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Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
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Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
Textual submission

As the sun of Nicht Ka set for the day, leaving the eastern side of the planet in darkness, silence droned on. Like a curse placed upon the biosphere. From the darkness, a circular halo of lights began to shine out from the crust, with various blips beginning to flicker alight inside the halo. This was known by the Brotherhood as the One Sith continent on Nicht Ka. The question that was much more difficult to answer was where they bunkered. Then from the silence, flashes of cerulean followed by an orb appeared in the sky. Out stretched the long nose of an Imperial Star Destroyer, which melded and shrunk back into shape as it slowed below light speed. Following suit was the grated and stumpt nose of a Bothan Assault Cruiser. Then followed the various X-Wings of this appearing fleet, that surrounded the two monolithic ships and explored the vast emptiness of space. Latched on the angular hull of these ships was the Arcona symbol, recently painted.

From their position, the Imperial Star Destroyer called ‘Eye’ began to cruise ahead and place itself into an orbit around the dark side of Nicht Ka. Whereas the smaller and less defended Assault Cruiser named ‘Darkest Night’ ascended to the daytime of the planet and anchored itself there. Meanwhile inside the Darkest Night, two Quaestor prepared for their shuttles by walking into hanger with their datapads and Aediles. From the corner of his eye, the Human named ‘Valtiere’ looked at his partner ‘Cethgus’ and whispered.

“Ceth, this attack alone on the One Sith is going to be huge. The repercussions will be seen for years to come.”

With a stern nod and a growl, Cethgus continued to walk towards the shuttle and up the landing bay. Then once inside, he spoke to his partner.

“Valt, this event will outlive our reign and into our descendants reign indefinitely. We must do this right!”

Cethgus struck his palm with his fist to indicate the severity of his words, then gave the pilot the go ahead.

The shuttle curled its wings outwards as it elevated from the floor and pushed out of the hangar bay. The cold metal of the engines rattled and hummed into life as the mechanisms processed quickly. The shuttle arched around the planet’s equator as it was chased by the rising sun. The blazing rays of the hot ball of fire and gas gave the men a warm sensation on the back of their necks, the only positive feeling they will receive in the days to come.

After finally catching up with the dusk of the planet, the pilot and Valtiere notice the huge teal engine flames from the ISD roaring to keep the ship in orbit. This capital uncurled from the planet’s equator and fully in view as the shuttle finally reached the ship’s hangar bay. With the shuttle’s wings curling back in, the shuttle cooled and landed safely in the limelight of the ship’s hangar. The two Quaestors had a blanket of confidence wrap around them as they strided off the shuttle ramp, ready for combat. Surprised at their vision, they saw all their Battleteam Leaders standing in formation in salute. They halted to investigate this odd outcome.

“This is why the Consul summoned you all? To welcome us?” Ceth spoke to them.

Valitere quickly patted the Zabrak’s shoulder and looked at him. “No, my brother, they’re in the hangar to be our first squadron of attackers. We cannot waste more time, the bridge needs us!”

Cethgus agreed then dismissed the Leaders and proceeded ahead towards the bridge. The two men jogged up the stairs to meet two huge and thick framed doors swish open for them, the beeping of consoles and the sounds of commotion that represented the bridge. This was the delighting experience that Valtiere had hoped for. An officer from one of the command controls spotted the two men and walked to them with a datapad in hand. With a sharp salute, he handed the pad to them.

“Your orders from the Consul sir, are to command the Eye whilst in orbit, and observe for any One Sith incursions.” He then gave another quick salute and marched back to his console.

Together, the Quaestors walked up more stairs to reach the command consoles and observation area of the bridge. They already sensed familiar faces, but seeing Turel and Atyiru in their uniforms and standing guard gave them a spark of pride in their hearts. The clinking of their boots echoed the bridge as they approached the observation window, then the Aediles turned and saluted.

“Sir I relieve command to you, no One Sith Incursions yet but I...have had my eyes open” Turel said to Valtiere, who nodded in response.

“Atty, how is your search? Anything out there?” Cethgus said to his most prized leader as he stood by her.

“Unknown sir, the planet is...darted...with Force sensitivity, it’s just the matter of finding the right one.”

