Event History

Displaying events 3351 - 3360 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
Old Rank
Major (Equite 2)
New Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The position of Taldryan Consul is one of the most prestigious and difficult in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The history of the position includes a list of our club's greatest members to include: Kir, Jac, Yacks, Shadow, Mav, Halc, and Howie. Stepping into this position is difficult for anyone, but it is nearly unheard of for someone at the rank of Equite 2.

Fortunately for the DJB and Taldryan, Rhylance stepped up to take on the challenge of moving Taldryan from the past and into the future. Rhylance took over Taldryan during a period of transition and rapidly realized he would need to lead the Clan without the support or help from those who came before him. Despite this, he drove forward with proposals to make the Clan more welcoming to the DJB at large, to new members, and to the younger generation of Taldryan talent. Rhylance also worked extremely hard with the DC on Taldryan's fictional future and the redesign of the Clan's Planetary system.

During his 11 months of Consul, Rhylance ran 22 competitions, participated in 133, maintained an active communication platform through email and the DJB news page, and earned over 500 various awards from gaming and competitions. Tack on fiction work, ACC battles, and a couple of Shadow Academy courses and you see that Rhylance has participated in nearly every form of DJB activity and leadership over the past year.

Rhylance, I appreciate all the hard work you have put into our club this past year. Congratulations on your promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-10 18:37:02 UTC
Event ID
Primarch Mihoshi Yukiko Keibatsu
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Primary reason

As a club we distinguish upper equites as members who have not only put forward individual activity, but also contribute to their units and the club through leadership and project work. Yuki, or Jack as most of us know him, has been an Equite 3 since June of 2014. I can safely say that in those three plus years Jack has had an impact on most of COU's roster, through his contributions and leadership. As the parade of summit recommendations here attest, Jack has mentored all of us at one time or another. In addition to today's recommendations, if you examine the merits he has earned since his last promotion (2 Steel Crosses, an Anteian Cross and Dark Cross) you will see a consistent theme of Jack working behind the scenes to help young leaders and newer members. On top of that he has received two Scrolls of the Master for mentoring Maka Vossi (Gui Sol) and Keiji (Lavanth) to Knight. As Edgar details in his recommendation, Jack served as the Aedile for House Hoth as an Equite 3 for a critical four months in the House's development.

As an individual member Jack has participated in 121 competitions (with an additional 26 container competitions) bringing home 47 Crescents. In gaming he has earned 4 Pendants of Blood, 113 Clusters of Fire, and 735 Clusters of Earth. His passion has always been for writing, which shows in his 34 Clusters of Ice for fiction activity. In the most recent Great Jedi War, Jack showed up for 6 of the events and led his run-on team to a Silver Nova, no small feat.

On a more personal note, Jack mentored me when I was a young pup in House Odan-Urr. He made EQ3 a few weeks after I made Knight. I had no creative writing background before coming to the club, as a brand new BTL at that time I had maybe a run-on and three or four fiction competitions under my belt. I was often amazed at Jack's ability to write high quality fiction passages seemingly on the fly (I've watched him work live in a google doc). As a seasoned club veteran, he took the time to pull me, a young pup BTL with barely six months in the club, aside and work with me one on one through some character development and writing exercises. This went on for nearly a month, we must have written tens of thousands of words of fiction that never got turned in for anything. He never got recognized for the time he put in. That's just the kind of person Jack is. He encourages, mentors and fosters members who need it with no thought of recognition or reward. He sees the need and swoops in, taking the pup under his wing.

Thank you for all that you do, you literally helped build COU into what it is today. It has been a long time coming, but welcome to Equite 4. You have the heart of not only a leader, but an elder.

Turel Sorenn
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2017-12-10 02:38:43 UTC
Additional reasons

The man of many names... When I first met Yuki, it was under the name Acheron, followed shortly by Balthier d’Tana in early 2011. I had only been a member of this club for six months at this point and he was usually one of the first to volunteer to proofread my fiction attempts. Not only that, Jack patiently (in his own unique way) explained what I was doing wrong and how to fix it. Nearly seven years and who knows how many characters later, he’s not stopped this despite a very busy schedule, aiding the next generation in improving their own writing and critiquing whatever they submit — artistic attempts, character ideas, storyline concepts and many more.

Yuki encouraged me to apply for my current position and I cannot be more thankful for his tenacious prodding. The change of pace was just what I needed to reinvigorate my spark; there’s a line from a song that perfectly described my outlook at the time ‘The road that you followed, it turned, Can’t find where the fire once burned’. Though, to be fair, it’s an interesting role-reversal as I had only worked under him prior to this when he was an Aedile in Arcona whilst I was a brand new Battleteam Leader.

