Bantha Cycler Rifle

Bantha Cycler Rifle
Type: Weapon (Slugthrower)
Category: Slugthrower

Size: 2 slots

Slugthrower Weapon Upgrade - I: Extended Mag

Slugthrower Weapon Enhancement - II: Environmental Adaption Kit

Slugthrower Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III: J19 Electroscope

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Mint Condition


Owned by: Nikora Rhan

Prototype: Bantha Cycler Rifle

Slotted in: K-0RN "Orion"

The Bantha Cycler Rifle is a modified variation of the Cycler Rifle that is still highly accurate and effective at long range but is expertly modified to fire even more powerful solid projectile rounds that can easily penetrate energy shields and tear entire bodies in half. Used by moisture farmers on Tatooine, like Owen Lars and Luke Skywalker to protect their homesteads and make better use of the slow limited firing capabilities of the weapon.

Extended Mag (Slugthrower Weapon Upgrade - I)

Bantha Cycler Rifle has been fitted with an extended magazine, allowing Nikora Rhan to fire more rounds per clip at the expense of added weight for handling.

Environmental Adaption Kit (Slugthrower Weapon Enhancement - II)

Bantha Cycler Rifle has been modified with environmental adaption technology, allowing this Bantha Cycler Rifle to resist the effects of hazardous environments such as ionization or acid rain and prevent damage to the weapon.

J19 Electroscope (Slugthrower Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III)

The top of this Bantha Cycler Rifle has been fitted with a J19 electroscope, allowing Bantha Cycler Rifle up to 8x zoom with four adjustment levels of magnification and low-light capabilities.

Mint Condition (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

Bantha Cycler Rifle has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though Bantha Cycler Rifle was freshly off the manufacturing line. It is absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections.