Event History

Displaying events 481 - 490 of 19204 in total
Event ID
Captain Meero
Old Rank
Initiate (Novitiate 1)
New Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Meero, you have successfully completed the Trial of Identity and confirmed your e-mail address, for which you have earned the rank of Apprentice. While you may currently be on a shuttle to Battle Team Selen Training Corps, I will continue to follow your progress with great interest.

May the Force guide you, Apprentice,

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-07-19 20:14:54 UTC
Event ID
Researcher Arden Koilos
Old Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

If ever everything Arden says seems night unintelligible and their actions inscrutable, it's only because they're ten steps ahead vibrating on another plane of existence from the rest of us. Arden has one setting: go. And it's this nature that has carried them through the echelons of the Aurora Collegium, through the Journeyman ranks, and through our hearts (not unlike a coronary.) His master and recruiter will have more to say of specifics, but as his Proconsul, I will say that we look forward to all the chaos you continue to bring, Squid, and well done on all you've achieved so far.

Welcome to Knighthood.

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-07-17 19:12:59 UTC
Additional reasons

“Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.” ~Henry Adams

No truer have I seen proof of these words than in recent days with you, Arden. A spark of life spread into a wildfire across all of Arcona. Since you last came before us for promotion you’ve continued to burn bright, throwing yourself into academic pursuits, passing through 16 Academy Courses, and gaining an additional Maven and Savant. Your chaotic nature has certainly flown into our collective Discord, as well, with rampant discussions across the arts, animation, and all things Grimace.

You’ve been a breath of fresh air, a loving bit of chaos, and a reminder that the world isn’t as predictable as we all set out to believe. Seeing your character growth in RP and Fiction has been an enjoyable ride and reminder that no matter how chaotic the writer, their works can stand testament to a keen wit beneath, your Four Clusters of Ice in the last two weeks stand up to show for it too.

Ever Onwards, Arden!

Peacekeeper Masahiro Haku, 2023-07-17 06:04:13 UTC

It has been a short month since the last time we were here in concerns to the constant progression, enthusiasm and energy Arden continues to be a powerhouse of. It’s wonderful to see the chaotic pulse that they bring in full force to not just Arcona but any chat they choose to inhabit. While only 881 words of roleplay have been documented, it is known that far more are to come already.

With that in mind however, the stats! Arden participated in four competitions, one of which was a container, and earned three crescents for their efforts. One of a diamond star, and the other two both ruby. Alongside their roleplay, they also submitted a regular fiction ringing it 1606 words, bringing their clusters of ice to a nice quartet. These efforts alone are a joy to see, consistent activity is always encouraged. Yet the most impressive part of Arden’s activity this last month is the sixteen courses in the Shadow Academy they have passed. These courses compiled into Arden’s third maven, this one of Lore, as well as their first Savant in Writing and Philosophy. Most of this was over the course of less than a week and is really astounding at the speed and accuracy of these results.

Arden has no hesitation into diving full force and enthusiasm into anything that truly takes their interest. It’s a wonder to see in action even if the graders over in the Shadow Academy are really receiving work in excess of what their credit chits probably cover. With all of this in mind, I recommend our favorite Bionicle expert, squid snarker and Pikmin appreciator to the rank of Journeyman 4.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2023-07-17 06:14:27 UTC
Event ID
Specialist Titius Osseus
Old Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Professional Titius Osseus has reached the required 5000 XP to reach the rank of Equite 1.

Oh my, the apprentice now matches the Master. I've watched Titius's skills grow over the last few months. Like a musician practicing their instrument he can now perfectly manage the pitches of Ellac to most beautiful scream.

I'm sure ACC battles will perfect this in time.

Titius's dedication to the Shadow Academy and continued degrees shows a commitment to improving himself and learning all the different elements that make up the DJB. I can't wait to see what Titius does next!

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-07-11 21:58:49 UTC
Event ID
Asani Armis
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Asani has been a powerhouse of activity across the board of options she has chosen to display her prowess in. 22 days ago we saw her rise to Journeyman 2, and in that short time she has engaged in 8 gaming activities and 4 roelplays, across a total of 8 competitions, 2 of which were containers.

Through these activites, Asani has earned a whopping 81 clusters of Earth, earning her her third rank in the GMRG as well as 15 clusters of ice, which for such a short amount of time is crazy. These all combined with her rambunctious ass-kicking attitude, awesome art streams and awful Card Against Humanity responses, leads me to recommend Asani to her next step in the Brotherhood, Journeyman 3.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2023-07-11 02:51:43 UTC
Additional reasons

The Bully Bunny affectionately known as Asani has hopped through my inbox again; bringing with her an impressive CSV detailing her activity in the last month. 81 Clusters of Earth, 15 of Ice? Couple these with the constant lurk and emote responses across Discord, streaming her artistic sessions for everyone's enjoyment, as well as being a general pleasure to behold when she decides to break out of her shroud and actively engage in discussions.

