Event History

Displaying events 1881 - 1890 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lucine Vasano
Primary reason

Zuji, or Diy, is perhaps one of the nicest, friendliest people I know in Arcona, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to recommend her for EQ4.

As my Bestsisprentice, she quickly became someone I looked up to within the club, as a shining light to aspire to. She is always willing to be supportive of other members, particularly the newbies. She put this talent to great use during her 8 months as Rollmaster.

As Junazee’s recommendation below indicates, she is an active and steady member of the club. What’s more, she is also an excellent mentor and a fantastic leader. Congratulations, Zuji! You’ve earned it, and deserve so much more!

Lucine Vasano
Consul, Clan Arcona

As most everyone who knows Diy, often by the name “Zuji" knows, she is a star member that knows how to shine within the club. Often you see her interacting with others within Telegram, always with a nice warm welcome to anybody joining a chat room.

Not only is she active within Telegram but she also has been busy doing other things within the club. Since her last promotion she helped as the Rollmaster of Arcona for 8 months. In that time, she organized 23 and co-organized 2 competitions for other members to participate in. For herself, she has participated in a grand total of 143 competitions. She fought hard during the recent War and earned 2 Silver Novae and 1 Bronze Nova! Within other competitions she earned 2 Ruby Stars, 4 Amethyst Stars, 12 Sapphire Stars, 2 Emerald Stars and 1 Topaz Star. She also obtained a Sapphire Blade for all her continued hard work.

Additionally, Diy has gathered 19 Clusters of Fire, 12 Clusters of Ice, 8 Clusters of Earth and 69 Clusters of Graphite. To top it all off she also earned 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, 1 Scroll of the Master, 13 Seals of Discord and 12 Seals of Visions.

Truly, Diy is a shining star within the club. She continues to show her dedication to Arcona and the club. I believe she has shown great activity and continued an awesome attitude that I would like to nominate Diy for promotion to Equite 4! You deserve it, drinks on the house!


Quaestor, House Galeres

Lucine Vasano, 2020-08-16 00:50:10 UTC
Additional reasons

Zujenia, “Diy”, Lady of the goats and all-around friend. So many wonderful things can be said about this wonderful woman. During the war Zuji was just a light for all of us to look forward to talking to, withencouragement and constant lighthearted demeanor in all chats. She was a beacon to us all. When someone needed help or just needed to throw some ideas around, Zuji was there.

I am so proud, not only to have her in my house but also as a friend. She is a true Spear-sister to me in more ways than one. I can only hope to be around long enough to see her grow even more. So keep on striving to further greatness and never stop reaching.

So Zuji, thank you for all you have given you have made this WarKaleeshvery proud.

Rrogon Skar Argona

Aedile House Galeres

Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona, 2020-08-16 00:49:08 UTC

To call Diy a bright spot within our clan is an understatement. She is a credit to everything that is Arcona; a mentor, a constant competitor, a creative artist, and a friend to any and all who need it. Our catchphrase is “Ohana”; Diy embodies everything that phrase is meant to mean.

When I first came to the Brotherhood, Diy was the one who introduced me to the clan as the Rollmaster, a part that she fulfilled with honor and zest and unbridled friendliness. Now, as a member of my battleteam, she continues to display constant positivity and a driving kindness that brings the best out of everyone around her. This was true in our Clan’s run-on during our most recent war, our House’s development competitions, and in our RPs.

Diy deserves this promotion, and a whole lot more. I can think of no one who deserves it more.

Sera Kaern

Spectre Cell Battleteam Leader, House Galeres

Sera Kaern, 2020-08-16 00:48:28 UTC

Zuji was the first person I had the pleasure to meet when I joined the DJB and were it not for her, I wouldn't be here today.

Everybody knows Zuji for her goat memes and goat jokes, but most of all, everybody knows Zuji for her kindness towards others. Her patience to teach newcomers and willingness to help those in need hasn't slowed one bit after she finished her duties as Arcona's Rollmaster.

Zuji is my friend, and a very hard-working member in our Clan. I am super proud to support this recommendation because she is more than deserving of it.

Thank you for being who you are Zuj, and never change!

Aru Law

Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2020-08-16 00:47:55 UTC

Many will speak to Zujenia's activity, her constancy, her patience and her kindness. These are her core traits as a member and as a person, and we all not only in Arcona but also the Brotherhood are lucky to have them.

Over the last four years, Zuji has always been here to help. Her multiple leadership positions, her mentorship and friendship— and that has never stopped. What must be noted of her is her sheer persistence in that kindness, the real depth of her patience and coaxing and support. Her most recent apprentice to reach Knighthood did so over two full years, and not once in that time did Zuji ever stop reaching out to Tyga, listening to him, talking to him, encouraging him. She always helped him through tasks when he had the time and always stayed for him as a friend and teacher when he was too busy. There was no seeing him go inactive and then silence— Zuji kept reaching out. For two years. And slowly, surely, Tyga rose through the ranks and is still here, participating to help Arcona win the most recent Great Jedi War, today. Similarly, she recruited Vahrosa De, of whose thirteen participated in competitions just so far, twelve were contributions to the War effort encouraged by Zuji herself.

