Event History

Displaying events 3411 - 3420 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Unsterblich. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Have been awarded 5 Clusters of Earth (A Cluster of Fire counts as two Clusters of Earth)
  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Proselyte,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-11 00:06:25 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Unsterblich. I have heard reports from House Ektrosis that you have managed to:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-10 06:46:29 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Unsterblich, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-10 04:48:44 UTC
Event ID
Aylin Sajark
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Alara Deathbane
Primary reason

Zehsaa Hysh, the newest mother of our wonderful Brotherhood, has proven her true dedication and her compassionate heart time and time again. Since her last promotion, Zehsaa has completed 45 competitions, and has co-organized 4 other competitions. Through these competitions she has earned herself 3 Crescents with a Diamond Star, 5 Crescents with a Ruby Star, 12 Crescents with an Amethyst Star, 7 Crescents with a Sapphire Star, 3 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with a Topaz Star, and 2 Legions of the Scholar. She also earned herself 15 Clusters of Ice, 61 Clusters of Graphite, and a Seal of Loyalty. She has written 6,303 words of fiction, and has passed two courses in the Shadow Academy. This beloved member of Tacitus Athanasius has also served well as Magistrate to the Herald, and earned herself a Sapphire Blade for nine months of service in that position. On top of all that, Zehsaa Hysh has earned herself her very first Steel Cross, 1 Anteian Cross, and 2 Dark Crosses.

Congratulations, Z! Thank you for all you do for the Brotherhood, the Clan, House, and Battle Team. Your loving friendship and maternal spirit are traits that we Excidiacs do not take lightly. I am honored to recommend you to the rank of Equite 2!

Alara Deathbane

Quaestor of Excidium

Alara Deathbane, 2017-10-09 19:44:27 UTC
Additional reasons

Zehsaa is an exemplary member of the brotherhood and has proven this time and time again every day she's been here since she joined a year and 10 months ago. Since her last promotion she has continued to put out absolute top quality artwork, which is shown in her medal case, 3 diamond crescents since her last promotion (in addition to the 3 she already had). Her placement ratio in brotherhood-wide competitions is extremely high, with her most recent accomplishments including 3 ruby crescents from the brotherhood-wide Art 4 Arx event. In addition to this, Z has contributed to brotherhood art projects via her magistrate role, earning a Sapphire Blade from the Herald for her efforts up to her resignation 5 months ago for contributing 125 images for the Herald's office.

Z is an incredibly talented artist and always happy to give her time to make others happy. People like Z really don't come along very often, and we're so lucky to have her with us, in the clan, and in the brotherhood. Thanks for everything you do for us!

Elincia Rei

Consul of Scholae Palatinae

General Zentru'la, 2017-10-04 20:04:07 UTC

Other leaders have already pointed out all the numbers one could ask for, so let's shine a bit more light on the things which can't be expressed by digits.

Ever since I had the luck to introduce Zehsaa into the DJB and the pleasure of serving as her master, she's been right in the thick of Clan life. Be it doodles and comics, full-blown art, a nice word here and there or sharp wit exactly when you shouldn't take yourself too seriously, Zehsaa provides and has fun while doing it, sharing that fun freely with us and making all our days more enjoyable.

To say she's become a pillar of Scholae Palatinae despite being a simple member would be mastery of understatement.

So I appreciate this chance to see Zehsaa take this next step up the rank ladder. Congratulations, and rock on!

Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej, 2017-10-04 21:40:05 UTC

I'm honored to contribute to elevation of our beloved Equite, Zehsaa. Since I have joined the Clan, it has been apparent that she deeply cares about our club and the members it is comprised of. She selflessly served as a Magistrate during one of the largest, most aggressive graphic campaigns of the Brotherhood. Then, despite taking time off to bring a beautiful baby into the world, she continued to serve the members of her Clan by helping host the newest iteration of our Character Development Workshops with Mune. Both the graphics and the growth of characters touch on two fundamental areas of the Brotherhood - both have also been pro-member advancement. That is the true sign of an advancing Equite: not what they take, but that which they give back.

Thank you, so much, Z. I appreciate all of your individual effort and work in helping shape our club. From the detailed graphics, to the genuine insights, and even those cute comics in Clan chat in the morning. You make us better.

