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Manually added by Krath Priest Farrin Xies

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Textual submission

“Finding Brutus”
By DJK Ranarr Kul (Krath) / Battle Team Inmortuae of Clan Tarentum (#14229)

‘Hnn... a message on my holo-comm... What’s that about?’
Ranarr activates his communicator and an image of Farrin Xies appears.
‘Greetings Ranarr Kul. You, and all members of Tarentum should meet me as soon as possible. We’ve intercepted a message that makes us think our Consul may be in danger. The message stated: The Tarentum Consul must be stopped. We can catch him unaware next time he comes to parliament. Be prepared for anything. Kill or capture him and you will be rewarded. We meet again in four days.
No good huh... Get over here! Farrin out.

This sounded really serious, so Ranarr gathered his stuff and headed over to the Summit.

---Two hours later---
‘So... We’re stuck with each other huh?’
‘Not much of a talker huh?
‘Well whatever, let’s do this. Brutus, no idea who he is, that’s our target.’
‘...Let’s get Brutus.’
‘No way, you can talk!’ Ranarr smiled.

A strange duo has been formed. Two Dark Jedi Knights, Ranarr Kull (a young but promising Cathar) and Kaiburr (still not clear to Ranarr what he is exactly, but the Force is strong within him) join forces in a search for a senior politician who goes by the code-name: BRUTUS.

Ranarr started thinking: ‘What do we have on Brutus?’ The Cathar sat behind a heavy metal desk, tapping his left claw against one of the drawers. (Annoying noise that is) He couldn’t come up with anything. The door swung open as Kaiburr entered.
‘Brutus: the code-name given to Marcus O’Dhul. Partly because of his brute posture, partly because of his conspiracies against many high-placed leaders.’
‘You’re a walking knowledge-base aren’t you.’ Ranarr was surprised, although he didn’t like the fact that they needed to partner with another, Kaiburr could come in handy.

Ranarr rushed back to the Summit, informing them of what ‘he’ had found. Marcus O’Dhul, Farrin knew that politician and that he had an estate on Yridia III. ‘That’s where we’re heading than!’ Ranarr stated when trying to contact Kaiburr on the holo-comm. As Kaiburr answered the call with: ‘Busy!’, and disconnected immediately, the Cathar knew that his ‘partner’ already traveled to Yridia III. Knowledge is the path to power I once heard... I’m starting to believe that.

Ranarr landed on Yridia III and disembarked his vessel.
‘Now,... Where to?’
The moment the Knight spoke those words he could hear blasters to his far right.
‘Kaiburr started the party without me I guess.’
Ranarr closed his eyes for a few seconds and as he opened them he started running at an unbelievable speed towards where the noise was coming from. As he came closer, Ranarr could see a big mansion. This must be where Brutus is. And in front of the mansion, Kaiburr who was fighting six security guards. Yes! This is the place where we can find Brutus!

Ranarr could see that his fellow Knight was having a hard time with those guards, but with those guards busy the Cathar could easily sneak in to get to that politician...
‘Hnn... Okay... Come on!’
Ranarr jumped into the action, aiding his partner. They fought back to back, as Kaiburr messed with the mind of the six, Ranarr started slashing and slicing his Lightsabre around in red flashes. Easy targets for the Cathar, with Kaiburr in their heads. Together it didn’t take long to get rid of all six guards. Both Knights looked around them, nodded at each other and made their way to the front door of the mansion.

Kaiburr raised his hand, swiftly swinging the door open. In the chair, their eyes got pulled towards instantly, sat a big muscular man. Suited up, smoking a big cigar.

‘I see you guys have come for me,’ Brutus said while trying to stand up. Ranarr threw his Ryyk Blade in the direction of the man. Penetrating and getting stuck in the wooden panel behind the politician, right above his head, the blade prevented Brutus to get up. Kaiburr closed his eyes and by doing so Brutus gently moved his cigarillo towards his left cheek, burning himself
‘The rebel forces... Where is their base!’
Although in heavy pain the politician responded with silence.
Ranarr pulled his Ryyk Blade out of the wooden panel an slashed of Brutus’ right ear.

