Fiction Activity

Aftermath: Week 3 Scene Writing 2
Textual submission

Kaeth, Braecen – With a brief moment of silence, we honor the fallen Dark Side Adept, Braecen Kaeth, born on Corellia in the first year after the Battle of Yavin. His journey took him from a playful youth Oceanside to a purposeful scholar of the Dark Arts of the Brotherhood. He is survived by his Apprentince, Alaris Jinn, and a cadre of dutiful lieutenants within House Galeres. Braecen worked with great enthusiasm on opening upstart Journeymen and Equites to their full potential in the Force. This work would start and stop within several Clans of the Brotherhood before he retired to focus on his work in Clan Arcona. His work served a great purpose, but was soon nullified in the conflict against the Grand Master as all were slain by the Grand Master and his Iron Legion. He enjoyed golf, bowling and his worship of the Lord, Wedge Antilles. A memorial service will be held in a fortnight aboard the Darkest Night, a flagship Braecen previously served aboard.