These are only prime examples, indicated by her Scroll of the Master and Scroll of Indoctrination since the bounds of her last promotion. But it is not the only example, and that spirit should be recognized at this, the highest of the Equite ranks. Zuji is a leader, not just in position as Rollmaster, but by example. She is vocal in her participation and free in sharing her work and progress to get others to join in, always trying to include them. Her presence is one that creates ripples, especially and always in the new lifeblood of our Clan and club. She is always prompt to answer members' questions, the first to volunteer to write with them to help them develop a character or Character Sheet, the one who will listen to and ask after anyone who expresses any hint of stress, confusion, or lonesomeness. She is a caretaker, more than anything, and I would say one of the biggest reasons that the Arcona of today is not only as active as it is, but as healthy as it is.

Zuji, you may not have surpassed me in rank — yet. You're one step closer, now, wink — but you have always, always been my equal and my better as a human being and as a caretaker to this family. Thank you for your service. Thank you for all you've done, and all you will do. Just remember to take a break once in awhile.

Atyiru Caesura Entar di Tenebrous Arconae

Former Master

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2020-08-16 00:49:58 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Rothran. I have heard reports from House Ektrosis that you have managed to:

  • Posting a constructive post on the Brotherhood forums

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-14 14:00:26 UTC
Event ID
Cymbre Kall
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Warlord Hades
Primary reason

Battlemaster Cymbre Kall has been a wonderful member of House Marka Ragnos. Her actions during the Great Jedi Wars this past year have been astounding. Her dedication to activity and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole are evident in her actions. She has earned 4 novae in the last two wars (1 gold, 1 silver, two bronze), Participated in 173 competitions in the past year alone. She has written over 9 thousands words of fiction and completed over 28 SA courses earning 5 degrees. She has been awarded merit medals and sacramental awards as well as earning the gratitude and admiration of her peers. But what I found the most surprising thing is her humility. She does not brag or carry on about her many accomplishments. She is humble and gracious with her words while powerful in her deeds. She has made a very positive impact on HMR since she arrived and I am happy to see her continue to flourish in her new house. We are very proud of her. She has accomplished so much since her last promotion, in 2005, and believe it is well past time to award her for her actions and dedication to the Dark Brotherhood.

Warlord Hades, 2020-08-14 07:41:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Battlemaster Cymbre Kall has established herself as another Sadowan force to reckon with! She has been an outstanding performer both in our last recent GJW's, and outside tackling comps Club wide! She has also established herself as a scholar student by knocking out courses and earning her degrees in those hallowed halls. Her demeanor is always stellar and sets the example for all Clanmates to follow. She has been a solid addition to HMR and the Clan! It is with great pleasure I am able to recommend her for this promotion!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2020-08-09 00:06:19 UTC

In speaking on Cymbre Kall, I wish to expound a bit on her impact/presence in Clan Naga Sadow. Yes, she has accomplished an admirable bit since her last promotion. Yes, she has scored Novae as a show of excellence. Yes, she has written a LOT of fiction. Yes, she has a cloudburst of shinies she has earned since her last promotion years and years ago. Yes, she has earned lots of cred in the Shadow Academy. Yes, She is also a joy to have in the Clan.

Cymbre is spontaneous, positive and social. She brings a bubbly personality to complement our Clan Telegram chat. Her positivity brightens one's day, her pointed sticker responses brings chuckles and in general she just brings fun with her. She seems keenly focused on the positive and encourages her Clan-folk with ease. She is a morale booster with her positive outlook and stayed her course without a second regard for Clan placements in the recent War. Each day is a breath of fresh air with Cymbre. This is really the kind of attitude that is wonderful to have in our members, and while I haven't experienced her as a leader, it seems to testify to her leadership ability effortlessly in at least one area.

So yeah, I totally support this promotion for Cymbre. I offer my congratulations to our newest Battlelord!

Bentre Sadow


Master Bentre Stahoes, 2020-08-12 09:16:11 UTC

After seeing Cymbre in action in CNS, it is no doubt in my mind that she is one of the keenest members we have seen in a long time. Working through the ranks and serving as an AED/QUA since last year, Cymbre has then been an amazing asset to CNS and HMR. In my last report, I had commented on how many Crescents, Pendants, Clusters, SA courses, and competitions she had done since May. That basically doubles if you go back to joining us in February. And then you look at the War where she was an amazing player and inspiring leader in the House and Clan.

All this to say that Cymbre, out of any other Markosian, is worth this promotion and I am glad to have worked with her in the house and war. I could not be more pleased to recommend this promotion.

