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A New Cycle, A New Me! - New Year's Resolutions
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536 words

A New Cycle, A New Me! - New Year's Resolutions
Textual submission

So it’s a new cycle. Last year I made great progress in my journey to become a Knight. However I wasn’t powerful enough to get past Acolyte before the end of 35 ABY. Also I moved to a new Clan. My first resolution of the new cycle is to gain allies and build a strong power base in my new Clan. I feel this will aid me in my goal to become a Knight and my career afterwards. I regret that I was not able to participate in the last Great Jedi War. I missed a huge opportunity at glory and notoriety. I will Acolyte Joe Durham swear to Force that I will never allow such a mistake to happen again. This cycle I am determined to be active in all Brotherhood activities. In order to do this I have decided to join the Inquisitorious and become an Inquisitor. In order to satisfy my hunger for knowledge and power I have decided to become a professor in the Shadow Academy the first chance I get. I am going to be very busy this cycle. However I’m sure it will pay off. Eventually I will be the Consul of Clan Taldryan. Then it’s only a matter of time before I reach my goal of ruling the entire Brotherhood forever. However before I accomplish any of this I must first go step by step. By the start of the new cycle I expect to be promoted to Hunter. Then I’ll be just one rank away from being a Knight. It’s weird, recently I’ve been feeling like the Force has been trying to tell me something. Like there’s more it can offer. I know I’m no Master but thought I had basically learned pretty much everything about the Force. I guess I was wrong. Therefore, this cycle I intend to grow my understanding, knowledge, and affinity with the Force. I have a feeling there’s so much more I’m capable of. This cycle I’d also like to earns Dark Sage degree from the Shadow Academy. I also might dabble in Force Alchemy somewhat this cycle. You know, to keep Clan Tarentum’s spirit alive. Having huge armies of undead warriors and terrifying monstrosities is a good way to reach the top. Last cycle all I could think about was power. I am going to use this new cycle to achieve it. I may not be the Consul of Clan Taldryan by the end of this cycle, but I will have gained a significant amount of power.
One day I will rule not just the Brotherhood but the entire Galaxy.
—Acolyte Joe Durham

You Can't Handle the Truth!
File submission
Textual submission

I tried to go by the guide lines. Hope you enjoy!

You Can't Handle the Truth!
Textual submission


The Justicar, a Dark Lord of the Sith, one of the oldest who still remain in the brotherhood. His stature, even at his age, was as impressive and as powerful as his history Atticus had read about. He turned his eyes to Marick Tyris, the Voice of the Brotherhood, and the prosecutor of Atticus’ trial. There was no jury, there was no audience or defendant; just Areticus, the Voice, and the man who will decide his fate.

“Court is now in session,” the Justicar proclaimed, “Areticus Horatio Aldebrant Altainatus, Esquire…”

Areticus rolled his eyes at his full name being announced as the Justicar continued, “You have been charged with defiance against clan Plagueis, the Inquisitorius, and the Dark Council. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty,” Atticus said with what strength he could. His body was badly damaged, but recovering. His left arm and right leg were in casts, with a head bandage and eye patch on his head, and he was wheeled in by a droid operated wheelchair.

“And why is that?” The Justicar asked in response.

“My actions on Hoth were done for the benefit of the Brotherhood. My discoveries would have given us assets that would make our economic structure and military production bountiful. Although I am guilty of utilizing Plagueis funds to cover the initial costs, the gain from the expedition would have made those expenses marginal.”
“If I may, your honor,” the Voice asks stepping forward, “I do believe Areticus’ behaviors are with the best intentions for the brotherhood and his clan.” Areticus raised an eyebrow at the Voice’s remark. “However,” he continued, “The charges are from his defiance from questioning by a Grand Inquisitor, the and violent resistance upon a Dark Council member.”

“Yes, because I’m sure you took quite the beating,” Areticus scoffed sarcastically.

“That’s enough,” the Justicar said with a booming voice, causing the other two to fall silent. “Areticus. The details of your primary charges are in regards to your conflict with the Voice. Your intentions do not exclude you from your secondary charges of utilizing clan funds without the approval of your Quaestor. Nor do your intentions make your violence against the Voice an excuse.”

Atticus took a pause for a moment, “Why not?”

“Excuse me?”

“Why is it that I must be put on trial for fighting the Voice?”

There is an air of silence, with the Elder and Grand Master looking at him as if he were an idiot.

