Event History

Displaying events 3441 - 3450 of 19205 in total
Event ID
Old Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

Kelviin is truly one of a kind. He was remarkable for his shyness when he first joined the Brotherhood. Since his advancement to Knighthood seven months ago, he has become remarkable for his complete lack of the same.

Since February, he has thrown himself into the Brotherhood at large. In addition to (co) organizing three competitions, he has participated in 34, earning 11 Crescents in the process. His gaming has garnered 62 Clusters of Fire and 45 Clusters of Earth. He has been active beyond gaming as well, to which his 6 Clusters of Ice and 6 Clusters of Graphite attest. He also created the new logo for Voidbreaker, despite constant changing requirements, and asked for (nor expected) nothing in return. He was awarded a Seal of Loyalty for his continuous contributions to Arcona - more on that later - and a Dark Cross for his constant activity. He also volunteered to create graphics for the Voice office, providing an awesome new map for Arx and corresponding iconography for it.

Beyond mere numbers though, is a heart big enough for a Wookiee. A Wookiee in a very small coat.

Kelviin has truly become a fixture of House Qel-Droma. He has grown from his initial shyness into an open, vibrant example of what a member and a friend can be within the Brotherhood. He isn't focused on self-aggrandizement, on pushing his own accomplishments. He is always focused on what those around him have accomplished and on finding out what he can do to help them grow in the future. He is willing to risk his own embarrassment to put a smile on the face of those around him - such as with his numerous bouts of Wookiee karaoke (most of them sober!) - and wants nothing more than to make everyone else's day better. He is one of the few truly selfless people I know, and it is both an honor and privilege to be able to watch him grow in the Brotherhood.

Kelviin, it is my pleasure to recommend you be elevated to the ranks of the Equites.


  • Terran Koul, Quaestor, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2017-09-16 03:16:31 UTC
Additional reasons

Nothing fixes a downed speeder as fast as a Wookiee with a toolbox. Or, alternatively, designs an amazing logo for the new Battleteam Voidbreaker. Such as one Kelviin of Arcona did. Not only did he design one, but he made several different edits for various locales the image was used or planned to be used in the future. Kelviin’s range of skills extend to gaming and fiction, in addition to art. His numerous Clusters and Crescents attest to that.

Kelviin is known by many, far beyond the walls of Arcona’s community. His friendly and humorous puns, and just his wish to brighten up others’ day, have accomplished this. The Wookiee has become a moral uplifter among the “troops.” His comedic drawings of Kelviin’s reactions or events, along with his song parody recordings of ‘Wookieen Park’, are popular across several DJB communities. I have highlighted these qualities because they are accomplishments in the sense that they were created and influenced by the DJB, and that these feats have done the club good due to their positive response. It is one of his qualities that contributed to Kelviin’s Seal of Loyalty.

Thus, I would like to recommend Kelviin for promotion to Equite I. Congratulations, Bestprentice! Keep cracking at the workings of the Brotherhood. You'll fix us through the power of laughter and unity.


Aedile of Qel-Droma, Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-09-16 03:14:31 UTC

There are simply not enough words in the English language to express what an asset Kelviin is to the Clan. In the year since his arrival, he has participated in a wide variety of club-related activities and competitions. However, his numerical achievements fail to fully encompass Kelviin. He has a bright, vivacious personality that makes him a joy to interact with. His creative efforts, such as his Wooken Park videos and his willingness to collaborate on fictions, are also greatly appreciated. For these reasons, it is my pleasure to add my voice to the recommendation that Kelviin be elevated to Equite I.

