A walk in Dreshdea
By Calvo #13922
Calvo, a maron skinned Elomin, got off a ship, stepping in to the streets Dreshdea. He was wearing blue painted armour, that appeared mismatched. On the chest piece, the ws a painting of a skull surrounded by six drops of blood. On his waist laid a spiked chain, a dagger, and a basic lightsaber. He wore no helmet, showing his horns, which grew in a crown like structure.
Calvo was a member of Clan Plagueis, and an ally of the One Sith, in this Civil war. The Brotherhood had split, and after the first day of battle, a bloody battle, from which Calvo played a small role in. Here, in the One Sith controlled City of Dreshdea, Calvo expected another battle.
As he rounded a corner, he reflected on his life. His first mentor, before he came to the brotherhood, Mak Lya, a bothan darksider, died by the hands of two Jedi, though the more experienced of the two had recently gained the friendship of Calvo, promising to teach lightsaber combat to the Elomin. Mak had taught Calvo much, including the Beast control ability, and Jeswandi. Now, as a dark jedi, Calvo wondered if he was doing the right thing.
Calvo looked around, concerned for his safety. He caught a glimpse of an Iktotachi. Since he had killed the Iktotachi padawan who did kill Mak, with the help of Svere, he knew that this was not his main foe. This Iktotachi was wearing dark robes, and carried a long handled lightsaber, which Calvo took notice of.
“Iktotachi, who are you?” Calvo asked curiously, his hand going for his saber.
“I will ask the same of you Elomin,” The Iktotachi replied.
“I am Calvo, a veteran of the first day,” Calvo replied. “Now again, who are you?”
“I am Darth Necren, an asset of the brotherhood,” replied the Iktotachi.
“Which brotherhood?” Calvo asked, again suspicious.
“I know not at this time. Now leave me.” Necren replied.
“Darth Necren, if you don’t mind, why not come with me for a while.I understand it may not be your thing, but going alone in a war can get you killed, no matter how good you are. I am with the One Sith. We could aid you, and you us,” Calvo said, using his own Elomin nature to convince her.
“If you insist, though understand, in a fight, and when together, I am with you for my own survival. And your offer is intriguing,” Darth Necren stated, her tone final.
Calvo noded in agreement. “What do you know of the two other factions?” he asked.
“I know that Muz Ashen wants to become immortal. I believe he sent someone here to find a way to become so. I know that the rebels wish to stop him, though it appears that they can’t at least not today. If I am correct, the person Muz would send is Colyn Skybender, and Colyn would bring a good sized group, if he wa smart,” replied Necren. “I am guessing you would like to go after Colyn. I will, though this will sever any chance to be with Muz, so you better hope we either die today, or Muz loses.”
“Thank you, Darth Necren,” Calvo replied graciously.
After a few hours of searching, and more than a few dead rebels and loyalists, Darth Necren and Calvo were hiding in a museum, waiting for the loyalists to show up. They had tracked the rogue Jedi, Connor Grey, to this location. Apparently Connor was to meet with Colyn, and deliver an item with the key to immortality.
Connor paced the ground, waiting for his contact, Colyn to arrive. Connor was a tall human, though an older one, with chemically dyed blond hair. He was wearing dark brown clothes, and had a cigarette in his mouth. he had a slugthrower in a holster on his belt, and his lightsaber was out in the open.
The door to the museum opened, and a dozen men enter the building. Calvo looked around, sizing them up, as apparently did Connor.
One man came forth, a soldier if Calvo ever saw one. The human was of average height, and had a commanding presence. He was in dark grey robes, and had a lightsaber clipped to his belt, along with a blastech dl-22. A blaster rifle, a make Calvo could not make out, was slung over his shoulder.
“Connor Grey. I am Colyn Skybender. I am here for the package,” said the soldier.
“Really,”Connor said. “It will be 20,000 credits. I assume Muz gave you the money?”
“Yes, here you go,” Colyn stated, handing Connor the money. “The pack--”
Colyn was cut short the the scream of one of his men as Darth Necren jumped down from the balcony, Calvo close behind. As both Calvo and Necren hit the ground, they ignited their lightsabers. Connor and Colyn ignited theirs, followed by Colyn’s remaining ten men.
“Darth Necren, you aid the One Sith,” Colyn cried out. “Time to die.”
Necren looked at Calvo. “We had better win or die.”
“Win then,” Calvo replied before charging in, saber and spiked chain in hand. Necren followed only a fraction of a second behind. Colyn’s ten men met Calvo and Necren in combat head on, Colyn charging in just behind them.
