Event History

Displaying events 2421 - 2430 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Archenksov has completed a successful full year as Consul of Odan-Urr after transitioning from the Proconsul role before transitioning to what is going on eight months as Combat Master since his last promotion. He has been an exemplary leader in every role he has taken on. He is a great communicator who has a vision that he shares, inspiring others towards his approach and doing so with commitment. Capable of making decisions that need to be made and standing by them to drive things forward from day to day. It’s been a pleasure working with him in the capacities I’ve had the pleasure and look forward to having him be part of any team. For much of this work as a Consul he has earned a Ruby Scepter last October as well as an Anteian Cross for his work on the Creatures project for possessions.

As Combat Master, he showed his willingness to make decisions and commit with refinements to improve things for members who interact with the CS system. Properly communicating with the membership taking questions and discussing challenging elements of the system like time outs, creating conflict, how to handle possessions items like armor and inappropriate content, Then working out loadout changes to remove ambiguity between possessions and the ACC and sharing updates with membership. He clearly has a vision of what the ACC should be and listens to members to make it as enjoyable as possible for as many people as he can.

To create content for members, he has organized or helped in running 37 different competitions as part of larger series, a five-week long puzzle competition series for the entire Brotherhood, a range of competitions during a cooperative event between Clan Arcona and Clan Odan-Urr exploring the Collective faction, a set of light competitions for Clan-Odan Urr to develop their assets and a large scale competition for Odan-Urr focused on the Clan storyline. Focusing on large sets of well-organized content for members.

While organizing, he also participated in an incredible 258 different competitions, while earning during that time 111 crescents and 11 Novas. This included many different puzzles and trivia competitions, as well as gaming, poetry, run-ons and other covering every activity type in the club.

For all the successful demonstration of leadership, as well as a highly productive and active member of the community, I strongly recommend Archenksov for promotion to Equite 4. Congratulations.

Mav & Evant

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2019-09-19 02:09:37 UTC
Additional reasons

Combat Master is not an easy job. You’re usually stuck between a rock (Grand Master) and a hard place (member wants and expectations). Fortunately, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside our newest Combat Master—Arch— as he stepped up to fill the role. This was not the first time we worked together, of course, as our journey together started long ago when I was serving as CM. At the time, he called out my lack of punctuation in my bullet points on the newspost that was calling for ACC Judge applications. Since then, I’ve watched him say [adorable] things like “I’ll never be a house leader”, “I’ll never be a Consul”, and “I’ll never be CM”.


Fast forward to the present, and I’m honored to be adding my voice of support to his elevation to Equite 4 for the following reasons:

Before he stepped up into the role of Combat Master, Archenskov served dutifily as Consul of Clan Odan-Urr—making a concentrated effort to work with the Dark Council to improve relations between club level leadership and the members. Any time I asked for advice, input, or feedback on Voice-related Fiction, Arch was always quick to get back to me and respond to my queries. He did this with a level of poise and rationality that set the bar and example for how to be agreeable and work for the betterment of the club and the membership, even if you didn’t always exactly agree with what the club leadership was doing. This willingness to help and empower others while speaking up for what you believe is the hallmark that sets leaders and regular members apart in my eyes, and Arch has done this time after time while setting a living example for not just his members, but for his summit and other Dark Summit members as well.

As Combat Master, Arch wasted no time in picking up where he left off when he previously served as a judge. He immediately set to work on auditing existing documentation with a direct plan to clean up ACC Venues, clarify sections of the ACC Guidelines, and improve the wording on the ACC rubric to work more for both the Judges and members reading those judgements. He quickly focused on trying ways to improve the judging process by implementing a ‘rule of two” to help increase cohesion and consistency with grading between different Judges.

He has overseen a judging team and taking part in qualifying 22 new members into the ACC platform. This not only covers new members, but also returning veterans, and does not account for the time and attention to reviewing and providing feedback for members that needed extra boosts to pass their exam on the second or even third try. As with his process as Consul, his professionalism and poise have been boons to the ACC’s image among members that have, historically, avoided the platform entirely. These conversions are key to the future of the ACC, and Arch’s attention has no doubt helped fuel this. To date, he has overseen the same staff of judges that have completed grading on 39 ACC matches.

