful attention to literally everyone in the clan. His dedication and service is something rarely seen in these volunteer online clubs. It's always a pleasure to walk into #tarentum and see him greet me personally. His reports are heartfelt and therefore interesting to read. He does all sorts of things to motivate Tarentum, and I'm not even sure that I could find a fault with the way he's run the clan. I'm sorry to see him go become SHW, but I'm also excited because if he puts the same amount of work into that as he has Tarentum, the Sith will see some things happening that they thought couldn't or wouldn't anymore. Bloodfyre certainly deserves a lot of recognition for all the hard work that he puts into the Dark Brotherhood, and I fully support any form that that recognition takes.

DJK Licah Fox (Sith)/FM/Tridens of Tarentum

I sat back and thought about our Consul and I realized that quietly, confidently, humbly and perhaps insidiously Bloodfyre has been there to support and guide me all along the way from the very start. Like the ancient Dark Masters, controlling and molding those under him with subtle suggestion or words of encouragement. The art of a true Leader and Master is to gain the loyalty, respect and allegiance of their Team, Battalion, Colleagues, House and Clan, and Bloodfyre has that.

There is no greater proof of the regard in which Bloodfyre is held by his Clan and friends than evidenced by his unsolicited recognition by the Clan when awarded the title of Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum for his leadership and motivation. His humble response and heartfelt thank-you in response to the recognition again just underlined what a truly remarkable individual he is.

JH Zill (Sith)/FM/Tridens of Tarentum

Sith Bloodfyre has single-handedly created a new and fascinating avenue for the Brotherhood through the creation of the Clan and Order powers - a project that has been in the works for well over a year now. While working with him on the project, BF took great care and time to discuss many of the specifics I needed to contribute a set of standards for applying the powers to members within the Brotherhood. Very quickly I became more confident in my comprehension and BF inspired a lot of the work that I accomplished. At times we discussed the systems for over three to four hours non-stop as Bloodfyre tried to perfect them. Having authored several of the clan powers themselves, BF has poured tens and tens of hours of work into the project. Furthermore, the end result of the Clan/Order power projects will undoubtedly add new activity and opportunities for expansion among both the clans and orders, helping to not only to promote a sense of identity within the clans, but also further fictionally develop orders within the Brotherhood that have recently lost their primary gaming platforms.

In his capacity as Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master, Bloodfyre has personally ensured that one of the most vital members of the Dark Council, Jac Cotelin, has endured in his position regardless of many trying RL matters. Taking up many side projects that Jac has entrusted him with, managing the message boards, serving as a left-hand of justice, and offering his services at all times have minimized the stress and maximized the sanity of our Deputy Grand Master. It is not an exaggeration that BF’s efforts have directly helped to keep Jac among us through these trying times.

Beyond these two very important services, Bloodfyre has personally helped to shape one of the seven clans of the Brotherhood, evolving it from a unit on its knees and turning it into the greatest clan within the Brotherhood. Evidence of this can be seen in the astonishing participation record of Clan Tarentum in the recent 5th GJW. He has assembled an extraordinary staff, has inspired and motivated the masses through his emails to the clan, and served as a source of activity on IRC in #Tarentum. He has maintained himself as very approachable and down-to-earth, someone that any and all members of the clan can go to if they have questions, problems, or criticisms.

However, Bloodfyre has done more than just administrate and create. In the short time we have gotten to know each other, Bloodfyre has become a close friend and teammate with whom I can thrash out anything that comes my way – whether it be in life or in the Brotherhood. We can talk about anything and exchange any and all thoughts without consequence. All of these qualities make Bloodfyre one of the few people who I implicitly trust. There is no doubt that Bloodfyre has made a similar impact on many of the other dark jedi that he has touched during his tenure in darkness. For all of this, Adept Bloodfyre is more than worthy to be recognized as a Master of the Dark Side, and leader of the Brotherhood in the Final Way.