“My lord, I see before me a Dark Lord of the Sith. As you know by my background, I too aspire to follow the ways of the Sith. It is with that, when a Sith has shown weakness, they are deserving of death.”

“Do you feel as though the penalty of your crimes should be death?” The justicar says.

“I believe that my fate was decided by the Voice the moment I decided to fight one who was stronger than I.”

The Justicar turns to the Voice, “Very well… Marick, what punishment would you decide for Areticus here?”

Marick raised a brow and looked to Areticus, “I suppose, my lord. A slap on the wrist. He looks to be punished enough. His expedition lies in ruins as well as his body.”

Areticus breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the Justicar shrug and exit the room. He looked to Marick with the best nod he could manage from his position. He felt both relief and disdain for the decision Marick made, for Areticus would have not been as merciful.

You Can't Handle the Truth!
Keiji Suoh opted out of publishing his submission.
You Can't Handle the Truth!
Textual submission

“Due to overwhelming evidence, as Justicar I Grand Master Jac Cotelin charge Hunter Joe Durham with treason, sedition against the Brotherhood, the attempted murder of Grand Master Darth Pravus, conspiracy to commit genocide, escaping Brotherhood custody, and the murder of over a dozen of the Grand Master’s Royal Guards…"
The arms of his chair were cold under his hands. An observer's seat; opposite the row of Dark Council and Summit members who held high ranks but probably had never spent even an hour on the front lines in the last Great Jedi War, but gets a say in whether he lives or dies. Not that it would have made a difference if he had had a better seat. Overwhelming evidence. Come on Kromtal, where are you? If there was ever a moment for a last minute rescue…
They were onto the trial now. Jac Cotelin, of course, was pushing for the death sentence. As he'd promised. Rian Taldrya, the Clan Taldryan Consul, was opposing him, but by the looks of things Rian, new to the position of Consul, didn't know what to push for instead, and was fighting a losing battle. Exactly like a politician, assuming things would just go his way. Just like the disgusting alien he is. Not planning for the worst was a foolish risk to take, and it was Rian Taldrya’s loyal subordinate that was paying the price for his recklessness.
"Hunter Durham may have a certain disdain for nonhuman members of the Brotherhood but he would never try to hurt them."
Alaris Jinn, proconsul and current witness at the trial, tried to defend Joe on the witness stand in the huge chamber.
Joe sat there, on the platform, eyes fixed on the floor in front of him. He looked to the entrances of the chamber. No last minute escape route suddenly appeared. No rescue, nothing that would overturn this travesty of justice. No this was justice...Dark Brotherhood justice.
“I myself, a Twi’lek can attest that Hunter Durham has always treated me and every other Clan member with respect and professionalism.” Alaris finished.
Joe reached through Force, and could sense that the other members of Clan Taldryan were nodding in agreement with Alaris. Cotelin was peering at him. “Thank you Augur Jinn.” Rian said before having a seat next to Joe.
“That doesn’t change the fact that over 10% of the Brotherhood’s alien communities’ water supply has been poisoned.” Cotelin said, moving to the center of the chamber.
“The same poison was found in Hunter Durham’s possession at the time of his arrest!” Cotelin shouted, pointing at Joe.
"Hundreds of innocent Brotherhood citizens are dead.” Cotelin added showing each Council member the data pad proving his statement.
“I’d like the Hunter to act as a witness and testify to the Council.” Cotelin requested.
His words earned him a couple of slightly surprised looks, and several narrowed eyes from some Clan Taldryan and former Clan Tarentum audience members. "We shall allow it.” Grand Master Pravus spoke for the entire Dark Council.
Yes. Yes, Joe had seen this coming through the Force, and wondered if the Dark Council was so blinded by the veil of blood these days that Joe could feel it settling onto and into his skin, clouding his vision to a haze. Joe went and sat on the witness seat, and prepared to answer the Justicar’s questions. He had to admit, having the eyes of the most powerful members of the Dark Brotherhood on him was nerve wracking. “Hunter are you familiar with this poison?” asked Cotelin, holding up a vile of purple liquid. “I’ve had an encounter with it before if that’s what the Justicar is asking.” Joe replied calmly. I shouldn’t bring it up now should I? Well I guess I have no other choice. Joe wondered if he should tell the background of how he came to possess the poison. Suddenly a wave of Force energy rose deep from within Joe. It was like