Reported Gaming Matches

Displaying gaming matches 3241 - 3260 of 10067 in total
Played on
April 28, 2017
Approved at
28 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Match 1 Matches 2-12 Total
Alara Deathbane [CSP] Gamers Evolved: Level 1 Versus (Week 4) 1st
(1.0 CFs)
(11 × 0.33 ≈ 3.67 CFs)
4.67 CFs
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven [CSP] Gamers Evolved: Level 1 Versus (Week 4) 2nd
(0.33 CFs)
(11 × 1.0 ≈ 11.0 CFs)
11.33 CFs
Played on
April 25, 2017
Approved at
25 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Match 1 Total
Tribune Kanal O'neill [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(0.5 CFs)
0.5 CFs
A deleted dossier [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(0.17 CFs)
0.17 CFs
Played on
April 25, 2017
Approved at
25 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-2 Total
Tribune Kanal O'neill [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(2 × 1.0 ≈ 2.0 CFs)
2.0 CFs
Jafits Skrumm [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(2 × 3.0 ≈ 6.0 CFs)
6.0 CFs
Played on
April 25, 2017
Approved at
25 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-12 Total
Alara Deathbane [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(12 × 0.33 ≈ 4.0 CFs)
4.0 CFs
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(12 × 1.0 ≈ 12.0 CFs)
12.0 CFs
Played on
April 24, 2017
Approved at
24 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Match 1 Match 2 Total
Tribune Kanal O'neill [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(3.0 CFs)
(1.0 CFs)
4.0 CFs
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(1.0 CFs)
(3.0 CFs)
4.0 CFs
Played on
April 24, 2017
Approved at
24 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Played on
April 24, 2017
Approved at
24 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-2 Total
Tribune Kanal O'neill [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(2 × 1.0 ≈ 2.0 CFs)
2.0 CFs
Jafits Skrumm [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(2 × 3.0 ≈ 6.0 CFs)
6.0 CFs
Played on
April 23, 2017
Approved at
23 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-12 Total
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven Gorefest April 2017 1st
(12 × 1.0 ≈ 12.0 CFs)
12.0 × 2 = 24.0 CFs Awards Doubled
Master Mune Cinteroph Gorefest April 2017 2nd
(12 × 0.33 ≈ 4.0 CFs)
4.0 × 2 = 8.0 CFs Awards Doubled
Played on
April 23, 2017
Approved at
23 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-4 Matches 5-12 Total
A deleted dossier Gorefest April 2017 1st
(4 × 0.2 ≈ 0.8 CFs)
(8 × 0.07 ≈ 0.53 CFs)
1.33 CFs
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Gorefest April 2017 2nd
(4 × 0.07 ≈ 0.27 CFs)
(8 × 0.2 ≈ 1.6 CFs)
1.87 × 2 = 3.73 CFs Awards Doubled
Played on
April 23, 2017
Approved at
23 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-2 Matches 3-6 Total
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Gorefest April 2017 1st
(2 × 0.4 ≈ 0.8 CFs)
(4 × 0.13 ≈ 0.53 CFs)
1.33 × 2 = 2.67 CFs Awards Doubled
Dr. Giyana Jurro Gorefest April 2017 2nd
(2 × 0.13 ≈ 0.27 CFs)
(4 × 0.4 ≈ 1.6 CFs)
1.87 × 2 = 3.73 CFs Awards Doubled
Played on
April 22, 2017
Approved at
22 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-12 Total
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae Gorefest April 2017 1st
(12 × 1.0 ≈ 12.0 CFs)
12.0 × 2 = 24.0 CFs Awards Doubled
Dr. Giyana Jurro Gorefest April 2017 2nd
(12 × 0.33 ≈ 4.0 CFs)
4.0 × 2 = 8.0 CFs Awards Doubled
Played on
April 21, 2017
Approved at
21 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-6 Matches 7-12 Total
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna Gorefest April 2017 1st
(6 × 0.4 ≈ 2.4 CFs)
(6 × 0.13 ≈ 0.8 CFs)
3.2 × 2 = 6.4 CFs Awards Doubled
Bliss Gorefest April 2017 2nd
(6 × 0.13 ≈ 0.8 CFs)
(6 × 0.4 ≈ 2.4 CFs)
3.2 × 2 = 6.4 CFs Awards Doubled
Played on
April 19, 2017
Approved at
19 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-5 Matches 6-12 Total
A deleted dossier [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(5 × 0.2 ≈ 1.0 CFs)
(7 × 0.07 ≈ 0.47 CFs)
1.47 CFs
Raiheaux [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(5 × 0.07 ≈ 0.33 CFs)
(7 × 0.2 ≈ 1.4 CFs)
1.73 CFs
Played on
April 17, 2017
Approved at
17 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-8 Total
Moff Alethia Archenksova [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(8 × 0.33 ≈ 2.67 CFs)
2.67 CFs
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(8 × 1.0 ≈ 8.0 CFs)
8.0 CFs
Played on
April 17, 2017
Approved at
17 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-6 Total
Dr. Giyana Jurro [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(6 × 0.33 ≈ 2.0 CFs)
2.0 CFs
Nijalah [Gaming] Wrath of the Jungle 1st
(6 × 1.0 ≈ 6.0 CFs)
6.0 CFs
Played on
April 17, 2017
Approved at
17 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-12 Total
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(12 × 1.0 ≈ 12.0 CFs)
12.0 CFs
Nijalah [Gaming] Wrath of the Jungle 2nd
(12 × 0.33 ≈ 4.0 CFs)
4.0 CFs
Played on
April 16, 2017
Approved at
17 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Matches 1-2 Total
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(2 × 0.4 ≈ 0.8 CFs)
0.8 CFs
Texas UK N/A 2nd
(2 × 0.13 ≈ 0.27 CFs)
0.27 CFs
Played on
April 16, 2017
Approved at
16 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Match 1 Matches 2-6 Total
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(0.4 CFs)
(5 × 0.13 ≈ 0.67 CFs)
1.07 CFs
Dr. Giyana Jurro [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(0.13 CFs)
(5 × 0.4 ≈ 2.0 CFs)
2.13 CFs
Played on
April 15, 2017
Approved at
15 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members
Member Competition GN Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Match 4 Match 5 Total
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 1st
(1.0 CFs)
(1.0 CFs)
(1.0 CFs)
(1.0 CFs)
(1.0 CFs)
5.0 CFs
Moff Alethia Archenksova [FIST] Monthly Gaming for Glory - April 2017 2nd
(0.33 CFs)
(0.33 CFs)
(0.33 CFs)
(0.33 CFs)
(0.33 CFs)
1.67 CFs
Played on
April 15, 2017
Approved at
15 April 2017
Match ID
Participating Members