Seer Xolarin, 2020-08-12 15:50:14 UTC
Event ID
Damien Pullen
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Damien Pullen, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Tyranus, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-14 00:29:39 UTC
Event ID
Creon Neverse
Old Rank
Peacekeeper (Equite 1)
New Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

It is my pleasure to once again recommend Creon Okami for recognition.

Since his last promotion, Creon Okami has stayed an active member of the club. He has participated in 68 competitions, and organized 4 competitions. He has done 20 PvP Matches, 35 PvE Activities, 4 ACC Battles Finished, 10 Fiction Activities worth 25,970 words, 7 Run On posts worth 5,150 words, 7 Shadow Academy courses passed, and 1 Shadow Academy degree gained. During this period, he obtained a 1 Grand Cross, 1 Gold Nova, 1 Silver Nova, 1 Bronze Nova, 4 Crescents with Ruby Star, 6 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, 3 Pendants of Blood, 82 Clusters of Fire, 87 Clusters of Ice, 186 Clusters of Earth, 29 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, 14, Scrolls of Foundation, 2 Scrolls of the Master, 3 Legion of the Scholar, 23 Seals of Fury, and 9 Seals of Visions.

Second, Creon has spent 4 months as Aedile and 16 days as Quaestor. During this time he served House Hoth. In particular, he helped lead the Hoth Fleet reorganization, taking the time to put together a proposal with his Quaestor. It was highly detailed and even included fictional background. He also put together Odan-Urr’s first attempt at a special form of run-on that uses tabletop concepts. This consisted of 1-2 pages and some initial testing with a fellow Odanite. We did not end up using it at the time but it was a wonderful starting point for a future project and very much appreciated.

Given his activity and time spend in leadership, I recommend that Creon Okami be promoted to the rank of Equite 2 with all the rights and privileges that come with it. Thank you for the energy and time you have put into Odan-Urr and the wider club, whether it be for a war or everyday clan life. On behalf of Odan-Urr, congratulations and well done!

Aura Ta’var
Consul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-13 03:24:29 UTC
Event ID
Tassk Adroc
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

In addition to completing his time in rank at JM3, Tassk has met the following requirements:

  • Participated in 23 competitions.
  • Passed the Leadership Competitions and Leadership Reports Shadow Academy courses.
  • Reached rank V in the Shadow Academy Society.
  • Earned 16 Clusters of Ice.
  • Written well in excess of 3000 words of approved character fiction.
  • Earned Dark Maven degrees in Combat and Philosophy.
  • Completed a quality wiki page, Tassk Adroc,
  • Earned a Crescent with a Diamond Star.

Promotion recommendations for Tassk have been a regular occurrence in my life the past few months, as he invariably exceeded all the requirements and was ready to step up as soon as he hit the time requirement. Although the phase of his career where promotions come on a schedule is now over, I look forward to contributing to many more promotions and awards for him in the years to come. Not only has Tassk quickly earned himself a reputation for activity, particularly in the ACC where his talent was immediately obvious, but he embodies the virtues we ask our members to strive for. On several occasions now, I have been struck — and, I confess, immediately bragged to others about — Tassk's kindness and maturity. Where others are impatient, Tassk is empathetic to comp organizers and judges. Where others retreat into their bruised egos, Tassk is eager to learn and grow. With his energy and positive attitude, I'm sure there will be many opportunities ahead on our summit and elsewhere, and his contributions to our club are only just beginning.

For all of these reasons, it is my honor and joy to recommend Tassk Adroc be promoted to the rank of Knight.

Vez Hirundo

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-12 15:11:13 UTC
Additional reasons

Tassk has been a joy to get to know from the day he set foot in Odan-Urr. His master's recommendation is spot on so instead I'll focus on his Great Jedi War efforts. I was very impressed with his war efforts, especially considering that this was his first war. To state a few facts: he completed 8/9 bins and 10 war competitions (some of which were harder event longs). I specifically recall our spirited competition around the flash games as we tried to outswipe each other even though he had to put up with a laptop pad. Altogether, when Odan-Urr needed him for a big event he more than showed up. His efforts were excellent and commendable.

Thank you for all the time and energy you've put into Odan-Urr, whether it be a war or not. I'm very proud of you and I look forward to seeing your bright future. Well done and congratulations on the rank of Knight!

Aura Ta'var
Consul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-12 15:10:27 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Runner (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Courier (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

Having cleared his time in rank requirements, Blithe has also been awarded a merit medal (a Dark Cross), earned forty Clusters for gaming, joined our Telegram and Discord chats, and participated in at least five competitions!

With all of these requirements fulfilled, I am pleased to say that Blithe is ready for the rank of Courier!

Congratulations, Blithe, keep it up, man!

*Rollmaster, Arcona

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2020-08-12 00:34:47 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Shadowblazer24. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Discord Server
  • Participate in 1 competition

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-11 03:25:22 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Rothran, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-10 22:53:13 UTC
Event ID
Jedi Ninja
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

Jedi Ninja, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Empire's Chosen, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-09 19:13:28 UTC