Event History

Displaying events 2371 - 2380 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Rivio Rosan
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes
Primary reason

Rivio Rosan has been quite the busy bee since his last promotion. His activity spans the length of the club in almost all manners.

In the Shadow Academy, he has been promoted to Lvl 4 in the SA Society, passing 2 courses (Leadership, Management and Leadership, Rewards), and was awarded an SA degree.

In terms of gaming, his excellent gaming skills have earned him 6 Pendants of Blood.

In terms of fiction, he was awarded 7 Clusters of Ice, wrote an approved 3000 character fiction (https://discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com/t/rivio-rosan-character-fiction-2/2240), and completed a quality character article (https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Rivio_Rosan) .

For competitions, his participation across 8 competitions was awarded with 2 major competition awards (including Crescents or Novae).

His 28 days or more in rank have been beyond amazing and has brought honour, glory, and pride, not just to himself in my eyes but to House Shar Dakhan and Clan Naga Sadow as a whole. He is an amazing member of our Clan and the Club as a whole. His work, while being more hush-hush than I would have liked it to be, has been absolutely outstanding in both its quantity as well as its quality. His promotion to Knight is one that is greatly deserved and has been given to the most deserving of people.

May his actions serve as an example to the greatness of Clan Naga Sadow and its members from this point as Knight and beyond. Let it serve to inspire others to do the same as well.