In the seven months I’ve been in this position, I’ve come to realize that Jack is an ideal member, one of the first to step up to the plate when he’s needed or there’s an activity that captures his interest. And every single thing that he sets his eye upon gets Yuki’s entire focus, blood, sweat and tears; a perfect example is how his Run-On Team in GJW XII: Retribution scored an astounding second place.

In my mind, there is no one more deserving of a promotion to Equite Four. Jack, it’s been a long time coming, and you’ve more than earned it. Congratulations!

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Adept Celevon Werd'a, 2017-12-07 07:48:36 UTC

Yuki aka "Jack" has been one of the core people in my Brotherhood experience, and I am honored to call him a friend. The first time I worked with Jack was on my very first run-on for a Clan event. While we did not complete enough to do anything more than qualify, the lessons I learned about writing from him have stuck with me. I have continued to have the honor of working on several more run-ons with Jack including a first place run on for the Desperate Measures event and a Silver Nova winning run on from the most recent Great Jedi War.

Jack has also been a part of my own character's development, including the addition of my character's second weapons skill - Explosives. He taught me to listen to what my character says and that has been the single biggest piece of advice I have received. Other pieces of advise have come when I was restructuring Len to make the character more realistic and balanced. Those lessons helped me further develop my alternate character Ken.

Jack you have been a good friend and I look forward to continue working with you in the future. You have definitely earned this, congratulations!

Oh and P.S.: I told you so!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-09 03:30:34 UTC

Yuki Suoh or as I know him better Jack. Out of all the recommendations I have ever written this one is the hardest. Not because Jack doesn’t deserve this promotion and not because I think I would have to argue with the MAA about his worth. It’s hard cause the person I will have to strongly convince that Jack is worth this is Jack himself.

So let me say this about Jack, I honestly didn’t know you when I took over as Hoth’s Aedile 2 years ago until you made your presence known to me but immediately getting into my face and almost challenging me from that very first day. Honestly, I didn’t like you at all at that moment.

You were always in my case about writing fiction and letting you proofread it so you can see how I’m doing. You refused to let me rest and was constantly pushing me to be better. It took me a while to finally getting to know you and to see what you were doing. You were dragging me kicking and screaming out of my comfort zone and helping me be a better member, leader, and a better person.

This is what makes jack Special even when he is not in a leadership position he is doing everything he can to mentor someone to make them better. Sometimes if you like it or not if Jack see potential in you he will not stop till you improve and realize his vision. Jack was so instrumental in helping me and many members of the House improve and become a stronger house that when I became the Quaestor and had the chance to hire my first Aedile Jack was my first choice.

For 4 month Jack helped me run the house, create the Hothj Wiki project and was instrumental in the creation of Hoth’s The Scimitar of Lord Hoth. He was and has been one of my closest friends and one of my trusted advisors within the DJB. The amount of times Jack was they to offer support, sage advice or even the voice of reason to myself or any member within COU is almost staggering.

Jack, I could go on forever on how much you earned this promotion but I will end by saying this. You truly are a pillar of the Odanite family and you helped me so much in being the leader I am today that the day you take a leadership role again I would be one of the first people to want to join your unit. You have most definitely have earned my loyalty, my trust and my sword!

Congratulations. my dear friend, bask in the glory of being EQ4 cause you earned this!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-10 01:10:35 UTC

Jack is a grouchy old bastard. Or at least it seems that way to the casual observer. However, looking around, it’s difficult to find a leader in Odan-Urr that Jack hasn’t managed to mentor, at least to some extent. Several others have already references their experiences and the things Jack’s taught them about leadership, writing, or just not being an idiot. For my part, Jack has become one of my primary sounding boards for fiction ideas, one of the few people who can successfully badger me into writing, and a gadfly who makes me a better leader. “I’ll keep you honest,” he’s said to me on various occasions, and he’s lived up to that promise by reminding me to congratulate members in chat and advocating for the new and low-ranked members who don’t have the clout, perspective, or volume of an upper-level equite. He is—dare I say it—kind, generous, and dedicated to nurturing new talent in Odan-Urr and everywhere else he goes.

As Ed pointed out, it’s difficult to really capture Jack’s contributions in a paragraph or two. They’re the kind you don’t notice at first, until they grow and snowball and two years later you realize that the man’s a trusted advisor to half the summit. He’s one of those members who makes the clan stronger just by his very presence. He’s a leader regardless of what position he holds.

Congrats, Jack. After eighteen years, it’s about damn you made it to EQ4.

