Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 761 - 770 of 11705 in total
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Training Camp Session at the Pinnacle
Battles... IN SPACE!
Textual submission

__A Twist of Fate:or maybe just gravity__

The blue streaks of hyperspace shortened into singular points of light. The lights from *The Shelob*’s console softly illuminated the blue face of the lone Twi’leki pilot. Sinya’ni punched in the coordinates for her next jump when her R3 unit twiddled an alarm.

“What is it Sparky? Put it on the heads up display.”
The Rylothian gasped as multiple signals appeared on the screen. “When will the hyperdrive be ready for our next jump?” The droid let out a series of matter of fact tweets. “That’s too long. Maybe they didn’t see us.”

Bright flashes of green suddenly lit up the inky black backdrop as the Revenant Strike-class Tenixir R-20 medium cruiser’s turbo lasers cut through her flight path. Sinya’ni slammed the arm of her chair. “Kark! Well there goes the stealthy option.” A familiar pink visage appeared from the holoprojector. The unmistakable scarred face with lekku wrapping his neck like a scarf made the young Twi’lek cringe.

*”Unidentified spider cruiser, I am Corsair Kro’nk Aeti of the Tenixir Revenant. Identify yourself.”*

“Oh! That is sooo not happening. Sparky how’s that hyperdrive cooldown?” Sinya’ni flipped off the autopilot and transferred power to weapons and forward shields. “And set your maglock. It’s about to get bumpy.” Red lances of laser beamed out of *The Shelob’s* twin heavy lasers, stitching a path across the hull of the much larger craft.

“Here come the TIEs! Keep those shields up!” Sinya’ni juked and jinked as green lasers lashed out at the impertinent little transport. “Quite the aggressive welcome. Imagine if he actually knew who I was!” The novice pilot managed to avoid some of the lasers but many more struck true. The shields flickered under the barrage.

*”I don’t know what you think you’re doing, little spider…”* The mutilated pink Twi’lek smirked, *“…but you stand no chance against us. You should surrender before we destroy your ship.”*

The shield stabilized as the secondary circuits engaged. She flew straight at the cruiser firing her pitiful lasers at the menacing warship. The TIE/LINs were in hot pursuit, firing at the aft of the arachnid styled ship. Each time Sinya avoided them, the green bolt would impact the carrier. The holographic face turned to the side. *”RECALL THOSE FIGHTERS! Those ekeosur are going–“* the transmission was abruptly terminated.

“That’ll only buy us a few seconds…what was that?” The ship lurched suddenly. “TRACTOR BEAM! Get us out of it. There’s no way I’m letting that bigoted freak get a hold of me!.” Sinya’ni hit the accelerator to no avail. “Get the hyperdrive ready!” The droid made a disgruntled reply. “I know we can’t make hyperspace while in a tractor beam. I’m working on it.”

Sparky let out a low whistle. “I know what I’m doing! I read about it once…granted it was a legend…I hope I know what I’m doing.” The Twi’lek took a deep breath. “Hit hyper as soon as we’re free.” Tightening her crash webbing, she silently mouthed…”3…2…1…” She switched the poles on the inertial compensator.

A loud “CRACK” reverberated through the ship as gravity seemed to twist and reverse. In moments, the blue streaks of hyperspace travel replaced the small Revenant fleet in the viewport. They had made it…now to get the inertial compensator replaced.