Item Research

Displaying item prototype 21 - 40 of 191 in total
Name Category Type Base Cost Stocked
BlasTech DLT-19 "Bounty Hunter Edition" Heavy Blaster Rifle Repeating Blaster Weapon (Blasters) 64,800 0
Bottle of Sadow Accessory Accessory 7,965 1
Bounty Hunter's Code Holobook Accessory Accessory 435 3
Brotherhood History Book Accessory Accessory 4,050 1
Brotherhood-issued Advanced Royal Guard Comlink Technology Technology 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Computer Linked Gauntlets Technology Technology 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard Praetorian Armor Heavy Armor Armor 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Elite Syndicate Hunter Armor Light Armor Armor 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Inquisitorius Datapad Electronics Equipment 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard Datapad Electronics Equipment 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Blaster Pistol Blaster Pistol Weapon (Blasters) 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Datapad Electronics Equipment 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Hunter Attire Attire Armor 0 0
Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Sensor Jammer Technology Technology 0 0
Brotherhood Peace-Keeping Certificate Accessory Accessory 150 1
C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid Astromech Droid Droid 40,500 0
Chief Inquisitor Armor Light Armor Armor 5,400 1
Collective Wrist Link Technology Technology 600 0
Command Cloak Cover Back 8,100 1
Computer Linked Gauntlets Technology Technology 7,020 1