Event History

Displaying events 1891 - 1900 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Villa. I have heard reports from House Empire's Chosen that you have managed to:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-09 03:11:03 UTC
Event ID
Gax' Loren
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Gax' Loren. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae

Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2020-08-07 03:25:25 UTC
Event ID
Seer Xolarin
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Primary reason

As Xolarin only recently transferred to Taldryan, I've asked the CNS Summit to contribute to this recommendation. However, the data from Xolarin's activity assessment and his service as Magistrate to the Regent (as noted in both Atra's activity assessment comment and Zxyl's contribution to this request) should be more than enough to justify Xolarin's promotion to Equite 2.

First, some stats: since his last recognition (a Steel Cross in December of 2018), Xolarin has participated in 79 competitions, including 15 events from GJW XIII (one of which earned him a Silver Nova) and 10 events from GJW XIV. Besides the Silver Nova, he's earned two Crescents with Amethyst Stars, four Crescents with Sapphire Stars, and five Crescents with Emerald Stars. He's also fought in four completed ACC battles since the beginning of 2020. Overall, Xolarin's activities have earned him 32 Clusters of Ice and 43 Clusters of Graphite. He's also been a regular attendee at the Shadow Academy, completing 17 courses for a total of 5 degrees.

On the leadership front, Xolarin served as the Aedile of House Marka Ragnos from January 29, 2019 (shortly after his last recognition) to March 2, 2020, and as Quaestor of that same House from March to July of 2020. I'll leave it to Bentre to fill in more details of how well Xolarin handled those positions, but Xolarin's activity assessment says he ran 14 competitions in that time, averaging roughly one a month during his tenure (accounting for the competition bans during GJWs XIII and XIV).

Xolarin also served as the Magistrate to the Regent from November 1, 2019 to May 1, 2020. An activity note Atra left during that time states that, "Xolarin was an active participant in Regent Staff discussions and helped to maintain the approval queue. At the same time, he participated in proofing and item creation for the Solo-Resistance release package." I'll let Zxyl provide more information on exactly what that entailed.

All in all, I think Xolarin's consistent activity as a member, his contributions to the Regent's office, and his eighteen months of Summit service in Clan Naga Sadow since his last recognition are a solid justification for promoting him to Equite 2.

Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, 2020-08-07 00:24:42 UTC
Additional reasons

Erinyes has already spoken to the "stats" and raw numbers of Xolarin's activity and efforts, so I'll take this opportunity to elaborate a little about my personal and professional experience with Xolarin's service to the Regent Staff during our shared time there, expanding in detail on Atra's notes.

Immediately upon joining the Regent team Xolarin hit the ground running, and I firmly believed he was going to give me a run for my money for Praetor. He took little to no time to learn the policies and procedures regarding the team's very specific aspect approval guidelines, handling approval and denials that came into the queue the entirety of his tenure without hesitation. He was quick to grasp the policies and procedures of conduct we employ on the staff.

Xolarin was always available and up for participation in Regent staff discussions, offering valuable input that to this day has an effect on an ongoing project. He was always courteous, and it was enjoyable working alongside him. During our first content drop as a team (the "Solo-Resistance" release package) Xolarin acted first as our peer reviewer, looking over the content created by the previous staff and finishing touches employed by our new team. He also assisted Atra in the content update itself in creating the necessary item prototypes during launch, ensuring quick delivery to the membership and a short maintenance window.

Prior to the completion of his tenure on the staff, Xolarin began working on a very large Clan-focused project. He laid much of the initial groundwork for what I consider will be a major and defining project for Atra's tenure, completing research on new item archetypes and categories as well as actual item research in relation to the project. It was an absolute pleasure on both a personal and professional level working alongside Xolarin on the staff, so much so that I hope he ends up applying for Magistrate again in a later rotation so we can work together again.

This, coupled with the raw data presented by Erinyes and his time as a Summit member in Naga Sadow as detailed by Bentre, I feel is more than enough to warrant his promotion to Equite 2 given he has received no formal recognition since 2018.