Part of those matches included the grading of the club-wide Spring 2019 ACC Championship. To accomplish this, Arch used a data pool of members that had shown interest or activity in the ACC and personally recruited the 32 members to participate in the bracket. Beyond that, he made sure that matches were graded between rounds in an extremely timely manner to keep things moving and to beat the deadline/impetus of a looming Great Jedi War. This tournament would not have been successful without his careful planning, attention to detail, and most importantly his execution.

As an admin, Arch has made a number of quality of life updates to the Character Sheet system. Most notably, he went through the Wikipedia documentation for Force Powers and annotated (with hyperlinks!) what Feats apply/tie to the respective Force Power in the description boxes of the template. This has made it much more efficient for even someone like me that knows most of the Feats off the top of his head since coming up the bulk of them. This is just another example of establishing easy to access documentation and quicker reference for members using the CS documentation to write their ACC matches and other fiction related activities. His monthly reports have all been full of changelogs of things that have changed, tips for the ACC, and other helpful communications that are integral to keeping members up to date and engaged with the platform. He also was key in helping identify poisonous/venomous creatures in the new Creatures system and aided with getting their descriptions coded and written up.

I can’t think of many members that I’ve served alongside that have so readily deserved this honor, so congratulations, my friend, and I know there’s a million things you haven’t done, so just you wait....

— M [dot] Ty


Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2019-09-18 14:58:46 UTC

Arch is one of the people who is well known in COU. While I can't speak to his work as Combat Master, or his numbers in events, I can say that since he was Consul he has been nonstop in his work to improve the Clan, and assist its members. This has been accomplished in numerous ways, from offering advice on how to handle different leadership positions, to helping with proof reading for various competitions, to cheering people on and putting out reminders of competitions for people to participate in. I believe for all of his work he deserves this promotion to Equite 4.


Padawan Tisto Kingang, 2019-09-18 18:18:37 UTC

Archenksov has been a steady rock for Odan-Urr for some time, both in terms of leadership and activity. Much has been said for his leadership of the Clan but as his Proconsul I’d like to add that he was wonderful to work with for several reasons. As a workmate, he was always willing to lead from the front and put forth just as much effort as the rest of us. As a mentor, he showed me what it meant to be a Consul in today’s DB, lessons I still carry with me to this day. As a clanmate, he was always there to lend a helping hand, even when he was tired or the train tried to kill him 3x in one day. I really appreciated it and so did the rest of the Clan. In terms of positions, he has served as Shadow Academy Docent, Combat Master, Consul, Appeals Panelist, ACC Judge, and Proconsul at some point during his last promotion and now.

In terms of activity, Arch has completed 258 competitions, 5 PvP matches, 18 PvE matches, 1 ACC battle, 12 ACC battles judged, 11 Fiction Activities worth 13,924 words, 5 Run On posts worth 2,840 words, 6 SA courses, 1 SA degree, 11 SA courses graded, 19 news posts, and 65 news post comments. During that stretch he acquired the following: 1 Ruby Scepter, 1 Anteian Cross, 4 Gold Nova, 4 Silver Nova, 3 Bronze Nova, 4 Crescents with Diamond Star, 26 Crescents with Ruby Star, 34 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 43 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 2 Crescents with Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, 4 Pendants of Blood, 182 Clusters of Fire, 36 Clusters of Ice, 24 Clusters of Earth, 42 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Dark Side Scroll, 8 Scrolls of Foundation, 10 Legion of Scholar, 1 Seal of Loyalty, 15 Seals of Wrath, 17 Seals of Fury, and 11 Seals of Discord.

I’m incredibly proud to have served Odan-Urr with him and it is my honor to recommend that he be promoted to Equite 4! Congratulations my friend, Odan-Urr wouldn’t be the same without you. In the words of Dr. Frank N. Furter, “A toast.”

Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-19 01:58:42 UTC

Hard to exactly say where I should begin with Arch. In the time I've been here in the DJB, Arch has been a great help to me when I needed it. They showed to me that they were great for leadership, as well even at times reached out to encourage me to try applying for roles in the past. When I first showed interest in a position of either BT, AED, or QUA, Arch immediately privately messaged me and encouraged me, saying that they believed I'd be good at it. Yet that doesn't even begin to mount to the number of accomplishments that Arch has done over the years. I feel if I were to try and put all of that into words, I'd be doing them a bit of a disservice for the amount of dedication they've put into not only this clan but to this club.

While that part has yet to be seen, Arch, you've been a great inspiration and I can say that in the time I've been here in the DJB, you're certainly one of the ones who've not only made it entertaining but also like there was a good semblance of second family. Here to you, the best birb.

** Ethan Martes**
BTL, Odan-Urr

Ethan Martes, 2019-09-19 02:03:23 UTC
Event ID
Luna Raven
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Luna Raven. I have heard reports from House Sunrider that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Augur Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2019-09-18 03:55:55 UTC
Event ID
Ethan Martes
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Ethan Martes has been an excellent member for Odan-Urr for a long time now, always showing up when we need him and always providing us our dose of humor. His constant community presence and his willingness to help bring people together has been classic Ethan, in addition to his steady activity. In short, he has been a wonderful Equite and mentor to others. I’ll go into details below.

I’ll get to the activity in a bit but first I’d like to call out some great ways he has helped out his Clan that aren’t just numbers. First, Ethan has been a great help during Odan-Urr’s community events. From a participant perspective, he has always made time to attend Group nights, whether they be on Cards Against Humanity, Hangouts, or gaming get together like Battlefront 2. From a community helper perspective, he has always been willing to help promote these events to others and has been a very helpful cheerleader for them. More recently, he also spent many hours editing one such game night into an absolutely hilarious youtube video that could be very useful for the Brotherhood’s recruitment efforts. Second, he has served as an excellent mentor to both new and old, using his wisdom and experience to guide his fellow Odanites. I’ve witnessed him helping out countless people with their fictional ideas or any other questions that come up but personally I’d like to say that he has always been there for me when I needed some advice. Patient and willing to explain, he helped me work out a hard fiction-based problem and I’ll always remember that.

In terms of pure activity, Ethan has completed 53 competitions, 1 PvP match, 5 PvE matches, 21 fiction activities, 21566 words of fiction, 6 run-on posts worth 3800 words, and 1 news comment. Moreover, he was one of the few Odanites to get full 12/12 bin participation during the recent GJW, which was amazing. During that event, he placed 7th place in ‘The Offering’ (event long multimedia), 3rd place in the Event Long Audiobook, and 5th place in the Small team co-op fiction. These activity numbers also include his excellent entries to the ‘Rumble Down Under’ Clan competitions and the RoS. In short, he has always been there for Odan-Urr in bigger events. During all his adventures, he has accumulated 2 Dark Crosses, 1 Bronze Nova, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 5 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 6 Crescents with Emerald Star, 3 Crescents with Topaz Star, 1 Crescent with Quartz Star, 10 Clusters of Fire, 49 Clusters of Ice, 14 Clusters of Graphite, 8 Seals of Fury, and 13 Seals of Discord.

When you cross the threshold to Equite people always talk about a shift in perspective from pure consumer to something more a mix of consumer and producer. In summary, Ethan has fully embraced this and is ready for the next challenge that the ranks of Equite have to offer. I hereby recommend that Ethan Martes be promoted to the rank of Equite 2 with all the lovely goodies that come with it. Thank you so much for everything you have done for Odan-Urr. You’ve helped so many people and I’m incredibly proud of you. Odan-Urr, and its community, wouldn’t be the same without you. Have fun with all the explosives you can buy with all that extra money. >:)

Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-18 00:00:52 UTC
Additional reasons

Ethan Martes has always been a member who offers far more than what others might see on the surface. He is one of the pillars of Odan-Urr’s community, and has constantly helped to make the Clan a welcoming place for new members though his good humour, activities, videos and topics. If there was ever a member to reward purely for their behaviour and activity in Telegram or within supported games, Ethan would be that member.