-Lucine Vasano, Battleteam Leader, Shadow Gate

Lucine Vasano, 2017-09-16 03:14:53 UTC

Kelviin is a tremendous asset to Clan Arcona as a whole, and I’m not saying that just because he’s a Wookiee. Yes, Kelviin has participated in numerous competitions and many club activities, but the numbers and statistics, while they’re certainly impressive, can’t accurately depict the heart that Kelviin brings to everything he does. He is a wonderful individual and brings pure, unadulterated joy to anyone he interacts with. His willingness to assist in projects beyond what we would expect of any member in his position certainly makes him stand out, but in the best way. His creativity shines on a regular basis, whether through club-sanctioned activities, such as creating a nifty logo for Battleteam Voidbreaker, or through other means like his Telegram sticker pack (which I use fairly religiously). In the time I’ve been with Arcona, Kelviin has made it a pleasure to be here, which is why I have absolutely no qualms in recommending him for promotion to Equite I. Congrats, my large, hairy friend.

-Leeadra Halcyon, Battleteam Leader, Voidbreaker

Leeadra Halcyon, 2017-09-16 03:15:13 UTC

Courteous, friendly, and eager to help, Kelviin has been an active contributor to the Brotherhood’s Fiction and Art communities. He engages in daily discussions in Fiction Chat by answering questions while discussing character development with others. He has taken this a step further by creating artwork for other members not for competitions or merit, but simply because he enjoyed giving back to the members of the community. A recent example was creating “Kirby” versions of various members characters. This act has helped solidify him as a member of the various communities, especially when paired with how he tries to be helpful and answer questions about gaming rigs/builds or art programs and process. This overall attitude is important for the growth of the Brotherhood, as it encourages similar behavior from both new and veteran members. These gestures help strengthen the community within the Brotherhood.

Beyond this, Kelviin took on the laborious task of creating, from scratch, a map of the Brotherhood’s new home—Arx. Working off of only a crude sketch from myself, Kelviin was able to create three continents surrounded by water, while also adding in texture details to differentiate things like deserts, marshlands, and rolling plains. He added an arctic section as well, giving the planet a visual life that was otherwise absent. He created the great lake that was imagined in the written drafts. His mapwork even motivated written changes that were updated to match what he had drawn out.

Taking this one step further, Kelviin then set out to making custom graphic icons for each of the various landmarks on Arx. This included creating or taking from existing logos and making them look uniform across the board as if they came from the same icon-pack. This attention to visual detail adds a more immersive touch to the final map, with locations like the the Shadow Academy, Dark Ascent, and Eos City more bold than simple dots or circles. This process took time and patience, and in the end the map for Arx was used as the primary guiding reference for the Art4Arx competition that helped generate new content for the newly minted Wikipedia page.

You can view the map here at the top of Arx article. Here is the full sized render of the completed map as well.

It is an honor to welcome Kelviin into the ranks of the Equites. Congratulations, Kelviin. Keep up the great work as both a positive voice and energy in the community and by doing #allthethings.

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-09-16 03:15:29 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Malachai. I have heard reports from Battle Team Disciples of Dakhan that you have managed to:

  • Perform a basic activity, such as contacting the house/clan summit

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-09-16 13:38:37 UTC
Event ID
Lucine Vasano
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

Lucine has become one of Arcona's greatest assets. In the nine months since she joined the Brotherhood, she has exceeded every expectation we place on Journeyman - and by a margin so large as to make those very expectations laughable. She has participated 42 competitions since her last promotion (an average of 10 per month) and organized (or co-organized) eight of her own, earning nine Crescents in the process. She has been active in the Shadow Academy, completing 7 courses. And her amazing performance in the Winds of Change ACC event has been nothing short of astonishing, earning her a Bronze Nova. She has garnered a total of 5 Clusters of Earth and 44 Clusters of Ice (for both her fiction submissions and her ten ACC battles).

In addition to her personal activity, she has shown herself to be a capable and talented leader. Four months ago, she was placed in charge of Shadow Gate, the premier Battleteam in House Qel-Droma. She was given command at the same time as half the members of Shadow Gate were transferred to the newly-commissioned Voidbreaker. Maintaining the activity and enthusiasm of a team during a time of such turmoil would be a difficult task for even the most experienced of leaders. Friends get separated, those left behind wonder whether they would be better off joining the newer, shinier team, and morale and activity always take a hit. Faced with these challenges, Lucine was undaunted. She has done a phenomenal job keeping the remaining members of Shadow Gate engaged and active, and has been working to continue building and evolving the lore that surrounds both the team and their home of Port Ol'val.