Alethia Archenksova
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-12-10 01:43:02 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
New Rank
Vanguard (Equite 3)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Tamashi Adaephon Delat or as I know him Mord join Odan-Urr over a year ago and since then has been a powerhouse of activity, communication, leadership and a great member of the Odanite Family.

Mord recently joined Hoth a few months ago and from my personal experience is he a great team player, always looking to volunteer his time to help someone out and he always looking to help anyone in the house from summit to new member. He never shies away from offering his help to anyone, not just his own clan but the club as well.

Most impressively are his activity numbers since his last promotion. Mord organized 24 competitions and Co-organized an additional 10 as well. Not to mention he participated in 175 competitions (along with 33 Containers), as well as taking 3 SA courses and earning his Dark Maven in Philosophy.

Mord kept himself extremely busy but his time was not wasted doing all of that he was able to attain a mighty treasure horde as well. Mord has earned 2 Grand Crosses, 1 Steel Cross, 1 Anteian Cross, 1 Silver Nova (for GJW12 Comic), 1 Diamond Star, 1 Ruby Star, 14 Amethyst Stars, 4 Sapphire Stars, 11 Emerald Stars. 6 Topaz Stars, 6 Pendants of Blood, 330 Clusters of Fire, 9 Clusters of Ice (for 2 ACC Matches, 729 words of fiction and 587 words in a Run On), 18 Clusters of Graphite and 841 Clusters of Earth.

Not to mention for support Odan-Urr in the Great Jedi War XII he was awarded 9 Seals of Wrath for his efforts.

Mord is a wonderful member, a proven leader and when given his next chance will make a excellent future leader in the DJB! So it's my pleasure and my Honor to Promote Tamashi to Equite 3, a rank very much deserved and earned!

Congratulations, Mord!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-10 01:12:11 UTC
Additional reasons

When we were looking for a replacement Battle Team Leader after I took over the Aedile spot, I honestly did not know very well who Tamashi was. Now many months later, I count him as a good friend. I have had the honor of working with him in a couple of run-ons, developed Battle Team lore for the Pathfinders with him, and got into friendly arguments about tactics late into the night in either of our time zones.

Tamashi is always one of the first to put his hand up for something. Whether it is putting in applications for leadership, offering to help a member review a fiction submission, taking on a student, or volunteering to join a team, you probably will see him lining up to help any who need it.

It is my pleasure to have a part in recommending Tamashi for this promotion, welcome the EQ3 club my friend!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-08 15:10:57 UTC

I first met Mord / Tamashi a few years ago when he joined Arcona. At the time, he struck me as an eager member full of creative ideas and a willingness to attempt to push the envelope on character creation. Since then, Tamashi has come into his own as a leader and matured greatly. He still possesses the creativity and drive that caught my attention, though it’s now tempered with patience and understanding of the system.

As a member, Tamashi is patient, kind and helpful to those within Odan-Urr who seek assistance in developing their own characters. That is not all this selflessness is limited to, as he is willing to offer a helping hand in proofreading and critiquing artwork that the other members request help with.

His drive was shown in GJW XII: Retribution, where he was but one of many that helped Odan-Urr attain First Clan. Thus, it is my distinct pleasure to join the others in recommending that Tamashi Adaephon Delat be promoted to Equite Three.

Congratulations Mord! Keep up the good work!

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Adept Celevon Werd'a, 2017-12-08 21:46:52 UTC

Mord has been a member I have known for a couple of years. We go back to our days playing Star Conflict together among other games. Through time we both ended up finally in the same Clan and House here in Odan. Mord eventually would allow me to join his Battle team at the time and later on we would serve on the House Summit together where we continued to share ideas for growth and development as well as ways to move it forward. His time in leadership here in COU is respected and I’m happy to be able to provide a recommendation towards his promotion. You deserve it Mord! Congrats brother and drinks are on you.

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-09 04:15:25 UTC

Mord’s probably the friendliest and most outgoing Odanite I know, to the point where most mornings I check Telegram to see a “Heya. How's it going?” from him. He’s a constant presence in various clan and house channels, offering ideas and kind words to help keep morale high. He’s always eager to collaborate on pretty much anything: making his character, making your character, plot developments, casual gaming, the list goes on. Mord is also exceptionally curious and engaged as a member. We frequently talk about various projects and policies, both for his own interest and because he’s always looking for an opportunity to help someone out. That’s some that has, without Mord even realizing it, been very helpful to me as a leader. I’m always able to think through things out loud, and if I can’t explain or pitch something effectively to Mord, then I have some thinking to do before I have to engage a less friendly audience.

Mord, welcome to the EQ3 club!

