Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9101 - 9110 of 12820 in total
[Below Zero] Week 3 - Haiku
Textual submission

quiet anger burns
for not all is well resolved
he has greater plans

[Below Zero] Week 3 - Haiku
Textual submission

Cold, but I'm alive
Chilled, ferocity rising
Thawed, with new meaning

[Below Zero] Week 3 - Haiku
Textual submission

strong powerful warm
cold strained beat up feeling down
tired aching breathe

A Liath Story: Main Fiction
Textual submission

Adrestia stepped toward the center of the podium. There were camera flashes and reporters posing questions she had no intention of answering, so she took her time. She slowly but confidently sashayed her way to the mic, adding just a dash of sexy to her mystique.

“Hold your questions until after please,” Adestia announced as an opening comment. The crowd of reporters erupted into dissent. “Hold your questions until after I have my say,” she said in an authoritative manner that made the most excitable reporter shrink back, even if they didn’t actually understand that they were doing so.

“I know I’m new here. But so are millions of others,” the elf like woman announced, emphasizing millions, giving an obvious nod to District VI, where refugees were clustered. “Some human, but others of a different variety, some rich but others poor,” Adrestia said bringing attention to Districts V and VII; the so called Down Zone and the Alien District respectively. These were her bases of support. Together the three districts formed a slight majority of the population but were only thought to be the dregs of Eden Society by those who lived in districts I, II, III and IV. The dregs had a vote but no corporate backing and therefore no money flow. So their political pull had been close to nil until now. Until Adestia and until Liath CO.

“Eden has always been ordered through backroom deals in smoke filled rooms in Uptown Office Spires or seedy Downtown Casinos.” She said looking in the faces of those cheering her on, from the back of the reporters. “But with me as Governor of all of Eden you will have a say, you will have representation; you will have a voice!” the woman who was a Gray Jedi unbeknownst to her adoring public said, as the public erupted in cheers.

That speech blasted through every holoscreen, in every establishment, on the entire planet. Her poll numbers were shooting up and up with every public appearance. It was clear the public of Eden, at least in the poorest and most populated districts; wanted a change. The reporters grilled her for another twenty minutes, each one hoping to find a chink on her armor. But all of her answers were polished, well studied and articulate. Every time she opened her mouth she made the current governor, a former reality star known for making buffoonish statements, look like a fool.

Close to an hour later, as she stepped from the long hallway into her quarters she pressed a button. This button ensured that no one could be bugging her in any way she wasn’t aware of. Her powers in the force ensured this. Not long after there was a buzzing sound followed by a beam of light. She bowed low, her legs spread somewhat suggestively as she looked into the gaunt face that no Tarenti would mistake, Sith Battlelord Etah.

“Yes my master” the soon to be governor delivered with practiced ease toward the holographic display.

“Appreeentice” Etah said in a slow, drawn out manner. “So how goes your quest?” the spooky man inquired.

“We will have hold of the reigns of the government soon m’lord,” she said with a pleased coo.

“Excellent, you have served the Clan Tarentum well my Apprentice. Prepare for my arrival.”

“Yes m’lord” she said as the image of the Sith Equite went dark.

District V: Short fiction
Textual submission

Adrestia surveyed the rubble that passed for a city in District 5. Though it was devoid of wealth she reflected that it wasn’t devoid of happiness. Swarms of children played games, while young men sprinted around each other in search of treats. A group of women were playing a game that involved kicking a ball. Everyone around her wore the kind of smiles one would only expect from the rich. Were in not for the foul stench one could be forgiven for mistaking this random day on the streets of the slums for a wonderful fair of some kind.

But when the Seer looked deeper, she saw all the scum and villainy capable by society. She saw young men perpetrate violence one another, she saw young women abducted on the street to be pressed in service as whores. She saw men stealing from one another. She witnessed drunks ejected by strong men from pubs, only in this environment can ignorance truly thrive, the Seer thought to herself. A hundred million police in a hundred years couldn’t make this area safe, a hundred million scrubbings couldn’t make the area clean. District 5 should clearly be avoided she thought to herself.

This awful balance is why Liath is present she continued in thought as she continued on in her way.

District V: Short fiction
Textual submission

This is Love:
Lucifer stared out of the window at Eden City as he watched the lights of the city shine as darkness took over light. “Such a wonderful city, peaceful, quiet, beautiful, and perfect.” He stood and began to pace around his room. “What should I do first? Should I be trying the restaurants, the casinos, the gyms?” He left his room to wander the city. Over the next few months, he began to try every dish in the city by visiting every restaurant then he tried out all of the gyms to find just the right one to match his needs. He also tried out every night club, tasting ever type of alcohol in stock throughout the city and lastly, he gambled at every casino, happy with the winnings he earned. Over these past few months, Lucifer had nothing but joy from the city of Eden.

This is Hate:
Over the last few months everyone in the city who met Lucifer began to give him space as his moods grew worse and worse over the time since he had first arrived. “This town is worthless, I cannot believe I thought it was so amazing?!?! I cannot believe I fell for the rigged casinos, the shitty repetitive food, the boring gyms with only men around…”

District VI: Humor
Textual submission

Lucifer stared at the ceiling fan as it slowly made its rounds. “I wonder what it is that you would wish for if you could talk…” He chuckled softly, closing his eyes as sleep took him.
Upon waking up, Lucifer opened his eyes and his gaze returned to the ceiling fan. “Been watching me this whole time, huh?”
A second voice could be slightly heard coming from Lucifer’s quarters. “I am always watching you Lucifer and I do have a wish, to chop all of your enemies up in my blades until their scream could no longer be heard…HAHAHAHA!”
Lucifer raised his left eyebrow and chuckled. “So, what would my enemies’ deaths gain me?” He slowly stood up, stretching as he went clean up.
The ceiling fan began to spin faster. “You would have to need to fear nor worry about them and could help me achieve my second dream of a female humanoid so that we could be together forever!”
Lucifer laughed softly as he came out from the shower, brushing his teeth. “What makes you think you could be with me dear little ceiling fan?” After brushing his teeth, he got dressed and left the bathroom to find the ceiling fan had stopped spinning due to wires frying. “I always did like my girls over easy and not fried.” He laughed to himself as he left his quarters to find the maintenance personnel.

District VI: Humor
Textual submission

"My little lightsaber... Without you, I would probably have gone crazy already." Dolash chuckled as he rolled the metal cylinder back and forth between his hands, admiring its immaculate state and complex heraldry adorning it. "You're so pretty. Yes you are!"

He really did love his lightsaber. It had been through everything with him. Well, except the times he had forgotten it or misplaced - never lost - it. Now that he thought about it, this would be his... seventh lightsaber? He recalled Herald procuring it for him and their words to him, "11 and 3/4, made of beskad. It's funny you chose this one, for its sister gave you that scar."

Dolash gingerly felt the mark on his face below where his lekku protruded. He recalled his response, surreptitiously, "That makes sense. Didn't you use the same chunk of beskad that I gave you to make both?"

"Ahhh... right. Well, here's your lightsaber, good luck!!" The office member of the Herald shrunk away, busy as ever.

Dolash used to have so many adventures, he lost lightsabers and replaced others to reflect the changes he himself experienced. However, he had kept this one the longest. He stroked its shaft length to length as the teal blade protruded in all of its glorious size. "My precious."

He flicked the switch on the hilt and the stunning azure blade flickered off with that satisfying thrum.

"Goodnight, lovely," He kissed the hilt once more as he tucked underneath his chin and closed his eyes, returning to his drowsy lull.