Fiction Activity Overview

Displaying fiction activity reports 9741 - 9750 of 11719 in total
[Tarentum] Two Sentence Horror Story: My Character
Textual submission

Darknyte waved his hand in a quick motion imbuing his words with the power of the Force. "Your girlfriend is pregnant", he stated.

[Tarentum] Two Sentence Horror Story: My Character
Dain Cathis opted out of publishing his submission.
[FP:T] Backstory
File submission
[FP:T] Backstory
File submission
[FP:T] Backstory
File submission
[CSP/CNS] This One is MINE!
Textual submission

This whole damn day had been kriffing madness. For every time that he thought the Clan was able to gain ground against their betrayers, the Palatinae had pushed them back. Each rumor of artifacts to be recovered had been followed but more often than not his team has been beaten to the punch.

He appreciated the efforts of the Stormwinds, Raistlin and Darkhawk but he wanted a little something more. He wanted to bring something home for his team or barring that he wanted something he could bring home. He was sure that he was making his team nervous walking so deep into the midst of battle The Force had led them here, it would lead him home if he only had faith.

Crouching down, the Corellian planted a hand down so he could slip down to one knee. With much of the base in ruins, some pieces had been pinned in between bits of fallen ceiling and broken debris. Most of the pieces discovered had been damaged or utterly broken. The odds were not in his favor.
As he examined a gap in the wall, he took a breath. Trying to surpress a feeling of dread, he poked his head into the gap. A number of structures had collapsed under their own weight after sustaining damage. Every attempt was a gamble.

At first, he saw nothing within the opening. However as his eyes adjusted , the man saw a dim patch of light reflecting off an object. It was an ornate looking gauntlet.

Zachary imagined tracing a finger along the gauntlet for a moment. Even from this distance, he could sense the power exuding from it. Each step brought him closer. While the pirates routed and his comrades fought off the Palatinae he would just simply swoop in and grab it.

With it he would sweep aside the darkness from his dreams, push back the betrayers and finally prove his worth to Sonjie. It was only a small step along a long path. Reaching out, he imagined the sensation of the cold surface brushing against his skin as he coaxed it upward through the Force. Slowly the object floated toward his open hands.

Suddenly, the gauntlet came to a dead stop. Stretching out in the Force, O’Maille imagined closing his fingers around it, and pulled his hand back hard. The glove jerked in the air toward him slightly, but as soon as he relaxed, it began to float sideways.

As he did so, he heard something whistle through the air. Twisting his body, he saw something small and short fly just past him, clattering against the wall beside him. His concentration on the gauntlet was broken. The glove shot into a shadowed spot off to his right, where a barely visible figure was crouched.

“Who is there?” The question was harsh, the Savant’s voice laced with barely-contained anger. His eyes darted back and forth wildly. As his pupils focused, they came to rest upon the figure of the Zeltron as she palmed the gauntlet. He felt his heart flutter for the briefest of moments, as she was every bit as lovely as many others of her species. He quashed the response very quickly, however.

Instead, he ignited his lightsaber with a crackle. He raised the weapon to a point parallel to the ground and level with his chest, pointing it at the woman. “Identify yourself immediately or I will be forced to deal with you like I would any Palatinae or pirate scum.” The Corellian’s tone was low, and he hoped came across menacing.

“Is this what I get for letting Lilith go- threats and menacing?” The Zeltron raised her lightsaber and ignited it, casting a red light in contrast with the green light cast by her opponent's lightsaber.

“So you are Blade?” Zachary drew back his lightsaber slightly, shifting his stance so his weight was leaned forward on his left foot. “I have read a little about you after your wretched lot tried to kill ours.” The man rolled his shoulders back as he spoke. “I will try to end things quickly and be on my way.”

[CSP/CNS] This One is MINE!
File submission