“I know you can do it, have we Marick yet” Cethgus said, almost forgetting one of the members did not have eyes.

“No sir, he hasn’t stepped out of the War Council, even when we arrived.” Turel added, with a nervous sensation covering him.

“But we did see Wuntila sir, he came in with us and said something about orders from the VOICE”

Valtiere and Cethgus both appeared puzzled about this War Council, as some of the members inside were indeed attached to Dark Council members.

“I’m afraid we have to assume that the VOICE is not to be blame, if so then Marick would of spoken by now” Valtiere said, who was quite confident of himself.

“Would he really now?” The Zabrak whispered, staring out into the atmosphere of the Nicht Ka nightsky.

Tactical Defensive and Oppressive Strategy Holo-projection Chambers

Inside the dark and silent room, an aquamarine glow blended into the darkness from the centre of a holoprojection machine. This table displayed the orbiting planet of Nicht Ka, with several key tactical points of landing for the fleet, followed by hypothesis routes they could take and other technological ideas from the members inside the Council. On the outer sides of this table stood Strategos and Timeros who bounced ideas off each other fluently. Near the middle Wuntila stood with his muscular and thick arms crossed as he observed the holoprojection for faults and counters. Then opposite Wuntila, the blue chiss named Invictus stood who looked worryingly at his friend, the Consul Marick who continued to pace slowly without a word.

“Look here, there is a field of pure glass made by an old erupted volcano, if we use the sun’s glare to our advantage then we will catch them off guard”

“And if they are not by this ‘glassy glare’ that you so confidently point out? What if they spot the fighters and assault with anti-air machinery?” Timeros replied to Strategos, his face unchanged by the anger of his family brother.

From the corner of Marick’s eye, he caught Wuntila looking at him directly and then the eyes of the hulk peered off to the left. Marick within milliseconds quickly turned to see Legorii walking back with a datapad held out for his Consul. Marick nodded in response and scanned the data in his hands.

“Sight’s transport has been found in ruins, and he nor the Deputy Grand Master is anywhere to be found. The attack...was made by the Master-At-Arms.”

The growl from Wuntila could be heard by everyone, but they calmly decided to not act on it in fear of turning this debate into savage combat.

“Now, we must decide who this traitor is and fast. Legorii, any update about the Justicar?”

“Negative sir, he is remaining with the Grand Master in the Star Chamber,”

“Wuntila, what of Mav?” Marick spoke out towards the grumbling hulk.

“He spoke of his loyalty to the Grand Master and Taldryan first. He is not one to be treacherous.”

With a soft nod, Marick looked to his friend Invictus and tapped his shoulder softly. “And Socorra?”

He chuckled and shook his head and gave a charmed grin. “Oh yeah, because females are known to be treacherous in the Brotherhood. She’s clean, but not in that way.”

Strategos gave out a small chuckle from Invictus’ witty remark and then returned to his place.

“Alright, so we can rule out the Voice, Herald, Justicar and probably the Fist as he is leading a scouting mission on the surface of Nicht Ka. Any thoughts about the Headmaster?”

The room for several seconds remained silent as the members began to think and scour their knowledge banks for anything. Then Legorii spoke up from behind Marick.

“From what we’ve seen. he hasn’t stepped foot outside of Lyspair for awhile. Surely we can rule out James?”

The room fell silent again, unchanged from their views as they all feel unsure about their leaders. Marick turned and scanned his War Council with sharp eyes. “Surely we can trust an Arconae? One of us?”

Silent nods was all that they performed, still unsure about their next step. Wuntila relaxed from his frame and leaned onto the table, then spoke to the Council.

“So if we really are blaming the leader of the Grand Master’s army, the MAA, we need to situate who to apprehend and why”

Navigational Auditory and Sensory Bridge

Whilst the ISD followed the night sky of the Nicht Ka planet, the doors of the War Council at the back of the bridge opened slowly and Invictus stepped out. He walked down the aisle of the bridge and was greeted by the Quaestors who turned to him in patience. The Chiss held out a datapad to Cethgus and whispered.

“Take this to the Togruta...Lexiconus, correct?” Cethgus nodded softly, as he gripped the pad and marched to the hangar. He took a glance at the information then scrunched his face at the initials of ‘MAA’.

