
Type: Planet
Category: Dominion

Space Assets:

  • Sky Breach Skyhook Platform (SeNet)

Moons: Empty

Ground Assets:

  • Pernicar Manor
  • Torden Base
  • Sky Breach Base (SeNet)
  • Guardian Spaceport
  • Baldesion Arsenal
  • Kettai
  • Thon Estate
  • Zeistrad
  • Port Yalista

Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Slotted in: Kiast System

Wiki links: Daleem and Kiast System

Daleem is a terrestrial planet orbiting the star Kiast Aurek. It has a Type 1 atmosphere, and is capable of supporting life. The surface of the planet is covered in lush forests and oceans teeming with life, while volcanic activity leaves the planet brimming with crystal formations in both subterannean channels and its surface. It is plagued by random severe electrical storms in its upper atmosphere that wreak havoc on the electrical systems of any ship unfortunate enough to get caught in one.

Ground Assets (32/100)
Pernicar Manor (Headquarters)
Torden Base (Outpost)
Sky Breach Base (SeNet) (Base)
Guardian Spaceport (Small Spaceport)
Baldesion Arsenal (Base)
Kettai (Large Spaceport)
Thon Estate (Headquarters)
Zeistrad (Headquarters)
Port Yalista (Large Spaceport)
Moons (0/20)

This slot is empty

Space Assets (3/100)
Sky Breach Skyhook Platform (SeNet) (Core Worlds Engineering Skyhook Platform)