Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 10161 - 10170 of 11713 in total
Dungeons and Krayt Dragons
File submission
Dungeons and Krayt Dragons
Adept Celevon Werd'a opted out of publishing his submission.
Dungeons and Krayt Dragons
File submission
Dungeons and Krayt Dragons
File submission
Textual submission

Please accept my submission for the competition mention above. I have used the Elder Scrolls Universe and with the permission of Cyris Oscura, I made his character into a Nord Barbarian and Lexiconus into a Dark Elf Necromancer.

This story is set during the time of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Thank you.

File submission
Adept Celevon Werd'a opted out of publishing his submission.
Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc
Textual submission

Kano sat in his cabin listening to the crackling of the fireplace and the howls of various creatures off in the distance. It was moments like this that the Warrior felt most relaxed. That is why he hated these moments. Relaxation was the enemy. As he began to long for something to break this cycle of boredom a scream rang out from the basement. Kano grinned as he got to his feet and walked to the stairs that led down into the dingy basement.

An even louder scream echoed up the stairwell as Kano stepped off the last step and into the crudely made torture chamber. Kano had a faint hint of giddiness in his voice as he spoke into the darkness, “I thought you would never wake up. I’m glad I was wrong. Now we can have some more fun.”

Kano flicked the lights on in the basement to reveal a naked man hanging upside down from chains. The man let out another scream as Kano walked over to a table covered in bladed weapons and tools.

“Oh, shut it. At Least this time you will see what is causing you the pain.”

With that the Sith picked up a knife with a 7 inch blade. He walked over to the now whimpering man and slowly slid the blades backside along the man's stomach. The cold metal caused the man to squirm as he tried to move away from the inevitable pain he was about to endure.

Kano grinned at the feeble attempt and turned the blade over and slid the razor sharp edge along the man's leg. He started at the heel with the blade just scratching the surface of the skin and pressed harder and harder as the blade made its way up the man's leg and to his thigh. The man pulled, and shaked, and screamed as the knife dug deeper and deeper into his flesh until Kano could feel metal scraping against bone.

A buzzer began to sound with a flashing red light and Kano pulled the blade from the man's leg. He kneeled down, grabbed the man by his hair, then pulled his face up so that he could look into the man's crying eyes.

“Now it is sleepy time again.”

Kano reached back and punched the man in the face. The blow knocked the man unconscious.

The Warrior tossed the blade onto the table and ran up the stairs. As he made his way through the door at the top of the stairs he could hear the familiar voice of his brother at the door.

“Kano, wake up. It is the middle of the afternoon, get your ass outta bed.”

Kano quickly got to the door and flung it open to reveal Fremoc standing there.

“About gorram time. What the hell were you doing? Do you have a woman in here? You getting your freak on?”

Kano grinned, “You could say something like that.”

“Oh, well I didn't mean to interrupt.” said the older brother.

“If you don't mind I would like to get back in there and continue digging in and if things go right I will have a squirter redecoration the room.”

Fremoc cringed as he turned to walk away, “Way too much info bro.”

Kano closed the door and started to walk back towards the basement door. He stopped for a second and listened. Silence filled the air. In the distance a howl echoed through the forest. It was at times like this that Kano felt most relaxed.

April Fools Taldryan
File submission