‘Okay!... Okay!...’ Tears rolled over Brutus’ burned cheek.
‘I’ll talk. Back off!’
Both Knights released the man,physicly and mentaly, letting him fall on the floor.
‘Their base... It’s.. It’s set up... Their camp is set up high in the trees.’ The politician bowed his head in shame.

Kaiburr and Ranarr looked at each other, activating their Lightsabres and landing them in Brutus’s chest together.
‘Good work partner.’

Shipping Arcona Style
Textual submission


The Priestess’ body shivered suddenly as she walked by a ventilation duct. Her violet flesh pricked up as though a million tiny insects had landed on her skin. The sensation was not unpleasant, but it made her feel very disturbed. As she continued her walk to the Mess Hall she noticed people acting strangely.

Arconans stood in the hallway, Journeyman and Elder alike tracing fingers over their bodies - and in many cases, those of others. Their breathing was labored and for a brief moment, K’tana actually thought there was something wrong. It was at that moment she realized she knew the look in their eyes.

Just then a tall, blond man stalked angrily towards incipient couples. He grabbed them, tore them from each other, threw them to the floor and went towards the next set. The Twi’lek narrowed her eyes and walked up to the man.

That was when she noticed the heat. Her body suddenly reacted more intensely than she had ever previously felt. Her skin was hot, her legs felt tight and her lips quivered. The large man was too blond, his eyes too blue and his skin too pale but none of it mattered. She wanted him.

With the grace of a dancer she took two rapid steps and leapt at him. Her body was furious, her mind in a lustful haze the likes of which she had never known and with the way the Human was grasping her ass, it seemed felt the same. He ground himself against her as she erupted into a sudden, uncontrollable wail.

Before she knew what happened she lay on the ground, writhing in agony and hearing an angry, rage filled growl.

Celevon stood over her, his fist clenched as he glared over at Timeros. Enraged the Elder started to charge Cel, arm outstretched. Before they made contact a black flash appeared, knocking the men away from each other. He looked at the Twi’lek with disdain as she made a scene on the floor, her back arching as she made lurid motions with one of her lekku.

Marick, Celevon and Timeros scowled, sizing one another up, when Atyriu swayed over. She passed close to Marick, tossing her braid at him over her shoulder as she knelt down between K’tana’s knees and began to kiss the other woman desperately. Their whimpers spurred the males to action and as Celevon grabbed Marick by the back of his hair, Timeros knelt down behind Atty, wrapping her braid in his fist as he pulled her mouth from the Twi’lek.

A instant of clarity hit the Priestess as she leaned up between the Miraluka and blond Human. The begging look in her eyes, the way she bit her lip and smirked caused them both to grin wickedly, as though they had the same thought as she.

The three stood up and Timeros started towards the closest room led by a coyly smirking Shadow Lady. K’tana walked between Celevon and Marick before gently laying her lips on each one, taking their hands and giving them an identical look that caused them both to follow the Entars.

As she trailed behind, her broken mind plotting evil deeds, she spotted a Kaleesh being pinned beneath a young Jedi with pale skin and dark hair. She pulled the man off of Skar and gave the Human a precise punch to the temple before grabbing the Obelisk by his collar and pulling him away.

The giant lizard was frantic, his primal growls and clawed hand spurring K’tana to the room as quickly as she could move. Her legs were turning liquid and her heart beat violently in her chest as she approached the door and stepped into the exquisite insanity in the room beyond.

Her mouth formed a cruel smile as she closed the door.

--( o )--( o )-- Four Hours Later--( o )--( o )--

The men crept and crawled out of the large, barely opened door and into the large corridor. Timeros held a stoic face, occasionally cringing as he forced his body to neither limp nor flinch. Marick’s face cracked, his beautiful cheekbones stained with dry tears.

A cage in the corner held a weeping Kaleesh. His eyes were red and burning from trying to keep them squeezed shut. Had his wrists not been tied to the bars, he would have tried to claw them out. Or at least cover his ears.

Inside the room two people lay on the bed being fed small slices of freen fruit by Atyriu. She was tangled in bedsheets and hung upside down from the tall bed frame. K’tana and Celevon lay on the bed looking smug. Occasionally one would create a giggle fit by chuckling to themselves.

