Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 12061 - 12070 of 12883 in total
Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Joint Fiction
Textual submission

Manually added by Seer Locke Sonjie

Awakenings - Fiction 2: Difficult Decisions
Textual submission

Dentavii Prime,
Orian System,
39 ABY

Stalking the darkness of the cold space, Lexiconus Aurelius monitored the spinning fragments of rock and ice while on sentry for the Oracle’s Apprentice. His mint eyes fixed on the horizon in dedication, as he knew that the threat of the enemy coming was a reality to face. From the visuals of his binoculars, Lexic noticed a slither of sapphire light which streaked across the nearby sky and dropped down towards the surface of Dentavii prime. The screeching from the object felt chilling down his spine, as it pierced his ears like a sniper shot. Instigated by the orders given to him from the Stone Dragon, Lexiconus was forced to climb down off his boulder perch and investigate the crash site. The Zelosian couldn’t help but wonder what caused the object to fall from the sky, whether by a silent shooting or power faults. He descended from the sandy rock face and landed softly onto the ground, securing the breathing apparatus onto his face and jogged briskly towards the landing site and towards his goal of the crashed object. With his lightsaber in hand, he often didn’t rely on this machination of ancient religions, but it did the job of murder and terror. Lexiconus crossed the barren and silent field of cold stone, sandy dunes and ice, and came across a small and flat landing area.

Once he approached the area, the Zelosian’s visor scanned around and he saw the grey metallic hull of a shuttle cooling, with wisps of steam rolling from the rear end and wings. Lexic descended into the flat landing area and kept his lightsaber tightly in grip, he did not trust the prospect of civilians trapped in this war zone, nor the idea of convicts let loose who might be Force-Sensitive. With careful footsteps, the Sith finally reached the landing platform and peered around at the shuttle front window. There didn’t seem to be much activity coming from the shuttle’s hull apart from the steam and several red lights, but Lexic felt something was amiss from the activity inside. The Zelosian found the ramp to be ajar slightly, with a showering of amber sparks coming from inside out, this didn’t bode well and he ignited his emerald blade quickly. Peeking inside, Lexic saw that the hydraulic arm was broken and didn’t extend as much as it needed, so he carefully reached inside with his lightsaber and sliced the metal clean. The heated fluids of the arm sprayed across his arm and burnt his olive skin harshly, as the Zelosian let out a roar as he dropped his lightsaber and tumbled back before the ramp crushed him. He placed his palm on the first degree burns and tried his best to heal the scarred tissue, but then the occupants of the vessel began to slowly show themselves. Their golden eyes shined from the shadows as they hissed menacingly at Lexiconus, their orange jumpsuits slowly coming into the light as they stepped down.

With no real effort from himself, the Sith’s arm was healed and he stood from the grainy sands of the asteroid, glaring at the group who he now knew were Trandoshans.

“Let us go and we will pay you handsomely once we have found our people.” A quite large Trandoshan hissed from his sewer green lips, his forked green flickering at the end. Lexiconus reached out for his lightsaber from the ramp and quickly snatched it in the air, igniting the emerald blade as quick as he could. This wasn’t the weapon he would rely on, but it’ll do to cut flesh. Almost on instinct, the large reptilian launched himself at the Sith with his claws bared, but underestimated the training of Lexic’s blade as the Zelosian aggressively lopped the Trandoshan’s head clean off. In his fuelled anger, Lexic reached out once more and lifted two of the convicts into the air, restricting their necks with great pressure. Chords began to flick and snap as his grip tightened with the Force aiding his raw emotion.

“You have nothing I want! You will die!” Lexic grinned as he spoke to them, a smaller Trandoshan behind the two flying convicts cowered and began to make a run for an exit. The Zelosian predicted this would occur and he quickly dropped the brown Trandoshan, then twisted his wrist and snapped the neck of the remaining convict in his grip. The Sith carefully retracted his arm back and flung the corpse at the running convict, he was caught by the sheer weight and trapped on the ground, his leg twisted the wrong way underneath his ally’s body. Panting and wheezing for breath, the remaining Trandoshan slowly looked up into the eyes of the Sith and snarled in disgust. All Lexic did was smile and lunged his emerald blade into the cranium of the convict. The Zelosian yanked his lightsaber from the brain matter and marched towards the final prisoner who despite the broken limb, continued to stand and limp his way from the menacing torture of the Sith. Lexiconus pulled his arm back and concentrated on the range of his target, who he calculated to slam a fist into his kidney, then launched his arm. The Force carried out his task and delivered an aggressive cross punch to the side of the convict, who whimpered and collapsed in pain. Lexic quickly caught up to the orange prisoner and chuckled as he deactivated his lightsaber and slid it back into his waistcloth.

“You should be afraid of me, as I represent the power of the Dark Side, and you are only a pawn to play. Now it is time to suffer.” The Sith gave the Trandoshan a cold smirk as he slowly aimed his hands at him and delivered strong pulses of shocking energy directly to his face and chest. Lexiconus blasted out laughter as he angrily snarled and directed the Dark Side energy of cerulean arcs into the cooking skin of the convict. The victim of the lightning torture jolted and screamed out in agony, clawing at the rocks which caused his fingers to bleed. Then the Trandoshan’s back arched up as his facial expressions tensed violently, and he ceased to be under the electric manifestations. The Sith ceased his lightning attack and looked at his charred fingers in disbelief, he didn’t realise the power of the Dark Side can be so direct on others until now.

“I will develop this power for the joy of myself, and then this war will be in the Apprentice’s favour. I swear on this day, the Clan leaders will learn through discipline to fear me!” Lexic chuckled to himself, and returned to the shuttle. He felt this experience brought his closer to the Dark Side, but took a toll on his strength as he felt his body become weak again. Lexic held his hands to his chest as he tried to breath properly and limped to the shuttle. Inside, he took a moment to sit at the rear bench and relax for a second, the shuttle and scenario here can be reported later. He needed to rest, and to revise what had happened here, Lexic slowly closed his eyes and fell into a slumber.

Awakenings - Fiction 2: Difficult Decisions
File submission
Textual submission

I truly want to help- sort of.... :)

Awakenings - Fiction 2: Difficult Decisions
File submission
Textual submission

Please find attached my entry for the competition, thank you.