DA Pyralis (Sith)/M:DGM-FM/Tridens of Tarentum [GMRG: GDM] [ACC: SKR] One of the Seven, Brother of House Tridens, Vagabond of Darkness

I reckon BF should be promoted for many reasons. Sith has always been brilliant with me, if I have any problems he's there to talk with me and he will give his time to help me. If I have any ideas or suggestions he will listen to them and give me feedback on how to better them and if they are good enough to implement them. Not to mention he can write a rousing email when the cause arises for example Sith War and GJW. His emails have served to drive me into participating and try to win some games. He is a friendly presence on IRC always greeting me with a "Hey Welsh" as well as other people. On the subject of IRC he is a just moderator on some of the more heated debates in #Tarentum and is always fair. I have also spoken to Shimas, an apprentice of Bloodfyre and he has nothing but good words to say about him. He will play against Shimas in JO to allow him to practice and also gives them tasks to perform. All in all a great Consul!

SW Welshman Corsair Tarentae (Sith)/RM-FL/Tridens of Tarentum [ACC: SDR]

I don't know if it helps, but I have few comments. Bloodfyre helped me a lot to find my place in DB. He offered to become my Master, and helped me a lot since then. No matter in what situation I was he always encourage me to go on. His encouragement is what I appreciate the most. If not that I would have probably left DB as I left 2 other online clubs, or I would still be an ACO. Furthermore, no matter how busy he is, he always find some time to play some JA with me or just to chat. Bloodfyre is one of few guys in DB that I call friends. And he is a nice guy :)

JH Shimas (Krath)/RM-TYR/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: SKR]

Yeah, Sithie could always use another promotion. In fact, given all that he's done for the whole of Tarentum, all the selfless hours he's poured into this small facet of the DB, I feel that a promotion to DJM is the least we could do. When I first joined the Clan, Sith was one of the first to contact me, welcoming me to the "family." I joined as a Guardian. Through his constant talking with me, giving me words of encouragement, I had earned my lightsaber well before I knew it. And that was before he was CON, back in his days of being Gladius QUA. That's the kind of leadership and caring that's made him a cornerstone of the Clan, and the DB as a whole. He doesn't just pick one person to mentor and help grow...he picks EVERYONE who he comes across.

KAP Jason Hunter Maz'ainar (Krath)/TYR/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: CBT]

When I first transferred into Gladius in order to help Dranik, my apprentice, I was amazed at how much more involved Sith was as a clan leader. I had not see that type of involvement in Arcona for some time; at least not on the personal level. Sith trusted me enough, even as a new member, with the care of the Envoy system in the clan. Maybe it was my experience with the system that did it, but he put his faith in me.

When Sith offered me the job of Gladius' Quaestor, I was honored. We had talked about it before, but only in my context of wanting to be more involved in any way I could. Tarentum as a clan was a place of happening and it was due very much to the actions of Sith. Sith was supportive of my measures and yes, he did reward me far beyond what I ever anticipated.

Sith is a friend to all and I think Jason said it best. Sith isn't just a pick and choose mentor: he is a mentor to all. When I left Arcona, I was a tired, frustrated, even bitter older member of the Dark Brotherhood who wasn't really going anywhere. Tarentum as a whole has changed that, and Sith in particular was instrumental in doing so.

KPN Anshar Kahn (Krath)/P:HM-QUA-EP/Gladius of Tarentum [KSOE: KCE] [ACC: SKR]

In my time with the Emperor’s Hammer, serving in both the Infiltrator Wing and the Dark Brotherhood, I have had the opportunity to work with and train some of the best leaders all three organizations have ever had. I was very proud of their accomplishments, not because it reflected on my ability to guide them, but because it reflected on the one maxim I have imposed on everyone I work with. The leadership is here to serve the membership. By no means does this mean that we as the “leaders” can make demands of others. We are here to provide a fun environment for them, and to look out for them.