Alethia Archenksova
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-12-09 18:21:38 UTC

Some may not know this but Tamashi is an active participant in the Master-Student program, helping train the future generation of Odanites. First, he took on an apprentice and helped them out, guiding them through ranks and staying in touch with them on a regular basis. Second, he took the time to help out other unassigned Journeymen, offering advice and being a supportive clan member when they needed it. This helped me out a lot since I can't be everywhere at once. Taking care of Odan-Urr's Journeymen sometimes needs an extra helping hand and as such they are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for helping grow Odan-Urr's future from the ground up. I greatly appreciate your dedication, assistance, and initiative. Congratulations and great work!

Gives free sushi and Rancor Tequila

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-09 06:29:58 UTC

Tamashi (or Mord, as he's known) is among my closest friends in Odan-Urr, both before his transfer to our Clan and after. For a long time, not a week went without Mord and I chatting about character development in the club, which led to his move to write the character Tamashi who stands out as one of our most unique characters and fun to write. As a Quaestor, I also recall the lengths that Mord went through to be as involved as possible in the club as a BTL of Garza's Pathfinders, assisting with the wiki, proofing submissions and offering assistance wherever he could.

From one friend to another, you've earned this, Mord. Congrats!

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2017-12-09 11:08:11 UTC
Event ID
Greenfire Solaris
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

I am delighted to announce that greenfire is eligible for promotion.

First of all, he has taken part in an excellent ten competitions, including several events from the Great Jedi War. He has also been highly active in the Shadow Academy, where passing courses such as Leadership Management has allowed him to obtain the fourth rank in the Shadow Academy's society. His excellent gaming activity, earning 161 Clusters of Fire, is enough for the fourth rank within the Grand Master's Royal Guard.

greenfire has also been awarded his first merit award, a Dark Cross, and has held his current rank for the required 21 days.

Congrats on the promotion, greenfire.

Just one more for the lightsaber!

, 2017-12-09 17:44:54 UTC
Event ID
Leeadra Halcyon
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

Though she describes herself as ‘smol’, there is nothing small about Leeadra’s presence within Arcona. Lee has proven herself to be a powerhouse, both in activity and in her social presence within the club.

Since her last promotion, Lee has participated in a total of 39 competitions, earning 27 Clusters of Fire, 10 Clusters of Ice, 10 Clusters of Earth, 6 Clusters of Graphite, and 6 Crescents. She demonstrated a persistent level of activity during the war, participating in 8 bins and earning 10 Seals of Wrath. She has also organized 5 competitions, and co-organized 2, since her promotion.

Leeadra served as the inaugural Battleteam Leader for Voidbreaker for 4 months. During that time, she worked with me to co-organize the War Games event between the Voidbreaker and Shadow Gate Battleteams. Her efforts earned her a Dark Cross, as well as recognition as an inspiring and tireless leader.

I would be remiss if I did not mention her social activities within the club. Lee is a constant presence on Telegram, where her pleasant personality and unique sense of humor provides encouragement to her clan mates. She also makes frequent appearances in Hangouts, when she is not starting them herself.

For all of her accomplishments, and for being an awesome blueberry, it is my honor to recommend Lee for promotion to Equite I. Congratulations, Lee! Drinks are on you tonight!

Lucine Vasano,

Battleteam Leader, Voidbreaker

Terran Koul, 2017-12-09 04:02:14 UTC
Additional reasons

At some point in a young plant's life, it blossoms and produces fruit from its labor. That point has arrived for Leeadra Halcyon. Lee, as we fondly call her, has proven her place in Arcona through competitions, community and more. While others will have touched upon the specifics, I will vouch for her spirit and determination. Lee is one of those individuals you can count on seeing in the Brotherhood Telegram chats. The Blueberry is friendly, approachable and open, swearing her bark is worse than her bite. Often she aids and encourages others in their prospects, while venturing out on her own. She’s currently running a Sithmas competition, And what would YOU like for Sithmas this year?, to the entirety of the club. An interest to give prompts to our community is something we encourage and are glad to see. Keep at it, Lee!

Leeadra had stepped up and tackled the Great Jedi War. This fruit ninja was fresh to an event of this magnitude, yet she still pounded out eight bins, even completely participating in the Phase I Miscellaneous bin! Her tenacity and creativity surpasses what we ever hope for from a member. More importantly, Leeadra has worked to become more than just a teammate or a clan mate but a friend to those she interacts with.

It is my great pleasure to see Leeadra Halcyon promoted to Equite I. Congratulations, Mystic! May the star light stay lit upon your leaves.