Shipping Arcona Style
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri opted out of publishing her submission.
Shipping Arcona Style
Textual submission


The Summit meeting was as dull as ever, the only thing that made it mildly interesting was the one or two Jedi that remained after that incident. She still couldn't believe Atty had agreed to work with the Jedi, the history between her and the Jedi was not a harmonious one. Nath knew she had practically stolen her from them; it was surprising they hadn't held it against Arcona's Consul.

They were curious - more specifically, curious of her sister. She couldn't blame them. An enigma of contradictions was how Nath chose to describe her. She enjoyed her sister's company very much but those occasions had become increasingly rare since Nath had joined the Nighthawk. She hated being away for so long, but needs must as Arcona dictate it.

The last speaker sat once more as the meeting was drawing to a close. It was not unusual for the gatherings to last longer, taking the time to speak to one another and hash out plans or discuss other topics more individually. As the gathering began to disperse into smaller gatherings Nath snapped back to reality. She had been listening even if her thoughts had been elsewhere. That was when she scented it, that sweet sickly scent that hissed from the ventilation close by. Her mind thought little of it at the time a pleasing haze descended upon her as she blinked bringing herself to the present once more.

The Iridonian stood and made her way down to speak to Atyiru She had things to discuss that couldn't wait. Nath spied that someone had already snagged her. As she got closer, the pleasant haze only seemed to increase, her usually taught muscles slowly relaxing and making her move far less rigidly than usual.

"Ah, Sister." Atyiru's voice cut through the dim babble of voices. The Iridonian managed to blink - no one could see her pupils as they dilated, masked by the fact her irises were the same colour.

"You have yet to meet any of our Jedi, have you?" The comment seemed to rankle at the man who stood with her. The almost invisible tension wasn't missed by Nath; she knew the Miraluka had done it purposefully.

Nath stared blankly at the pair. The human seemed to dwarf over Atty but only had an inch on herself. His expression gave very little away. a quality that Nath secretly admired.

Mar Sûl had been quietly conversing with Atyiru until the Iridonian came along. He had anticipated someone would interrupt at some point - she was quite in demand within Arcona it seemed. He had not expected the Iridonian. He had heard whispers within House Galeres that she was known to be aggressive and volatile, but he had yet to see it.

The first thing he noted were the weapons. She wore them clearly on display, three daggers in total and one lightsaber; perhaps her penchant for violence wasn't a complete bit of hearsay. Next he considered her attire, the material appeared handwoven. It was probably expensive but plain, the only decorative thing on her was the hilt of her lightsaber; that too he guessed was intentional. Nothing about the woman was accidental, everything was meticulous. He could respect her for this alone thus far, she at least made an effort to be more elusive an enemy.

The third notable thing about her was her aura, it managed to creep under his skin. Mar Sûl couldn't put his finger on exactly what it was other than being described as unsettling. As though more than one person gazed back at him through those abyss like eyes. It took a little self control to not react but mercifully it eventually eased into the background of his mind for now especially when he heard the Consul refer to her as 'sister,' the term was affectionate and warm, something he had not anticipated; perhaps there was hope for redemption for these two. More so the Miraluka than the cold Iridonian.

As the Human had been eyeing her like a piece of meat, so too had Nath been returning the favour. She couldn't explain why his armour appealed so much. Or why she could suddenly feel the urge to touch along the pauldron not to mention using the leather that draped across his chest to yank him closer. It made the Iridonian shudder subconsciously; uncertain if she was disgusted more with herself of the effect the Human had upon her.

"... No, I have been rather busy." Nath pulled herself forcefully out of her musings to respond. She knew that she had been glaring for the last few minutes in silence.

"Are you well sister?" Atyiru inquired carefully. The Miraluka had known Nath for a long time, probably better than anyone within Arcona and something was off. There was nothing tangible but an instinct that spoke from deep within.

"Fine." The blunt reply had been expected but the way Nath's glaring gaze met her had not. The Miraluka was blind but she could feel the heat from it like a physical blow.

The silent exchange had been completely lost on Mar Sûl, though the exchange itself had piqued his curiosity. He had very little interest in those that followed the Dark side of the Force. If they couldn't be converted from their ways then they were to be destroyed. Being forced into their company, forced to endure them had made him realise just how diverse they were; none of them were truly black just varying shades of grey. All of them had come to this place because they had no ability to function within the restrictive codes of the Light, however, he could see glimmers of potential everywhere he looked.