Braecen Kaeth
Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-10-05 05:31:18 UTC

Zehsaa has been a productive member of the DB art community for several years now as well as one of the best Magistrates I've had the pleasure to work with. Most of what I have to say about her Herald work was already said when she was awarded her first Sacramental award, however, words still carry meaning and I have a need to express my gratitude to Zehsaa with a very short but meaningful recommendation for her promotion.

Zehsaa's involvement in the art community goes beyond simply sharing art, which she does with every opportunity. She gives valid advice, helps other members improve in their work, draws free drawings for people in the community and always does it for fun or because she feels like doing it, never to gain anything in return. Her dedication is inspiring and her presence makes the Art channel on Telegram a better and more welcoming place. For this, and many other things that make Zehsaa a great artist and an excellent member, I thank her from the bottom of my heart. She is one of the pillars of our community and I congratulate her on her latest promotion.

  • Vyr (Morgan)
  • Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2017-10-07 20:06:46 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
Primary reason

Xhiss has been a whirlwind of activity since joining, going above and beyond in the Shadow Academy and not only completing the Fundamental courses but achieving a score of 100% in four additional courses allowing him to reach Rank II in the Shadow Academy Society. Xhiss has also participated in seven competitions, placing in two, and receiving a whopping 12 Clusters of Graphite. As of late Xhiss has also become an active member of the Telegram community both within Plagueis and beyond.

Never being one to shy away from asking questions and learning more Xhiss is more than deserving of this promotion and I look forward to seeing what the future brings for him. Congratulations Xhiss.

TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia, 2017-10-09 17:46:49 UTC
Event ID
Hyle Alihandross
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Hyle Alihandross has done it again, using his determination and hard work to stack up a nice list of accomplishments worthy of the rank of Hunter. Since his last promotion, he has spent at least 21 days in rank, co-organized one competition for the benefit of his Clan, participated in 10 competitions, placed in 2 competitions, reached INQ Society Rank 3, and been awarded 10 clusters of Ice. In addition, he is active in the Clan's telegram channels, taking part in the larger community. Overall, he has done a great job making a name for himself in House Satele Shan.

Therefore, given the above, it is my honor to recommend that Hyle Alihandross be promoted to the rank of Hunter with all the rights and privileges that come with it. Congratz!!

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-10-06 01:15:58 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

LordSephtis, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Ektrosis, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-03 01:03:35 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Trainee (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Runner (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Grot, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Dark Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed. Your accomplishments include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Voice server
  • Pass the Comms 101: Discourse Forum Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Comms 102: Telegram Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Dark Brotherhood Basics Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 105: Organization Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 106: Medals Shadow Academy Course

I will continue to watch your progress, Grot, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-02 21:59:37 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Recruit (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Trainee (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

It seems that not a day goes past where I do not hear about you, Grot. Your superiors have sent glowing records regarding your accomplishments, which include:

  • Join Telegram or IRC, and visit Clan Channel
  • Logon to the DJB Voice server
  • Pass the Essentials 101: History Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 102: Departments Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 103: Paths & Orders Shadow Academy Course
  • Pass the Essentials 104: Ranks Shadow Academy Course

An expedited recommendation for your promotion has been transmitted to the Master-at-Arms.

May the Force guide you, Trainee,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-10-02 03:07:03 UTC
Event ID
Champion Rajhin Cindertail
Old Rank
Vanguard (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warden (Equite 4)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood has existed for over twenty years and has had many great members, leaders, and contributors to its success. We have been blessed with writers, artists, and visionaries who have taken us from the era of maintaining our roster on a spreadsheet to having one of the most detailed and immersive Star Wars experiences on the internet. We owe much of that past success to the legends of the Dark Brotherhood and fortunately we have a new breed of legend to take us into the future.

Vanguard Turel Sorenn is one of those new legends that I am confident will take the Brotherhood into a new era of growth and success. Turel joined just three years ago, but in that short time he has proven himself an outstanding member and multifaceted leader within the Club. He writes fiction, he creates worlds for Clans, he competes and judges in the ACC, he games, he takes tests, he creates content for members, and he serves across a multitude of positions within the Club.