Aedile of Qel-Droma, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-12-09 03:52:52 UTC

Leeadra has been a constant, unwavering presence since she joined Arcona. In that time, I've gotten to interact with her on many occasions, and I am always grateful that she chose the Shadow Clan. She is driven, tenacious and fierce, and this shows through in both her activity and her interactions with those around her.

As Battleteam Leader of Voidbreaker, she proved herself to be a natural leader, easily bonding with her newly-formed team and spurring them to develop their characters, their new environments, and the team itself. She commanded the team's maiden voyage, and its continuing success - even after she stepped down - is a testament to the passion she poured into its creation.

Beyond her abilities as a leader, and the goodwill and enthusiasm she inspires in others, she is also a fierce competitor in her own right. Since her elevation to Knight, she has participated in dozens of competitions, and (co)-organized over half a dozen of her own. She has garnered two Dark Crosses for her service, numerous Crescents, and a fair few Clusters as well. During the this past Great Jedi War, she completed ten events across eight bins, helping secure second place for Clan Arcona.

Leeadra, for everything you've done, for the constant time and effort you've given your Clan, it is my honor to recommend you be elevated to the ranks of the Equites. I can't wait to see what you do next.

  • Terran Koul, Quaestor of House Qel-Droma

Terran Koul, 2017-12-09 04:01:53 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Lieutenant (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Captain (Equite 1)
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

leocadio has been a valuable asset in House Satele Shan for some time. Even during the war when he was busy in RL, he made time to stay in contact and participate when he could in 5 different GJW events which helped lead Odan Urr to its victory. Since his last promotion he has participated in 51 competitions, earned 2 Shadow Academy degrees, 2 Antenian Crosses, 10 crescents giving him a 1:5 ratio per competition submitted and winning a crescent, 510 Clusters of Fire, 241 Clusters of Earth, and even dusting off his artistic skills with 4 Clusters of Graphite.

Crossing the line from Knight is a great achievement and leocadio you have earned this in your continuous service. Congrats brother!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-08 18:24:53 UTC
Additional reasons

leocardio, the man the myth the beard!

You sir are a amazing friend and one of the most interesting people I know. I have known you for a few years now your drive, passion and wealth of knowledge is amazing. When your time allows you activity goes through the roof. You are always willing to join us in earning clusters on the PS4 or the PC, your passion for programming help your earned your Dark Savant in programming as well.

You have become an integral part of House Shan and someone both your leaders and I can rely on when it comes to the big events. You did everything you could to join in on the war effort and for thank we are eternally grateful.

So I guess this is the time where I say I support you for your promotion but let’s be real I’m only here to promote that beard of yours, it’s EPIC!

Seriously thought I am proud of you and Welcome to the Equite ranks!

Congratulations leo!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House House

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-06 15:22:15 UTC

leocadio has been an excellent member of House Satele Shan and I have to say a good friend. We first joined around the same time and played I don't know how many hours of Star Conflict we played together, you shouting "High Ho Silver Awaaaaaay" every time you would jump to a beacon. I was sad as time went on that you were not able to keep up the activity level you started out with, but real life always comes first. Though you did keep in touch semi-regularly and eventually you returned as a presence in gaming.

Before the war, you entered joined the Dark Savant in Programming, which is something you not only like to do, but seem especially talented with it.

As your Aedile and friend, I look forward to watching you continue to rise through the Brotherhood. Enjoy your success leo, you definitely deserve to...that and a nice pizza.

Commander Len Iode

Aedile, House Satele Shan of Clan Odan-Urr

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-06 17:13:57 UTC
Event ID
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

Talis is a dedicated member of Odan-Urr who was a valuable part of the Clan recent earning the title of first Clan of the DJB for the GJW. He had an active presence by competiting in 7 GJW competitions and securing placement points towards the Clan's success. In addition to this he has participated in 39 competitions, to include 5 ACC battles and many other fiction events where he earned a massive 47 Clusters of Ice! Through this time he also earned 2 Dark Crosses, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 6 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 2 Crescent with Emerald Star, and 2 Crescent with Topaz Star allowing him to earn a Crscent on average for every 3 competitions he participates in! He hasn't shyed away from gaming, or his art abilities where he gained 10 Clusters of Earth, and 4 Clusters of Graphite. In the Shadow Academy he went to work passing 10 courses and earning 2 degrees in the process. Lastly his loyatly to the club has been proven over time where he earned 1 Seal of Loyalty.

