Nath Voth
Korriban did not change much in Nath’s opinion, this had been the second time she had the pleasure of visiting the desolate planet. This time she had to confess was far more enjoyable than the first, this time she could travel where she wished, she could explore and vanish into tombs for weeks at a time and nothing bad would come of it. The last time had not been so enjoyable or free with her whims.
She recalled the war.
The Iridonian would never say that she was pivotal within it, or contributed greatly to it’s success, her ego was far too small for such boasts. If she had to say anything she would describe herself as a force of chaos within a ball of organised chaos.
Slowly she walked her way through the sands, pulling up the balaklava higher, she could feel a storm brewing as the winds picked up on the normally mild desert planet. The last time she had been here she recalled the sands had been turned crimson with the fighting, now not even a body remained. Everything had been swept away, no doubt the bodies had made excellent snacks for the flora and fauna all of which had evolved a ruthless attitude to prey.
As quickly as she could manage she caught up with her counterpart for this little excursion. He stood several inches taller than her and in muscle mass was probably the equivalent of three of her under nourished selves.
“Storm’s coming in.” He turned and glanced skywards a small frown gracing his expression.
“How can you tell?” The sky still seemed calm enough to him, there was nothing unusual or even remotely hinting to stormy weather. Nath knew better, knew what would come and the results of not finding sufficient shelter.
“I lived on Iridonia, the environment was similar.” It was the only expatiation she could think to give the Mandalorian. He thought about it for a long while as they walked down towards the heart of the Valley of Kings.
“We could use that tomb we met in last time.” Nath gave a nod, knowing they had plenty of time to reach it and it would not be caved in like many of the tombs they would pass along the way.
She kept pace with Kalon without difficulty, she could have walked faster but there was no rush, no target to kill or artefact to capture now. No, that had all happened a few months prior and she had seen how it had effected them. How it had changed people to become monstrous creatures that easily turned on friend as quickly as foe.
Nath wondered if Muz was happy now he had the answer to his question, she hadn’t been there when he had breached the hidden tomb but she wasn’t heard pressed to imagine his expression as the large stone blocks turned to rubble. Or how his fingers grasped at the holocron as though it was as fragile as glass.
The pair walked in silence, no doubt Kalon was reliving memories of his own, she did not wish to pry, some things where better left in the memory. For herself she recalled bodies being piled along the narrow path between the rows of tombs, having to climb over fallen Sith to reach her next opponent uncaring if they were friend (not that Nath had many of them) or enemy.
As they continued she fell deeper into her musings, she could smell the metallic tang of the crimson viscous bodily fluids that had soaked so deeply into the sands that it had almost made a paste with the repeated churning of boots that had worked it’s way through it. She felt the itch of dead eyes glaring up at her silently asking her why she had not bothered to save them.
Nath was forced to clench her fists and was thankful her kind did not perspire as much as a Human. It was far more difficult to read that she was in truth recalling these memories far more vividly than the previous battles she had participated in. Slowly her hands came to rest upon the the hilts of her Durasteel daggers, The motion was one of comfort, knowing they were there was reassuring in a more primitive part of her mind.
Nausea bubbled in the pit of her stomach, she took a quiet deep breath to try and repress the acidic contents of her stomach. She wished to go home, wished she could forget it all and pretend this damned war had never happened.
Her hands trembled now too...