Congratulations on your promotion Xolarin, and keep up the great work. It's well earned.

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2020-08-05 03:59:45 UTC

Xolarin is a member of Clan Naga Sadow that will be much missed as he had chosen to move on. The gent was by and large a pretty agreeable chap, besides being effective in both roles he held while in CNS. In the months before being placed into stewardship over House Marka Ragnos as her Quaestor, he served an extended and successful term as Aedile. He worked with Muz Ashen to ensure the successful operation of the House, in addition to having acted to curate and update the much-loved "Sticker Hype Pack" which has served to help spur member activity and engagement.

As a Quaestor, Xolarin engaged in lengthy discussion with the members of the upper Summit on a variety of subjects toward the betterment of both his House and the Clan at large. These discussions have included the logistics of fictional assets, the further fictional development of Clan Naga Sadow, provided feedback pertaining to crucial upcoming plot points for both HMR and CNS, and helped to brainstorm how to better serve the membership as a whole. More than just discussing, Xolarin also worked to ensure his members' regular activity was recognized, helped to ensure his members were awarded properly following events, and worked to encourage further personal excellence in our membership.

One notable way he did this was in recognizing members as Scions of Ragnos. These people were those who presented a good face to the Clan and club, as "key members of the HMR/CNS community, and are a good example to newcomers and long-timers alike." He wanted to recognize our members for their activity and the use of an in character House-bestowed title was one way that he tried to accomplish that end. Furthermore, in his position as Quaestor he immediately had jumped on the ball trying to formulate new ways that we could better engage new members. Some of the enjoyable competition mini-series he created or contributed included the inter-House "Orian Wargames", "Scrounging the Leftovers" and "Return to Tarthos"- the last of which followed the Clan's return to the Orian system. I would also be remiss if I didn't point out the fact that Xolarin used fiction in reports to further enrich his members' experience. He made a point of doing so.

Really, this is all just a small sampling of the work that Xolarin accomplished while a part of our Clan. Speaking with his second in command, Xolarin was as available for questions or discussion for his Aedile was he was with regard to the Upper Summit, and discussed his ideas for his House freely with his Aedile. This further reinforces the clear that Xolarin was an effective leader. He displayed excitement for the Great Jedi War, discussed plans for the future, and demonstrated a clear desire to build his unit.

Xolarin was a good Quaestor, is a good guy, and I am certain will make an excellent addition to the next tier of the Equite ranks. Congratulations Xolarin, and I wish you the best wherever your path takes you.

Bentre Sadow Overlord of Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2020-08-06 08:55:27 UTC
Event ID
Kano Tor Tydex
Old Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
New Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Kano Tor Tydex joined the Vizsla team during our early planning stages and has been a consistent, dedicated, and integral member ever since. Known for his amazing beard and insatiable love for Star Wars, Kano is the ideal member in Clan Vizsla. He brings a sense of family to our chats and has been a key player in establishing Vizsla’s culture.

Since Kano’s last promotion over 11 months ago, he has been one of Clan Vizsla’s top content contributors and leaders. Serving as Death Watch BTL (2 months) and later Wren Aedile (3 months), Kano has built a large part of our fictional universe. Kano was the lead planner on the Death Watch fleet, art work for Death Watch/report headers, and the primary writer of our (Death Watch Wiki)[https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Deathwatch].

In addition to Kano’s leadership in our Clan, he has also been an active participant and creator in the Club. Kano has participated in 54 competitions, written over 10k of fiction, taken 9 SA courses, and earned one degree. These events have earned him 15 various crescents, over 70 clusters, and most recently a Seal that helped Clan Vizsla finish second in the GJW.

Kano’s additional duties have included Magistrate time in the Regent’s Office where he learned the intricate systems and processes required to approve items and aspects. Kano also supported the Herald staff for a total of 4 months. He was the key artist in the creation of Clan Vizsla’s Vendetta award - the hatchet of pain, as well as additional administrative support to the Herald Office.