“This will not be easy…” The Zabrak said, to question the Dark Forgean’s skill was truly the right mindset.

Tactical and Sensory Portable Dispatch Hangar

Here in the coldest room of the ship, the leaders of the Battleteams were all very silent in their own respective worlds. While they all could collaborate with each other, their minds were far too busy to do so. Andrelious being a pilot had taken out a TIE-Fighter to patrol the ISD, slowly in his thoughts. Arcia sat by herself reading the data on her datapad that she accumulated about the Dark Council and current events. Celevon being a precarious onderonian, stood by the shields of the hangar bay with his arms firmly crossed as he looked out into the planet’s surface. Meanwhile at a table near the door of the hangar, Adam and Lexiconus were sat playing Pazaak. Adam was not a fan of the card game, but with so much time past away, he decided now was a good time to learn, and from his friend Lex right now was a good decision. Together they discussed the rules in whispers and played with their own credits on the table. Adam began to win slightly more credits than Lex, when Arcia came over with a chair and sat herself down.

“Mind if I play the winner?” She whispered to Adam, to which he looked at Lex and the two men nodded.

Then Arcia lost her concentration on the game, her pupil concentrated as she quickly stood and approached the hangar door. “Someone is coming!”

Adam quickly followed behind and nodded in agreement, with his lightsaber already in hand. After waiting what felt like hours into three short seconds, the huge doors swished open and Cethgus slowly stepped in with a shining datapad. “Lower your weapon, Adam, this is a sanctuary not the surface.”

The Human nodded in response and sheathed his datapad. The Zabrak then walked over to the Togruta and offered him the datapad. “Orders from the Consul. Enjoy the hunt.”

Lex, taking the datapad, nodded and flickered the orders open as Cethgus left.

“So, what you going to Nicht Ka for?” Adam said eagerly, awaiting his friend’s response.

“It’s Evant, they want me to capture Evant.” Lex sighed, dreading the mysterious notion of the plans. With a soft nod and a sharp inhalation, the Togruta stood and marched to a shuttle. He opened the ramp and stepped inside, then paused.

“Oh, uh...winner takes my pot out of you two.” He smirked and nodded, then closed the ramp and set off out the shield and into space.

Antei Sector, Antei

The dull grey colours of the shuttle came into vision on the Dark Halls as he descended towards the spaceport. His eyes darted towards the glowing screen that issue his granted access to the Dark Halls. The shuttle wings slowly curled and glinted the moonlight from their tips. Several Brotherhood soldiers met the Togruta at his extended ramp, their eyes and rifles ready for any trouble. After the dust settled, Lexiconus stormed out with his robes attached and proceeded towards the entrance of the Dark Halls.

“Sire, what’s the reason of your visit here?” Commander Draug asked the Togruta.

“I’m here to see the Praetor of Aabs. Inform him immediately.” Lex stated, continuing to storm ahead.

“Aye sir,” Commander Draug nodded in response and accessed his communicator as Lexiconus disappeared into the building.

After several minutes of the shuttle ramp being open with one soldier patrolling it, a low growl echoed the immediate area from the shuttle. Curious, the guard slowly approached the dark ramp with his rifle ready. Making small steps, the soldier took three steps before a haze of orange pounced. After several seconds of struggling, a pool of blood and several shreds of the soldier was the only thing left near the shuttle.

The Togruta finally met the office labelled ‘Praetor of the MAA’, where he decided to slowly breathe and collect his emotions, then knocked on the door. The grey door swished open and the face of the Praetor met him with a cold glare. The Praetor then sat down and fixed his robes, then looked back at the Togruta.

“Shouldn’t you be at Nicht Ka? Taking out the One Sith?” Evant stated, crossing his arms. He now began to feel uncomfortable.

“Yes sir, I am doing that presently.” Lex smirked slowly, as he slowly reached for his Kukri.

Within seconds, the shocked Human quickly stood and gripped his lightsaber hilt, as he glared more at Lex. The Togruta in this flash of event flipped the kukri out of it’s sheath and launched it at the Human’s shoulder. The blade spun in the air torn through the fabric of the Praetor, then stabbed into the frame of the window behind him. Lex then quickly leapt onto the desk and took out his own lightsaber, igniting the emerald blade to life.

