Event History

Displaying events 3361 - 3370 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Karus, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Liath, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-07 03:51:35 UTC
Event ID
Evelynn Wyrm
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

It has been over a year since Evelynn Wyrm joined the ranks of our club's Battlemasters in August of 2016 and yet he has not been lounging about in that time. Some are content to game on in Diablo 3, Pazaak, Heroes of the Storm, Destiny 2, Starcraft 2, Overwatch and Pazaak. Rather than that, Evelynn worked hard as an Aedile to make his House more competitive over two months, before taking the seat of Quaestor of Shar Dakhan for another 5 months. He also worked as a Magistrate under the office of the Fist for 3 months, showing his desire to help improve the experiences of his fellow club as well as Clan members. Evelynn worked to provide members opportunities to take part in various activities and I can honestly look at House Shar Dakhan today and see his fingerprints. The House has remained competitive, and he has remained more than willing to offer advice as he feels it is needed to help strengthen our unit.

One part of leadership is to lead from the front. I don't think it can be argued that Evelynn has failed to do that. Since last promotion, he has participated in 181 competitions, organized 15 competitions of his own and helped out others with running another 12. He has remained a solid gaming presence in the Clan- a natural area of strength for him- through a healthy dose of Player versus Player and Player versus Environment activities. Remember those platforms that I listed above? Evelynn has PVP'd in Jedi Academy, Force Arena, Pazaak, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2 and Overwatch. The really cool part of those 78 PvP matches? His experience in Jedi Academy served him well in the 12th Great Jedi War.

His PVE activities and dedication in Heroes of the Storm, Destiny 2 and Diablo 3 in particular also proved helpful in the War. He managed to take 3rd in the 1v1 Jedi Academy Tournament, 5th as part of a team in the Heroes of the Storm 2v2 Tournament, and snagging a tight 1st place in the Diablo 3 Greater Rift Solo Run competition. All that PVE activity adds up to 242 bits. That is a lot of Rift running, a lot of matches vs bots in HOTS and a healthy chunk of Destiny 2.

Now, despite his taste for gaming, Evelynn is again not only a gamer. He has also taken and passed 7 courses, completed 2 ACC battles, and participated in 10 fiction activities. Those 10 activities include six RO posts over which he wrote 2439 words and another 1667 besides. He also scored six Legions of the Scholar between taking part in Telegram trivia, hosting Telegram trivia and placing in event-related trivia competitions. He also wrote 6 news posts during his stints as Aedile and Quaestor, keeping our members in the know and going to lengths to ensure they remained motivated. During this time he worked to try to make the concept of the more competitive Disciples of Dakhan battle team more viable. It is a testament to his work that the current Quaestor has continued the operation of the Disciples to this day.

That isn't to say his work has went unrecognized. Evelynn received a Grand Cross, a Steel Cross and an Anteian Cross for activity and on the first two awards, his demonstration of commitment to the unit. Since joining the Equite 2, he has farmed in Clusters of Fire (2428!), Clusters of Earth (1911!) Pendants of Blood (24!) and Clusters of Ice (10) through hard work. He doesn't just like to play hard though. In more than gaming, Evelynn likes to win. He has shown this in the 78 awards he has roped up for competitions. That is right, I said 78 awards. This spans from measly 1 Crescent with Quartz Star, to 4 Crescents with Emerald Star, to 15 Crescents with Sapphire Star, to 24 Crescents with Amethyst Star and 25 Crescents with Ruby Star. Now, that isn't all but I do want to point out how this is a bit significant. The more serious the competition, the more than he has stepped up. That and it gets a little harder for the eye to track as I rattle off numbers. I didn't want to diminish the impressive nature of the next bit. The 7 Crescents with Diamond Star are nothing to sneeze at but his crowning moment of awesome is how Evelynn earned a Bronze and Gold Nova in the recent War! Not bad given the 17 of a 28 possible comps he took part in during GJW XII.

