Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 10801 - 10810 of 12704 in total
Week 1: Fiction
Textual submission

***34 ABY, Grasslands of Aliso, South Side of the Pirate Stronghold***

Concussive blasts and shards of rock pelted the advancing Plagueis forces as they attempted to penetrate the first layer of defense. The bulk of the infantry had managed to take minimal cover amongst the side of the cliffs, trying to hide from the defenders sending deadly bolts of plasma their way. The main force pressed the defenders hard, concentrating their pressure heavily against the forward defenses, which followed a curving path up the plateau and lead to the main compound. Heavily fortified, the approach would cost many lives. But Plagueis had plenty of slaves.

“Use what cover you can find! Someone hit that turret battery! Squad two, focus suppressive fire for the troops coming in behind!”

The Zabrak barked what orders he could in the small window between blasts. His battleteam had been given orders to secure the western flank of the rise, allowing the AT-TE’s to progress further in. Unfortunately, they had been pinned with the rest of the first wave on the left flank. Getting to his objective was going to be tricky. His blood churned as his temper began to foster. He flicked a glance over the troops assembled for him--from the heavy shock troopers to the almost mewling acolytes hoping to earn their stripes--and swore he would not fail in his first major assignment as a team leader. His sergeant, a rough and rigid man from Corellia, slid into a spot beside Kul’tak. His maneuver nearly sent him crashing into the jagged wall of rock, but he saved himself in time and threw a hasty salute.

“My lord, orders are flowing in from the Wrath. She is asking we take the hill.”

The Knight scoffed. Selika Roh does not ask. Nor shall I refuse her. He nodded his understanding.

“Prepare the men, Sergeant. We move to engage. We will take that flank.”

The man rolled, and pushed himself up before running down the line repeating the command. He hadn't noted on the fact that the charge would bring them within direct fire of the large turbolaser batteries stationed at the peak of the cliff. Never questioning orders. He was a good sergeant.

Kul scanned the horizon of the grassland. The Alisoan breeze gave the fields the appearance of an ocean, the ripples flowing out and away from the cliff and its imposing overwatch. All along the sea of green, the smooth waves were being interrupted by the march of infantry and heavy tanks. If he squinted, he could make out the vanguard as they pushed the lines forward. Selika was certainly in a hurry. Not that Kul minded, he loved a good fight.

The Zabrak's sergeant once again dive-bombed into cover, rattling off the condition of the battleteam. A few casualties amongst the troopers and one over-eager disciple who had chosen the wrong moment to peek over his chosen rock. Good riddance, Plaguies did not suffer fools.

“...accounted for and ready for the command, my lord!” Sergeant Guilherd looked expectantly to his superior.

Kul grinned eagerly, licking his mental lips in anticipation of real battle.

“Do you desire glory, Sergeant?” The man gave a whooping shout of agreement. “Good. Today you shall have it. Give the order. The Wrath wants her rock. Ah, here comes Shar'kala, perfect timing.”

The two watched as their wary eyes peeked over their cover at the creature pelting down the winding path. Her fur a midnight-hued blur with a streak of silver down her back, the Vornskr raced towards the attacker’s position. A few of the pirates took shots at her, but her speed was hard to lead for a hit. She made it safe and sound, nearly bowling over her master in her excited state. Kul reached down and scratched her ears.

“So you found it then? Well done, Shar’kala.”

The sergeant gave him a curious look. “My lord? Is there new intel I should be aware of? What did the beast find?”

“Let's survive the immediate danger first, sergeant, then I'll let you in on a little secret.” The laughter hiding in the crevices of his brow disappeared into his cold look of determination. “Give the order.”

With hand raised high, the sergeant tightened his fist. He brought it slashing down so that his fingers extended as if a vibrosword aimed for the compound’s very heart. With a ferocious growl, Kul leapt clear over the cover he'd taken and belted for the first target his eyes laid upon. He sprinted, not even bothering to draw his saber in his rush. The pirate gunner that was guarding the immediate corner they had to pass suddenly found himself being pulled from his spot. His vision filled with that of a Zabrak in an armored cloak, its orange eyes glaring and full of anger. It was the last thing he saw.

Kul dropped the pirate in a loose heap of appendages. He flicked an arm to fling the offensive blood of the outlaw from his claw gauntlet. A quick slice was usually effective enough to do the job. Trooper armor did not cover the entire neck, after all.

The loud whirring of gears warned of an impending assault as the turbo laser farther up the rise sought to break the advance. Kul felt the initial rise of something in his breast. Fear? He shoved it down deep and glared at the imposing machine. He just needed time.