I don't give out praise or awards as if they were candy. If you ask my fellow Summiters, I'm known as something of a hardass when it comes to medals and promotions. I often expect members to put in effort above and beyond the minimum or even average level of activity. Such are the standards I hold for our members.

Lucine has surpassed every one of those standards.

Lucine: it is both my honor and my privilege to have you on my Summit, and it is truly a pleasure to recommend that you be inducted into the ranks of the Equites. Congratulations!

  • Terran Koul, Quaestor, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2017-09-16 03:36:37 UTC
Additional reasons

I enjoy working with all my members and every single one brings something unique to the table. Lucine Vasano is no exception. Not only is she a hard working, dedicated leader who balances her DJB hobby with odd hours of work, Lucine is expressive and has a personality that attracts those around her. Perhaps it is her helpful hand and silver tongued way with words, but whatever her magic is it reflects in the success of her Battleteam Shadow Gate. Lucine often collaborates with them on fiction ideas and encourages the development and growth of others' characters. She continues this helpful streak by offering a hand to a few Summit projects, such as the ongoing wiki revamp. Lucine keeps active in other measures by participating in competitions, and she even placed in the ACC Winds of Change competition, despite being relatively fresh to it prior. That takes a certain degree of will and determination.

It is because of all of these points and more that I also recommend Lucine Vasano for promotion to Equite I. Keep radiating that fiery passion, bestsisprentice! I look forward to where the stars bring you next.

  • Zujenia, Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2017-09-16 03:36:14 UTC

Anyone who speaks with Lucine will discover several things very quickly: she is kind, efficient, intelligent, and burns with a drive and zeal somewhat akin to unholy glee that is, frankly, terrifying. All of these qualities embody her ethics and her work in everything she does. From her first week with us, she broke into the scene with astoundingly long, eloquent fictions that took a karmic few days to grade, dove right into leadership as a perfunctory and diligent Battleteam leader and Summit member, conquered War-level ACC Preliminaries, proofed everything she could get her hands on, helped others with and wrote Custom Aspects, and generally made quick work of befriending anyone new she met. Her offers to help in any possible way she can, with Summit leadership, projects, or anything else, are endless and hungry. There's no giving this woman enough to work on, but we can certainly try. To put it most succinctly, though Lucine has only been with us these few months, she is already running harder and faster than many more experienced members, and only seems to be getting started. She deserves this leap to Equitehood, and I've absolutely zero doubt she'll blow us all away with even more as time goes on...and then proceed to conquer the Brotherhood. Utterly. With surgical precision.

Bestprentice, I've said it to you many times, but I am proud of you. You, your sisterhood with your sisbestprentice and other Journeymen, your synergy and excellence and encouragement, they all amaze. I've rarely, if ever, written a more deserving Equite promotion. Congratulations, welcome, and well done.

Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2017-09-16 03:36:32 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Malachai, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Battle Team Disciples of Dakhan, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-09-15 01:47:05 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Seer A'lora Kituri
Primary reason

Junazee has been a paragon of activity since joining the club and Odan-Urr. There's few activities won't participate in, to the best of her abilities and yet, she's also one of our best gamers. Since her last promotion, Junazee has placed in 48 of the 232 competitions she's participated in, scoring several top-level crescents in the process. She's also earned 10 Pendants of Blood, 1469 clusters of fire and 313 clusters of earth for gaming-related activities across the board. Among her other skillsets, Junazee participates in graphics competitions often, earning 21 clusters of graphite for her illustrations and a cluster of ice in fiction-related activities. She has also been a heavy-hitter when it comes to the SA, passing 10 courses and earning a degree. In addition to earning a Seal of Loyalty, Junazee has also been awarded a Grand Cross in the past for activity-related efforts and is a current Magistrate to the Fist (going on five months.)

All of her achievements aside, I feel that Junazee has more than earned this next elevation as a constant force of activity behind our unit and an active contributor to the club. Congratulations, Juna!