“Traitor! Help, we have a traitor!” The Human called out of his office and into the empty halls.

A stone-eyed look fixed onto Lex’s face as he slowly paced further, but Evant reached for his own lightsaber and latched the cerulean blade to life, then kept it pointed at the Togruta’s chest. Evant in his panic, then blasted a ball of telekinetic energy at the kukri, which flew across the office and stabbed into a file cabinet. The Human was now feeling free, and then leaped at the Togruta. With incredible force, the Praetor slammed and arced his sapphire blade into the Dark Forgean’s blade with all his might, roaring in delight with each hit. In a surprised panic, Lexic jumped from the table and kept his distance, continuing to hit and swipe the indigo blade away. The Human then somersaulted off the desk and lashed out a series of strikes and heavy blows across the malachite blade the Dark Jedi Knight clutched to. Evant prepared for the worst as his fist clenched to form a hammer like blow, then Lexic shot up into the air and rolled in the sky, then landed behind the desk. The Togruta then kicked the desk up onto it’s side and blasted a telekinetic wave at it. Evant in fury turned and used his own telekinetic wave which pushed Lexic forward and shoved him into the flying desk, within melee range. A fire entered the Praetor’s eyes as he gripped his lightsaber with both hands.

“You will pay for this, Arconan scum!” He roared out, as the guards outside began to reload their rifles and await for orders.

Hidden behind the desk, Lexic looked around to notice his kukri stuck in the wall, with a sigh he gripped his hidden kukri and looked around the ceiling. With a heating pipe in sight, he smirked and launched his kukri at the pipe, causing the steam to rush out and smoke the room.

“Kill the Arconan!” Evant shouted as he left the room. The soldiers then began to fire a barrage of red bolts into the room continuously.

The blaster fire went on for several minutes, just to make sure that the room was covered. The soldiers reloaded twice already, still waiting for something to scream out with agony. Then as they stopped for their third reload, the emerald blade of Lexic came to life and he rushed out, then stabbed the nearest soldier in the stomach. Using the body as a shield, he shimmered to the outermost guard and shoved the the body into him, pinning that soldier into the jade blade. Lexic clenched his fist and slammed a ball of kinetic force into the two soldiers who flew off his blade and into the next soldier. Then Lexic jumped and landed on the soldier, decapitating him. Two more soldiers remained, their rifles pointed at the Togruta, who growled in fury.

“Blast him!” One said and they began their barrage of blasters.

Lexic quickly stood and deflected them carefully, one scrapped his cheek as he snarled in pain. He got close enough to one soldier and cut his rifle in half, then gripped his neck and slammed his emerald blade into his face. Using the body as a shield, he whipped his blade back out and kicked the body at the last soldier, who having seen this tactic before simply pushed the body away and continued firing. The Togruta deflected another shot, twisted around and lopped off the head of the rifle, then glared at the soldier. Panicing, the man dropped his rifle and slowly slithered back down the corridor.

In the distance, Lexic saw Evant walking away to the MAA Office and smirked, he gave out a whistle and slowly walked forward. Within seconds Evant turned to face the nearby window which covered an entire wall, as a low growl surround him. Then like siege attack, an orange blur smashed through the glass and landed on Evant, who lost his lightsaber in the process and was pinned by this orange creature. The smiling Togruta slowly walked towards Evant then kneeled next to him.

“If you don’t come quietly, i’ll let him rip your arms off, are we clear? The Akul are not simple beasts you can defeat.” Lexic whispered.

With a nervous nod, Evant was cuffed by Lexic and escorted back to the space port. Once the duo reached the open port, several guards were already surrounding the shuttle and investigating the death of the patrolling soldier. Lexic noticed a smaller shuttle off to the left and together they walked over, entered the shuttle and flew into orbit.

“I assume you know why you’re here?” Lexic said to the Human.

He softly nodded and sighed, looking out the window in disebelief. “I know why you have taken me hostage. Because Aabs is the traitor.”

Lexic sighed with relief and smiled, then patted his shoulder. “That’s all I needed to hear, Evant. Now let Marick decide your fate as a heretic.”

The shuttle departed from Antei orbit and headed off into hyperspace, just missing the Antei Defense Fleet catching up.

Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
File submission
Textual submission


Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

SBM Kz’set - Clan Plagueis
DJB #13299


For the past eighteen hours, the data flowed by Kz'set's eyes on several monitors. All manner of information danced across the screens from personal messages to communications logs to droid maintenance records. Numbers were being cross checked, logs being decrypted, data thought long deleted being restored and pieced back together. To the Verpine, this was a sort of meditation to him. The dim glow of the screens was soothing and helped him maintain his focus on the daunting task at hand. A task that had become even more urgent given the news of a possible traitor within the Dark Council. A task that couldn't be interrupted at the moment, but was anyway as Teylas Ramar spoke from the doorway.

"Heard you've been down here since you arrived, bug. Didn't even give me the courtesy of telling me why you're on my ship or what you're doing down here."

Kz'set didn't turn around, his focus remained on the monitors in front of him. "Courtesy isn't something I had the luxury for. Your men knew better than to interfere with their Wrath lest they receive some of it."

Teylas sighed at the Verpine pulling rank. "Why the Dread Lord chose you is still beyond me, but that's a different matter. You're here going through the data core of my ship. You're running a dedicated tightbeam to the Transcendent and a secure Holonet tunnel back to the Anchorage. I'm trying to coordinate a strike force with a significant portion of my communications assets being taken up by your pet project down here. We're beyond courtesy at this point, what are you doing down here that's so kriffing important.

Kz'set didn't break focus as he answered. "I'm finding a traitor. And before you say anything, I don't think it's you."

The Anzat's response sounded understandably confused. "Well that's a relief? What's this about exactly anyway?"

Kz'set started keying in a few commands and brought up a series of communications logs. "When the word spread of attacks on the Dark Council, I thought it was high time to reopen an old investigation of some treason against our own unit, namely the loss of the Predominant. Given that two of our former leaders now sit on the Council, it stood to reason that there might be a link. I started by going over the small bits of data we recovered from the wreckage of the Predominant and I found these. "

The Wrath pointed a chitinous finger at one of the monitors indicating a communications log from the Predominant just before it's last jump. Two of the transmissions were highlighted.

"The first transmission was a bulk data dump from the Predominant to the Ascendancy." Kz'set continued. "I couldn't figure out what the data was on that end, so that's why I'm down here. The second transmission though is what got my attention. Those coordinates, those of the receiving station, they look familiar?"

Teylas stared at the screen a moment and nodded. "They' In the Nicht Ka system."

The Verpine keyed in another series of commands and the monitor shifted to a communications status screen. "Specifically they're for what I believe is a private holonet transceiver operated by none other than Esoteric himself. "

Teylas' tone got curious. "How do you...never mind. Who sent the transmissions."

"That's what I've been down here trying to determine, and I think I have my answer." Kz'set made one more entry and another screen appeared. "The encryption was good, but I'm 87.6 percent certain the person in question is Dacien Victae."

The Quaestor nodded. "Makes sense. Someone with inside knowledge would have been necessary to do what we heard happened to the Predominant. Dacien was one of the few people who would have it. And he was strangely absent a lot around that time. Still, this isn't enough proof to be ironclad and given the present climate, you'll need that sort of proof."

"I know." The Verpine replied, finally turning to face Teylas. "I already have an idea to get more information. We'll need to get to someone close to him that not only has his confidence but has access to the sort of information we'd need to prove his treason. "

Teylas shot Kz'set a look. "You already have someone in mind, and it's personal. I can sense it. "

Kz'set's antennae dipped slightly as he answered. "Indeed. My former apprentice is now his assistant. "

Teylas got a look of sinister glee on his face. "Meleu, I was hoping you'd say that. You'll even have an easy chance to get to him soon. Apparently he's taking a strike team to the planet soon. Ambush and capture? "

"It almost sounds like you wish to do this yourself?" Kz'set inquired.

"Can't say I'd mind." Teylas answered.

Kz'set nodded. "Good, make it happen. Make sure you get any datapads or code cylinders he might be carrying. Oh, and please refrain from eating his brain or whatever it is you do. I'd like to pick it first."



