Brimstone watched as Plagueis commanders bombard the surface of Korriban to thin out most of the enemy entrenchments that they had rebuilt. As he sat on top of a distant mountain side, with binoculars to his eyes, he relayed coordinates to the Transcendent, which in turn, fired at precise locations of anti-personnel batteries.
After about thirty minutes of destruction raining down on the enemies parades, the firing ceased and Brimstone and his entourage of droids and fellow Plagueians prepared to head down and take the assault within the confines of the Sith Academy. The holo transmission they received earlier, no one knew who it was. But being loyal to Plagueis, Brim knew what it was to follow orders.
Fires and smoke from the charred remains of batteries smoldered in the air. The high temperatures of the planet surface made the trek unbearable. Dust flew through the valley and got into everything, including the droids, which caused some to short circuit. Still, they continued to march on towards their goal.
As they gotten closer, two people, looking like twin jedi, sprang out in their path and proceeded to tear into the front line of droids that were the initial scout teams.The two Twileks with their blue-bladed lightsabers, were causing mass chaos. But as Brimstone and other dark jedi ignited their lightsabers, ready for the attack, the twins leapt out of the area and disappeared into the dust storm.
"What the kriefing was that for" yelled one of the Plagueians. "I don't think they want us to enter fully prepared" replied the Chiss.
Stepping over the newly destroyed front line of droids, Brimstone felt through the dust shroud and could sense another in their path. As they made their way through, they came across a tall Bpfasshi with 2 droids, a ASN-121 hovering over his head behind him, and a YVH 1, or Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One combat droid. He stood there with his purple lightsaber ignited. "You will not pass." he said clearly in basic.
"And you expect us to just back down and call it a day?" retorted Plagueian Callus.
"No, I expect you to die, and without your front droids, I have no problem with dealing with you now" smiled Synin Torin as he with lightning speed tossed out thermal grenades, at the same time, his ASN droid opened fire with his flamethrower. All the dark jedi dove out of the way of the grenades, which went off by the rest of the droid troops they had, destroying them immediately.
Brimstone, and 3 others took the battle towards the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid, 4 Elders and Equites went after Synin Torin, and 2 tried to shoot down the ASN as it continued to lay down a blanket of flames. The battle raged on for what seemed to be a few hours, and was only short. The Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid fell into pieces, the ASN was blown out of the air, and Synin Torin lost his right arm and was defeated. None of the Plagueis Elders wanted to hear his pleas so one of them lopped off his head, killing him quickly.
Now after the quick skirmish, it was time for them to head towards the Valley so they can try to lay claim to the tombs for Plagueis. As they made a sprinted run for the valley entrance, they noticed multiple groups of other clans headed towards the same location as them. The fight was about to get intense. The Valley of the Dark Lords was full of dark energies. Ghosts of the past called out to everyone that could hear them. Korriban was hostile to all life.
As they made their way, K'lor'slugs and Sithspawn of different types stood in their way and started attacking. The only good thing was the other clans were dealing with the same creatures. A member of Tarentum tried to make his way towards the Plagueians to hopefully get a easy kill, but Brimstone recognized him from his days with the clan and telekinetically attacked him. As the Dark Jedi Knight hurled backwards, the Chiss jumped towards him and drove his crimson blade straight into his chest cavity, killing him instantly.
*"Hurry towards the entrance"* bellowed Callus. The Plagueians made their way to the openings and got within its secured walls. *"Set up quick perimeter and open fire on anything not Plagueis"* yelled Kz'set. Multiple shots rang outwards and enemy forces fell back for cover and tried to assess the situations. Brimstone pulled out his dual charric blasters and took a covered positions, releasing multiple shots of blue lasers at anyone that tried to approach or invade. Plagueis won the first battle to reach the Academy first, soon it will be the Tombs, probably when night fall hit.