These numbers are quite amazing for a JM4 crossing into the next chapter of their career. I'm excited for the future and cannot wait to see where Talis goes in the DJB. Congrats brother!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-08 18:25:29 UTC
Additional reasons

Talis assisted Odan-Urr during the Jedi Praxeum project, helping his Clan define a key part of its lineage: the training of Jedi. He played a crucial part in the completion of the Trials section and School Curriculum, both of which were important parts of the Jedi Praxeum effort. First, he helped create the Trials section along with a partner. It would inform the School Curriculum itself, a key section. Second, he used his existing knowledge on the Trials, along with some guidance, to write a rough draft of the School Curriculum. These efforts allowed the team to spread out the work effectively, a document that had a lot of sections to complete.

In summary, his work on this project and his unique viewpoints were greatly appreciated on this project, resulting in the creation of a great Jedi Praxeum wiki page. He did a good job and was a good teammate, helping me push things forward during a time on the project where things were starting to stall on some of the sections. His volunteered time and effort helped make an excellent product. It is my pleasure to recommend that Talis DeMorte join the Equites.


Aura Ta'var

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-07 01:43:11 UTC

As long as I have known Talis, he has been one of the most dedicated members of House Satele Shan. He hypes things like no other House member, outside of the Summit. Talis is always willing to volunteer and what he sets his mind to, he completes. Whether it's writing a very good application for Battle Team Leader, or working on Clan Wiki pages Talis is there offering his support and giving his all.

When he isn't volunteering, he is giving it all in all sorts of comps. As Maximus said in the primary recommendation he has earned 47 CIs which is a very impressive number!

It is my pleasure to recommend Talis DeMorte for his promotion to EQ1! You have earned this my friend, keep up the good work!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-08 18:01:14 UTC
Event ID
Colonel Len Iode
Old Rank
Major (Equite 2)
New Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

Len Iode, my right hand man, my fiction confidant, my new found online friend. Many times I've heard about the DC's talks to scrapping the Aedile positions in the future and when I stop and think about that I know I would be at a loss. Running a house and espcially Shan takes more time than most know. Between the chats to bounce ideas off each other, to forming events, proofing, writing 2 hour long fiction reports monthly, pouring over excel sheets to track member rewards and promos, it is a task that still consumes much of my time and that is with your help that never has missed a beat. I for one could not imagine running Satele Shan as well as we have without having you as my main man.

Promotion to EQ3 is where many hit a leadership barrier before elevation and it's also one where a member must go from being a consumer to a producer with leadership impact. I my friend can say you have nailed it on the head. Since your last promotion you have held a 2 month stink as BTL, and a collective 6 months as Aedile. In addition you went on to lead by example participating in 69 competitions, and hit all, but one bin in the GJW netting you 3 Silver Novae for your efforts.

In raw numbers he has earned 1 Steel Cross for his efforts in leadership to the House, 3 Silver Nova for his outstanding submissions during the most recent GJW, 4 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 3 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 2 Crescent with Emerald Star, and 1 Crescent with Topaz Star for various placements in those 69 competitions. In the gaming realm he has netted 1 Pendant of Blood, 124 Cluster of Fire, and 154 Clusters of Earth. As one of the great fiction writers who even placed 8th in Phase II of the GJW he continued to write in various competitions helping him earn 31 Cluster of Ice. Lastly not shying away from art he was able to earn 13 Cluster of Graphite. He even managed to find time to take and pass 3 Shadow Academy courses furthering his knowledge and all of these amazing numbers since his last promotion!

Len I am truly proud of all your efforts. You have proven to lead by example, and I'm glad to have you as a friend. This promotion is for all your work you have put into molding our House who helped our Clan secure a 1st Clan finish. Drinks are on you brother!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-08 13:31:36 UTC
Additional reasons

So my dear friend the time has come for you to be promoted in rank and I am very happy and eager to lend my support for your elevation. Len you are an awesome member, friend, writer and most of all a one of the best leaders we have in Odan-Urr right now. Even though I was your master over the course of the few years we have known each other it was you teaching me things more than I being able to teach you.

You have a great vision, scope and desire to improve the quality of life not only for the members in your unit but for the entire clan. I was honored to work with you on our Silver award winning Comic entry in the GJW XII, and it is always a pleasure to write along side you.

You have overcome many struggles both in Real Life and in the club to just bounce back with the spirit and the vigor we all know you to have. You have completely taken our member first attitude and applied it well in everything you do for House Shan. I know you can go far in this club and it will be awesome to watch you attain everything you set your mind to.

So my friend this is more than an Honor to support your promotion to Equite 3 and I'm very proud of you!

Congratulations Len!