From nowhere the noise increased within the chamber, Atyiru was quick to glance around and frown before excusing herself to sort out the issue. Mar Sûl was quick to turn also the ensuing noise grabbed his gaze too. The male knew the noise well, the sound of brawling instantly piquing his need to resolve the conflict, he hardly noticed the Iridonian now as he stepped away to follow the Consul.

Nath was quick to react, a sudden wave of irrational instinct and possessiveness washing over her soul. A pale hand extended swiftly as she gripped at the armour she had recently been admiring; a guttural growl bubbled from her chest. The leather proved to be very useful to the Iridonian as she leveraged him back and sharply drew him backwards with enough force to make him stumble over himself.

Mar Sûl immediately went to his lightsaber, naturally more accustomed to dueling. He did not even get a chance to draw his blade as the much lighter bulk sent him sprawled to the metallic flooring. Her weight was slight in comparison to his own, he could quickly throw her off, however, as he was quick to learn what she lacked in mass she made up for in speed.

Nath could only see in shades of crimson and red, her vision swam in and out of focus. The body below her felt warm and comforting she wanted nothing more than to lie there with him. The Human of course would not allow it already she could feel his muscles begin to tense readying to throw her off. Her fingers clamped down like durasteel dragging him up so she could reach the arch of his neck and without hesitation or reservation bit sharply into the soft skin.

The instinctual drive to mark what was hers was overwhelming. The only satisfaction to be had was when the metallic tang of blood reached her tongue. The warm body beneath began to fight against her, only serving her drive all the more as she drew him up to slam him down again. The muted gasp of pain and air being knocked out of his lungs was equally satisfying to the Iridonian. Both of them now heedless to the chaos that had erupted within the chamber.

Nath felt the grasp of fingers at her shoulders and the sharp tug to pry her off but it only made her clamp down harder with her teeth. Mar Sûl gritted his teeth against the sharp pain and squirmed to gain leverage and pry her off a sudden wave of gratitude that Atyiru had returned. He could not hear the hushed words the Miraluka uttered to the Iridonian but they sounded comforting even to his ears as he tried to push away the pain and maintain his calm.

The next thing Nath knew she was falling into blackness as something hard and metallic made harsh contact with the back of her head. The sharp pain she felt quickly numbed out as unconsciousness claimed her fully. Mar Sûl was quick to push her limp form off his prone body and heave a deep breath blinking rapidly as his own mind began to sink into the haze. Idly he wondered why Atyiru was wearing a breather.


Ten hours later

Nath woke with what could only be described as a one of the worst headaches she had ever experienced. Not even sparing with Kalon made her hurt quite so much; and he barely held back, frequently the pair had made immense amounts of damage to training rooms in the past.

As the Iridonian's vision swam back into focus she sat upright, perhaps a little too quickly as the room began to spin disconcertingly fast. She blinked rapidly sensing a stranger a little too close for comfort. Once her sight had returned to normal she noted it was the Human from before. Her pale skin flushed with shame as the memories came flooding back to her, her mind and body freezing as she fixated on the Dark smear of dried crimson that had evidently flowed quite rapidly along the once immaculate armour.

The pause between the pair was quite thick as they sized each other up. The familiar mindset of hiding everything was now firmly back in place once more as she swung her legs off the medbay bed and sat fully upright.

"... I owe you an apology." Nath's monotone voice wavered slightly as she felt the familiar pang of shame flush her being once more. She couldn't look him in the eye even though she was trying her hardest to do so.

"Let us just pretend it never happened." He was grateful she could not meet his gaze, she would not notice that he too could barely meet hers.

Once he had awoken from his own dreamless sleep he too had been accosted by his own memories. Never would he admit to becoming jealous of a Neti that had been practically undressing a pretty Twi'lek female. If anyone were to inquire he would deny his own actions and leave the memory dead and buried away for the rest of his days.

As Atyiru entered the room she was greeted with more awkward silence, though to her credit she pretended it did not exist and the trio tried yet again to introduce themselves. At least this time they were all sober.

Shipping Arcona Style
Textual submission