Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 8981 - 8990 of 12826 in total
Grand Master for a day!
Master Bentre Stahoes opted out of publishing his submission.
The Way, Part One: Describing a Melee Fight Scene
Textual submission

The tension in the air was thick as the two warriors stared each other down. Kaayn Salis felt the cloth of his white shirt stretch against his arms as he readied himself into a fighting stance. His opponent, T’Espera, donning the traditional orange combat uniform of her family, was already in fighting position. After what seemed like an eternity, T’Espera charged forward throwing a series of punches. Kaayn brought his hands up to intercept the onslaught of punches and ducking as a hammer fist came flying to towards the side of his head. With lightning fast precision, T’Espera fired another series of punches quickly followed by kicks. Kaayn jumped back, the cold stone railing chilling his back. Anticipating her next attack, Kaayn sidestepped as a flying kick crashed through the railing. T’Espera followed through with a straight punch at Kaayn's head. Kaayn again slipped to the side, sending T’Espera’s fist crashing into a ceramic planter. The planter shattered sending harden clay, dirt, and dust flying through the air.

T’Espera again charged her opponent. Throwing a series of kicks followed up by punches, the Sith angrily pursued Kaayn. Blocking each successive strike, the Grey Jedi was taken by surprise then T’Espera grabbed his arms. The two warriors wrestled for control of the fight. The Sith quickly got the upper hand and sent Kaayn flying across the arena floor. The human male contorted his body and landed in a prone position, propped up by one hand and his feet. T’Espera continued her assault sending a variety of kicks to the man. He hastily dodged the blows and leapt to his feet. T’Espera flew through the air sending a kick into Kaayn’s chest. The kick was followed by another fury of punches and kicks that sent him staggering back.

Kaayn regained his composure and focused on his enemy. He closed the gap to his between the two calmly but with authority. T’Espera, still at the ready, immediately continued her assault on the Grey Jedi. Kaayn quickly blocked the attacks and countered with a punch of his own. He followed through with a punch towards her head. Showing restraint, he stopped it just inches from her face. He knew the pulled punch would show her that he was indeed powerful and that he could beat her. He also knew that she would take the pulled punch as a sign of disrespect.. an insult. This fueled her anger.

She drew her power from her anger and fired back another series of punches and kicks. The renewed strength of the attack surprised Kaayn. He caught the blows in the chest and fell to the ground. He jumped to his feet and noticed the crowd observing and heckling him. He again focused hard on his opponent. T’Espera once again charged towards Kaayn. He leapt in the air threw a thrust a kick directly into her sternum. She flew back crashing into the ground. She glared at Kaayn, and slowly rose to a ready position. Kaayn loosened his stance, bobbing back and forth between his feet, changing the weight distribution.

The two fighters circled for a moment, T’Espera was the first to strike. She charged with a series of punches that were easily dodged by Kaayn. Opening the gap between the two, Kaayn gauged the situation. The Sith charged him again. Kaayn counted with a series of punches, causing T’Espera to crash into a rack of spears. The two fighters stood at a ready, throwing a punch of kick to test the others defenses. T’Espera threw a series of punches and kicks that were blocked by Kaayn. Kaayn retaliated with his own and a strong kicked connected in the chest. Taking a step back, T'Espera observed her opponent. She noticed the changing distribution of his weight. She waited until his weight was on his lead leg and with the speed of a viper attacking its prey, launched a kick into his leg sending him flying to the ground. She threw another kick towards Kaayn as he rolled back to his feet. Kaayn barely avoided the kick and countered with a flying kick to the side of her head.

The Sith and the Grey Jedi lowered into a ready stance glaring at one another, knowing that the fight would soon be over. They exploded at each other, like two elephants going to war. They exchanged a fury of punches and kicks that would look like a blur to any onlookers. Kick, punch, block, punch, block, kick.... Kaayn felt a stalemate was coming and made a quick decision. He leapt in the air and threw a strong kick into his former Apprentices chest. She flew across the arena floor into a set of stone railings. She climbed to her feat, only to fall. She realized she was too beaten to stand and eyed her opponent with seething hatred. “I lost.” She finally conceded as Kaayn left the arena.

Castle Meditation
Master Bentre Stahoes opted out of publishing his submission.
Castle Meditation
File submission
Final Steps
File submission