A very vocal supporter of the arts and encouraging others to grow, she's been at the forefront of art chat, fawning over others' work and progress.

Asani, you've taken strides in the Brotherhood, making your presence felt, and definitely given us many laughs in CAH. I'm glad of your promotion, and looking forward to what you bring before us when you reach Knight!

Ever onward, Asani.

Peacekeeper Masahiro Haku, 2023-07-11 02:50:10 UTC
Event ID
Dr. Bril Teg Arga
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Nora Olen
Primary reason

Bril Teg Arga, an extraordinary member of our esteemed Plagueis clan, has achieved nothing short of awe-inspiring accomplishments in a remarkably short span of time. It's truly mind-boggling to think that a mere 40 days have passed since their last promotion on May 30th. Let's delve into Bril's exceptional journey, filled with personal triumphs and boundless enthusiasm:

Bril's unwavering dedication and boundless talent have shone through in their active participation in an impressive 45 competitions. In each of these engagements, Bril consistently showcased their skills and unwavering commitment, earning them the well-deserved recognition they hold today. It's astonishing to witness the incredible growth Bril has demonstrated in such a short time.

Throughout their journey, Bril has captivated us with their incredible talent, securing notable placements and accumulating an awe-inspiring collection of accolades. Their achievements include an astounding 5 Crescents with Diamond Star, 6 Crescents with Ruby Star, 2 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star. These exceptional accomplishments alone account for a jaw-dropping 44% success rate, a testament to Bril's unparalleled dedication and skill.

Bril's creativity and passion for writing have shone brightly through their participation in fiction activities. With an impressive 11 fiction submissions, they have crafted vivid worlds and captivating narratives, amassing an extraordinary total of 96 Clusters of Ice. Their ability to transport readers into their imagination is nothing short of breathtaking. Additionally, Bril has showcased their combat prowess in the ACC, completing 2 intense battles and leaving us in awe of their strategic mastery.

But Bril's talents don't end there. Their strategic thinking and competitive spirit have also flourished in the gaming realm. With 20 gaming submissions, Bril has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, earning a remarkable 275 Clusters of Earth. Their ability to navigate virtual worlds with skill and finesse is truly astonishing. Furthermore, Bril's artistic talents shine in graphic creation, earning them 12 Clusters of Graphite, a testament to their ability to bring visions to life.

Bril's tireless pursuit of personal growth and knowledge is evident in their exceptional achievements within the Shadow Academy. They have obtained an impressive 3 degrees and successfully completed 5 challenging courses, displaying their unwavering dedication to self-improvement. Bril's hunger for knowledge and growth is truly inspiring, setting a shining example for all.

Beyond their individual achievements, Bril has actively engaged in vibrant community discussions via the Discord platform, contributing to the growth and vitality of our cherished community. Their insights, support, and unwavering presence have created an environment where members can thrive and connect.

Today, we proudly celebrate Bril Teg Arga's remarkable milestone of accumulating an astounding 10,000 XP. Their consistent engagement, exceptional performance, and contagious passion make Bril an exceptional candidate for the well-deserved promotion to the esteemed rank of Savant. Bril, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and express our deepest gratitude for your invaluable contributions to the Plagueis clan and the broader community. Your journey serves as a beacon of inspiration, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing your continued excellence and the profound impact you will undoubtedly have on those around you.

Nora Olen, 2023-07-09 20:49:31 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Since his last promotion barely three weeks ago, Shamiir , or Rocket, has continued to rocket through the Journeyman ranks. He's participated in four competitions, in addition to the container competition for the Shadow Academy Decathlon Second Quarter, completing two courses in that span and taking the exams to join both the Inquisitorious and GMRG Societies. Along with that, he's completed two gaming activities and finished his first Roleplay within the Brotherhood with his fellow initiates, Battleteam members, and his master, wherein he wrote over 1000 words, earning himself three Clusters of Ice and two Clusters of Earth. Rocket is more than just active in numbers though, socializing all around the Brotherhood and taking the time to teach his fellow members like Sagitta some Spreadsheet formatting tips, and taking the logo for the Antres Armorers Consolidated shop in Possessions to turn into a full test render for fun.