At this point, I could reiterate how hard he works, how dedicated he has been, or throw off some line about leadership that sounds like it came from a bad movie. I think I will pass on that. Really, all of his work seems to largely speak for itself. It has been a rewarding experience working with Evelynn, I love seeing the care he has shown for what they he takes part in. I also love the fact that even as he stepped down from a position he never stepped completely away. That care for what happened in Naga Sadow did not stop. So I think it is proper time that we recognize that care and hard work. I hereby recommend that Battlemaster Evelynn Wyrm be promoted to the esteemed rank of our 3rd grade Equites. Congratulations, Battlelord. I look forward to seeing what more you will accomplish as a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I also really hope that you will be chilling, fighting and gaming alongside us for some time to come.

You know, like until the world ends or we all become old and senile or something.

Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2017-12-05 15:46:56 UTC
Additional reasons

Evelynn has gone above and beyond on every occasion that I've asked him. He's led from the front in every event. He's supported and encouraged his fellow members and has mentored many of them in gaming. He took the time out to coach me in Heroes of the Storm and Diablo 3. Several evenings spent gaming and pointing out where I went wrong ans how I can improve. I've not been the only person Evelynn has coached or helped gain Paragon levels in Diablo 3, in order to be able to run Rifts and earn clusters. Evelynn has been a positive influence in Naga Sadow and has helped the Clan re-find its feet when it comes to gaming. For his hard work over these past 13 months have given us ample reason to see Naga Sadow come fourth in the Great Jedi War and come within a hairs' length of taking third.

Combine this with his leadership and activity, mentoring Aul Celsus, Jurdan Krennel and Lilith, Evelynn left HSD in a strong position. Evelynn has had a lot of say in the Clan and I've listened to his ideas a lot, even if we may not have always seen eye to eye, I could rely on Evelynn to speak his mind and he had several excellent ideas of his own that he was able to implement.

The creation of the Disciples of Dakhan and the growth under Aul has seen them become a positive change that Evelynn enacted to counteract a sense of inactivity and malaise that had affected HSD and CNS.

Thank you for all of your hard work, Evelynn.

Congratulations on reaching the rank of Battlelord!


Consul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-12-04 19:35:24 UTC

Well it's kind of hard to follow all of this up. You have seen the numbers and the intangibles that have helped Evelynn lead HSD into a new future now under Aul and myself. The ideas we have had together have been good and not so good but one thing is for sure, there are never a lack of ideas on what to do. Gamer, writer, friend, colleague, Evelynn gave me my first shot at Aedile when no one else wanted me around, not even members of CNS. I am proud to have served with Evelynn and I continue to proudly serve under Aul. Great job with all of your hard work over this past year and keep it up into the future!

Tribune Kanal O'neill, 2017-12-05 05:53:06 UTC

What is there left to say about Aexod/Evelynn/Doc Serbia? He is an outstanding member of Naga Sadow and Shar Dakhan, and lives his legacy every day. I can think of no better example of a member who has lead by example on a consistently impressive level. I won't go into the minutiae of what he has accomplished because that was thoroughly covered by others in this recommendation. I will simply say that I am appreciative for the groundwork that Aex laid down ahead of my taking the helm of HSD, but am even more appreciative of his desire to continue to excel from the ranks of the membership. This promotion is very well deserved. Congratulations, Aex.

Aul Celsus, Quaestor

Aul Celsus, 2017-12-05 15:46:04 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

In looking at Blackhawk’s recent activity, he’s participated in seven events for GJW XII, in addition to (since his last promotion: https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/14299/assessment/promotion) organizing or co-organzing 11 events, participating in a total of 58 events, earning 225 total medals with a Steel Cross high, and generally being one of our most involved members. Blackhawk has served in either a Team lead or Aedile position for a total of five months, and is just waiting for another opportunity to show some time in leadership. He is constantly active in our Telegram channel, and helps to present a very welcoming, active culture with conversation and friendship. He has exhibited himself to be incredibly dedicated, and always ready to serve Tarentum’s cause.