Yet, as cited by Aura, Ethan himself has proven to be an exceptionally talented individual in any area which relates to writing or world building. There has never been a time when he has been truly inactive in any way, and when it comes to gaming among Odan-Urr’s members he is among those most frequently joining in with events. Anyone who has played Battlefront can attest that giving Ethan access to a Wookiee is a sure sign of a swift defeat, and a threat that few people will ever walk away from.

When it comes to supporting others within the Clan, Ethan has often been one of those to first step forward. He has continually encouraged activity, communicating the best possible times and dates for gaming sessions and to ensure that those of different time zones are given the opportunity to properly meet up. Ethan has also remained active when it comes to multimedia. Having edited together a hilarious video of an infamous gaming session, he has used this as a point to encourage activity along with other ventures.

Ethan has also sought to support various members during major events. For several people he served as a proofreader during the GJW, despite lacking any substantial free time to do so, and approached Odan-Urr’s members to team up for joint projects. Prior to this, he has frequently actively approached others for writing projects and the like during Clan events. He doesn’t simply wait to be asked by someone else, but will often take charge of making any arrangements.

So, congratulations on your promotion, Ethan, and I hope that the influx of credits helps you finally get that new ship you always wanted.

Essik Lyccane
Aedile, House Sunrider

Nikora Rhan, 2019-09-18 00:00:23 UTC
Event ID
Nikora Rhan
Old Rank
Major (Equite 2)
New Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Tarvitz has been a steady rock for Odan-Urr for some time, always willing to provide his valuable time and energy to make his Clan a better place. Shortly into my term as Consul, he took up the mantle of leadership. To no one’s surprise, his commitment to Odan-Urr has been unshakeable through thick and thin. For a combined period of 6 months as Aedile, he led both House Hoth and House Sunrider during a period of great change for the Clan, providing his members with a steady leader to depend on. Moreover, whenever he was called forward to fill in for his Quaestor, he did so admirably, always willing to take the initiative and get things done. In addition, his projects, his contributions to clan and house initiatives, stellar activity, and willingness to individually reach out to members have made me incredibly proud.

The obvious out of the way, Tarvitz has been an incredibly active leader, leading from the front in more than one way. He has participated in 165 competitions, earning himself a ton of awards in the process. They include: 3 Gold Nova, 1 Bronze Nova, 3 Crescents with Diamond Star, 11 Crescents with Ruby Star, 30 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 20 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 3 Crescents with Emerald Star, 6 Crescents with Topaz Star, 201 Clusters of Ice, 61 Clusters of Graphite, 20 Seals of Wrath, and 24 Seals of Fury. For gaming, he has participated in 7 PvP matches and 18 PvE matches, earning himself 288 Clusters of Fire and 1 Pendant of Blood. He has also completed 2 ACC Battles, 13 Run On posts worth 12,146 words, and his fiction activities have netted him 70,988 words! He has completed 8 SA courses, was awarded a Dark Side Scroll, and is an active presence in news posts with 33 comments and 7 news reports for his Houses. Lastly, his performance in the most recent Great Jedi War was exemplary, participating in every bin and leading from the front in terms of competition and being an excellent cheerleader for COU in both emails and Telegram.