Kano, thanks for your hard work. We greatly appreciate your dedication to our team.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-05 20:35:07 UTC
Additional reasons

As Pravus stated, Kano was a great help to building the Death Watch and Wren fictional universe. His effort went beyond that of an average member, and it resulted in him quickly rising through the leadership positions. No matter who I was working with within the summit, we would always hear his name before a slew of ideas came out. Additionally, the art that he brought to us was a very integral part of designing fictional spaces within our universe, and we would still be struggling to create a good image of those locations without his help. Lastly, even though his time spent with me was short, I was able to gain good insight as to how our different members can contribute to building a place we all love to be a part of, both within our DB universe and within our community. Thanks for that, Kano, and congratulations on your promotion to Corsair!

Ghost Rulvak Qurroc, 2020-08-05 20:32:39 UTC
Event ID
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
Old Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
New Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Dral Falgorth joined Clan Vizsla from the rogues and immediately made an impact in the Clan as a contributor, a vocal communicator in our chats, and a key influencer in Vizsla culture. Dral has stepped up for us time and time again, currently serving as one of our BTLs (collectively, his fourth month as a BTL).

Since Dral’s last promotion over a year ago, he has been a creator of DB content and a participant. He has organized or co-organized 11 total events, participated in 60, written 3400 words of fiction, taken 13 SA courses, and earned 4 degrees. This work has earned him an AC, a Silver Nova, a Bronze Nova, a Diamond Crescent, six Ruby Crescents, 22 combined lower level crescents, and most recently 10 Seals of Vision. Dral’s participation in the GJW helped secure Vizsla a second place finish and assured our Clan a positive course moving forward.

I would also like to note Dral’s involvement in creating and managing Clan Vizsla’s key quarterly competition, the Great Hunt. Dral was a key leader, designer, and grader of our most recent iteration. He did an outstanding job on the events (see Great Hunt II.

Dral, thanks so much for everything you’ve done. Congrats on this well deserved promotion!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-05 16:23:51 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
New Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
Requested by
Dr. Aru Law
Primary reason

Kelviin has been a constant and ever loyal Wookie presence in the halls of Arcona. It is impossible to not notice his kindness, friendliness towards others and eagerness to help everyone in need.

Since his last promotion, Kelviin has participated in 63 competitions, 31 PvP matches, 106 PvE activities, 5 fiction activities and 3 RO posts. All this activity has earned him 11 Crescents (1 Diamond, 6 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 1 Emerald), 1 Bronze Nova and 1 Silver Nova. He has also received for his participation, 5 Pendants of Blood, 1088 Clusters of Fire (Wow!), 7 Clusters of Ice, 478 Clusters of Earth and 15 Clusters of Graphite. He gathers in his prized shelves 12 Seals of Wrath, 8 Seals of Fury, 2 Seals of Discord and 3 Seals of Vision. For having recruited Blithe, a member of House Qel-Droma, Kelviin has been awarded a Scroll of Indoctrination. Also during this time, Kelviin has been awarded 1 Steel Cross and 2 Dark Crosses, proving once more his commitment to our House and Clan.

Our friendly Wookie is ever present in the chats, always ready to give some helpful advice.

For all the reasons mentioned above, I wish to elevate Kelviin to the rank of Raider. Go raid some ships! But not our own please.

Congratulations on your promotion, or as they would say in Shyriiwook, GGrrgrrgrgGGrgrrGRGRRg!

Aru Law Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2020-08-04 21:57:46 UTC
Additional reasons

Kelviin has been a furry staple of Qel-Droma, some might even say the origiwook, and his presence is warmly felt whenever his bright and colorful personality graces us on Telegram. Keeping the Voidbreaker in good running order, erm, when it’s not being shot to pieces by our enemies at least, and providing a helpful hydrospanner to all his friends in need, it is my continued privilege to have him among our illustrious number!

Thank you for your service, you majestic walking carpet!