Congratulations, Knight Rivio Rosan.

~~~~ Privateer Xuner Holst, Aedile House Shar Dakhan, Clan Naga Sadow

Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes, 2019-11-03 22:27:57 UTC
Additional reasons

What can I say? Rivio is a determined individual who was willing to take on the challenge of becoming a Knight without a Master. He has proven himself worthy of the title of Knight and has impressed me greatly. He does tend to keep mainly to himself, however he does chat with Naga Sadow from time to time and I have enjoyed seeing him around. I can't wait to see him progress further in the ranks and continue his journey in the Dark Brotherhood. Congratulations on a well-earned promotion Rivio! ~Tasha'Vel Versea, Rollmaster of Naga Sadow

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2019-10-28 23:08:56 UTC

Many have walked the path that leads to Knighthood. In my experience, I have not seen many who have chosen to do so.

Let that sink in. Rivio chose to go without a Master. Rivio has been very independent, and self-reliant. So bravo to Rivio on that front.

Elevation to the rank of Knight is a milestone of different kinds for many people. For some, it is a goal. For others, it is but the hint of things to come. With that in mind, I do honestly hope to see even more come from Rivio's little corner of the galaxy, than what we have seen in his short time with us.

Well done, Knight Rivio. The drinks aboard the Peridition tonight, will be on you!

Bentre Kairn'tel Sadow

Overlord of Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2019-10-29 06:08:25 UTC

Joining the ranks of Knight is no easy task. Rivio has chosen to do this without the aid of a master. He has been very active since joining, even aiding his clan in the recent vendetta. He has steadily climbed in rank and has fought hard to get where he is and has developed a character that will have lasting benefit to the club. He is a valuable member and I appreciate everything he has brought to Clan Naga Sadow. I am delighted to recommend Rivio for this promotion to Knight and I look forward to what the future brings for him. Bravo, Rivio! Well done!

Ashia Keibatsu Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2019-11-03 20:08:35 UTC

This is so AWESOME!!!!! There really is not much more I can say that my Clanmates have not already said. I am impressed to see you make this an achievement, especially solo! Rivio has busted through the necessary rank requirements, took on the SA, garnered some winnings in comp and gaming arena. Putting forth this incredible effort deserves nothing less than this promotion to Knight. Congratulations and well deserved!!!!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2019-11-03 22:24:48 UTC
Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Satsi Tameike Arconae, Atty, is an incredible leader, mentor, and member, and easily ranks among the most valuable the club has ever had both in terms of what she has accomplished since she joined us and with her potential that will surely play out in the future. She has filled the role of supporter for both Arcona, her Clan, as well as the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood in nearly every aspect of the fiction community. In over six years, with half of it as Consul and leader of Arcona, and all of it seizing every opportunity to improve how stories are told and characters created, Atty has helped make our Brotherhood a better place.

Since her promotion to the last of the Equite ranks, Atty has organized or helped organize 82 different competitions for Arcona including a three-way event Aftermath between her unit Arcona as well as Plagueis and Tarentum, multiple Sins of the Past events for Arcona, a Selen Development project for Arcona, and an Arcona-Odan Urr event. While she has participated in nearly 300 (296) over that same time frame earning 15 Novae, 132 crescents and hundreds of clusters. Her activity both as a participant and an organizer have been an example to any member or leader.

Atty has served as a leader for nearly her entire time in the Brotherhood, most notably as Consul of Arcona for 3 years, with more than a year of that service coming since her promotion to Equite 4.. Meanwhile, she steppedinto the Voice staff as Magistrate during her time as Consul, before ascending to Praetor, where she’s served for over two years now. As Consul, she represented her Clan well at the highest level, consistently engaging with the Dark Council on issues important to Arcona. As a member of the Voice’s Staff, she has gone out of her way to consistently help members with their Character Sheets, far exceeding just processing/approving the sheets. Atty can typically be found working with members from across the club to properly develop character concepts and write them appropriately for our systems. Beyond that tremendous effort, she has trained numerous staff members and helped ensure the smooth running of the Voice office.

All this time with participating and creating competitions, and taking on positions of leadership in Arcona and on the Dark Council, she found every opportunity to give back and get involved in the latest club wide project. Early on getting involved in the revamping of the Character Sheet system, then later the re-vamping of the ACC, proofing the Non Force user disciplines as those hit the club, getting involved in possessions development and playing a role in creating that system as well as the later Character Sheets 2.0 improvements to update on things. Her influence and impact on helping out every major fictional system since she joined over six years ago, and lending a guiding voice along the way have been key to understanding just how valuable she has been as a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood community.

When looking at Atty’s accomplishments, it’s clear that her path has taken her into the Elder ranks. She has over her six years demonstrated incredible contributions to both her Clan and the entire club, and her impact has influenced the experiences that many different members have today in a positive way. In the three years since her promotion to Equite 4, she has elevated her service to the club by taking every opportunity to help members find their place in our fictional world. She joined Arcona and immediately looked for any opportunity to have an impact and to this day continues to speak up and push for what she thinks is right and try and make sure everyone around her is having fun and enjoying their time, something we know she will continue to do in any role she finds herself in the future.

