Event History

Displaying events 2091 - 2100 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Klyn Jaxx
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

Since his last elevation, Klyn has cleared all requirements for the rank of Acolyte. This includes the creation of a character sheet, joining Arcona's Telegram chat, participated in a handful of competitions, and cleared a lot of Shadow Academy Courses! He also gained a rank in the Shadow Academy Society for his efforts.

With all of this, I am happy to bestow upon Klyn Jaxx the rank of Acolyte! Congratulations, and I look forward to the next one!

Arcona, Rollmaster

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2020-02-09 20:28:20 UTC
Event ID
Urik Narth
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Urik Narth, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Taldryan, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 15:22:40 UTC
Event ID
Raphael Hamato
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Raphael Hamato. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:52 UTC
Event ID
John Damas
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, John Damas. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:34 UTC
Event ID
Sol Valerian
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Sol Valerian. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:31 UTC
Event ID
Dash Rendar
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Recruit (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Dash Rendar . I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:30 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Parzival. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:24 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Akhillies. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:24 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Recruit (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Lodlage. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:21 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Proudly. I have heard reports from Clan Odan-Urr that you have managed to:

  • Participate in 1 competition

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-02-09 03:25:20 UTC