Tali Sroka, Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2020-08-04 21:57:37 UTC
Event ID
Battlelord Ra'gnar
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Battlemaster Ra’gnar is a plank holder in Clan Vizsla. For the uninitiated, this means he helped build the ship that is now our Clan. He joined our efforts prior to becoming an official House and he was instrumental in seeing Vizsla become a reality.

In the Spring I’d 2019, members of the initial Vizsla 20 were tasked with creating a Clan Proposal, a fictional history, a Clan systems and processes document, and a “roadmap to war” detailing the Vizsla’s initial year. Ra’gnar was tasked to support all of these efforts and his contributions were integral to Clan Vizsla acquiring approval from the Star Chamber, GM, and DC. This should not be undervalued in terms of projects as this was just the third approval for a new Clan in over 15 years. Within these projects were Ra’gnar’s supported Battle Team development, functions, and fleet support. Ra’gnar was a key contributor and editor on Vizsla’s governing documents found here: Vizsla Proposal. Within these documents Ra’gnar was particularly helpful on Vizsla’s first year pacing (detailed on timeline) and initial Clan events to include the proposed internal Clan competitions. Ra’gnar was also a key contributor to our proposal in the battle team fiction/ooc, BT member expectations, and member recognition sections. All told, this work, and these sections were instrumental in our Clanning.

Beyond Ra’gnar’s dedication and work in the creation of Clan Vizsla, he has also had a consistent and high level of activity since his previous promotion over four years ago. This activity includes participation in 286 (!) competitions, 18 gaming submissions, 6500 words of fiction, and four shadow academy courses. He has earned a Grand Cross, 2 Steel Crosses, 3 Anteian Crosses, 26 competition placement crescents, 18 Pendants of Blood, 790 various clusters, and 31 Vendetta Seals. 10 of these Seals coming from our most recent GJW and helping to secure Vizsla’s second place finish!

Ra’gnar is also a common feature in our Vizsla chat rooms and contributes to our unique culture. Within the Chats Ra’gnar is always ready to support on any project ranging from what events we run in our Great Hunts to the make up and composition of our Fleet.

Ra’gnar, you have been a great member and leader in the Clan. Thanks for all you have done!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-04 20:27:10 UTC
Event ID
Aiden Dru
Old Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
New Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Raider Aiden Dru is a phenomenon within Clan Vizsla. He is a straight shooter, interested in what he is interested in, and has an uncanny ability to vanish from detection mid-Google Hangout (Potentially under a table). His laid back style and interpersonal skills make him an ideal fit for Clan Vizsla and a member that I can rely on to be honest when things aren’t going well. Aiden brings an added depth to the Vizsla Cultural experience and it’s one that I am grateful for.

Beyond his affable character, Aiden is a beast of activity. In the four years since his last promotion he has knocked out 106 competitions, participated in over 300 unique gaming entries, taken a random SA course, and commented honestly on 14 news posts. He has also earned a Steel Cross, two Anteian Crosses, a Silver Nova, 19 various crescents, 9 Pendants of Blood, over 3400 Clusters, and 6 total vendetta seals.

Aiden, who is a DB leader, even when not positioned, also has six months of historical leadership as an Aedile prior to his time in Vizsla.

Aiden, I appreciate all you’ve done since joining Vizsla. You are a valued member of our team and I can’t wait to have a drink again.

Congrats on your promotion!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-04 17:37:12 UTC
Event ID
Tomora Nay'ek
Old Rank
Captain (Equite 1)
New Rank
Major (Equite 2)
Requested by
Dr. Aru Law
Primary reason

Sulith is a big furry name in Qel-Droma’s ranks. They have been constantly rising and growing with their peers, displaying an amazing sense of unity, brotherhood and friendship in the House and Clan.

