Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 10921 - 10930 of 11707 in total
A Tourist's Guide To The Galaxy
File submission
Textual submission

Sources: DJB wiki, all pictures except the Acklay one are from the DJB wiki database.

Acklay picture was taken from:

A Tourist's Guide To The Galaxy
File submission
Textual submission


[Nighthawk] Inspection Day
Textual submission

Rulvak looked over at Bleu in disbelief.

*He couldn't possibly mean what he just make light of something so serious?* Rulvak looked around hangar, odds and ends scattered throughout, like when a three-year old was done playing with their toys before nap time. He knew not where to start. *I should have hid that alcohol, instead of having them party with it to get rid of it all before the inspection. And now cleaning will be a competition?*

"...and Rulvak, you better come out on top. I will not tolerate anything less from my second in command after that abuse of our stash."

*He really is serious. The fate of this inspection rides on a competition between Ernordeth and I?*

Ernordeth glanced over at Rulvak with a smirk so full of confidence that it made Rulvak feel hopeless.

*How am I to compete with someone of his level of experience, especially after this* mess *?* Immediately, he made the decision to employ other members to help.

*Surely this is not an abuse of power. It is justified. It is for a good cause. It is for the inspection.* He thought to himself as justification for recruiting help before noticing Ernordeth approaching him.

"Good luck, Rulvak," he said, before turning back towards the grav-lift. The feeling of hopelessness within Rulvak was more apparent now than before.


"You honestly think I would employ the Talons to help clean up a mess in the Hangar Bay, Rulvak?" Mako sounded furious that the halfbreed would even suggest the idea, and Rul was not about to stay around and wait for Mako to make an example of him. Even though Rulvak had the position advantage on the Nighthawk, he knew better than to push someone so obviously above him.

He was running out of ideas, Mako would not have anything to do with it, he would not go near Nath, he felt he was always on Zakath's bad side, he didn't really know Ood or Kalon very well, Egregious seemed reliable at times...but he was still unsure what happened with the 'defector' situation, and all that was left was Arcean.


Arcean was just minding his own business in his quarters, trying to recover from the hangover from the little bit of alcohol the Commander had let him consume the night before, when Rulvak found him.


"Yes Commander?" he replied while rubbing his head after he knocked his head off of the bunk.

"I need you to help me clean the Hangar Bay, it's a disaster, and today is inspection day."

"Roger that, sir. Who else will be helping us?"

"It's you and I, mate."


On their way back down the grav-lift, he remembered Ernordeth.

*Good luck, Rulvak...heh. Now what will you do Erno?*

When the doors hissed open, Kordath was sitting there waiting.

"Sir! I have employed Arcean to help me clean-" but before he could finish, his Captain cut him off.

"Rulvak, you have failed me," he said plainly with an obvious look of disappointment on his face.

"-but sir..." Rulvak started before looking around at a spotless Hangar Bay. *How did he do it? I thought of everyone we could have asked for help...*

"You know how, Rul. Quite simply, he out-smarted you. Erno promptly went to the Engineering room, programmed the droids for their cleaning protocol, and watched them finish the task while you were running around trying to recruit other people to complete the task for you. I honestly had thought you would be the one to think of it first."

Rulvak stared at the clean room in disbelief. *How could I have forgotten about the droids?*

"Ernordeth will be receiving the Consul and Proconsul when they arrive for the inspection, for he has earned the right to be the face of the Nighthawk during their stay. You, Rul, will be doing whatever they wish you to do. In other words, you have won the right to be their personal butler. Am I clear?" Kordath said, unusually stern.

"Yes, sir," Rul said with a deep sigh.

"Ernordeth is on his way down here, and I've received word that they are inbound this very minute." Bleu changed his tone completely back to normal after that, and prepared for the arrival of the ship's previous Captain, and her coworker. "Enjoy being room service!" He chimed before walking away.

*Well, what could go wrong?* Rul thought to himself before preparing himself for the adventure that lay ahead.

[Nighthawk] Inspection Day
Textual submission

Road to Damascus
File submission
Textual submission


Road to Damascus
Textual submission

Road to Damascus
Textual submission

Felucia System,
39 ABY.

In the darkness of space, the silence was quickly disrupted above the skies of this jungle planet when a grey shuttle appeared from hyperspace and slowly circled into a standard orbit. Inside this vessel, a pair of Warhost soldiers who were clad in armour and donning the Naga Sadow insignia, activated the holocommunicator. The Consul of Naga Sadow, Locke Sonjie, appeared before them with his eyes scanning the background consistently as he spoke.

“Ah, Private Cordan & Graye. You have arrived at your destination?”

“Aye sir. The passenger will now be dropped onto the surface below and follow the signal we’ve tracked, sir.” Private Graye replied, as he began to descend into the atmosphere.

“Good, where is he? I do not see the Zelosian to greet me.” Locke shouted, as his eyes continued to dart around.

