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Antei Contract Bureau: Live! [2015] - Round II
Textual submission


Ghost of the Wolf
By Lonewolf

I looked down at the datapad on which the assignment from the Antei Contract Bureau was on. A civilian ground transport was making its way through one of the tunnels of Port Ol’val towards my new place of employment. I had picked a seat towards the back of the transport, away from the droid driver but close enough to the rear exit to disembark quickly after getting to my stop. I re-read the instructions from the ACB one more time before removing the data card. I dropped it on the ground, looking around at the other passengers who were too busy to notice someone like me. I cracked the data card under the heel of my foot, destroying the evidence of my mission. I pressed down a second time, causing it to be in four different pieces.

“Stop 13 B coming up,” announced the overhead speaker.

I had been undercover for the last three weeks. I had a fake identification that had been set up by the ACB. They had put me in an apartment to establish residence, faked my previous employment record as a personnel security detail agent for the last four years. The great thing was I had been in private security before so I knew all the answers to the questions before some red-headed human female had even asked them. During the interview I was able to foul even their most complex machines, giving me an easy pass. All of this had allowed me to get full-time employment at my primary target: Tre’Da. My mission was to infiltrate the security firm, delete any information regarding my Battleteam - Tyrant’s Sword - and plant evidence to incriminate the organization.

The ground transport stopped at Stop 13 B and I disembarked. I had only been to the corporate sector once or twice before this mission. It was nothing special and I didn’t have time to take in anything. I moved to the dead-drop to retrieve my final items for the mission. On my belt I already had my company issued BlasTech. Being in the PSD section I was allowed to wear civilian clothes. I was dressed in combat boots, black trousers and a white dress shirt. A black rancor jacket kept me warm as I turned the corner to the dead-drop.

A pile of steel boxes were just thrown into one of the corners. I found the marking circled X. I looked around, no one was around. I scanned the walls, no holo-cameras. I was good. I opened the box and saw a slugthower and a vial of green blood. I picked up the slugthrower, putting it in the small of my back. The blood was going to be tricky to sneak past security. The slugthrower was easy. Again, being PSD I was allowed additional weapons other than company issued, made me look better. I turned the vial in my fingers, looking around again.

Putting the vial back in the steel box. I pulled a spare power cell from my pocket. Taking a vibroblade from my boot I popped the bottom off and ripped out the cell, shaking it loose one of the two internal cells. I took the vial and it slid in perfectly. I put the bottom back on and shook it; nothing moved. I nodded, putting the power cell back in my pocket. Time to get to work, I said to myself.

It only took me roughly five minutes to make my way to the entrance of Tre’Da at a normal walk. I called upon the Force several times to keep me calm. I watched hands, facial expressions, everything as I worked my way down the street. Tre’Da was very new at the Port but it was making an impact. Nearly thirty-percent of all businesses now used them for private security. They offered credit movement, personal security, building security, transportation, everything. They were growing and that meant they were dangerous. A small business you were able to control, keep within their limits but Tre’Da had all but pushed out the other private security causing them to become a power.

I entered the lobby of Tre’Da Headquarters. The partners had taken a older building in the business district and completely renovated it. The Port was, after all, an asteroid and once a building went up it was very hard to take it down. But the partners had done a good job. A water fountain at the front, advertisement posters, pretty females at the reception desk, several guards around in their nice blue company uniforms.

Moving towards the body scanners I took out my identification badge and handed it to the guard. I stepped through the body scanner. It took a full scan and showed my company weapon and the slugthrower. The guard looked over the images again, checking my identification. It came up clear. He looked at me. “Why the extra weapon today?”

I turned to him, “Classified,” I stated, knowing it was completely made up. I could have come up with some excuse that I was guarding a high value target or transporting half a million credits or something but no, I stuck to the simple classified comment.

The guard looked at me again and handed me my identification. “Be well,” he said, turning his attention to the next employee. I put my credentials back in the breast pocket of my jacket and moved on down to the turbolift. The last three days I had followed out an exact plan. I knew the steps to my target, timed in my head, the routine of the employees in the main frame. The mission should now take me roughly fives minutes to complete.

