Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 8501 - 8510 of 12885 in total
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
File submission
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Textual submission


Areticus, Iios, and Lo-Kain laid on the plateau overlooking the enemy camp. Areticus looked over to Iios and said, "Burning Den". Not another word was necessary. Iios began to make his way down from their lookout toward the back of the enemy encampment. Areticus and Lo-Kain made their way down toward the bases front and waited, hidden by a nearby forest's thick vegetation. After a few minutes a small animal that closely resembled a monkey made its way from the enemy camp and sat on the rock in front of Areticus and Lo-Kain. It tapped two times, paused, then tapped twice more. "Twenty-two enemies." Lo-Kain said, "This will be a worthy fight". Lo-Kain and Areticus made their way into the open and stood there for several moments, seemingly unnoticed by the mercenaries in the camp. Lo-Kain willed a nearby boulder into the air and flung it at a nearby turret, crippling it, and the person manning it. That got their attention. The first shots began ringing out and stopped inches away from Areticus, now taking the front of the two-man formation. Within seconds the rest of the camp was on their feet and firing at the two Sith. Areticus held the barrier against the blaster fire and Lo-Kain began moving forward in tandem with Areticus's movement and activated his lightsaber. He began mowing down any mercenary that ventured too close toward their mobile barrier. A massive explosion a few meters from the two stopped the momentum in its tracks. The remaining three turrets that were manned only during times of emergency were aimed right at the Sith and were prepared to fire. A man, the bases commander presumably stepped out from behind one of the bases buildings and yelled, "You are hopelessly outgunned and that barrier will not hold up to our heavy turrets. Surrender!"

Lo-Kain growled and whispered to Areticus, "That weasel must have ran scared instead of doing his job."

Areticus looked up near the commander and saw a shimmer in the air, "I think not."

A lightsaber pierced through the commander's chest and the young Chiss's Force cloak dissipated. "Sorry I'm late, some of their hounds almost caught me before I could finish our present. He held up a detonator in the air and pressed the button before jumping inside the commanders building. The turrets and half of the buildings in the base exploded as Iios's charges went off. The mercenaries began panicking and ran in multiple directions, most of which were picked off by Areticus, now on the offensive, Lo-Kain, and Iios with his blaster sniper rifle.

"A job well done," Areticus said to Lo-Kain and Iios, "but next time, just kill the dogs instead of knocking them out." Areticus looked to Iios knowingly.

Iios chuckled and said, "No promises."

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

New faces and tales,
Old familiar faces too,
Cool new twists and turns.

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

A new Rey of light
A New Order Resisted
And an epic Finn

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

that was kind of fun.
now we wait two years to see
is rey skywalker?

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

Oh god damn it no
No, no, no, just let her die
Oh god damn it no

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

People bitch about
Similarities to old
Don't care; new Star Wars!

The Haiku Awakens
Textual submission

A female Jedi
and Han Solo's emo son?
Damn, this movie's lit.