“Meditating sir. He said the travel drains him.” The Private replied hesitantly, he was confused about the behaviour from the Sith passenger.

“Understood, protect him at all costs. Locke out.” The holocommunication was cut from the other side, whilst the pilot hovered and closed in on a clean patch of jungle. Once the shuttle’s legs began to unfold and settle onto the soft soil, Lexiconus the Sith mentioned, opened his eyes and slowly stood. He stretched his body upwards and gave out a relieved sigh, then grabbed his equipment and placed them into his waistcloth. Lexic has never been to Felucia before, the place appeared unusual from the vast fungus plants to the giant bioluminescence in the lakes and trees. But it was a jungle, filled with swamps, and Lexic knew how to traverse them very well. Swimming was his strong suit, climbing became fun, and tracking others was a hobby he enjoyed as a child. This would be no different. The shuttle slowly began to settle its engines and the ramp lowered into a bog of sorts, this pleased the Zelosian. As he walked the ramp and waded down into the murky and warm waters, he turned to the pilots with their guns in hesitation.

“Walking through this will wash the ‘outsider’s scent from us. We need to remain hidden from the natives, in order to track her and eventually surprise her.” The Zelosian lectured them, he turned and continued through the lake and to the other side. Slowly but surely, the pilots followed suit and waded through the mud, giving out groans of displeasure in between steps. Once they finally reached the other side of the bog covered in mud and other earthly concoctions, the trio gathered around Private Cordan’s tracker as he led the way through the thick flora.

“Sir? Why are we tracking this Twi’lek? I’m sure she can handle herself.” Cordan questioned to the Sith, who for once in his lifetime actually enjoying the experience and smiling.

“Because, Private, she has information about Darth Necron we do not. It is imperative we retrieve it and send it back to the Grand Master. Does this quantify this mission for you?” Lexiconus snapped back, to which the Private nodded and continued forward.

The signal was coming close and the tracker at it in the immediate area, but before they reached it there was something else catching their eye. In front of the trio was a shiny metallic object that was unnoticable at first, but the colour of it shined out from the darkness in the ground. Cordan jogged over to the metallic object and dug it from the ground, then stood to reveal it in the light. It was of course the Twi’lek’s lightsaber, slim and light in design with the power cells hidden inside, the crystal was visible when ignited however. The soldier returned to Lexic with a confused look and handed the lightsaber over to the Sith, who sighed in response.

“She had a fight with some other Jedi it appears, or something huge as this lightsaber is broken. The obvious path leads to our tracker, yes?” The Private nodded once checking his device. “Then let us press on with haste, she may not be alive for long.” Lexic jogged onwards in swiftness as the pilots followed suit, eager to complete their mission.

Several meters ahead the tracker bleeped out loudly in order to signal the trio they have met their end, and the pilots began to dig around the tacker in the area. The device appears to fell from the Twi’lek’s body, or that the Jedi herself has been swallowed or buried here. Further digging resulted in Graye to find the tracker and along with the desired datapad with the mission log. He handed it to his Sith superior, who glance over the screen and it’s contents.

“Hmm, it appears she recorded her tactics down to each limb movement. It seems Darth Necren uses a variation of Ataru but more...violent?” Lexic did not like the idea of dealing with this Sith Lord, one as powerful as her, but he needed to find Rhaenn first. Promptly, he continued down the beaten path, since this would be the Twi’lek’s only hope for survival. However, this wasn’t the case when they eventually met the horrors that awaited them. A sheer cliff of flowing water and clay greeted the trio almost by surprise, and below they could see the very Jedi they were tracking, only lost. Using her best K’tara moves, the Jedi fought back the small packs of rodents that nipped and attacked her ravaged body. Cordan instantly dropped the device and raised his rifle to take clear shots, however Lexic gripped the rifle tightly and shoved it back down again.

“No, let’s wait to see who fairs best. Her, or the pack.” Cordan was going to protest but Private Graye pulled him back from this notion and behind the Sith as they watched in disbelief. Each rodent that attacked the woman bit her worse and worse, her strength was failing her, as were her Illusions on the rodents. She would trick them with a dummy of her body and try to escape, however more rodents would appear from the bush and snag at her ankles once more. After some forced perseverance and a hint of the Force rejuvenating her legs, she slammed a heel into a rodent’s skull and cracked the weak cap open. This action instantly halted all the other rodents in their pursuit, as they cried out in agonising pain and then scattered into the bush with fear. With a nod and a short smile, Lexic gave the rifle back to Cordan and walked back down the muddy path.

“Retrieve the woman and bring her to the shuttle, you should be able to handle her now.” Lexic ordered as he waited away from sight, he felt the mission was finally complete and solved.

Road to Damascus
File submission
Textual submission

I hope that you enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Road to Damascus
File submission
Textual submission

Thank you for a great chance to explore the past events of the Brotherhood! Being removed for so long, it was a blast to read the previous GJW fiction and updates.