Item Research

Displaying item prototype 281 - 300 of 692 in total
Name Category Type Base Cost Stocked
FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid Medical Droid Droid 4,950 1
G9 Rigger-class Light Freighter Light Freighter Space Vehicle 60,000 1
Gaderffii Stick Bludgeon Weapon (Blunt) 120 1
Galactic Map Holoprojector Electronics Equipment 1,080 1
Gamma-class ATR-6 Assault Transport Flight Space Transport Flight 540,000 3
Gammorean Battleaxe Axe Weapon (Bladed) 600 1
Garrote Whip Weapon (Miscellaneous) 300 1
Geonosian Sonic Blaster Special Blaster Weapon (Blasters) 7,200 2
Geo-Rangefinder Field Tools Equipment 885 1
GH-7 Medical Droid Medical Droid Droid 5,850 1
Gian Speeder Landspeeder Land Vehicle 37,500 1
Gift of War Datacron Accessory Accessory 450 1
Glowrod Field Tools Equipment 50 2
GNK Power Droid Utility Droid Droid 1,400 1
Goggles Technology Technology 220 1
Golan III Space Defense Platform Military Station Space Station 148,500,000 1
Golan II Space Defense Platform Military Station Space Station 121,500,000 1
Golan Space Defense Platform Military Station Space Station 62,999,999 1
Golden Lightsaber Award Weapon (Lightsaber) 0 0
Gorget Armor Medium Armor Armor 5,400 1