Edgar Drachen Quaestor of House House

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-06 15:03:23 UTC

Len Iode, my reliable and awesome friend, you've been a great teammate and friend to me for the last year or so. Whenever I think of who to join my Battleplan and Runon teams, both of which require a great deal of effort and team coordination, I immediately think of you. (Everyone else get your hands off him!) Here are a few reasons just to make you blush. First, you are always been available to type up battleplan sections no matter what hour of the night. Our powwows are awesome and we got so much done. This effort earned a silver nova! Second, you are a great teammate, patient and understanding but also willing to grab something and finish it. I firmly believe you have saved a few scary runon moments by taking lead on posts and executing wonderfully even if uncertain. This was particularly true during the GJW runon, during which we placed second! Third, your sense of humor is a great addition to the team's mood and our creative juices, helping ensure we have a bunch of fun in the process.

A lot of these skills transfer over to his duties as Aedile as well. He uses these abilities to help Odan-Urr be the best it can be and help others, whether his team is a Battleplan, Runon, or Satele Shan. As his teammate on the Clan Summit and his friend, I believe that Len Iode is more than deserving of this promotion and shown time and again his worth to Odan-Urr family.

Congratulations and great work!!!! Zeltron hugs

Gives free sushi and tequila

Aura Ta'var

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-07 02:06:29 UTC

Len is the unsung hero of Odan-Urr. Aedile and Battleteam Leader are not glamorous, sexy positions, and it’s all too easy to overlook how much these leaders contribute to the health of their units. Aside from a brief hiatus to tend to his RL career and family, Len has been an integral part of Satele Shan since before his promotion at the beginning of the year. A good leader is never limited to the bare minimum of their job description. While Len was Garza’s BTL, he provided all of the counsel, planning, and leadership that I would expect from an Aedile. As Aedile under me, then Moro, and now Maximus, Len has served as a full partner in house leadership. Case in point: as I write this, I have nine award requests from him sitting in my admin pane, in addition to the many others to which he’ll be contributing co-recs.

Even beyond house leadership, Len’s been a steady, mature, and insightful presence on Odan-Urr’s summit for ages now. As I think the breadth of recommendations show, Len has earned the trust and respect of the entire clan’s leadership thanks to his sound judgement and quiet, but steadfast, passion for doing right by his members.

I also have to point out that Len’s engaged in every avenue of activity available to him; he’s earned all four cluster types, fought in the ACC, studied in the Shadow Academy, and participated in all but one bin in the Great Jedi War. He does this not just for his own entertainment, but because he’s serious about supporting competition organizers and setting a good example for his members. In short, he already acts the way we expect of an upper equite.

Congrats, Len. Never change.

Alethia Archenksova
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-12-07 12:46:26 UTC

As others have detailed Len is a stable, dedicated and hard-working member of the COU summit. His effect on House Shan and the COU as a whole cannot be understated. As Arch so eloquently stated, Len doesn't seek the spotlight, he shows up doing the behind the scenes work to take care of his members and lead them from the front in his own activity.

Thank you for everything you do for House Shan and COU. Congratulations! I have no doubt you'll continue to climb higher and higher in leadership.

Turel Sorenn
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2017-12-07 18:55:00 UTC
Event ID
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Primary reason

This wandering ex-moisture farmer has been secretly slipping into the Dark Jedi Brotherhood like the passive intel gatherer they are. With the Great Jedi War XII having just occurred, Luka has participated in 4 of the competition bins. They even placed in the Machines are Stronger graphic competition, earning them 4 Clusters of Graphite. Luka has tackled the unfamiliar Pazaak realm, netting them 2 Clusters of Fire. For a brand new member, this War activity is certainly an accomplishment worthy of pride.

In the time since their last promotion, Luka had participated in 7 competitions total, including the above war comps. This has granted them 1 Amethyst Crescent, 1 Emerald Crescent, and 1 Topaz Crescent. In addition to these competitions, they have completed 3 Shadow Academy courses. Matching the quiet and observing nature of the character, Luka has slowly but surely been exploring the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. They have participated in their Clan’s and Battleteam’s Telegram chats, and utilized the Brotherhood forums as a means of introducing themselves to the club. They also have an active character sheet and have updated it since their last promotion.

It is with the above activity and the fantastic involvement in the war that I recommend Luka Zarkot for promotion to Acolyte! Congratulations, Luka! May the Force watch over your journey through this plane.

Zujenia Aedile of Qel-Droma, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-12-07 18:23:23 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

In the short time that has passed since he joined the DB, Grot has quickly established himself as one of Arcona's rising stars. He is always eager to help with any proofing or projects and is a powerhouse of activity, both in competitions and in other areas within the club.