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2017-09-15 00:47:28 UTC
Additional reasons

Junazee is an amazing member of House Satele Shan. Her ability to keep the Clan as a whole engaged in different aspects of gaming have been what amazed me the most. She was able to get most of the House on board for those addicting puzzles that even found me sucked into playing up to 2 hours at a time. Many of our members jump into most of the competitions she arranges. She is always there to help members if they need it and even gaming with folks just to help them get participation. She has an unwavering support of all the members of the House and Clan as a whole. I would hit on the crazy numbers, but Moro did well to speak to them all. Junazee has reached the level of Equite 3 and what is expected of members at this level to start being a producer in addition to being a consumer. Her 19 organized competitions and 5 months working in the FIST office speak well to her producing on a greater level to the club. Congratulations Junazee. Drinks are on you!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-09-11 06:02:51 UTC

Junazee is without a doubt one of the best Magistrates I have had the pleasure of working with since assuming office last October. In her five months as M:Fist, Juna has taken the lead on some larger projects, specifically competition organization, mode testing for current supported platforms, and the daily requirement of managing and approving member gaming submissions.

Immediately upon assuming the role as M:Fist in March, I tasked Juna with providing content for our mobile and flash gaming competitions. She did exactly what I asked, and then some. Since taking the post, Juna has run two of the three main container events, and over 20 individual competitions. She took the initiative to add regular events for Overwatch, one of the DB’s most popular games, as well as a send-off event for the 2015 release of Battlefront, which has helped (and continues to help) drive interest in the upcoming release of Battlefront II. What makes Juna exceptional is the fact that she recieved only some initial guidance of “I want you to run events” and took it to heart. She requires absolutely zero supervision. Once she has a task, she takes it, owns it, and develops it into her own idea. If building creative and consistent content for our members is a mark of a leader, Juna has knocked that requirement out of the park ten times over.

Junazee’s greatest impact during her tenure (so far) came in the form of her testing for the newly added PvO and PvE options for Overwatch. As Overwatch is already a popular game, I saw no need for a major club-wide test. Instead, I asked Juna to test the two modes for average match time and supportability. Within a matter of days, I had a full draft proposal that highlighted the benefits of the Team Deathmatch and vs. Bots modes. These additions have added depth to the DJB’s gaming library, which is essential to the long-term sustainability of our gaming community. Without new content, gaming becomes stale. Junazee’s efforts continue to prevent gamers from becoming bored.

Finally, Junazee has diligently worked to validate and approve gaming submissions within the 24 hour window to the tune of over 279 PvE/PvO activities and 120 PvP activities. Her eagle eye for details ensured that all members who took part in a gaming event were properly rewarded for their effort.

Junazee is an absolutely phenomenal Magistrate and leader in the DJB. She is incredibly kind, hard working, patient, and simply a joy to work with. I have little doubt she will continue to excel in this club, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to recommend her for promotion to Equite 3.

Congratulations, Juna. Job well done.

Fist of the Brotherhood

Master Dracaryis, 2017-09-14 16:04:05 UTC
Event ID
Major Narman Losa
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Peacekeeper (Equite 1)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Droveth has been in Hoth for about 5 months now and since then he has been a dynamo of activity and a constant voice in the House/Clan chats. If he isn't congratulating someone on an award he is there to keep spirits high as others are working on any event that comes our way.

More importantly, since his last promotion, he has participated in 68 competitions. earning himself 2 Anteian Crosses, 1 Crescents with Ruby Star, 3 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 7 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 12 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with Topaz Star and 1 Crescent with a Quartz Star. Not to mention his 1 Legion of the Scholar, a Seal of Loyalty, 36 Clusters of Ice and 32 Clusters of Graphite.

He has been a powerhouse in Hoth for quite some time especially with taking first place in the latest House Event Suspicion on Solyiat. This is of course not to mention taking first place two months in a row (June and July, 2017) in the The Scimitar of Lord Hoth and a second place in May.

Droveth always comes out when it's time for the big events and I'm happy now to be able to promote him entry into the Equite Ranks!