When I was expelled from the EH years ago, I didn’t look back. I was fine with it. I had fun, and I made sure my friends and “subordinates” had fun. It was worth the experience and I walked away with a few friendships. A year ago, this Brotherhood split from the Emperor’s Hammer. Once again reasserting its independence and autonomy. And in that time, I thought I’d take a look to see how some of the various factions I had nurtured and laid the ground work for, Tarentum and Taldryan, had been doing. In a few months, I found myself being courted to return to the Brotherhood and work with a Clan that I helped build. The situation was somewhat bleak, from Mav I had heard that Tarentum had suffered greatly since the split. He wasn’t kidding. But, through it, I came to recognize a few people who had the same drive and the same impetus I’d seen years ago in the likes of Reinthaler, Crimedog, Black Hawk, or even Sirrus. Bloodfyre was, and is, one of those I came to regard as having that same spark. I’m not going to compare him to anyone. To do so would be a gross injustice. Instead, I will just say that he is one of those that had the presence of mind to have set goals for his House and his Clan, and the foresight to know that he could not navigate the course on his own. He would move to bring together a group of individuals fully capable of helping him navigate such a difficult and traumatic course. And it is that ability to bring together polar opposites to the same table and get them to work together that has helped revive this Clan.

Through his impetus, I have watched Clan Tarentum once more rise to prominence. Not only in competition, but in outward influence. Through his vision, we have reversed course from floundering to growth. When I first joined House Tarentum, years ago it was ridiculed as the “Tau House.” Why? Because it was a House comprised only of the members of Tau squadron at the time. When I rejoined Clan Tarentum, it wasn’t in a much better situation. Others spoke of the dominance of Arcona and Taldryan. The first time around, I assembled a team to help shed the ridicule and bring Tarentum to the forefront of the DB. This time around, Bloodfyre has done the same with his leadership, only he has not left Tarentum like I did.

I will always hold that the Clans mean more than the Brotherhood and that the Clans should mean more to the Brotherhood than any other group or society. A Clan should be the last thing closed. Let the Guard fall or the ACC pack up, but the closure of any Clan is truly unforgivable. Why? Because in that Clan lies the work of dozens, if not hundreds, and to close a Clan is to say that what they’ve done for the Brotherhood means nothing. Not only those who served to the last moments, but all of those that served before them. Look at it as the lifeblood of the Brotherhood. Not many serve on the DC, and not many who do serve on the DC leave a lasting impression; however, everyone who serves in a Clan has the chance to leave their mark. Bloodfyre’s mark on my Clan, our Clan, will be perseverance.

Do I think that his rise to Adept is enough for his service to Tarentum? Hardly. His service has been more than steady. When it does not look like he could do more for Tarentum, he does. He has always looked for a way to recognize our members, and to motivate them. And each time, he raises the bar on himself, and the rest of us, just a little bit more. And each time, he overcomes that obstacle to start again.

I sincerely hope that this promotion to Dark Jedi Master even covers a tenth of the gratitude I have for Bloodfyre’s leadership, ability, foresight and friendship.

Sith Overlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae, Aedile of House Tridens of Tarentum, Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum, Master of the Sea of Darkness

On thing I can say about Bloodfyre is that he has always been about the little guys. Every apprentice, novice, and otherwise in Clan Tarentum was familiar with the former Consul. Every member of the clan has nothing but good things to say about him because he was never any less than friendly, open and genuinely concerned with their well being, and the well being of Clan Tatentum.

As a leader, he continuously set new standards of dedication and activity beyond which most Consuls could ever compare. This is man who had given up his order, the Karth Order, so that he may participate in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy and later changed again to earn full points for the clan in the Third Sith War. As a leader, he strives to impress the importance of the true meaning of an online club: fun and friendship.

Like several other members of Clan Tarentum and probably the Brotherhood as a whole, I owe a lot to Sith Bloodfyre-Tarenate. To me, he’s been a master and friend all in one, more of a big brother really. And as such, whether he knows it or not, I will forever judge myself as a leader and my contributions to this club in comparison to his greatness.