Since his last promotion, Grot has completed a total of 16 competitions and 11 PVP matches. During the war, he submitted to every bin, and even earned a Gold Nova and a Bronze Nova. He is also chewing his way through the Shadow Academy at an impressive speed. Since his last promotion, he has completed an additional 15 courses and has earned 3 more degrees.

Finally, he has proven himself to be quite helpful with additional Clan activities. He is always willing to help proof for anyone who needs. He also is performing wiki work on the Selen Development project, and has proved himself to be invaluable in that area.

Grot is enthusiastic and tireless in his participation and his hard work and dedication are sincerely appreciated. He is truly a boon for Arcona, and for the DB as well. As such, it is my honor to recommend him for promotion to Professional.

Congratulations, Grot! You are the best murder lizard a Sith could want, and I am looking forward to witnessing your continued meteoric rise!

  • Lucine Vasano, Battleteam Leader of Voidbreaker

Terran Koul, 2017-12-07 02:31:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Since joining our illustrious membership, Grot has never once ceased to participate. From day one, he has been active in the community, both Arconan and beyond, and already Grot has forged bonds both fictional and real with our membership, displaying a helpful and open attitude towards all our members. Having joined just prior to the GJW XII, he gave amazing service during the conflict, outperforming many veteran members and shining as a beacon of exemplar participation in category after category. Even prior to the War, and most astonishingly during it, Grot has also savaged the Shadow Academy and the mental image of our brave Trandoshan hunter devouring scrolls and slaying exams has not once ceased to amuse me. Rare have been the days when I have not had my inbox spammed by half-a-dozen SA courses completed by him.

Beyond all of this, Grot has taken up many projects that others might find boring or uninspiring, warming my heart personally by his vigor and drive in cleaning up the Arconan Wiki and finding true enjoyment in that most noble of callings, military logistics. In these ventures, as in almost all things he undertakes, he displays a keen mind and creative drive which I know will carry him far in the future.

My only regret is that your rise to this rank was so quick that I never had a good time to write a proper co-authored fiction, but I’m certain there will be opportunities aplenty to net Grot some more points in the future. Thank you for your service so far, Grot, and once again, welcome to the Clan! Arcona Invicta!

  • Tali Sroka, Master

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2017-12-07 02:29:30 UTC

Grot the lizardman is on the hunt and his prey? The Dark Jedi Brotherhood. This challenge seeker has gnawed through each and every task thrown his way, quicker than his handlers can feed him. All fun Trandoshan analogies aside, Grot really has been building a name for himself. He heavily participates in the Shadow Academy, it is rare to not see several courses passing through my email regarding his studies. I would be surprised if there was anything he hadn’t done yet. When the Academy doesn’t scratch his itch, Grot turns to competitions. It doesn’t matter what particular types they are either, fiction, graphic, flash game, etc. Yet, SA and competition activity pales in comparison to his drive and willingness to both propose and work on projects for his clan. From militia proposals to wiki work, Grot has presented to us what we strive to encourage in all members. It is refreshing to see Grot’s collaborative works with other members, having helped spur one a many fiction idea or character development with his fellow teammates.

If all of that was not impressive, certainly the fact that this individual, who had wandered into our part of the galaxy only two months ago, had completed every single competition bin there was to be wrought in the GJW XII! It was through his hard efforts that he had scored both a Gold and a Bronze Novae, a feat rarely heard of from such new blood!

It is with great pleasure to see you rightfully promoted to Journeyman IV. Congratulations, Grot! You have earned it thricefold! I look forward to what you bring to Arcona and the Brotherhood. The stars are your playground, Scales.


Aedile of Qel-Droma, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-12-07 02:30:22 UTC

Grot has made quite the name for himself since he joined the Brotherhood two months ago. He rose to Yeoman in little over a month, and his effort and drive have yet to falter. In the last month alone, he has participated in 19 competitions, earning multiple Crescents and even two Novae during the War. He was also awarded a Steel Cross, both for his competitive nature and for his efforts to improve Arcona's Wiki presence. He's written nearly 9,000 words of fiction in that time, not including his wiki submissions, and passed fifteen courses. Needless to say, he's a powerhouse of activity.

In addition to his quantifiable contributions, he is a persistent presence and Telegram, regularly developing ideas for storylines, projects, and other ways he can improve his Battleteam, House and Clan.

In short, he is a joy to have in Arcona, a member with the drive, the enthusiasm, and the talent to excel. Though his journey as a Journeyman is concluding, I have no doubt that his greater contributions to the Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole have just begun.

Grot, it is with a great deal of pride and pleasure that I hereby recommend you for elevation to the rank of Professional. Congratulations!

  • Terran Koul, Quaestor, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2017-12-07 02:30:46 UTC