Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 11621 - 11630 of 12902 in total
Call from a Past Life
File submission
Textual submission

Please see my attached entry into the competition. If there are any issues, please let me know. Thank you.


Call from a Past Life
File submission
Textual submission

See attachment.

Operation Cobalt: Always consult the locals!
Textual submission

Armad’s comlink chirped with the sound of a message being received to his datapad. Pausing in his work, he pulled his datapad out from under a pile of wires and discarded parts, and opened the new message. It was a call for those that were proficient in computers and data retrieval, for a mission to a planet code named Cobalt. Responding in the affirmative, he immediately received another message detailing what information that he was to gather and the coordinates to the Cobalt, and what little information that they had been able to gather. Going to his office, Armad picked up a couple of small droids that he had created earlier, and added some new gadgets with additional programming, then headed to the nearest hangar. After commandeering a Clan freighter, Armad punched in the coordinates for his home planet of Umbara. He wanted to stop there, one to check on his company and pick up a more businesslike attire, and as a backstop, should the local authorities or the Dominion decided to track where he originated from. Switching ships on Umbara, Armad set out for the planet codenamed Cobalt.

Arriving in system, Armad was immediately greeted by an automatic welcome greeting, which gave the rules and regulations speech and a frequency to contact when wishing to gain entry into one of the planets cities. As he neared the planet, Armad could see that it was mostly a barren planet, with very sporadic areas that held vegetation, as well as seeing several large circles dotting the continents. After contacting the being on the other end of the frequency given, Armad was given permission to land in the spaceport of the largest dome city. Making a semi-flawless landing, Armad was greeted by a port official, who gave another welcome speech, but this time with the where and where-not to go areas. As Armad was about to go through the door out of his hangar, the official turned and gave one last “rule”, of a recent incident that had quarantined a hangar and several rooms on the other side to the port, he cautioned him to steer clear of the area until the quarantine had been lifted.

Thinking that that was rather suspicious, Armad nodded his acknowledgement and made it way out to the promenade. He was immediately assaulted by the busy sounds of vendors talking and selling up their wares. Walking past the different stores, Armad got to see the different products that this planet can produce. He wanted to stop in several of the tech stores and see where their level of tech compared to his own, but he knew that if he did he would get stuck in them and the chances of accomplishing his mission would suffer. Suppressing his curiosity, Armad continued on past until he came to a relatively isolated terminal and started making random inquiries into the local security companies and seemingly innocuous data retrievals to see, if any, red flags were raised. He felt that someone was watching him, but they felt more security making sure I didn't do anything wrong, than for what he was doing. Deftly pulling his droid, he was glad to find that the technology was compatible with each other, he plugged it into the terminal and let it do its search.

While it was searching for his mission data, Armad decided to look up what he could on this suspicious quarantine thing. He found that it had happened about a week and a half ago, no official reason had been given, and there had been reports of strange noises and missing people that had been curious enough to venture close.

Operation Cobalt: Always consult the locals!
Specialist Quo-Wing-Tzun opted out of publishing his submission.
Operation Cobalt: Always consult the locals!
File submission
Textual submission

Coincides with Forceful Recruitment submission (

Tea on Tython
Aaleeshah opted out of publishing her submission.
Tea on Tython
File submission
Tea on Tython
File submission