It's for all these things and more that we're pleased to congratulate Rocket on reaching the rank of Padawan. We'll see you next at Knight.

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-07-05 16:33:10 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Courier (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Ta'xi has continued his onward march to earning that ship. Since his last award only 4 days ago, he has participated in 3 competitions across two container comps, one of which earned him a Crescent with a Ruby Star. He also completed 4 gamining activities that earned him 78 clusters of Earth.

But not only has Ta'xi been at it in ramping out activity, he has been refining his mind. Completeing two more courses for the Shadow Academy earned him a degree. Even more notably he now holds a Scroll of Foundation from an error with one of those courses, specifically in the exam, where he made sure the right faculities were made aware so it could be recifitfied.

It's with all of this in mind, that I recommend Ta'xi to Journeyman 3.

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2023-07-03 20:12:23 UTC
Event ID
Ranger Kant Lavar
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Vorran Shadowfeather
Primary reason

Since Kant’s last promotion in 2015, he has participated in 57 competitions with a breakdown of 7 Fictions, 2 Graphics, 5 Gaming, 1 ACC, and numerous Quiz and Puzzle competitions. He has placed in many of these competitions to earn the following: 2 Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 3 Crescent Emerald Star, and 4 Crescent with Topaz Star.

Of his 7 Fiction competition entries, Kant has amassed 6652 words under his belt with an adult fictional activity credit achieved. He has thrown his hat into the new roleplaying society as he completed 2 sessions with 1091 words written. He has completed 2 ACC matches With all this writing, Kant has gained 24 Clusters of Ice. He has shown his hand at graphic creation by earning 6 Clusters of Graphite. He has 2 legacy Pendants of Blood which he participated in 7 PVP matches and 6 gaming activities. With these activities, he has earned 77 Clusters of Fire and 22 Clusters of Earth.

Kant has participated in the Decathlon competition as well as completed 19 courses and earned 3 degrees within the Shadow Academy.

Other accomplishments that Kant has achieved and most deserving of a promotion is earning a Grand Cross, a Steel Cross, and an Anteian Cross. He has made 16 news comments showing that he actively participates in community reports.

Kant has shown he is a dedicated Arcona member by participating in major events like Sins of The Past, ARC-COU The Consul Bride, Galeres House events, and Arcona Valentine’s Day. This member has competed for the Arcona Name within both the Rise of Supremacy Meridian, Rise of Supremacy Escalation, GJW XII, and GJW XIII. His contributions awarded him 1 Seal of Wrath, 3 Seals of Fury, 5 Seals of Discord, and 5 Seals of Enmity. His efforts to serve under the Arcona name have earned the clan 171,320 credits.

Finally, Kant Lavar has reached 10,000 XP making all of his activities worthy of a promotion to Savant. Congratulations and thank you for all you do.

Jael Chi’ra
Quaestor, Galeres

Vorran Shadowfeather, 2023-07-02 23:51:59 UTC
Additional reasons

There probably isn't anyone who expects this promotion less than Kant himself, but that's because he doesn't think much of what he does. But all efforts add up over time, and Kant has been a loyal and kind presence in this club for years. His account is old enough to drive, and then some (hiiiiii buddy). He's been here my entire DB lifetime, and in that time, I've always known him to be a quiet sort of inspirational: someone who can poke in when they can, still find things trucking along, do a little bit, and just be the reason we as leaders want to keep this place alive; so that there's always this home to come back to. Members like Kant are what drives us to continue, and for that, I'm immeasurably grateful. For every AVD entry, for every failed race against you in trivia AGAIN, for every dog photo and kind word in all my time, thank you, Kant. Thank you and well done.

So say we all!

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-07-02 23:24:19 UTC
Event ID
Rylem Westrev
Old Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
New Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Rylem Westrev, you continue to impress. You're growing more competent each day and you will surely rival the Council when the time is right. You have met the requirements for promotion, and a recommendation has been filed.

I will continue to watch your progress, Rylem Westrev, but my direct intervention in your promotions must come to an end.

You will go far within this Brotherhood.

May the Force guide you, Journeyman,

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-07-01 14:14:17 UTC
Event ID
Ignatius Blaeceth
Old Rank
Apprentice (Novitiate 2)
New Rank
Recruit (Novitiate 3)
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

You're already beginning to make a name for yourself, Kol Eldrgard. I have heard reports from Battle Team Selen Training Corps that you have managed to accumulate 5 XP.

I have recommended you for immediate promotion.

Congratulations, and may the Force guide you, Novice,

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-07-01 06:02:54 UTC