Upon taking up the mantle of Aedile, Tarvitz embarked on an ambitious wiki update project, which regardless of its original scope came to encompass not only his houses but clan pages as well a few DB ones. He added 18,930 words of added content, updated the wiki for 6 fleet updates (2 major, 4 minor), provided a wiki update for the release of Creatures, and executed 67 minor updates to various Odan-Urr pages as well as some DB ones. His special contributions list goes across several pages but to give you the full picture, it is my pleasure to list them out. He did work on the following pages: Solyiat, Notable Fauna: Trepus, Notable Fauna: Strokera, RoS wiki page, Odanite Expeditionary Force, House Hoth, Rohlan’s Vision, Knights of Allusis, Fort Pernicar, The Wildcards, Scimitar of Lord Hoth, Idiots Array, Okami, Pride of Owyhyee, GJW XII wiki page, Halls of the Watchmen, Arca Praxeum, Ishanta, Arx Wolf, Meridian Space Station, Vauzem Dominion, Vatali Empire, Kiast (Planet), Severian Principate, House Sunrider, House Shan, Tython Squadron, Trepus Mine, Sky Breach Base, Allusis Leaders Template, Disciples of Baas, Kaerls, and Proxia Mutirion. His updates span from historical pages all the way up to the present. He has made a huge impact on our wiki pages that will be felt for some time. I can confidently say that Tarvitz was Odan-Urr’s wiki superhero and I am eternally grateful.

In addition to his wiki project above, Tarvitz also worked on a number on team projects. First, he helped create the new Sunrider Fleet, which consisted of a complete rebuild for both space and ground forces. It also included the solicitation of feedback from House Sunrider itself in the form of competitions that build up energy for the new House. Second, he helped with the House Reorganization Project, the biggest since Odan-Urr’s original creation. His participation in group dialogue and his critical feedback helped shape what would become Sunrider. Third, he helped shaped Odan-Urr’s Coalitions, a fictional tool that will be very important for Odan-Urr moving forward. His participation in group dialogue/feedback and his cheerleading efforts to get others to engage with it not only helped shape what it would become but also its early adoption.

In summary, it is my pleasure to recommend that Tarvitz be promoted to Equite 3 with all the rewards that come with it. He has more than earned it and I’m incredibly proud of his contributions to Odan-Urr as a leader on my Summit. He has made a lasting impact on his Clan and I expect there is more to follow in the future. Thank you so very much. In the words of MC Hammer, ‘Can’t Touch This’.

Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-17 01:27:00 UTC
Additional reasons

I can’t account much for Tarvitz’s numbers, but I have found him to be impossibly effective as an Aedile. Unfortunately due to work, I was unable to do much during the war, but Tarvitz was willing to take the lead on leadership work during the war and was quite effective at it. He offered support to COU members, was often staying up late to assist in proofreading or trying to participate himself. His work and aid were invaluable during the war, but didn’t end there. After the war, he took it upon himself to update a lot of the COU wiki to reflect the changes that have taken place since House Sunrider was formed. I can not understate how I would pass out for a night and wake up to another section of updates he had finished. Working with him has been an honor, and I am glad to see him granted the rank of Equite 3.


Padawan Tisto Kingang, 2019-09-16 05:24:22 UTC

Tarvitz has been a rock to Clan Odan-Urr. While some people only see his spur of the moment actions, you must look deeper with this man. Since he got himself on his feet as a Knight, Tarvitz has reached out to help many new joins wading around in Clan or House chat if one of the Summit members or I was unable to. This even before becoming part of the Clan Summit. Tarvitz always pushes himself to be the best and I have had that pleasure many times on many teams over the last year or so. While none of them were Novae winning, his dedication to completing and winning while having fun are second to none. While we may not always see eye to eye on everything, I am honored to call Ka Tarvitz a friend. It is my pleasure to append my name to this recommendation for Tarvitz for promotion to Equite 3. Congratulations my friend, welcome to the EQ3 Club!

Len Iode-Urr
Rollmaster, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-16 22:29:49 UTC
Event ID
Irhan Lo'Vex
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

It has been my great pleasure to serve as Irhan Lo’Vex’s master. Since his last promotion, he has served 14 days in rank, created an approved character sheet, been awarded 4 Clusters of Graphite, participated in 5 competitions, and has been an active community presence in both Telegram and Discord. I also want to use this to call out his excellent service to Odan-Urr during the Great Jedi War. He joined just before it started and went headfirst into a major event. He completed 7/12 bins, placed in three event longs (3rd, 6th, 9th), and was an exemplary example of the Odanite code, trying his very best no matter what. I’m very proud to be his master and recommend that he be promoted to the rank of Acolyte. Congratulations!