I would suggest that Blackhawk has more than shown himself to be a dedicated member and leader, and is ready for that advancement into the Equite ranks. He has passed three courses in the Shadow Academy, showing his commitment to further Club-based training. He has written more than 2,000 words of fiction in his time of Knighthood, as well as playing various matches in gaming activities. While there is still much to learn for Blackhawk, again, he is more than ready to be elevated to Warrior.

Congratulations, Blackhawk!

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-05 16:31:00 UTC
Event ID
Zyron Kael
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Dolash (now Ahab, recent name change) has been in Tarentum for just around ten months now. He was last elevated about seven years ago, and last given an Antei Cross about six months ago. In his service to Tarentum, I can attest that his is invaluable as a leading member, whether in a position or not. He is a veteran member of the Club who can (and has) mentor in a Team, mentor is a peer, and is ready to serve wherever Tarentum needs him. We discuss his future prospects regularly, and he has never stopped letting me know that he is ready for the call to leadership, or to serve at any level.

Since his last promotion, he most-recently served as Team lead of the Viata for about five months, but also served as a Magistrate to the Seneschal for over a year. He has organized foru events, and participated in a total of 80 events, with his most recent being eleven events for the GJW (which I think is actually a tie for most-in-Clan with Ranarr). He has played in over 50 matches of either gaming or ACC competition, written close to 3,700 words of fiction, passed 15 Shadow Academy courses and earned three degrees, gained 305 medals with an Anteian Cross high, and has continued to be a cheerleader for Tarentum.

Whether Dolash, or Ahab, Martumal, Voden or otherwise, he is known to me as one of those members in Tarentum I cannot overlook, because he simply wouldn’t let me if I tried. He is on Telegram every day, he is an example to others, and even to myself. I am grateful to have him, and I hope he feels fulfilled and appreciated within Tarentum.

Truly, you have my gratitude, Ahab.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-05 16:33:12 UTC
Event ID
Arryn Caverns
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Primary reason

What can I say about Syn? That she’s a pain in the arse? Everyone knows that. That she causes trouble wherever she goes? That is guaranteed. That since coming back to CNS she’s shown a sheer aptitude for getting things done and getting her nose stuck in? Yep, that too.

Syn is a firecracker and a joy to have in my house. Since coming back she’s proven invaluable to not just House Marka Ragnos but Clan Naga Sadow as a whole. Getting stuck into competitions, asking for projects to do and writing non-stop.

It’s her writing that truly makes the little wonder stand out. Her combined total word count since her last promotion stands at a staggering 12,439 words across only 6 fiction activities and 3 Run On posts. Including helping enforce her team's activity on the recent Great Jedi Run On and helping her team place in the top ten!

Syn was last promoted way back in April 2016 so this promotion is way past due. Since her last promotion she has earned 1 Dark Cross, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 2 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 1 with an Emerald Star, 9 Clusters of Fire and 17 Clusters of Ice.

As well as her rewards she has partaken in 3 Shadow Academy courses, 3 PvP matches and 26 competitions whilst organising one herself. Recently Syn took part in 8 of the Great Jedi War competitions including Blast from the Past, Electric Boogaloo, Hunt the Jedi, Lost Artifacts of Darth Plagueis the Wise, Know Thy Enemy, Multi-Objective Prompt and Pazaak Den.

Syn has proven herself beyond worthy of being a member of House Marka Ragnos and it's a sheer pleasure to have her back. So it is with utmost happiness that I recommend this promotion for Syn to join the ranks of the Equites and look forward to what chaos she may bring!

Well Done!

Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow, 2017-12-05 19:58:20 UTC
Additional reasons

Syn is a gigantic pain in my behind.

I start off my rec with that sentence, because I know it will delight Syn to know that. She's a nagger. Yet, I wouldn't change her. Her personality affected CNS chat when she returned to us from the Rogues and lit it up. While with us, Syn has taken on the task of leading three crotchety old Consuls in the GJW, making sure we wrote our posts, managed us to get them posted and then helped ensure that we gain 8th place for our attempts. Add to this the fact that she has helped boost morale in CNS, with Syn being the noisiest of all our returnees for the GJW.

