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[Vizsla] Hunting for Relics
Textual submission

*Raven Requiem* "Nite Owl" Edition

Hector Von Ricmore sat within the cockpit of his personal vessel, *Raven Requiem.* The ship had exited hyperspace in the Umbara system and slowly drifted towards Umbara. While the vessel lacked any electronic methods for disguising its signature, Hector had slowed the vessel down to reduce its emissions and made use of the vessels current dark color scheme to aid in repelling the eyes of most sentients.

Aboard the craft were 28 sentients including Hector. Each man and woman were garbed in dark gray armor and had been outfitted with Light Amplification goggles and a suppressed slugthrower in addition to their regular weaponry. These beings had mixed backgrounds. Some were Iron Legion soldiers. Others were Mandalorian and Non Mandalorian members of Vizsla. All had been chosen for their stealth capabilities and their professionalism. Despite their differences they would work together to accomplish the mission.

This group had a simple task. Acquire an ancient mandalorian insignia from an Umbara dig site. Vizsla intelligence claimed that the dig leader was a Duros named Renick Voss. He was known to be involved in black market archaeology trades. Voss could prove to be a useful asset and the group set out with the secondary objective of capturing him for Clan Vizsla.

The nature of the dig site as a black market zone made this mission a simple one. Without having to worry about innocent civilians the group merely had to ensure that Voss was not caught in the crossfire.

Hector landed his vessel and disembarked alongside his allies. Each turned on their low light amplification goggles. The 28 man strike force was divided into 4 groups of 7.

The teams separated; each approached the dig site from a different angle.

Hector’s team pushed forward towards the digsite. The planet of Umbara experienced no sunlight on its surface. The eternal night would aid the teams in approaching unseen.

The Kiffar held his slugthrower rifle in hand as he led the group from the front. His eyes caught sight of the slightest movement from the planet's surface. He raised his rifle, thumbing the fire selector switch to automatic, and let loose a torrent of suppressed shots at the tendril barrelling towards him.

Death’s embrace was one of the flora native to Umbara. It was a predatory plant that would lie in wait; grasping and strangeling sentients when the opportunity arose.

Hector’s allies joined him in firing on the plant, which soon ceased its struggles entirely.

“Umbara is filled with dangerous wildlife. Keep your eyes and ears open.” The Dark Jedi reminded the group. His allies nodded as the squad resumed their trek towards the dig site.

The various teams had arrived at the location. They began to stealthily take down roaming guards with their suppressed slugthrowers.

The unit came across Renick Voss. Before they could secure him a horde of animals flew towards them.

“Banshees fast and low!” A soldier called.

They abandoned their slugthrowers, pulling out blaster rifles and firing at the beasts.

Hector fired his slugthrower until the magazine ran out of ammo. Instead of reloading he held out his right hand, throwing arcs of lightning into the creatures.

With the beasts slain one of the troops fired a stun blast into Renick. The dealer had the artifact on his person.

With their objective complete the Vizsla force returned to Hector’s ship and headed home.

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