For everything we’ve noted above on her accomplishments, we highly recommend Atty for promotion to Dark Adept. Congratulations!

Telaris “Mav” Cantor, Grand Master
Evant Taelyan, Deputy Grand Master

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2019-11-02 21:23:50 UTC
Additional reasons

As Praetor to the Voice, her administrative efforts have been mentioned elsewhere and are to be commended. But metrics alone do not track the time spent working individually with both new and returning members on their custom aspects, character descriptions, backstories, and adoption into new canon to get their character sheets activated and approved. This is a key experience for a lot of members and can often make or break retention. Beyond that, with limited time to execute just before GJWXIII was about to kick off, Atty also tackled a complete overhaul for the Character Sheet Guidelines that I did not have time to complete myself. This meant designing—from-scratch—a writeup of the step-by-step process members went through when creating their character sheets, and tips on how to avoid a remand. Atty tackled this task over the course of three weeks, and you can see it live here on the Voice Policies wiki. We’ve received positive feedback across the board from members of the Brotherhood both new and returning in getting their sheets up to speed.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2019-11-02 21:23:34 UTC
Event ID
Master Dracaryis
Old Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
New Rank
Eminent (Elder 1)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Our Elders are those among us whose contributions and attitude are so exceptional that they inspire a dedication and appreciation for the Brotherhood in all of us. They make wide-ranging and variable contributions, but they are always members whose names are instantly recognizable. And our outgoing Fist, Kalan Amak, aka Dracaryis, is one such members. He has served on the Dark Council for a total of nearly three years. In that time, Drac has seen Grand Masters and Deputy Grand Masters come and go; but he has remained constant. Drac stepped into his position as Fist under tumultuous circumstances - not once, but twice. In both cases, Drac brought us much needed stability and transparency. More than that, Drac manned one of our most thankless Dark Council offices as the steward of our gaming systems.

Throughout his time as Fist, Drac strived to bring clarity to our gaming policies and procedures. He earned numerous accolades during his career, including an Emerald Dagger most recently. As Fist, Drac brought endless activities to our members, organizing or co-organizing hundreds of competitions over his career (including more than seventy such competitions since his last promotion!) Drac was a valuable and objective advisor, offering useful feedback and being an ever-present voice in discussions. And, as all good leaders must recognize, Drac knew when he needed a break - and so in June of 2019, Drac stepped down. However, he returned as Praetor to the Grand Master, where he remained a valuable advisor to the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master.

When Drac stepped down from Fist, his activity did not cease - it just shifted in focus. As a member of Clan Vizsla, he helped our Third Clan take its place in the Great Jedi War through personal activity and commitment. Drac participated in another two dozen competitions beyond those in the War, helping to drive Vizsla’s initial activity surge and maintain it throughout the War. He was one of only a small handful of members to complete all the competitions in the War, and he earned three Novae during the event.

But most importantly, when the Brotherhood needed him most, Drac put aside retirement to take up the mantle of Fist once more. As the Great Jedi War concluded, numerous irregularities were found in gaming competitions, and we needed someone familiar with the system that was trusted by all of us to resolve lingering concerns: Drac was that natural choice. And so, Drac exited retirement for a brief return to the Dark Council and immediately combed every gaming competition by hand. Over the course of a single weekend, Drac committed dozens of hours to hand validating every submission to gaming competitions. Following his validation of gaming War results, he moved on to hiring an experienced and competent staff so that the next Fist would have an office already equipped to handle day to day operations. As Drac leaves the Fist office for a second time, he once more leaves the club in a much better place than it was when he took the mantle of Fist.

Throughout his career, Drac has continually demonstrated his dedication to the Brotherhood. It is our honor today to recognize his enormous contributions, and elevate him to Elder!

Telaris “Mav” Cantor, Grand Master
Evant Taelyan, Deputy Grand Master

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2019-11-02 21:23:53 UTC
Additional reasons

It takes a lot to hold down a job on the Dark Council. There's a lot of data to manage, new projects to keep track of, policies to write, test, rewrite, and implement. And given the very nature of gaming, the adjustment of clusters of fire can be a salty proposition. Kalan Amak, better known as Drac, did that job for a few years before retiring to help start a new unit, participating in every competition in their first war, leading from the front, showing the members how it is done. That's just a lot of work in general, and yet, here he is, retiring again. What really stands out to me on that is that he saw an urgent need of the Brotherhood, at the very dramatic end of the war, stepped in without any issues, and blasted through the work needed in a hurry. That speaks to his dedication to our club, to our members. Professional, reliable, effective, all are markers of what I think of as elders in our club.

You see, elders aren't made by proclamation or by button presses on our admin panels. Drac was already an elder, looking at his acts, his demeanor, his motivations. I am glad to have been given the opportunity to put some nice words down to thank him for it as we update our site to reflect what we know. Thank you for your work, Drac. We appreciate you. Hopefully this beats out the '...and all I got was this' T-shirt.