Joe had just risen from the darkness. That’s it this is a test! Joe realized that this whole situation is just one big test. Though Joe could not determine even through the Force what he was being tested for. So the Dark Council and the Grand Master knows I’m innocent. I guess if I don’t live up to their standards they’ll just execute me any way. No other choice but to just play along then. Joe thought to himself. “Explain this encounter Hunter Durham.” Cotelin requested. “I am sworn to secrecy.” Joe calmly responded. “Hunter you will answer me!” Cotelin shouted. “I cannot!” Joe yelled back. Hmm... most interesting this one is. Thought Grand Master Pravus as he clasped his hands together. A few moments of eery silence passed throughout the chamber. “Very well then.” Cotelin finally spoke. Joe saw a small metal clip on the ground. Subtly, he reached out with the Force and the clip moved just in front of his chair next to Rian Taldrya. “ I have no further questions today.” Cotelin as he returned to his seat. Joe also returned to his seat. Once there he secretly used his feet to pick up the small metal clip and place it into his sock inside his boot. Grand Master Pravus gave a wave as he got up and left the chamber. He was followed by the Dark Council. “We are adjourning for today.” Rian told Joe. “ How are you feeling?” He asked. “Excellent.” Joe responded with a mischievous grin on his face. Two of the Grand Masters’ Royal Guards came to escort Joe back to his cell.
Once alone in his cell the guards removed the cuffs from Joe’s hands. Finally it’s time. Joe thought with a grin as he sat on the small bunk in the damp and dark cell. He reached into his boot and removed the small metal clip he had recovered from the trial. He reached out to the Force and the clip left his hand and floated in the air. Joe outstretched his hand towards the cell door and the clip followed. The clip slipped through the door and Joe moved his hand to the right. The clip moved to the right and enter the key pad to the cell door. With a flick of Joe’s wrist the clip turned, unlocking the the cell. Time to plan my escape. Joe thought to himself.
“Bump bump!” came a knock from inside the cell where Joe was being held. “Huh... what the?” A guard questioned just as the door to the cell swung open and what felt like a hand wrapped around the guard’s throat. Joe emerged from the cell with his arm outstretched. Now the guard knew it was no hand around his throat it was the Force. The guard was lifted from his feet and thrown backwards into a the wall of the hallway. “P..Please d..don’t kill!” The guard begged. “Sorry you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Joe said casually. He could see the guards eyes enlarge before his entire body went limp. He put up less of a fight than I expected. Joe thought as he lowered his arm and the guard’s dead body hit the metal floor. “Hmm let’s see now.” Joe said as he searched the guard for equipment. Taking the guard’s blaster and data card he quickly made his way out of dungeon of the Iron Citadel and towards Grand Master Cotelin’s chambers. “You there st...SPEW!” A guard began to say before being shot in the throat by a DL 44 blaster pistol. Bullseye! Joe thought before turning around to continue on his way. “You two?!” Joe surprisedly questioned when he turned and saw who stood in front of him. “Cease your hostility and return with us to your cell Brother!” Padawan Greenfire called out to Joe.
“ You’re wasting your breath. This one’s not going anywhere without a fight.” Hunter Swiftly Chapple said looking at his partner. “Neither of you have ever landed a scratch on me during our sparring matches. What makes you think this will be any different?” Joe asked confidently. “ Because we have lightsabers and you don’t.” Chapple responded reaching for his training lightsaber.“ What?!” He shouted when didn’t feel it on his utility belt. He looked up and suddenly saw saw Joe, with his training saber in hand, inches in front of him. Before he could even think Chapple was hit directly on the right cheek and was sent flying several feet into a wall. He just lay there unconscious. Greenfire swiftly moved back away from Joe several feet.
“I see your telekinesis and speed augmentation has improved since the last time we sparred.” Greenfire said to Joe. “Please stop this I do not want to fight. We belong to the same Clan...we may not be related by blood but we’re brothers.” Greenfire tried to reason with Joe. “That may be but I have something to do and you are in my way. So I have no choice but to fight and defeat you.” Joe responded. “Ahh. Your eagerness to resort to violence has always been a bad habit of yours.” Greenfire sighed, igniting his green armory lightsaber. “And your inaction and hesitation is your failure Jedi!” Joe yelled angrily before charging at Greenfire. In a flurry of movements they clashed and parried blades. Joe’s training saber against Greenfire’s armory lightsaber. Through his mastery of Form Zero Joe managed to force Greenfire onto the defensive. Realizing Greenfire was withering under his sustained assault Joe forced him into a corner and continued to brutally bash his lightsaber blade until Greenfire had had enough. Snap! Greenfire’s wrists broke from the strength and ferocity of Joe’s barrage. His lightsaber flew from his hand and Joe’s training saber came crashing down onto the top of his head. “Boom!” Greenfire’s unconscious body hit the ground with a thud.