Turel's resume since his last promotion is one of the more impressive lists of activity I have seen in my 17 years in the Dark Brotherhood. Turel served 9 months as the Left Hand of Justice, 9 months as an ACC judge, 5 months as a Proconsul, and has served the past year as Consul of Clan Odan Urr. During his Proconsul and Consul time in COU he has transformed our once fledgling Jedi Clan into the largest and most active Clan in the Dark Brotherhood. His success has been such that many members have openly called for a second Jedi Clan due COU's recent dominance. This response is a true measure of just how special and successful COU has performed under Turel.

A large part of COU's success is derived from the leadership Turel displays simply by being an insanely active member of the Club. He has led from the front by organizing 42 competitions, co-organizing 4, participating in another 106, and earning over 34 competition crescents! He has also gamed to the tune of 420 separate activities while earning 3463 Clusters of Fire and 1193 Clusters of Earth. Turel has written another 12,000 words of fiction and judged or written an additional 35 ACC matches. Beyond this he takes Shadow Academy Courses, grades Shadow Academy Courses, keeps our members informed with news posts (17), and keeps involved by responding to news posts (56). Tack on Turel's Sapphire Blade, Steel Cross, Anteian Cross, and assorted Scrolls and Seals and we have a member who is more than worthy of promotion.

Lastly, I would like to close with a few notes on Turel as a Club leader. Turel serves COU and the Dark Brotherhood in the exact manner that I would like to see all of our leaders display. He wants to see enjoyable content, he wants to see fairness, and he wants to ensure our Club progresses in a healthy manner into the future. Turel has been a major part of our recent discussion on club design, GJW competition ideas, and a host of other topics that are DB encompassing. I appreciate Turel's passion and desire to see our club succeed and he drives me to be a better GM. I couldn't ask for more from a Consul.

Turel, Congrats on this promotion to Sith Warlord....I mean Warden. It is well deserved and I look forward to seeing your promotion to Adept in the future.

GM Pravus

I'm very proud to be involved in COU at all, much less in a leadership role. The clan embodies so much of what I think this club has to offer, and Turel epitomizes everything about it. For starters, I can't think of an area of the DB that Turel hasn't fully embraced. He's regularly in the GMRG leaderboards, he's a phenominal writer, and I'm sure he'll stop being #LazyCON long enough to earn himself a sage and hit rank XII in all three societies.

Of course, there are people who are active but unpleasant to be around. Turel's not one of them. He's widely loved for the very simple reason that he treats everyone around him with kindness and respect. He's funny, he spams red panda gifs, he has a sassy gay robot named after a hookup site. What more could you ask for me in a member or a leader?

Oh, you could ask for him to be a fierce advocate for his members, and really for the club's members in general. Having experienced the CoJ process first hand, Turel has risen to the position of LHoJ specifically because he wants to ensure that every member of the club gets fair, even-handed treatment. As CON and previously as an ACC Judge, treating people right was his primary concern. This has occasionally - I'm being polite here - ruffled a few feathers. Wally speaks (mostly fondly) about Turel's soapbox, and I've sometimes wondered how many DCers have a Gmail filter set up just for 2000 word Turel emails. That said, as someone who's fought with and against him, and been the beneficiary and target of his keen arguments, I firmly believe that the Turel soapbox has been a driver of positive things in the club and is a major factor in COU's success over the past two years.

Turel has been a mentor and an example to me, literally since my first day in the DB. I can rattled off names of several others, from Journeymen to Equites and perhaps even and Elder or two, who look up to Turel as the standard that we should be holding ourselves to as members and especially as leaders.

Thanks for everything, man. Keep it up.

Alethia Archenksova
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Turel was one of the first members of the Brotherhood I met. Since I joined he has always been a solid leader and friend. Even after I made a mistake, he gave me a second chance. He is fun to game with especially HotS which before I lost my computer, was one of my favorite games to play with Brotherhood members. I look forward to getting to game with you again and continue to work with you on Summit. Congratulations Turel!

Commander Len Iode/AED/House Satele Shan of Clan Odan-Urr

There are very few members I've seen with the zeal and determination to ensure their members are enjoying themselves, rewarded accordingly and viewed with a fair eye. Turel Sorenn is at the top of that list.

Under his tireless efforts and guiding hand, Odan-Urr has flourished with new growth. If there is any leader to look up to, Turel is that person whose shining example would be one to follow.

Congratulations on Equite 4, my friend. You've more than earned it.

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-10-01 16:10:56 UTC