The gunner scanned his targeting system. The being caught in its reticule was just standing there. *The fool. Thinks he can play games, does he?* He pulled the charging lever, giving the weapon a bit more juice. As soon as it was at the desired percentage...he fired. The cloaked figure disappeared in the resulting explosion. Then reappeared meters to his right. *The hell?*

The gunner rechecked his figures, sure he had made the correct adjustments. The Sith should be dead. Why was he standing alive, grinning like a fool? He saw the sudden glow of a missile trail moments too late. Its concussive blast shorted out his system for a brief span of moments, but it was enough to get his attention. Full of revenge, he re-targeted the turbolaser to face the main force, subsequently forcing another lull in the advance.

Kul bounded over to his battleteam on the right flank, where they were panting from the sprint. It appeared everyone had made it except for a couple of troopers, but they mostly all looked the same in their armor anyway. Kul’s Vornskr wagged her way over to him and preceded to use his legs for weaving practice. He attempted to ignore her as his sergeant came forward.

“My lord. I don't think I recall the part of the plan where you recklessly charge a friggin’ turbolaser. Pardon my Corellian, sir.”

“No need, Sergeant. I had a feeling you wouldn't approve so I did it without asking your opinion. I am in charge, after all.” He followed the statement with a grin. Almost the instant his cheek touched his lips, the smile disappeared and he gazed solemnly at the rise. Now that they had a strong position to advance with, they could press the attack and hopefully breach the compound. The Wrath had stressed her intentions to get there before the Dread Lord.

“Now we just need to spearhead the way to the compound,” Kul mused aloud. Guilherd removed his helmet and wiped a gloved hand across his brow, a bothered look on his face.

“Is it completely necessary for us to charge headlong into the barrels of the batteries, my lord? Could we not--”

Kul noticed the sergeant whip his head back, and even amongst the cacophony of the ongoing battle he picked out the sharp crack that followed. Realizing the situation, his eyes grew wide and he caught Guilherd as he fell. Warm blood flowed from the hole in his head, his foggy eyes staring blankly into the Zabrak's face.

At first, Kul couldn’t process it completely. His sergeant lay dead before him, but he held the corpse as the fluids spread over his armor and dripped onto the lush grass and stone. His head lay hanging, his inner thoughts swirled within. The battleteam watched, awaiting orders or even just a glimpse of assurance. They knew their leader and sergeant had become something of friends in their time serving together. The Zabrak’s cold and aggressive style managing to soften for brief moments when paired with the rugged, yet sarcastic Corellian. They might have been only able to imagine the anger that Guilherd’s death would cause, but Kul became that anger incarnate.

The battleteam took a collective step back when the Zabrak raised his head. His eyes had taken a red tinge that made his eyes appear like flames ravaging behind to glass windows. Settling Guilherd’s body onto the grass, he rose and faced the direction the sniper’s shot had originated from. The area around them felt suddenly a bit more stifling, but the humidity on Aliso was low today. A couple of the acolytes gave each other inquisitive glances, unsure of what the plan was. Just as one volunteered to step forward and ask, Kul roared. Not a roar of challenge, but a roar designed to warn the recipient that death was coming for them and it would not rest until it had found them. As his voice began to settle, he burst into a sprint. His saber appeared and it extended forth as a piece of himself, an extension of his desire to kill. His loyal Vornskr kept pace beside him, her own kill instinct being pressured into play from the Zabrak’s influence over her.

The rest of his battleteam watched in shock for a moment as their leader rushed recklessly into the front line of the enemy’s defenses, paying little heed to his own safety. Fortunately for him, his natural speed let him reach the lines before one of the turbolasers could pinpoint him. They once again looked around the group before shrugging and followed after. Pirate after pirate fell beneath Kul’s blade, his left hand reaping lives with every slash he made. The lines behind began to notice a lull in the defenses originally tight-gripped blockade. Sensing an opportunity they moved forward, allowing the heavy tanks to finally join the fray, as well. The turbolasers did not hold for long after that.

***34 ABY Aliso, Inside the Pirate Stronghold***

The southern commander’s radio exploded in a torrent of reports suddenly. Everything became a muddled mess of organization as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Some were saying it was one being who had triggered the advance, but other reports claimed the secondary Plagueian force had managed to breach the laser defenses and were advancing on the second line. Should Plagueis breach that as well, they would be within the compound. The Togrutan spared a glance at the Jedi he’d been tasked with protecting, the “Undesirables” that the Brotherhood’s Grandmaster wanted dead at all costs. He was beginning to think he and his men would be among that list very soon.

Week 1: Fiction
File submission
Week 1: Fiction
File submission
Week 1: Fiction
Textual submission

Malice stood with Aiya overlooking the pirate base they'd been assigned to. A few others had been dispatched to other areas of the base with the mission of taking out as much of it as they could. Malice and Aiya had been assigned to the main holding area, and hidden inside a pouch on the woman's hip was some sort of explosive. She had not asked what it was, just accepting the job to get it in and then get out herself, taking out as many pirates as she could on her way. She stretched slightly, a determined grin on her face. They wouldn't know what hit them.