Meleu sighed through his breath mask as his troops struggled to make it up the last few meters of the ridge. Beyond was the structure known as the Hexagonal Fortress, an ancient Sith vault and, most recently, the vault and sanctum of the One Sith's Esoteric. Meleu's team was an advance recon force tasked with scouting the structure prior to the main strike. It also left him exposed, just in case someone were to come after him.

"Sir, the fortress is in sight. No immediate signs of enemy troops, but if we approach much closer, we we risk being detected by their patrols. "

Meleu nodded to the sergeant. "Very well, fan out and take up positions for observation, get the shelters up, and get me comms with the Darkest Night."

The trooper responded with a sharp salute and started barking orders at his men as Meleu sat down on a nearby rock. He didn't like being out in this position on this less than hospitable world this close to the enemy with little support. Of course someone had be on Recon duty, but why him? He'd much rather be back on Lyspair or at least doing something else that didn't involve being out on this ammonia soaked rock.

"Sergeant, where are those comms?" Meleu shouted.

"Sorry sir, I'm having trouble getting a clear signal. Short range comms aren't working either. No reports of long range jammers at the Fortress, so that could only mean..."

The Sergeant's words were cut short by a lance of plasma ripping through his throat. Meleu instinctively reached for his lightsaber, igniting it as more bolts rang out and cut down more soldiers. It was only then that Meleu spotted the attackers, a half dozen black clad humanoids with long rifles. He then spotted two pairs of droids with sniper rifles on an adjacent ridge line. He broke for the humanoids, deflecting several bolts, but ultimately was forced to take cover. In the mean time, the snipers efficiently cut down the rest of the squad. It was only then that Meleu recognized their markings.

They were Plagueian Wraiths.

"Hold your fire, I'm on your side, remember." Meleu shouted to the approaching Wraiths.

An unknown voice replied. "That's an open question from what I'm hearing. Now why don't you come quietly. Someone is eagerly waiting to see you."

Meleu peeked out from behind the rock he was hiding behind to see an approaching figure in a black tunic and purple vest. He didn't immediately recognize Teylas, but he knew the person was someone important.

"Last time I checked we were all fighting the One Sith, unless you switched sides."

Teylas scoffed at the comment. "I'm sure that's what you want us to believe. But that's not relevant, I'm here to bring you in. It can hurt as much as you want it too. "

Meleu hesitated a moment, trying to think of a way out. Before he could make a move though, several grenades landed around him. He made a desperate attempt to roll away while trying to push them away with the Force. That might have worked on one or two, but not the half dozen that had been tossed. A short moment later he felt the crackle of electricity ripple through his body and all went black.



Kz'set stared blankly through the observation window on the figure on the other side. The prisoner was near naked, hooded, chained with his arms over his head, and a shock collar encircling his neck. B2 Battle Droids stood guard in each corner of the interrogation cell, optics locked on Meleu. Though it wasn't some ordinary prisoner to Kz'set, it was his former apprentice. Despite his best attempts to do so, Kz'set felt only the smallest amount of malice towards Meleu. Sure, he defected to Arcona and was perhaps in league with a traitor to the whole of the Brotherhood. That would be enough for most beings, and practically any Sith, to want to rip his head off after inflicting every sort of pain imaginable. But Kz'set couldn't bring himself to do that and he didn't quite know why.

The same couldn't be said for everyone on the Transcendent.

The door to the observation room opened and the familiar form of Selika Roh strode in. Looking first to the prisoner and then to Kz'set she gave a slight bow.

"You sent for me my lord?"

There was a slight hint of resentment in the woman's voice, but Kz'set didn't pay it much mind. Selika resented pretty much everyone, but Kz'set figured she just might enjoy herself today. The Verpine didn't take his eyes off the trussed up Meleu as he responded.

"I did. I have a need for your unique talents on this one. Traditional interrogation techniques have revealed no useful information. I'm still making an effort to use what was on his datapad to get the information I need, but if I had his cooperation it would be easier. Or at the very least his highest level access codes."

Selika gave a confused look. "Access codes to what? They've only told me you're looking to prove someone's a traitor. What does this person have to do with that?"

Kz'set keyed a command into a nearby console and one of the droids approached the prisoner and removed the hood. Selika nodded understandingly when she saw Meleu's face.