“Deliver the scroll to Muz, he will reward you!” Colyn called out before entering the fray. Upon hearing this, Connor took of running.
Calvo lashed out with the chain, tripping a twi’lek that Colyn brought with him, then plunged his saber into the twi'leks heart. Necren cut down two of Colyns men, her long hilt giving her more leverage on the strikes. Calvo, now fighting two men, dropped his chain, and met them saber to vibrosword. For nearly a minute Calvo battled the two, enough for Necren to kill both.
Colyn and his four remaining soldiers retreated to the only door out of the building, then the four each ignited their lightsabers.
“Come to your death Necren and Calvo,” Colyn called out.
Necren, then, unleashed a burst of force lightning, that Colyn blocked with his saber, his men advancing on Necren, while she concentrated. Just before they were able to hit her, she jumped back, engaging all three, while Calvo found himself paralyzed.
Calvo watched in both fascination and horror, unable to move and assist Necren. Necren was pressed back by her four opponents, and Colyn started to advance. Necren fought well, but after a few minutes, she started to tire. after a few more blocks, and Colyn entering the battle, she was disarmed.
Calvo seeing this, broke free of his paralysis, and sprinted up and called on the force, pulling Necren’s saber to his hand, before leaping into the fray, the long handled saber giving Calvo more reach. As he landed, he cut down one of Colyn’s men. Necren took the reprieve to grab Calvo’s saber from the ground, and joined Calvo in the fight, flipping over Colyn and taking him one on one. Calvo, facing now four dark jedi of some skill, struggled to hold against them.
Necren and Colyn were stuck in a blade lock, which if either of them left, they would very much be killed by the other. Colyn cursed himself for allowing himself to be drawn into melee, especially against his quick and aggressive foe. He broke off, and just as he was able to call on the force to help, he was cut down, his chest sliced downward from left to right.
Calvo, seeing Necren cut down Colyn, felt relieved. He lashed out with Necren’s saber, plunging the saber into one of the four men, then kicked out at another, knocking the man unconscious. Almost instantly after doing that, Calvo flipped backwards, again on the defence, the saber not being what he expected.
Necren looked at Calvo, and knew he was doomed without a little help. Grabbing Colyns saber, she yelled, “Calvo, catch!” and threw it a Calvo, who caught, and ignited the blade. “Calvo, I am going after Connor!”and with that Necren ran off, along the same route Connor took.
Calvo, now swinging both sabers, was able to get an advantage against his two foes. He was able to kill off one, an then took his time with the other, killing him. Using his limited telekinesis he pulled the two remaining sabers into his hands, put all the sabers on his belt and took off running after Necren.
He encountered her after a few minutes of running.
“Calvo, we need to go after Connor. He took off in a ship just a minute ago. We may be able to catch him,” Necren said.
“I know someone. He is only a minute or two away,” Calvo replied. “His name is Svere. A Kaleesh dark jedi, and decent Pilot.”
“What are you waiting for then, I just commanded a ship. Get him!” Necren said, and she rushed to a ship, that looked like a Baudo-class Star Yacht.
Calvo, again, ran off, and did encounter Svere. Grabbing Svere by the arm, he ran off, quickly followed by Svere. When the arrived at the ship, only three minute after he left.
“Svere can you fly this?” Necren asked.
Svere, a mute from a injury he received, nodded, and got to the controls, barely giving time for Calvo to get in the ship before they took off.
The three managed to catch up to the ship Connors on. It was, a StarViper fighter.
Calvo ran to the gun controls, and fired. He managed to hit the wing of the ship, and the ship lost altitude, crashing into the desert of Korriban. Svere brought the ship down near the wreck of the crash. Calvo, Svere and Darth Necren exited the ship and saw Connor crawling, just a few meters away. Necren walked over,plunging Calvo’s blue saber into Conor, killing him.
“Calvo, I think I will join the one sith. I have no place with the loyalists,” Darth Necren stated. “What shall we do with the scroll? Surely it could be used to an advantage.”
“We burn it. If Muz wants it so much to send a dozen men out to ensure it is delivered he probably will try and take it from us,” Calvo replied. Svere nodded in agreement.
“Smart choice,” Darth Necren, “not what I would have chosen, but a good one.” Necen called upon the force, the lightning she called burning the scroll. “I will leave you now. Maybe I will see you again. I will head back to Dreshdea alone. You men can have the ship.”
She handed Calvo his lightsaber back, and he handed her her own.
“Thank you Darth Necren,” Calvo replied.
Calvo and Svere boarded the ship, leaving for Dreshdea, and preparing for the next day of the war.