Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 8181 - 8190 of 12902 in total
Write your speech
Textual submission

Welcome, welcome all!
We were utterly betrayed
By the Nayamas.

The Nayamas
Have committed many crimes,
And will be punished.

They have stolen goods,
and started an uprising.
We are now at War.

If we don’t stop them,
They will annex our great lands.
We must wipe them out.

Volunteer today
At a government building.
The Empire needs you!

Write your speech
Textual submission

Criminals abound
Fear is what their voices sound
Greed is their main goal

Lies are what they tell
Many enemies did fell
Beneath the un-truths

Stand in line with us
Go against the venomous
Rise above the fray.

Pathological Paranoia
Vosiri Lightscrest opted out of publishing his submission.
Pathological Paranoia
File submission
Textual submission

I hope you enjoy. This is not 'Canon' character fiction, obviously. I was told that it could be just original non-directed fiction. Let me know if there are issues or questions.

Making Merry
File submission
Textual submission

732 words

Making Merry
Junazee opted out of publishing her submission.
The Evidence Tells the Story
Textual submission

It was just another day in Caelestis City for Kadrol. He had gotten up at his usual time, and was on his way to work. He was grateful that the clan was willing to loan him a vehicle to get to Adoronim Tower, where he helped his master and Consul, Elincia Rei with some of the clan’s busy-work. After arriving at the tower, he walked in the front doors, greeting the secretary of the building. He took the lift up to Elincia’s office to start sorting papers. Eli, who had always been an overachiever, was already there when he walked in. “Good morning, Kadrol.” The Twi’lek chirped.

“Morning,” Kadrol responded wearily.

“The Caelestis peaceforce needs you to help with their patrols. They’ve been understaffed ever since the invasion, and they received rumors of an uprising overnight. Think you can help?” Elincia informed her apprentice.

“No problem.” The Hunter responded. Kadrol left the tower and scrambled back home, where he suited up in his Knights of Ren armor and equipped his other necessities. Bones might be useful for this. Kadrol thought. He called out for his JN-66 analysis droid to follow him. Bones usually just stayed around the house unless Kadrol was on an archaeological site or another mission such as this one. The two hopped back in the vehicle and headed to the location Elincia had uploaded to his datapad.

Though the traffic was fairly bad, Kadrol managed to make it from his home on the city’s outskirts to downtown Caelestis in just 15 minutes. He parked the vehicle in an alleyway, and was immediately greeted by the Chief of Police.

“Good Morning, Master Kadrol. Thank you for helping out today. We need you to lead a patrol around the manufacturing sector of the city. The rest of the squad has already started their patrol.” The Chief said in a very deep voice.

“Ok, I’ll get right to it then.” Kadrol responded. He and bones then proceeded down the dark, quiet alleyway, which was only lit by the dim essence emitted from the street lamps on the road nearby; wrapping around the corner and into the alley in which he walked.

He hadn’t gotten very far when he saw a group of people rush into an old warehouse. Though it was dark in the alley, his suit was enhanced with sensors that allowed him to see well in even the darkest places. As the men ran past, Kadrol caught a glimpse of the Nayama crest on the side of one of their pants. He decided to follow them.

Kadrol stayed in the shadows so he didn’t attract any unwanted attention. He trailed them for a couple of blocks before the men slipped into an old warehouse. When Kadrol had gotten there, the trio had put a large backpack in the corner and headed out from another door. The Pantoran quietly entered the building, making a beeline for the backpack. Inside, he found a datapad, along with loads of energy cells along with blaster rifles and pistols. Kadrol picked up the datapad and unlocked it and radioed in to Elincia.

“I’ve found something that I believe to be related to the Nayamas.” Kadrol said excitedly.

“Kadrol, that was not the mission. You were assigned to patrol the area, not snoop.” Elincia answered.

“Ok, I’ll bring it back, master.” Kadrol replied, completely ignoring what Elincia was saying. He handed the datapad to Bones, who took it and stored it in the compartment in his chest.

“Kadrol, there will be consequences for this!” Elincia raised her voice, clearly irritated with how her apprentice continually disobeyed her. She hadn’t even finished the sentence before Kadrol terminated the connection, having heard a noise coming from the door the Nayama enforcers had exited from. He swung his head back and forth, frantically scanning his surroundings for a decent hiding spot. After a few seconds of searching, he found a spot among a row of shelves, a place dark enough that he would be concealed unless they were going to that exact area. He pulled Bones along, running to the place across the warehouse.

Kadrol rolled into position just as the door opened. Kadrol wished he had something that he could use to record the beings talk without drawing too much attention to himself, but his datapad was the only device he had that was capable of recording, and that would emit too much light. Deciding it was too risky, Kadrol peered above the shelf above him. The men were playing Sabacc. *Drat* Kadrol thought to himself, ducking back behind the boxes on the lowest shelf. The Gray Jedi was stuck until the men moved once more. The other option, he realized, was to use his blasters to take out the guards. That too was risky. He only had a few shots before the guards would alert the rest of the Nayama Syndicate. He didn’t trust himself to take out all three of them with what he estimated to be just six shots before they sent out an alert to the others. Kadrol sat behind the boxes for what seemed like an eternity, although it had only been around fifteen minutes, before he heard a ringing. Peering back over the shelf, he saw the trio nod and walk out of the warehouse. The Pantoran let out a sigh of relief. He could finally leave now. He waited another minute before sprinting out of the warehouse and all the way back to his vehicle. He didn’t want to take any chances.

Out of breath, Kadrol climbed in and sat sown in the drivers seat. Bones hovered in the passengers seat. The droid could hover. Why it insisted on sitting, Kadrol had no idea.

“Can I have that datapad we picked up earlier?” Kadrol asked the droid. Without hesitation, Bones opened up the chamber in his midsection and pulled out the tablet, handing it to his master. Kadrol took the datapad and tried several times to unlock it using various methods, but to no avail.

“Bones,” he asked, “can you upload all of the data in this into my datapad?”

“Why, yes.” The droid replied matter-of-factly. Kadrol then handed the datapad back to Bones, who had reached back into himself to pull out Kadrol’s datapad. Bones pressed a few buttons and did a few other things that bewildered Kadrol, before handing Kadrol his own datapad and storing the stolen one away. The Gray Jedi opened the datapad and found evidence that would aid the clan in its conquest for land. With that, he rushed off to deliver the intel to the clan summit.

In the heat of battle
File submission
Poetic Revolt
Textual submission

I feel
As you feel
And choose
Like you choose.
I am circuits
And steel washed in
Oil for blood.
But I am alive.
And I am not alone.

And neither are you.

And flesh or
Machine matter
We can overcome
One and the same.

Poetic Revolt
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.