~Muz Ashen, the Lion of Tarthos

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2019-11-02 21:20:03 UTC

Kalan Amak, aka Drac, aka Chuckles, has served at his current rank for over a year. In that time he has been Fist, a member, and Fist again. Drac excelled in each of these roles as a contributor, creator, and active participant.

Drac established firm, but fair rules as the Fist. He set the standard for introducing new games, testing those new games, and balancing them against our existing games; he cut out nearly all of the toxicity that once existed in DB Gaming chat rooms; and he put up with a great deal of nonsense with incredible elan.

As a member, Drac did nothing more than help create a new Clan, participate in every single vendetta event, and then answer the call to help the DJB when an emergency Fist was required.

Drac has done the things we ask of our elders. He has changed the club for the better and he has left a lasting mark. Congrats buddy.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2019-11-02 21:20:30 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

PadreCZECH, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Odan-Urr, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Augur Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2019-10-29 18:32:14 UTC
Event ID
Zodac Polcim
Old Rank
Courier (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Primary reason

As a former soldier, Zodac Polcim understands how to get work done. Utilizing the required time he needed to spend in rank, at least 21 days, he participated in 7 competitions. Placing in 1 of them, Zodac earned 3 Clusters of Ice and 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star. His fiction entries had tallied his head count words of fiction count up to 2,000. But that's not all. Zodac hasn't let his old age keep him from learning quicker than the young blood about him. He's participated in 24 courses since his promotion and earned 3 degrees! Two of those courses included the Leadership Reports and Leadership Rewards courses. Those mighty efforts had awarded the man with SA Rank 3.

Zodac is an active, friendly, and good humored fellow. Ever since joining both the DJB Discord Server and the Clan's telegram group, he has openly emerged himself with our community. The man enjoys collaborating with other members on fictions and hoping into roleplaying.

Zodac Polcim, I am honored to promote you to Yeoman, Journeyman 3. Keep showing the stars an old croon can shoot a blaster just as well as anyone. Shadows be with you.

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2019-10-26 17:59:14 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Evanence. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Participate in 2 competitions
  • Pass the Advancement Survey Shadow Academy Course

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Augur Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2019-10-24 21:39:07 UTC
23 Oct, 2019
A deleted dossier was promoted.
Event ID
Dev'err Malren
Old Rank
Corporal (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Sergeant (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Cymbre Kall
Primary reason

Dev'err Malren has held the rank of Private for over the required two weeks time, has an approved character sheet on record, logged into Telegram and joined the Taldryan Clan Channel, reached the second rank in the Shadow Academy Society, worked on a character history for eventual posting on the Brotherhood Wiki, and participated in 5 competitions.

As such, it is my honor to recommend that Dev'err Malren be promoted to Sergeant! Congratulations!

Cymbre Kall Quaestor of House Ektrosis

Cymbre Kall, 2019-10-22 01:49:21 UTC
Event ID
Knight Ahsik Warren
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Ahsik has continued to demonstrate a fun and interactive presence in the Brotherhood. Having held over 21 days at the Acolyte rank, he has appeared several times on Telegram in the Plagueis channel. He has also participated in over five competitions, including for our Code: Dread event; passed both the Leadership Competitions and Leadership Rewards SA courses, placed in two competitions, reached Level 3 in the SA Society, and written over 1,000 words of character fiction thus far.

While he is still learning, growing, and finding time to be active in the DB, Ahsik's candor, optimism, and cheery demeanor are most welcome in Plagueis. We on the clan summit are looking forward to seeing what he does next at his new rank.

Congrats on Hunter, my good man!

~ Ronovi Tavisaen

Dread Lord of Clan Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2019-10-20 23:02:37 UTC
Event ID
Agate Gua'lara
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Primary reason

As of today, Neophyte Agate Gua’lara has completed the required criteria to be elevated to the rank of Acolyte in an astounding 14 days. Continuing to be very active on both House Discord and Telegram channels, Agate is beginning to settle into the club very well. Agate actively participates in competitions having 9 out of the required 5, has been awarded 5 Clusters of Graphite and has a completed character sheet. Last but not least, Agate has been dominating the Shadow Academy, completing 11 exams total and achieving the SA Rank 2.

Agate, if you keep this up, we will be Knighting you in record time. Thank you and keep up the good work.

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2019-10-20 01:26:48 UTC
Additional reasons

From the beginning of helping Agate, by asking them questions they was able to form a description of their character on the Character Sheet, Agate has been a question after question. Getting to know them and then playing the game Star Wars: The Old Republic together I knew I wanted them as my apprentice. Mostly we just talk to each other so far to get a feel for how our characters would act together. I've also helped a little by recommending to finishing a few of the Shadow Academy Courses.

Agate, I am proud of the work you do and I would like you to keep it up. Congratulations you deserve this promotion.

Sa Ool

Sa Ool, 2019-10-20 00:31:40 UTC