"Your former apprentice, and now Dacien Victae's lackey. You think Dacien is the mole on the Dark Council and figure he might have information that proves it."

Kz'set nodded. "So far he's claimed to his interrogators that he knows nothing. Truth serums, electroshock, all the usual methods. There may be something in his mind he doesn't realize is important. He also may be waiting to tell the right person, I'm not sure. I've ordered he be deprived of sleep and food. At this point he should be..."

"You haven't spoken to him yet, have you?" Selika interrupted.

Kz'set shook his head. "I would have preferred that he didn't know I was behind his capture. Since that hasn't produced results of yet, that's going to have to change. If he won't talk to me, you're authorized to do whatever is necessary."

Selika nodded and stood behind Kz'set as he strode towards the door to the cell. Taking one last deep breath, he keyed in the unlock code and walked into the cell. Meleu weakly looked up to see who it was that was coming to torture him again. His vision blurred from fatigue, it took a moment for him to realize who it was. Once his former master came into focus, Meleu sighed weakly.

"So you're the one behind this pointless inquisition."

Kz'set was tempted to activate the shock collar, but declined to do so. More pain wasn't the point of this session. Meeting Meleu's eyes and staring deeply for several seconds, Kz'set finally pieced together the right words. Words he'd been wanting to say for a long time.

"Why did you leave me to serve him?"

Meleu gave a slight chuckle. "I'm not sure if you mean Marrick or Dacien but the answer is the same. They had more to offer me than you did."

Kz'set said nothing to the comment but Selika couldn't help but chuckle from the position she'd taken up against the wall by one of the guards. The Verpine shot the woman an aggressive look in response.

"You're not exactly one to talk Roh, you ran off to Taldyran."

"But I came back," Selika retorted. "He didn't, so he's still a traitor."

Meleu spat with contempt. "What did Plagueis offer me that was worth any allegiance anyway?" Fixing a glare on Kz'set he added, "what did you offer me?"

The Verpine's answer was direct and unrattled. "Your life, and a chance. A chance at power you wouldn't have had otherwise. I could have killed you several times, but I didn't. I could very easily kill you now. But I'm giving you another chance. A chance to prove that you still have some loyalty left in you."

Meleu sighed. Fatigue was making it hard to focus on anything. Even words were difficult to form. After a moment he finally gave a weak answer. "I know nothing, I really don't. Dacien may have me watching the rest of the staff but that's all."

Kz'set kept his eyes locked with Meleu's. "I want to believe that. Maybe you haven't had enough time to learn the secrets of Lyspair. But at the same time, you can't have seen nothing."

The human took several breaths before answering. "Dacien's not exactly subtle. If he's got a secret double life, someone would have seen it. You might have better luck with Ood."

"You were easier to get," Kz'set replied quickly. "It might also be that he's working through someone else, Ood Bnar for instance. There would likely be some data on the computers on Lyspair, but I need your assistance."

Meleu struggled to quirk an eyebrow. "A system you can't slice, that's a surprise. Look, I don't know what it is you hope to find, but I can't help you. So either kill me and deprive the Brotherhood of another soldier or let me get back to killing the One Sith.” Meleu paused. “Unless that was the plan all along, you two are both..."

Meleu was interrupted by the shock of his collar kicking in. Kz'set held the key down for several seconds before releasing it. Meleu's head slumped, but Kz'set stepped forward and grasped the man by the chin, pulling his head up so that his eyes were practically touching the Verpine's. Kz'set's words finally had a malicious sting to them and were nearly sharp enough to pierce flesh as the buzzed from his lips.

"I've never had any loyalty to the One Sith. I came here to kill them, all of them, for what they've done. You are in no position to challenge my loyalty and I have no desire to continue this conversation." Kz'set released Meleu and turned to Selika. "Do your worst. I want his mind quivering like a newborn Wookie when you're done. And once you have what we need, feel free to continue."

Kz'set turned on a heel and walked out of the cell, leaving Selika with the prisoner. The Krath got a wicked smile on her face.

"This is going to be fun."

Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
Legorii Arconae opted out of publishing his submission.
Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
File submission
Textual submission


Fading Light: Nicht Ka - Fiction
File submission
Textual submission

Kaira Rohana #10057