Item Research

Displaying item prototype 1741 - 1760 of 2301 in total
Name Category Type Base Cost Stocked
RHTT-6 Transport Platoon Ground Transport Transport Platoon 251,999 2
Rian-327 Airspeeder Airspeeder Land Vehicle 30,000 1
RIA Repulsor Throwing Razor Projectile Weapon (Bladed) 2,160 1
Ring of di Plagia Accessory Accessory 7,965 1
Ring of Transcendence Award Accessory 0 0
Ring of Visions Award Accessory 0 0
Ring of Wrath Award Accessory 0 0
Riot Shield Shield Weapon (Blunt) 1,800 2
Rites of Combat Disk Accessory Accessory 150 1
RK-3 Blaster Pistol Blaster Pistol Weapon (Blasters) 5,850 2
Roggwart Reptile Companion 78,300 1
Rogue-class Starfighter Starfighter Space Vehicle 108,000 1
Ro Hypa Reptile Companion 9,900 1
Ronto Reptile Mount 2,970 1
Royal Guard Armor Heavy Armor Armor 9,000 1
Royal Guard Bilari Electro-chain Whip Whip Weapon (Miscellaneous) 0 0
Royal Guard Datapad Electronics Equipment 1,125 1
Royal Guard Force Pike Staff Blade Weapon (Bladed) 0 0
Royal Guard Gravity Grenade Explosives Equipment 3,779 1
Royal Guard Hidden Blade Bracer Knuckler Weapon (Bladed) 900 1