Syn is eager to be part of the Brotherhood again, having left us a while ago. This is not the first time someone has written a recommendation to have Syn promoted to Equite 1, but I do hope it is the last.

Koji has done a fine job of talking about Syn's achievements while in the rank of Knight, it is Syn's temperament, her re-dedication to the Clan and to brightening up the day of our members that make her such a valuable member.

Congratulations on your promotion to Mystic, Syn. Now stop spamming me with pictures of cute animals.

Consul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-12-05 19:25:26 UTC
Event ID
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

In the eight months since Tahiri’s last promotion, she has continued to show herself as one of the brightest stars of the Clan. She has already proven herself as an energetic, enthusiastic member of the Mortis Summit for four months, and Thanadd speaks highly of her, or her activities, on probably a daily basis. Additionally, she participated in ten events for GJW XII, but has also participated in a total of 159 events, organized or co-organized nine events, earned a total of 400 medals, passed ten Shadow Academy courses, all while being a busy, full-time college student. A full promotion assessment can be found here: (https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/14400/assessment/promotion).

Tahiri’s attitude is probably the best thing for Tarentum, beyond being active as can be. Tahiri is never down, never somber, always pushing others to be happy, positive, and do their best. She is a constant reminder that this Club is about friendship, fun, and great attitudes. She embodies the feelings each of us has had at one point or another, and is a reminder that, if we simply cheer up and pass a smile and good feeling onto others, the Dark Brotherhood will always be a place worth hanging out. A group of friends worthy of our time. And a family environment for people of all ages.

Thank you for everything you continue to do, Tahiri. Congratulations.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-05 16:39:21 UTC
Event ID
Seer Xolarin
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

Since his last promotion, Xolarin has done a phenomenal amount of work. He has recently participated in 11 GJW XII events, in addition to working hard as Aedile of Liath, attempting to foster communication in Tarentum’s main and leadership channels. Past activity also includes organizing (or co-organizing) 15 events, participating in 59 events total, earning 61 medals (including one Steel Cross as a high), and writing over 7,600 words of fiction in the last year. A full assessment of his activity can be found (https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/members/14717/assessment/promotion) and read through, for sake of ease. He’s been active in a year.

However, I feel like it is more deserving to say that, since joining Tarentum, he has been a motivated member. He speaks with everyone in leadership on a daily basis, trying to help improve himself. When Etah was less-active for his wedding, Xolarin (a newly-appointed Aedile and fresh to the Clan) was constantly seeking advice and training from others in Tarentum’s leadership channel. He strives to better himself in small ways, and produces big results. Others comment to me regularly how excited they are to see his enthusiasm, and how it has directly made themselves more energetic about even mundane DB tasks.

Xolarin has exhibited the dedication and leadership to be elevated officially into the Equite ranks. Congratulations, Warrior!

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-05 16:40:22 UTC
Event ID
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Old Rank
Major (Equite 2)
New Rank
Lieutenant Colonel (Equite 3)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

In addition to being named the Hero of Tarentum for GJW XII (the most points of all Clansmen!), Ranarr has been one of those who has a profound impact on the Clan. I have told Ranarr on numerous occasions that he is certainly a future Consul of this Clan, and he stands out just as brightly as any of the past heroes of Tarentum. We have been incredibly lucky to have him.

Since his last promotion, Ranarr has either organized or co-organized an incredible 73 events, participated in an astounding 210 total events, and he has done it with the best attitude. He is sincerely one of those who is a paragon, and a shining example of what we all ought to be. He has earned a total of 1,839 medals (most being Clusters), with a stand-out of two Grand Crosses. He served two months as Rollmaster of the Clan, four months as Quaestor of Liath, as well as a dedicated term of six months in service to the gaming community as Magistrate to Dracaryis. He has been in a total of 293 PvP or PvE matches, and Ranarr represents not only Tarentum, but the Brotherhood. Everyone knows him, or they know his name. He stands out amongst all of us. When we see an attitude like his, we are drawn to it. Ranarr is not one of the faceless. He does not get lost among the crowds of men. He is a lion, and we all know when he is among us.

