Event History

Displaying events 3401 - 3410 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Resolute. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Gain Trust Level 1 on the Dark Brotherhood Discourse Forums
  • Pass the Advancement Survey Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 101: Discourse Forum Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 103: DJBWiki (An Introduction) Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 106: Medals Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 101: Setting up & Finding Matches Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 102: Fist-o-matic Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 103: Submitting Gaming Activity Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 104: Pazaak Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Graphics in the Brotherhood Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 101: Foundation Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 102: Submission Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips Shadow Academy Course

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-26 00:08:56 UTC
Event ID
Zanothi Nightblade
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Zanothi Nightblade has taken the next step towards his journey towards Knight. Over the last 21 day or more in his current rank, he has co-organized 1 competition, participated in 10 competitions, placed in 2 of those competitions, passed two Shadow Academy leadership courses (Leadership Competitions and Leadership Rewards), and reached SA Society rank 3 in the process. In addition, he has been a member of the community itself, joining us in Telegram, the DJB Voice server, and the Brotherhood forums.

As such, I am pleased and proud to recommend that Zanothi Nightblade be promoted to Padawan! Great job Zanothi! Keep up the good work and good luck on your final leg of your journey to Knight!

Aura Ta'var
Odan-Urr Rollmistress

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-10-20 20:12:26 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Lexa, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Battle Team Zirael, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-20 13:25:37 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Runner (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Courier (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Grot has impressed since joining. Since his last promotion, he has participated in six competitions, placing in one. In addition, his writing skills has given him three clusters of ice, writing almost two-thousand words. He is an active member on our Telegram channel, and he has additionally passed no fewer than 18 courses in the Shadow Academy, gaining two degrees.

Congratulations, Courier Grot! Continue this way: we expect great things of you.

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2017-10-17 16:49:43 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Ti-kour , you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have an approved character sheet on record
  • Have been awarded 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Participate in 3 competitions
  • Pass the Comms 101: Discourse Forum Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Dark Brotherhood Basics Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 106: Medals Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Gaming 104: Pazaak Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 101: Foundation Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 102: Submission Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Vendetta 103: Fiction and Graphics Tips Shadow Academy Course

I will continue to watch your progress, Ti-kour , but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-17 01:42:07 UTC
Event ID
Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
Old Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

A while ago, Tyraal Bitshiver began the journey to Knighthood. I wasn't his Master for all of it, but it has been an absolute pleasure to help him along the way as much as possible. Since his promotion to Padawan, Tyraal Bitshiver has earned a Shadow Academy Degree (Dark Maven Combat), participated in 15 competitions, earned 2 major competition awards, achieved INQ Society Rank 4 and Shadow Academy Rank 4, earned 7 Clusters of Graphite and 14 Clusters of Ice, and spent at least 28 days in rank. In addition, Tyraal Bitshiver has also put forth significant effort towards character development in a Master-Student run on, during which he already put forth 4500 words worth of character fiction. This involved character research, feedback on writing and rewrites, and very real effort of putting together a good story. Great job!!

Lastly, on a more personal note and as his Master, I am so proud of all the work and effort he has put into Knight lately. You've been a great apprentice and I think you've done a wonderful job so far, especially with your tenacity. You've really stuck with this goal, regardless of how winding the road had become. This has really earned my respect the most and this tenacity will be critical to becoming an Equite. That being said, I feel like the luckiest Master right now and I hope that you'll continue to accept my advice even after your Knighthood. I look forward to your bright future in Odan-Urr. tear

As both his Master and Rollmistress, it is my pleasure and honor to recommend that Tyraal Bitshiver be promoted to Knight with all the rights and privileges that come with it. (Someone say shiny new ship?!) Congratulations!!! Free Rancor Tequila's for you!

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-10-15 20:25:57 UTC
Event ID
Cordin Siprus
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Cordin Siprus, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Tarentum, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-14 21:14:39 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Today is a great day, the day that Volksven is ready to be promoted to Acolyte. Since his last promotion, he has spent at least 14 days in rank, been awarded 2 clusters of ice, participated in 5 competitions, reached INQ society rank 2 and reached SA society rank 2. In addition, he has been an active member on the Brotherhood forums, especially with fellow journeyman.

I've known him for a good while now and it is my honor to recommend that Volksven be promoted to Acolyte. Congratulations and great work!!

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-10-14 00:29:52 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Unsterblich, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Have been awarded 20 Clusters of Earth (A Cluster of Fire counts as two Clusters of Earth)
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Pass the Dark Brotherhood Basics Shadow Academy Course

I will continue to watch your progress, Unsterblich, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-12 00:09:17 UTC
Event ID
Kael Basai
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Kael Basai, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Clan Tarentum, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-11 05:48:19 UTC