Congratulations, Droveth you more than earned this promotion!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-09-13 22:15:50 UTC
Additional reasons

Droveth, a name you hear often, especially when it comes to big competitions. The man is a powerhouse and has proven himself over and over as a true competitor who is worthy of entering the Equite ranks. His sportsmanship, positive attitude, and competitive nature are a great asset to both House Hoth and Clan Odan-Urr.

For all of your exploits above and the great attitude that comes with it, I give you a hearty congratz. Great work and I am honored to help welcome you into the ranks of Equites.

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-09-13 02:15:21 UTC

Others will speak to Droveth's activity and presence within the Odan-Urr community, but I would like to focus on one particular event that highlights his spirit and why he has already proven himself worthy to advance to the Equite ranks.

Droveth completed four matches in the GJW ACC prelim. That may not sound like much until you consider those four included senior ACC veterans like Dante, Kordath and Atty as a Knight. He didn't have to keep taking matches, he could have gotten frustrated and taken his participation and called it a day, but he didn't, he kept going. He gave his best, learned from the judge's comments and never let the formidable opposition break his stride. That, is worthy of recognition.

His journey to Equite has been longer than many but Droveth has proven himself worthy of the title. Congratulations and thanks for all you do for COU!

Turel Sorenn
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2017-09-13 15:41:00 UTC

Droveth (Wade) is one of those members that you know will go far in the club. He’s one of those positive presences within the Clan and a constant source of encouragement to others within Telegram. One thing that stood out to me during the ACC Prelim event, aside from his persistence to contribute activity despite the odds he stood against, was his repeated reminder to the other members of the truest form of the club: “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. If you’re having fun, that’s what matters.”

To me, this is the mark of a true leader and someone worthy of the Equite ranks. One that leads by example. Droveth is not in it for the personal accolades, the position or recognition. He raises the morale within the community by reminding others through his own actions that enjoying yourself through the process of competing in various forms of activity is the most important part of being a member of this community.

It’s been a long time coming, and I’m proud to welcome Wade into the Equite ranks.


Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Adept Celevon Werd'a, 2017-09-13 18:01:27 UTC
Event ID
Jasper Arlow
Old Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
Requested by
Edgar Drachen
Primary reason

Jasper has been a dynamo of activity in House Hoth for the last few months and since her last promotion, Jasper has participated in 39 competitions and co-organized 1 as well. Within those 39 competitions, she has earned 1 Anteian Cross, 3 Crescents with Diamond Stars, 3 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 3 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 6 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 3 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star. Not to mention her 26 Clusters of Ice and 30 Clusters of Graphite.

Ever since Jasper joined Hoth she immediately brought a gust of fresh air and fun back into the House. She immediately took almost every Clan member's telegram profile pic and decorated them with flowers. So to say that Hoth was covered in a flowery bouquet would be an understatement.

Her fun light side attitude infected the House and the clan with such a wave of good vibes people started feeding off it and it got more people actively chatting and having fun in the House and Clan telegram channels.

So at this time, it's my pleasure to promote our beloved Jasper to the Equite ranks! Congratulations Jasper Arlow you earned this!

Edgar Drachen, Quaestor of House Hoth

Edgar Drachen, 2017-09-13 22:10:37 UTC
Additional reasons

Jasper Arlow, a partner in crime when it comes to lifting up the spirits of one's fellow clanmates. Jasper did this through her gifted talents as an artist and spread magic along the way. To borrow a famous earth-based wizard quote and massage it a bit "Ah Art, A Magic Beyond All We Do Here!". You may be correcting the quote right now, but in any case, know I mean it.

Sharing art with others is priceless and it creates bonds. As Jasper's Rollmistress, I am immensely proud of Jasper's ability to bring smiles to our members' faces and make them feel welcome. She has not only done this through her flower activities but also through her proofing efforts. Over the entire DJB wide ACC event she helped proof for countless Odan-Urr ACCers, often with her own dramatic flair, aka ART! It made stressful times happy and gave everyone a laugh when we all compared them. She did this for several Clan members either impromptu or by request and made the community a better place in the process.