Going up the turbolift I arrived on the fifteenth floor. A droid voice announced I had arrived as the lift doors opened. I stepped out, looking around. Thirty paces to door one, I said to myself. Turning on my heel to the right I counted it out and arrived at the first door. It opened, being an unsecure door. I walked through, scanning around the area. No one in this room, they hadn’t shown up for the start of the day yet. I continued to move down the empty office to another door.

I typed in a passcode, having lifted it from a Twi’lek female at the cantina who had a little too much ale prior to a little too much me in the evening time. The light went from red to green and walked in. Door three, forty paces. The second room had one person in it. They were too busy looking at their data terminal to pay any attention to me.

Getting to door three I pulled a faked data card. I slipped it into the slot and typed in another passcode. The computer thought for a moment before it beeped and opened, granting me access to the main frame. I slipped in and closed the door with a press of a button. I looked to see several holocams around, watching me. I’ll take care of that. Moving to one of the terminals I took out the provided datapad. I plugged the cord from the datapad into the terminal outlet and pressed a button. The datapad burst to life and started its run. It worked quickly to erase all the information on my battleteam.

Turning to a second data terminal I ran a few commands of my own, accessing the holo-cam system. I found the footage of the last ten minutes, finding myself from the front entrance to the main frame. A few quick flicks of my fingers and I erased all the footage. I further went to disable all the cameras from the main frame to the locker room for the next five minutes. I turned to see the datapad finished.

Unplugging it I stuffed it back into my jacket and walked out of the main frame. The lone worker was still just working on their own. I walked out of the second room to the first and then the hallway.

“John, John,” someone yelled. I turned to see my boss, Tur Yun, coming up towards me. “John, where the hell have you been?”

I started to get angry and I frowned. Time was ticking. “Hey, Tur, what up?”

Tur was dressed in a similar fashion as myself: black boots, black pants but a grey button up shirt. His service blaster was on his hip along with his identified badge by it. “Hey, we got a briefing right now. Got to escort a VIP from here to some backwater planet for some stupid business deal with a Hutt.”

“Alright, Tur. I got to get to the locker room first for something,” I said.

“For what, John? Come on, we got to go,” Tur ordered.

I looked around, No one. I nodded, “Sure, Tur, sure.” I followed behind Tur as he turned. We went right past the locker room. I had only three minutes left now. I grabbed the grip of the slugthrower and brought it down on the back of Tur’s neck, knocking him out. Before he hit the ground I caught him and pulled him quickly into the locker room.

No one was in the locker room, which was a welcome sign. I pulled Tur over to his locker and set him next to it. I cleaned the slugthrower’s grip and put it in his hand. I grabbed the vial of blood from the power cell, opening Tur’s locker and finding a pair a pants. I opened the vial and splashed it on the pants. It was the blood to a Ol’val Security officer that had been killed two days earlier.

Tur started to wake up as I closed the locker. Thirty seconds, I said to myself. He shook his head, sitting up straight. He looked at the slugthrower in his hand and then at me. “John, what the hell?”

I took several steps back before raising my hand, taking control of his. “John, what, what is going on?” Without a word I had him bring the weapon to his own head before, with a flick of my finger, made him pull the trigger. The explosive round echoed hard throughout the locker room. Tur’s hand dropped to his side, his blood and brain matter all over the side of the locker. It was only two seconds later that the alarm sounded.

I had only a few seconds left to move away from the locker room and get to my extraction point. I moved towards the back exit of the locker room. Next to it was a viewport that lead straight down to the street below. I opened it and slid through it and dropped towards the street. I called upon the Force to slow myself. I had practiced this before but there was always a net to catch me. This time it was for real. I did a front flip and as I neared the bottom Force pushed off the stone and steel road, sending myself back up and then down, slowing me down completely.

Coming to a crouch I looked around. No one even seemed to notice as I was in the back alley. I moved towards the road and headed off, tossing my identification in a nearby trash. The final part of the mission was accomplished as Ol’val Security showed up. They would handle the rest.

I head off back to the ACB to report on a mission accomplished.