Fiction Activity

[COU-PLA Phase 1] Fiction - Song and Stories
Textual submission

Lost in time
the rumours abound
of a powerful item
waiting to be found.

The rumours were traced
back to Kiasdt and Jedha
And hunters from all around
Thought with them it would be better.

Hunted for aeons,
the Desired One hid.
Until mentions of it surfaced.
Caused murmurs, it did.

Kept in a temple
the Jed'aii guarded well
then someone stole in
and the theft caused hell.

Two Clans of the Brotherhood
desired it for their own.
They would stop at nothing
to bring the Desired One home.

They fought and they tried
to gain the power
of the ring and many died
hour after hour.

At last it was found
hidden in plain sight.
Both Clans of the Brotherhood
ceased their bloody fight.

The power it posessed
made all shiver in fear.
So all thought it best
To keep the ring near.

It sits in state
in a building guarded well.
Who knows how long it will be
before it once again brings hell?