Aura Ta’var
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2019-09-16 22:44:04 UTC
Additional reasons

Irhan Lo’Vex started his time in the Brotherhood strong, and he has shown no signs of changing that at all. Earning a Bronze Nova alone in his first GJW is an exceptional accomplishment, as is the fact that he has earned this rank within three months of joining Clan Odan-Urr. It likely won't be long before we see him reaching Knight. Until then, enjoy this triumph. I look forward to seeing just what you do next.

Essik Lyccane
Aedile, House Sunrider

Nikora Rhan, 2019-09-16 22:41:27 UTC
Event ID
Kade Ra
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Kade Ra. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Participate in 2 competitions
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Augur Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2019-09-16 07:53:04 UTC
Event ID
Aylin Sajark
Old Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
New Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Aylin has been a consistent, active member throughout the course of since her last promotion two years ago. One of our most active members in terms of both raw numbers and community contribution, it is a pleasure to have Aylin in the clan.

Aylin was our second highest scorer in the recent Great Jedi War, and is consistently a heavy hitter in vendetta type competitions, with a gold nova and 3 silvers to her name. Aylin's work is of exceptional quality, and the 91 competitions she has entered over the last two years have yielded fantastic medal results: 3 diamond, 5 ruby, 10 amethyst, 9 sapphire, 6 emerald and 2 topaz crescents in addition to her novae. Aylin is a multi-talented individual capable of scoring high level competition placements in either fiction or graphics, and has 31 Clusters of Ice and 108 Cluster of Graphite to her name.

Aylin excels in team competitions, having written almost 17,000 words of fiction, with 9000 being in run-on type competitions. I have personal experience of Aylin's expertise in this, as Aylin has helped me to two silver novae (RoS run-on and GJW co-op fiction).

Aylin is clearly an immensely talented and active individual. But we love her in CSP for her community contribution. Anyone active in any telegram channel across the brotherhood knows the hours she spends doodling, just making fun pictures of peoples' characters to make them happy. Always active, always chatting and never out of line, Aylin is a pillar of the Scholae community, and one of the key figures that has kept the clan going for the last two years.

A massive congratulations to Aylin from me!



General Zentru'la, 2019-09-15 09:53:16 UTC
Event ID
Luna Raven
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Luna Raven, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Odan-Urr, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Augur Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2019-09-15 07:16:53 UTC
Event ID
Alara Deathbane
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

Alara Deathbane came to Arcona this past year and has been a bright point of amazing talent and activity. She’s been supportive, encouraging, and just an all-around fantastic person to have in Arcona, and we couldn’t be happier that she chose us as her home. I could go on and on about Alara as an amazing member and person, but that’s the other people’s job, so let's do numbers.

As a sign of her leadership ability, Alara organized twenty-nine competitions, and lead by example by participating in one hundred and twenty-two more! She also completed fourteen fiction activities, including eight Run-On posts and over eleven thousand words written. She also continued her education by completing five Academy courses.

In the course of her participation, she's earned herself one Ruby, five Amethyst, five Sapphire, two Emerald, and two Topaz Crescents! Along with this, she picked up twelve Clusters of Fire, twenty-nine Clusters of Ice, and forty-seven Clusters of Graphite! Not to mention a Seal of Loyalty! Her War efforts lead to a Silver and Bronze Nova as well, proving her skill.

She spent a solid nine months as a Quaestor, managing her House and people so admirably that she picked up a Sapphire Blade for her efforts, showing her talent and commitment to the health of the Brotherhood at large.

Alara, it has been an honor and a joy to work with you both within the recent War and outside of it, I am so happy you’re here, and I hope you’ve found a home with us. But more to the point, congratulations!