He has also written over 500 words of fiction (which is still pretty impressive for an almost exclusive gamer), passed nine Shadow Academy courses, gained two degrees, and still makes time to be a wonderful father to his children.

Ranarr never speaks ill of others. He reminds the entirety of Tarentum what it is to be a friend. He shows the Brotherhood that Tarentum loves this Club, and that we want to befriend everyone here. Ranarr is a member who literally cannot be held back, because he has a drive and dedication to do it all, and to bring others along with himself. He is a leader. A true leader.

Congratulations, my friend. You are well on your way to becoming an Elder. We love and appreciate all you do for us in our Clan.

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2017-12-05 16:50:34 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Aiden Lee Deshra
Primary reason

One of the most remarkable members we have on our roster, Justinios Drake is a perfect example of what an Equite should be. He is hardworking, a great team player, and a capable leader. I am so happy that he was able to return to the club, even with his real life difficulties.

Since his promotion to Knight Justinios has proven to be one of Tal’s greatest assets. He is a competitive gamer, a force in fiction writing, and a respected leader within the Clan. He has organized 2 competitions, and participated in 98 others. Of those 98 he has placed in 32 of them earning 31 crescents and 1 Gold Nova!

Justinios has played 62 pvp matches and 83 pve activities. His gaming activity has earned him 6 Pendants of Blood, 270 CoF and 655 CoE. He has participated in 3 ACC matches and completed 9 SA courses, earning 1 degree. Through his work in fiction and graphics he has earned 26 CI’s and 18 CoG’s.

Aside from his general activity, Justinios spent 5 months as a Magistrate to the Voice and 2 months as Rian’s Aedile before medical issues caused him to take a short break. Upon his return he showed his superiority in the GJW by winning the Heroes of the Storm gaming tournament alongside his Proconsul. Justinios really stepped up when it came to the war by participating in 18 of the available competitions.

Due to his excellence within Taldryan and the club, I hereby congratulate Justinios on his promotion to Equite 1! Congratulations Justinios, you’ve earned this.

Master Aiden Lee Deshra, 2017-12-05 18:09:13 UTC
Event ID
Nikora Rhan
Old Rank
Peacekeeper (Equite 1)
New Rank
Ranger (Equite 2)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Ka Tarvitz is one of those members that is a much deeper than what people see on the surface. I have had the pleasure of being his Master during his training to Knighthood and he never ceases to amaze me and even to this day he impresses and inspires me to create new and fun things for the members of Hoth to enjoy.

First, of since his last promotion, Ka has 75 Competitions with another 13 Container competitions as well. Impressively 19 of these competitions were for the Great Jedi War XII: Retribution he was one of 8 COU members to participate in every bin the war had to offer. He has also earned 2 SA Degrees a Dark Sage in History and Lore and a Dark Savant in Legends.

Ka has also amassed a treasure trove of awards to go along with his high level of activity. He has earned a Grand Cross, 2 Silver Nova, 2 Bronze Nova, 3 Ruby Stars, 6 Amethyst Stars, 17 Sapphire Stars, 8 Emerald Stars, 1 Pendant of Blood, 44 Clusters of Ice (for writing 23559 words of fiction, 9047 words in 8 run on posts and completed 4 ACC matches), 92 Clusters of Fire, 7 Clusters of Earth and 7 Clusters of Graphite.

Tarvitz is a solid member and one I believe is one of the club's future leaders as well. He is always there to help anyone who needs it, he is a wealth of information, drive, and passion that is rarely seen in such quantities. I have said this before but he is always there to help me or anyone of us in the House or Clan summits.

So much so that giving Tarvitz a task results in Tarvitz going out of his way to provide you with everything you asked for and then some. Even if you give him a long deadline he will always complete the task well before the deadline.

Ka Tarvitz, you always go above and beyond for your House and for the Clan as a whole. So for these reasons and so much more I am honored to support your promotion to Equite 2. This is very much well deserved so congratulations my friend!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-05 19:42:13 UTC
Additional reasons

Ka Tarvitz, has been a pillar of activity not just in his House but the Clan as a whole. During the War, I had the pleasure of being teamed up with Tarvitz on the Run-On (which earned a Silver Nova) and during this time I have gotten to know him better. More than just participating in the Run-On, Tarvitz managed to complete every single bin in every phase!