The pair carefully approached a nearby entrance. Luckily their attention would be mostly on the rest of the clan, which would leave places like this entrance unguarded. After taking a quick glance down the hallway to make sure it was clear, the wildling and her Nexu made their way in, taking care to make sure that their steps would not echo down the darkness. Noticing a bit of light up ahead, they slowly approached to find their first room. Reaching out with the force, she identified two humanoids inside. A quick check confirmed this, and luckily for Malice and Aiya, their backs were turned to them. Casting a quick illusion, the two stepped freely into the room. The men were watching a monitor that seemed to show a battle going on elsewhere.

Malice was glad that there were two of them. She'd been working on a technique that required two opponents, and it seemed this was just the time to practice it. Without drawing attention, she carefully probed one of their minds, searching for their deepest fear. When it became clear a few seconds later, her eyes narrowed. It looked like some sort of hybrid creature that was a mix of a Rancor and an Acklay, neither of which were creatures you wanted to be surprised by. Taking this image, she released his mind and projected the creature onto the man's companion. The other man, who had no idea what was happening and couldn't see the illusion himself was caught off guard as the other clipped him in the shoulder with a blaster shot. He howled in pain before dropping when another hit him in the face. The illusion, however, did not end with him, continuing to torment the man until he raised the blaster to his own head, hoping that death would end the illusion. Sadly, it did, and Malice folded her arms at the sight before her.

"I'd say that worked splendidly, wouldn't you?" She said to the Nexu next to her. Aiya chirped something back and Malice sighed. "Sure, they'll be going to waste anyway after everything explodes."

Once Aiya had finished her meal, the two continued down the hallway. Most of the other pirates they encountered were on their own, so Malice did not get to try her trick again, much to her disappointment. Once they had swept the area, they approached what seemed like the main control center. Malice could sense a larger group within. Seven? Six. Six more to take out before they could plant the explosive and run. She couldn't tell if the group was armed or not, but she and Aiya had taken out larger groups than this before. She laid a hand on the Nexus head scratching affectionately behind a cluster of spines before hitting the button to raise the door. Six pairs of eyes looked in their direction, panicked expressions. A single person in the room was armed. Everyone else was simply there to run the control room and give readings to whoever came asking for them. She walked calmly towards the armed individual, a female with a very shaky firing hand. Her shots missed the pair easily, and before she could fire again, Malice was right in front of her, the knife she kept in a sheath on her leg out and against her neck. The other five people seemed frozen in place. They did not run. They did not scream. Nothing. Now where was the fun in that? Her glance flashed to Aiya, who understood immediately and began taking out people one by one. That seemed to snap them out of it, though none of them could do anything against the vicious feline.

Turning her attention back to the girl, Malice spoke.

"What is your name?"

"Asante." The girl squeaked out.

"Asante. That's a lovely name. Tell me, are you ready to die?"

Asante shook her head frantically, tears starting to form in her eyes as she noticed the strange creature the woman had brought with her come back to sit down, licking blood from its face.

"Do you have a dream, Asante? Something to live for?" Malice asked, searching the woman's face.

"Just my family. They're in a different system, I'm just here to work to support them."

Her voice was really shaking now as she realized this was her chance to beg for her life.

"Please, I won't tell anyone. Just let me go."

Malice lowered the knife, reaching into her pouch to retrieve the bomb. The girl's eyes glanced at it before finding their way back up to Malice's.

"This device will send a message to my group. it'll tell them I've already swept this area, so if you stay here, you'll be safe. They won't come to check it again, do you understand?" She asked as she attached it to the underside of a control panel nearby.

Relief flooded the girl's face as she openly began to cry.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Trust me, it's no problem." She said, turning back to where they had come from. Aiya followed closely behind. Malice hit the button again to open the door and then close it again. Once the girl was out of sight, Malice quickly climbed onto the Nexu, who began to race forward. Malice clipped the earpiece into her ear as they rushed out the exit, continuing to run until they were a good distance away. Climbing to the top of a nearby hill, Malice climbed down, standing next to Aiya. She touched a finger to the earpiece.

"All set down here."

"Excellent." Came her master's voice on the other side. A few seconds later, the two watched as the entire compound ignited, blasting high into the sky. She was rather pleased, as it had seemed her skill for deception had greatly improved after accepting Selika's teachings. Aiya was not pleased, however, as the girl would have served to be an excellent meal.

"Let's get back to finish our report." She said, climbing on the Nexu again to start off towards where Selika would be waiting.

Week 2: Fiction
File submission
Week 2: Fiction
File submission
Week 2: Fiction
Teylas Ramar opted out of publishing his submission.
Week 2: Fiction
File submission
Week 2: Fiction
File submission
Week 2: Fiction
File submission