Kordath Bleu
Arcona, Consul

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2019-09-14 02:47:21 UTC
Additional reasons

To say Alrara is nothing short of a workhorse would be an understatement. Her dedication since joining Arcona sets the standard for those that follow in her footsteps. There are so many things that I can point out about her. Kindness, strength in adversity, cleverness and so on.

I fully support this promotion for her and all the accolades that go with it she has more than earned this through her drive and determination through thick and thin

Well done Alara

Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona, 2019-09-13 22:03:03 UTC

Alara has been a bright shining light in Arcona for some time now. Her cheery attitude and easy-going personality have won her much love and friendship from her Clanmates and has etched a permanent spot into our hearts.

Despite having a rough time in her real life she has always made time for us and strived to be an active participant in all our activities. She's been there to lend a hand to others, share her passions with us and give it her all when we need her. I'm proud to have her in my Battle Team and in my Clan. And mostly, I'm proud to be her friend.

Fantastic job Alara, you earned this. I look forward to continuing to enjoy your company and smile at your progress.

Bliss, 2019-09-13 22:03:55 UTC

I first met Alara Deathbane shortly after joining the Brotherhood. It was in a small telegram group that had been pulled together from various clans to encourage character building, individually and in building cross-clan relations. I was exposed to just how welcoming, supportive, and encouraging Alara is. And I keep being reminded of those traits whenever I see her interacting with her fellow peers. Offering input, encouraging ideas, and generally being an amazing person to talk to.

Not only that, but Alara has shown her contribution and dedication to our community. Examples span from her time in leadership as a Quaestor in CSP to stepping up and leading group submissions in the war. I was entirely impressed by her ability to wrangle and organize seven other people while also taking the mantle for the technical application. She has volunteered to help mentor our new joins. Alara has remained active on the competition front and has bonded with her clanmates through telegram roleplaying, where she helps offers fictional problem-solving.

It is with great pleasure to support Alara Deathbane for promotion to Augur, Equite 4. Congratulations! You've earned this and I am pleased to have in our Arc family. May the shadows guide you.

Rollmaster, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2019-09-13 23:18:56 UTC

Alara isn't just one of the kindest, cheeriest, and most able to endure anything (you know what I'm talking about, Lara) people in the room; she's also one of the most productive. She's participated in 122 completions, excluding Bins, and was a major Clan asset during the Thirteenth Great Jedi War. I got to watch her in our clan war chat discuss and drive her fellow members like she was a leader herself, constantly offering to bounce ideas, participate in group events, clarify questions and confusion, and do every single comp that she was physically capable of chasing down (save only games she didn't own). I personally got to work with her closest in our Voice Acting multimedia Bin, wherein she took about eighteen different audio files recorded from each of her teammates, selected the best ones, cut them up, edited them all together, added sounds effects and other dynamics that go far over my in head, and put it together in a roughly nine-minute clip to submit for our entry; even then she still offered to try and animate some talking heads for each person, only edged out of time to do so because of being so busy participating in everything else, no less with an injured hand. This included our Clan Run-On, for which she completed a handy two posts as well as proofing for both myself and three other members' posts of two each for a total of eight posts.

And while it may seem paltry to only hear about the great efforts involved in one particular competition, it must be understood that Alara is like this in all that she does. She's not only active but always giving more and more for her fellow members without even being asked and leads as an example, always willing to listen and help. These are the qualities expected of any higher-ranking long term member, and Alara is one such a veteran to look up to, for her leadership both in position and her continuing to do so without even a title to bear. Thank you for everything, Lara. I know you'll keep giving your all to everyone lucky enough to meet you, keep teaching, and keep helping learn and grow. ;)

Satsi Tameike

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2019-09-13 23:29:03 UTC

Alara's value to Clan Arcona is not something that can be overstated. Whether it is bringing home novae and full bin completion in the GJW or merely being an active and friendly member of our Telegram groups, it is evident that she is someone that we can depend on. The previous leadership experience that she brings to the clan will undoubtedly be something that will be put to good use in the future, even if only utilized to provide guidance to the newer members of Arcona.