Since their last recognition, Sulith has participated in 45 competitions, engaged in 3 PvP matches, completed 8 fiction activities and contributed with two Run On posts for the GJWXIV on Arcona’s behalf. With a whopping 11769 words of fiction, it is clear Sulith has a lot to tell. They have passed 2 Academy courses. For all their activity, Sulith has been awarded 17 Crescents (3 Diamonds, 1 Ruby, 4 Amethysts, 4 Sapphires, 4 Emeralds and 1 Topaz) and also received 1 Bronze Nova for placement in a GJWXIV competition. Sulith has also received 4 Clusters of Fire, 23 Clusters of Ice and 32 Clusters of Graphite for participation in competitions.

Sulith showed great commitment to the House and Clan by participating in 16 competitions during the GJWXIV. Sulith is also ever present in the chats, engaging in conversation with everyone and always willing to help those in need.

It is for the reasons mentioned above that I recommend Major Sulith to be elevated to the rank of Commander. You deserve it Sully!

Aru Law
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2020-08-04 17:32:27 UTC
Additional reasons

What would the Voidbreaker be without our lovable socially awkward Bothan/Togorian duo? Well, a fair bit less furred up in the air recyclers, for one thing, but also missing such a big piece of our hearts!

Sulith has been, and continues to be, one of our most active members and their presence is proudly felt in both Clan and House. When they are not jockeying for arts placements with Alaisy, they’re busy creating heart-warmingly adorable scenes for us to enjoy, or partaking in the banter that is the meat and space-potatoes of our community. Few are the times, if any, where the injection of an awkward Eilen slinking in the background or an overly-enthusiastic Sulith embracing everyone within his arm’s reach—which is considerable—for a group hug isn’t going to elevate the mood!

Such reliable and positive members, building their stories with us and helping us grow ours in turn, are the bedrock and lifeblood of our little club. It is thus with deepest pride that I second this well-earned promotion to our industrious, friendly, and adorkable ferret fren!

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2020-08-04 17:31:11 UTC

Arcona would most certainly be different without Sulith around to warm our hearts, and fill our chats with his amazing work. A fast friend, an amazing writer, and an ever-present helper in all of our endeavors, Sully is a boon not just to his house and team, but is a credit to his Clan as a whole.

Constantly active within the clan’s chats, and a regular presence in our role-playing and competitive sphere, Sulith is always bringing a lot to the table. Beyond this, Sully is constantly encouraging our newer members, helping to guide them along to greater heights in the club. By offering pointers on writing and worldbuilding, or showing us exactly how he makes his jaw-dropping art and helping us along with our own, he’s actively fostered new activity, interest, and pure, simple fun within our club.

We could all use a few more people like Sulith in our lives, and in the DJB as a whole, bringing light to everything around them. Thusly, it is my pleasure to support this promotion. Laud and honor to you, Sully!

Sera Kaern BTL, Spectre Cell, House Galeres

Sera Kaern, 2020-08-04 17:32:12 UTC
Event ID
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Old Rank
Captain (Equite 1)
New Rank
Major (Equite 2)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Major Hector Ricmore is a highly enthusiastic and dedicated member of Clan Vizsla and the Dark Brotherhood. Hector is extremely active in Clan Vizsla’s chat channels and has been a large part of establishing our culture of activity and participation. Hector’s personal interest in Character Sheet systems and Clan/individual possessions has provided many of our members with new insight on how to craft our fictional universe in the future.

Beyond Hector’s intangibles, there are his very impressive objective stats. In the 11 months since his promotion to Major, Hector has been a non-stop force of activity. He has participated in 67 competitions, played 6 pvp and 30 PVE gaming events, written one ACC battle, written over 11,000 words of fiction, taken 52 SA courses, and earned 14 degrees. Hector has also amassed a Dark Cross, 16 various competition crescents, 49 CFs, 35 CIs, 22 CEs, 33 CGs, and a Seal of Loyalty.

Most recently, Hector was instrumental in Clan Vizsla’s second place finish in the Great Jedi War by earning 30 Seals in an outstanding level of dedication by participating in every event! Hector’s efforts were amazing and a great example of how a single member can help win a war.

Hector, thanks for all you’ve done. I look forward to promoting you about 4 more times while you are in Vizsla!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-04 17:15:21 UTC