Hector Von Ricmore
Gozanti Listener Ship: Midnight Mynock
Designated Rendezvous, Wild Space
The situation was problematic to say the least. Hector Von Ricmore was many things; an alchemist, scholar, Force wielding combatant. But he liked to consider himself a professional. Which made the current situation all the more troublesome.
The hybrid stood in front of his transparisteel view port, helmet stashed on a console beside him and a frown visible upon his face.
“Run that by me again if you please.”
“Of course sir. Scans aren’t picking up any sign of other hyperspace capable craft in the vicinity. Cargo loaders and the space station are the only things visible on scope.”
“Navigation. You are certain that this is the agreed upon meeting place?”
“Triple checked the charts. We are where we need to be.”
A vexing situation indeed. Hector sat himself down in his command chair and began to ponder. A shipment large enough to require a dedicated transport did not just vanish into the void. There was a reason for it.
He closed his eyes and imagined himself sinking down into a cold, dark, river. He could feel the currents of the Force flowing around him, eager to guide him towards yet another conflict.
With sight beyond sight he began to travel the path laid for him by the Force.
Metallic walls surrounded him. Crates and boxes of various merchandise filled a large cavernous room. An open crate was visible in the center of the room, a variety of blaster weaponry contained within. A variety of creatures could be seen moving the items within. They would pick up and spend time checking over the weapons, then proceed to place the item within a separate crate.
Upon this box was etched a familiar sigil. A W like shape overlapped a circle and I like symbol. The Brotherhood knew this symbol well. The calling card of the Tenixir Revenants.
Hector was pulled back to the present with a gasp. The Force had showed him the group responsible for the theft but further investigation was needed to find where the group had gone. It should not have come as a surprise that they were the group responsible. The Revenants were remnants of a prison riot, whom held the Principate accountable for their sentencing and suffering. They held a deep hatred for the group and would be more than willing to take action against them. Furthermore, the Revenants had been weakened by Brotherhood actions. Seeking weapons and equipment to rearm would be a desirable goal for the former prisoners.
They had the motive to pull this off. And certainly the skills to do it. But how had they accomplished this task?
Hector would have to travel to the station to investigate.
They arrived at the Antei Armaments station without any issues. A momentary pause to show and verify Brotherhood credentials followed by a standard docking procedure. The Stationmaster was not happy to have additional investigators running about, but resolving the issue with the inventory would be worth it.
The Kiffar was ushered to the hangar where the merchandise had been stored. Nothing seemed out of place. No disturbed boxes, no extra ships, no sign of forced entry. The thieves had been professionals. But even professionals left a signature in the Force, and if the stepped into the hangar, Hector could track them.
He placed his hand upon the ground and focused. Worldly distractions were put aside as he allowed the pull of the Force to guide him. Ghostly apparitions appeared in front of him. The Revenants. Dressed as Antei workers they loaded the shipment onto what appeared to be a regular cargo ship. But the Force showed him otherwise. It took him farther back. The Revenants had painted over the ship and falsified its records. A fake name and fake identification. But that did not fool the Force.
Burning Vengeance.
That was the true name of the vessel. And he could see a series of numbers flash by his view. The vessel’s chain code. With those two things the ship could be tracked by the Brotherhood. Hector relayed the information to the Inquisitorious. They would send a team to deal with the matter. His part in this was done, for now.