Her absolutely wonderful community spirit really elevates her to the rank of Equites and proves to her Clan that she is not only a team player but one that helps out others along the way. To Jasper, I hope you already knew that but just in case you didn't, you are awesome and your art is magical. Keep at it and congrats on a well-earned promotion to the Equites!!!!

(We have lots of new members. I'll bring the hugs if you bring the flowers :D)

Aura Ta'var
Rollmistress of Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-09-13 02:36:32 UTC

Jasper has had a direct impact on the Odan-Urr community from the moment she arrived. She has been a beacon of levity and positivity in our channels and in addition to her own impressive activity, which others have covered, she has enriched our community by sharing her gift of art. Jasper took it upon herself to spruce up member's telegram avatars with lovely flowers, create stickers and little doodles for members and last but not least, her morale raising method of art-based ACC proofing kept everyone's spirits high during the GJW ACC prelims and contributed to COU's success in that event.

Things like these do not jump off a dossier, aren't easy to quantify, and generally read like fluff in a recommendation but they are so critical to the health of an online community like ours and Jasper being her bright self has unquestionably helped make COU a place where people want to be. Thanks for everything you do Jasper and congrats on this well-earned promotion!

Turel Sorenn
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Champion Rajhin Cindertail, 2017-09-13 15:28:11 UTC

Jasper is half of the double suns that shines good feelings and happiness into COU's and Hoth's chats. Beyond this she is a pretty formidable force in the various competitions in the DJB. Of late these have included the House Hoth story arc, Suspicion on Solyiat (where she took 3rd), the recent ACC tournament, and lastly the DJB wide "May the Fourth be with you" competitions.

To me the entrance into the Equite ranks marks a monumental time in a members DJB career. How they enter into it, to me, determines how high they will rise up. Jasper has been a double threat in the realms of writing and graphics. I am happy to see that she is joining us in the Equite ranks, and I believe that based on her activities that she will go far in the DJB.

Congrats and enjoy this very well earned promotion!

General Daniel Stephens, 2017-09-13 16:03:30 UTC

The first time I met Jasper Arlow, it was through a random private message months before I joined Odan-Urr. The reason? She decided that my avatar needed a flowery crown to complete the image. I didn’t ask and I certainly wasn’t expecting it, but it accomplished (subconscious or not) the task of raising the spirits of a member she barely knew. Jasper managed to bring a smile to my face during a dark time.

What few people know is that, prior to that message and image, I was highly considering transferring to the Rogues or closing my account. I had become jaded and stopped enjoying myself, automatically going through the motions of activity. This message reminded me of what I enjoyed within the club — bringing enjoyment to the members.

Whether it was divine intervention or simply a timely stroke of luck, the flowery crown on my avatar convinced me that my favorite activity was through serving the members and making sure they were given the recognition they deserve. It was because of this that I decided to apply for my current position.

That’s just the kind of person that Jasper is. She raises the morale through her artistic talent and bright personality. Others have spoken of her activity and contributions to the community, but I thought I would speak to the character that shines from the person. Between those many contributions and her ceaseless drive to make everyone around her smile, I cannot think of anyone more deserving of joining the ranks of the Equite.

It’s been a long time coming and you’ve more than earned it, Jas. Congratulations.

Celevon Edraven Erinos
Aedile, House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr

Adept Celevon Werd'a, 2017-09-13 18:00:36 UTC
Event ID
Shya Tos
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Shya Tos. I have heard reports from House Galeres that you have managed to:

  • Gain Trust Level 1 on the Dark Brotherhood Discourse Forums

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-09-13 06:25:31 UTC
Event ID
Shya Tos
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Shya Tos, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to House Galeres, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-09-13 04:07:05 UTC
Event ID
Davide Starborn
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Davide Starborn. I have heard reports from Battle Team Disciples of Dakhan that you have managed to:

  • Pass a Shadow Academy course (except Trial of Identity) (except Trial of Identity)

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Battlelord Farrin Xies

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2017-09-12 17:12:47 UTC