Hmm. Not bad. Joe thought. He had just defeated two of Clan Taldryan’s Journeymen 3 without even breaking a sweat. Have I really become this strong? Joe questioned inside his head. Reaching through the Force, Greenfire’s armory lightsaber flew from the floor into Joe’s hand. With that he continued on to Pravus’ chambers.
Quickly dispatching the few guards that stood watch in front of Pravus’ throne room Joe opened the large doors and entered. Joe found Pravus sitting on a huge throne in the center of the room. He was surrounded by extraordinary banners, holocrons, scrolls, and other ancient artifacts. I’ve been waiting for you Hunter Durham. Pravus spoke into Joe’s mind. I’m sorry to have troubled you Grand Master. Joe responded back telepathically while bowing. “Good work.” Pravus said out loud , seeing the bodies of his former guards sliced in halves on the floor outside his chambers. “Thank you Grand Master.” Joe said still bowing. “You may speak your mind child.” Pravus said sensing Joe had something he wished to get off his chest. “Grand Master if you feel I am even capable of committing treason against or harming your reign or the Brotherhood in any way then I’d gladly end my life...right here...right now!” Joe said emotionally while putting the blaster pistol to his head with tears in his eyes. Suddenly the blaster left his hand and landed in the Pravus’s right hand.
Surprised, Joe’s eyes shot up to look at Pravus. “That won’t be necessary Hunter.” Pravus stated calmly. “B..but I’m afraid I do not understand Grand Master.” Joe said. “Oh but I think you do.” Pravus said. With those words Joe’s suspicions had been confirmed. “I know you are no traitor nor a mass murderer.” Pravus continued.
“So this was a setup by the Dark Council.” Joe responded. “You are correct my apprentice.” Came a voice from behind Pravus’ throne. Joe turned and saw his master, Kromtal Bloodfyre Stormfyld. “ The Dark Council in conjunction with me orchestrated this entire ruse.” Kromtal continued. Suddenly the room lit up with torches all along the walls. The light revealed the entire Dark Council and Dark Summit as well as the Clan Taldryan leadership. Drawing his Shadow Academy Sith Sword Kromtal began walking over to Joe. Unsure of what was happening Joe remained in place, still bowing. Suddenly he could feel his master’s blade being lowered over his left shoulder as everyone else ignited their lightsabers and pointed them towards Joe in the center of the room. “Joe Durham you entered this room in the rank of Hunter and as an apprentice. However, You shall leave here as a Knight of the Brotherhood.” Darth Pravus said. “ Kromtal as his master do you agree to this knighting?” Pravus asked. “There’s nothing more I can teach him. He’s outgrown me.” Kromtal said with his sword still resting on top of Joe’s shoulder. “Then Rise Knight Durham and begin your duty to the Brotherhood.” Pravus said and lifted their lightsabers vertically in front of them. Kromtal raised his Sword and Joe stood up. Kromtal hand him a lightsaber...a real lightsaber not some cheap armory lightsaber. They looked into each other’s eyes and Kromtal simply nodded. Fully understanding Joe turned and left the room. There were no words that needed to be said. Joe could tell by the look in his master’s eye how proud he was of him. And Kromtal could tell by the spark in Joe’s eye that his student was indeed ready to move on to the next stage in his career.
Several days later Marick Tyris, the Voice of the Brotherhood, payed Joe a visit. “ I am impressed with the way you refused to speak at the trial.” Tyris said. “You are?” Joe asked. “Very much so.” Said Tyris. “From now on you are an Inquisitor in the Inquisitorius.” Tyris continued. “You will begin training as an Apprentice Inquisitor immediately. Upon the end of your training you will be assigned to the Shadow Academy. You will be our eyes and ears there understand?” Tyris asked getting up to Joe’s chambers. “ I do.” Joe said. And with that Tyris left. Eventually I’ll have the entire Brotherhood under my control. Joe thought to himself with a feral grin. It’s only a matter of time. “Ha ha ha ha...” He laughed to himself.

You Can't Handle the Truth!
General Stres'tron'garmis opted out of publishing his submission.