In my short time as Consul, my respect and admiration for Bloodfyre has increased tenfold because of responsibilities he has endured as Consul. But more so because of the faith he has in me that I will be able to do the same. And with that, in troubling or discouraging times his faith in me will continue to motivate me to rise to the occasion if for nothing else then for the sake that I couldn’t bare the shame of letting him down.

I concede that this isn’t the best recommendation I’ve written, but I’ve had some difficultly expressing the amount of appreciation and gratitude that is due. In the end, knowing Sith as I do, I know that the sincere desire of Clan Tarentum to see him elevated means more than the promotion itself and much more than anything I could ever written.

To myself and the members of Tatentum, Sith is beyond the equal a master, but for all the countless contributions Bloodfyre has given to Tarentum and to the Brotherhood, it would be no less than an atrocity not to elevated him.

I think I speak for the whole clan when I say Tarentum can think of no better way to thank Bloodfyre for all he has done than to elevate him to the rank of Master of Dark Jedi.

Overlord Rekio Corsair Tarentae, Sith'ari; Heir of Tarentum Consul of Clan Tarentum, Governor-General of Yridia, Praetor to the Sith High Warrior

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2004-11-05 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Nilani Bakash
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Nilani Bakash
Primary reason

Nilani has particiapted in some clan competitions, completed various SA courses and has been in contact with myself, thus demonstrating that she is an active, eager member of the house.

Nilani Bakash, 2004-11-05 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Khaland Tamalar Kunar
Old Rank
Obelisk Exarch (Equite 3)
New Rank
Obelisk Primarch (Equite 4)
Requested by
Khaland Tamalar Kunar
Primary reason

Over the time Khalin has been instrumental for the grow of CEK. His costant work on various project, first in order of importance the Tome of the Clan with all the info, the star system and everything else regarding our Clan. His aid as PCON has never ended and since he has been chose for this position has never stopped to impress me with his efforts and keeping the communication with most members and been a leading figure more then he's required. Due to my slackery, and other oddities, Khalin promotion rate has been too slow and this promo should have arrived a long time ago.

Khaland Tamalar Kunar, 2004-11-03 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Adian Griffin
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Adian Griffin
Primary reason

Having completed the trials set for the Rank of Guardian, I have deemed Adian Griffin worthy of the robes of the next rank. Congratulations. --KAP Muz Ashen

Adian Griffin, 2004-11-02 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Damnosis, 2004-11-02 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Link Vortex
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Link Vortex
Primary reason

Link has completed the first part of her trials. congratulations.

~PCON Korras Aquillarum

Link Vortex, 2004-11-02 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

I agree with this recommendation and have thus copied it for approval.

Guardian Merlance of Tridens:

Your consummate dedication to the multiplayer gaming nights, having played over 70 sanctioned matches in JO, JA, and XWA and countless other matches between yourself and others (both Brotherhood and non-Brotherhood) is a military exploit which few in the Brotherhood have paralleled. Indeed, beyond mere participation, your form as a Dark Jedi has improved since your meek attempts at domination over others only a few weeks ago.

On your current path, I foresee that you will become a Dark Jedi with greater powers. You are an excellent counterpart to your master and have the necessary determination to achieve even greater conquest. You are an obedient apprentice, serving my directives with haste and ambition. Through my tests of endurance, intellect, and skill, you do not cease to impress me.

Therefore, it is through the supremacy of my will that I recognize and elevate you to the rank of Dark Jedi Hunter as a vassal to your Master and faithful servant to Clan Tarentum. With your life, you are bound in service to me. With your blood you sign an oath of allegiance to the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi.

By my hand, it is ordered… Dark Side Adept Pyralis – One of the Seven

MERLANCE, 2004-11-02 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Primary reason

I recommend promotion of this Acolyte to Protector due to the immense amount of work done, actively participating in many activities, DB-wise, Clan-wise, and House-wise. Excellent work, Protector!

Dogmaticus, 2004-11-01 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Ruyn Myr
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Acolyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Ruyn Myr
Primary reason

For his vailliant efforts in the ACC morph hall competition

Ruyn Myr, 2004-10-31 23:00:00 UTC