Event History

Displaying events 3371 - 3380 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Plaid Sadira
Old Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

The time has finally come for Plaid Sadira. The moment we all wait for the moment we first join this club. The ascension to Knight is finally at hand! While serving the required time in rank, Plaid Sadira has participated in 15 competitions, co-organized 2 competitions, passed the Leadership Management and Leadership Rewards courses, reached SA Rank 4, achieved 1 Shadow Academy Dark Maven degree, wrote 1500 words of character fiction, and wrote a quality character article for the wiki. During his efforts, he was awarded 3 major competition awards (2 Crescent with Amethyst, 1 Crescent with Sapphire). This activity is worthy of the rank of Knight. Moreover, in his brief time in Odan-Urr he has shown an ability to take initiative, taking out the rest of his requirements for Knight in a short while since he arrived. Odan-Urr is proud to have you in our ranks. We look forward to all the great things you'll do in the future. For now, congratulations on a job well done!!

As such, I hereby recommend that Plaid Sadira is promoted to Knight with all the rights and awesome goodies it comes with. Great job!!

Gives premium sushi and free drink tokens as a reward

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-12-05 04:10:21 UTC
Event ID
Vorran Shadowfeather
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Ozosi Vym has completed all of her JM2 requirements, It's with her team spirit, friendly attitude and her drive to improve herself within the club that makes her an asset to not only House Hoth but to the entire Clan as well. All of these traits are very noteworthy things to have in such a newcomer within the Club and I am proud of all of her accomplishments!

So, I'm again Honored to promote you to the 3rd Journeyman rank so you can move closer to knighthood.


Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-12-05 00:05:23 UTC
Event ID
Sath Kekel
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Sath Kekel, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Pass the Comms 101: Discourse Forum Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Dark Brotherhood Basics Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 106: Medals Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 104: Pazaak Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Graphics in the Brotherhood Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 101: Foundation Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 102: Submission Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips Shadow Academy Course

I will continue to watch your progress, Sath Kekel, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Warlord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-04 18:42:24 UTC
Event ID
Sath Kekel
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Sath Kekel. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Gain Trust Level 1 on the Dark Brotherhood Discourse Forums
  • Pass the Comms 101: Discourse Forum Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 106: Medals Shadow Academy Course

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Warlord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-04 17:44:22 UTC
Event ID
Sath Kekel
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Sath Kekel. I have heard reports from House Ektrosis that you have managed to:

  • Pass a Shadow Academy course (except Trial of Identity) (except Trial of Identity)

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Warlord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-04 16:34:47 UTC
Event ID
Sath Kekel
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Sath Kekel, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Warlord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-04 15:27:25 UTC
Event ID
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Battlelord Farrin Xies has served as the Headmaster of the Dark Brotherhood for over one year. This position is one of the most integral within the DJB because the Shadow Academy serves as some of the first experiences for our new members. Farrin has consistently improved existing tests, removed outdated tests, and created new tests in order to keep the SA adapting to the various other changing systems within the DJB.

The position of Headmaster has been a difficult task for Elders, but Farrin has handled it with skill and elan at the Rank of EQ3 for the entirety of his service. In addition to his course adjustments he has also graded nearly 300 tests and served as a multi functional leader on the Dark Council supporting a wide range of tasks and duties. More recently Farrin helped organize and lead the GJW with efforts in competitions that ranged from those he ran to helping score Fiction (no easy task).

Farrin, the DJB appreciates your service to our club and we look forward to your continued progression as the Headmaster. Congrats on your promotion to Warlord.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-04 01:59:26 UTC
Event ID
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Adept Marick Tyris was last promoted on 27 August 2014. Since then he has served as a Consul, the Combat Master, and the Voice of the Brotherhood. In all of these positions he has delivered on projects that impact the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Wally was tasked with revamping the ACC. He completed that task. Wally was tasked with updating Character Sheets. He completed that task. Wally was tasked with creating a fiction community and making our storytelling more inclusive. He completed that task.

Wally grades tests, grades fiction, approves character sheets, writes and edits club wide fiction, grades ACC matches, participates in the creation of DJB competitions, and interacts in a positive way with our membership on a daily basis.

The Dark Brotherhood is lucky to have Wally. Period.

Wally is one of those DC members that takes a tremendous amount of pride in his work and is often more critical of himself than our members or DC can be. He dedicates himself to improving our club and doing the little things to make our member experience better for everyone. These are the hallmarks of an Elder and the hallmarks of an Adept deserving elevation to Master.

Congrats Wally. The DJB owes you a debt of gratitude as do I.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-04 01:59:19 UTC
Event ID
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Warlord Selika Roh di Plagia membership in the Dark Brotherhood has spanned nearly two decades and is a testament to sustained activity and contribution to the club. Selika has served in a myriad of positions contributing in countless ways to the success of the Dark Brotherhood and two the betterment of our members.

A snapshot of Selika's activity since his last promotion includes six months of service as the Magistrate to the Herald, one year as Proconsul to Plagueis, 10 months as Consul of Plagueis, and 2 years as the Wiki Tribune. The span of these positions place Selika as an integral and trusted member of the DJB leadership team with his reach stretching across graphics, DJB history and lore, leadership, and retention of new members. Selika's ability to handle the myriad of tasks that come with his DJB positions is both impressive and a clear example of his merit as a Club Wide Leader.

Selika's activity also remains at the near pinnacle of DB membership. In two years he has been awarded nearly 1000 DJB awards ranging from a Ruby Scepter to over 800 gaming awards. He has written over 10,000 words of fiction, participated in over 50 competitions, ran another 70+ competitions, and all the while maintained a consistent and active communication with our membership by posting over 120 times on our DJB website.

I have not categorized or tabulated Selika's wiki work, other than to say he has done exactly what I have asked of him over the past two years. This includes major DJB edits to canon, to our history, and to pages that were long out of date. Selika has always been responsive to my taskings on the wiki and has always performed at a high level.

Slagar, you have been a long time and great member of our club and I am extremely happy to promote you to the rank of Adept and welcome you to the Elders.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-12-02 15:09:11 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Johaan'atan, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Imperium, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-12-02 00:43:14 UTC