Along with his impressive competition activity, Tarvitz established himself in motivating his fellow members in the Clan War Telegram channel. His rapier like wit and outside the box thinking bringing moments of levity and serious thought to the Clan channel and to his teams. Honestly who would have thought to use an X-Wing to kill off a major member of the Collective? Answer: Tarvitz

It is my pleasure to recommend Tarvitz for this promotion. Well done my friend, well earned!

Commander Len Iode

Aedile of House Satele Shan, Clan Odan-Urr

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-05 01:01:28 UTC

Tarvitz joined us in August 2016, and yet I'm still discovering his talents. Ed included the sizable pile of crescents and clusters he's accumulated, but let's examine his four shiny new novae:

  • A silver nova for the run-on, which I can personally state involved not only writing his own sections, but a solid month of brainstorming, plotting, and detailed editing work.

  • A second silver nova for a brutally hilarious condolence letter.

  • A bronze nova for his critical contributions to a battle plan.

  • A second bronze nova for a 3D sculpture.

That's not a common or unremarkable skillset, and it's not the limit of Tarvitz' talents. As Ed stated above, he has an expansive breadth of knowledge which he puts at the service of his clanmates. If he's able to contribute advice, help, or even just a bit of humor, Tarvitz does not hesitate to contribute.

Congratulations on EQ2, my friend.

Alethia Archenksova
Proconsul of Odan-Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-12-05 01:08:47 UTC

Since I have known him, Ka Tarvitz has shown to be a passionate, dedicated member to Odan-Urr. His accolades above are a testament to his skill and the effort he puts forth to making not only his Clan a better place but House Hoth as well. Activity is only a part of the puzzle though. You have to help others too. His contributions to Hoth chat and Clan chat are wonderful because he is a constant presence that offers advice, helps younger members, and is, of course, a willing person to have Star Wars discussions. Sometimes people forgot how important this is but make no mistake, this club would not be very fun if we didn't have those that helped foster community.

Thank you for being an awesome part of Odan-Urr and congratulations!!!

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-05 01:18:22 UTC

Ka Tarvitz is the kind of member every leader wishes they had: driven, polite, active and a unique contributor to the unit. I had the pleasure of being on his Battleplan team where his skill, dedication and thoroughness led the team to a Bronze Nova. Beyond his individual activity and accolades, Ka has made himself an essential part of the COU community. It's hard to imagine our channels without his exceptional politeness and willinginess to help his fellow members or his summit.

Thanks for everything you do and congratulations on EQ2!

Turel Sorenn
* Consul, Clan Odan-Urr*

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2017-12-05 02:06:00 UTC

Ka Tarvitz is not only one of the most kindest and loyal clan members, but also one of the most inventive. A great person to bounce ideas off of to stay within the realms of the Star Wars lore. Always willing to help others with whatever their task may be.

It is a pleasure and an honor to recommend Ka Tarvitz for a promotion.

Keiji Suoh

Keiji Suoh, 2017-12-05 14:48:29 UTC

In addition to Tarvitz's slew of activity mentioned by Edgar, he's organized four competitions since his last promotion.

Tarvitz is one of those members that is always there, willing to offer a helping hand through opinions, criticism and suggested improvements in the most polite manner I've ever seen. This selflessness became even more evident during GJW XII, where Tarvitz tirelessly assisted others in the COU War group on Telegram, showing a constant activity throughout. I will freely admit that, at some points, the sheer amount of detail Tarvitz went into (when discussing spacecraft and comparing the differences in starfighters, for example) went way over my head. This willingness to help others, to me, is the hallmark of the Equite level; a leader in all facets, even without an official position.

Congratulations on your promotion to Equite 2, my friend. You've more than earned it!

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth

Adept Celevon Werd'a, 2017-12-05 19:40:07 UTC