This promotion is the least we can do to reward Alara for all the hard work she has put in for the clan since she joined us.

Congratulations Alara!

Aldaric, 2019-09-14 00:53:43 UTC

Alara joining Arcona was a welcomed surprise. Since she became a member of our family she has been on a non-stop journey of activity, proving herself among the ranks of our brightest and best. While I never personally knew her before her joining, I'm glad to say that I have found Alara to be a loyal, caring, and kind friend and member of this online club

Since her last promotion Alara has certainly proven herself a capable member and leader. She was one of Arconas 100% Bin participation members in the Discord GJW, and she's earned a silver and a bronze novae for her work in club-wide vendettas. As a competitor, she's proven herself worthy of recognition with an impressive 122 competitions she's participated in, and her works have earned her a Sapphire Blade!

For these reasons and more I more satisfied and beyond happy to congratulate Alara on her promotion to Equite 4. You've done a fantastic job Alara, I cant wait to see what's next from you!.

Master Aiden Lee Deshra, 2019-09-14 02:33:31 UTC
Event ID
Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

The Arconan War Kaleesh, the cybernetic terror, the one known as Skar, Rrogon, Skarbles, etc. A mainstay of Arconan activity and of the Clan’s social environment. Skar is a leader and a member, regularly encouraging others to activity and to better themselves. He has served the Clan faithfully for over a year and a half as Aedile of House Galeres, showing himself to be reliable and willing to learn. He’s been a major part of building the Clan up since the last War, his recruitment efforts bringing in Emere Galo, and as a pair, they’ve brought in almost half a dozen amazing artists, writers, and just all-around awesome people.

He’s been no slouch when it comes to activity and competitiveness, either. As a Summit member, he’s arranged four competitions and participated in ninety-eight more! This includes some writing efforts, with seven completed ACC battles, four Run-On posts, and almost 12,000 words written!

On the medal front, he’s picked up one Ruby, three Amethyst, two Sapphire, and two Emerald Crescents! He's also picked up 16 Clusters of Fire, 52 Clusters of Ice, 259 Clusters of Earth, and a whopping 35 Clusters of Graphite! On top of that are two Dark Crosses for his service and a Silver Nova for his War efforts!

Skar, brother from another mother, its been a long time coming, but I’m happy to be able to do this. It’s been a pleasure watching you grow and learn, and I bet the next one comes quicker.


Kordath Bleu
Arcona, Consul

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2019-09-14 02:47:18 UTC
Additional reasons

I cannot overstate how helpful Skar has been since I began my tenure as Quaestor of House Galeres. Whether it is simply providing the activity numbers for my monthly report, or outlining the first major house event that I will be running, he provides whatever assistance I ask for in short order. I couldn’t ask for a better Aedile to help me while I learn the ins and outs of leading a house in the Brotherhood.

Skar is also a constant positive influence for the members of House Galeres in our Telegram channel and provides a familiar face for members to interact with until they get to know me better. Writing this supporting recommendation was the least I could do to reward him for all the help that he has given me so far.

Congratulations Skar! Well deserved!

Aldaric, 2019-09-13 22:01:37 UTC

Since I joined Arcona few members have been more welcoming and hard-working as Skar. One of our most active telegram members, Skar is always around to offer a kind word or a helpful opinion as a leader and friend in our great Clan. He has served Arcona and House Galeres as a faithful Aedile for nearly 19 months, assisting both Qyreia and now Aldaric as they work towards cementing Galares place as a top House. His consistent level of personal dependency is a welcome and remarkable trait.

Since his last promotion, Skar had kept himself busy. While his real-life job doesn't offer a ton of DB time, he still makes sure to be around for his members whenever they need him and keeps himself available to run events alongside his Quaestor.

I am proud to call Skar a friend and fellow member of Arcona. He is a hard worker and a true testament to our club. I congratulate you Skar in your Promotion to Equite 3. Keep up the great work!

Master Aiden Lee Deshra, 2019-09-14 02:47:11 UTC