Nevo Race Track Pod Racer Garage
Built into a cliff face below one of the main spectator stands next to the starting line, the garage contains 20 individual stalls along the back wall opposite the main doors to the track. Along the front wall there are a number of necessities needed for each pod Racer. These include an inspection stall for ensuring compliance with the regulations and to make sure nobody is obviously cheating and no weapons systems are mounted on the racers Pod. The inspection stall is filled with scanners and tools for the inspector team to do a very thorough investigation of the pod racer before they approve it. There are two security droids posted there for the teams safety to avoid any misunderstandings with teams caught cheating. Next to the inspections stall is the Bulk fuel storage containing four large fuel tanks that take up the rest of the wall. Each with a main line that goes out to the exterior pit area before splitting to each of the exterior pit stalls for mid race refueling. This area and all the piping is clearly marked in yellow and red paint to tell any would be fighters to avoid shooting in that direction. The Hutts put a high degree of importance on securing their money making assets and have installed a large beskar cage around the fuel depot to avoid any errant mishaps. The fuel depot is also guarded by two security droids whose only parameter is to keep unauthorized or unwanted personnel from entering.
A Hutt run establishment wouldn't be complete without a fairly large gambling center and bar. On the opposite side of the door on the exterior wall is an elevated lounge area equipped with a caged off bookies nook for taking bets on the races. The rest of the raised platform is lined with a full bar and tables and chairs for the crews to lounge and enjoy the racer while throwing back a few. The Hutts spared no expense in the lounge area with Krayt dragon leather seating and Kashyyykian wood table tops. This area has been known for extra curricular activities and has two more security droids assigned to keep the peace.
Two more security droids are at the entrance to the garage to ensure spectators can't sneak in and bother the crews or their favorite racer. The droids main function is to keep the peace but they are directly controlled by the Hutts who are known to let a scuffle go if they can place bets on the fight. The security droids are more of a referee than a security measure in most instances.
The "Nest", as many crews have come to call it is an oval room above the main door that can see out both the front of the garage and into the garage. This room is used by the announcers and broadcasters to give prerace broadcasts as well as call all the action from the race. This rooms broadcasting array is state of the art and is tasked with sending the video from their numerous camera droids around the track, the stands, and the garage to the large megatron video screens to provide for the juiciest action for the race fans across the city and across the galaxy.
In the center of the garage is a two lane causeway for the podracers to travel along to get to the inspection stall or the track and is marked with lights to divide it. The walls and floor are entirely durasteel. Giving the garage a very clean and upkept look.