Saarin Vahn

Journeyman 4, Rogues, Sith
Displaying events 41 - 60 of 92 in total
Event ID
Crescent with Ruby Star
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

2nd Place in the ICGE.

Congrats! OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-08-21 09:20:00 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For Double CF days 8/16/2011 - 8/17/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-08-21 04:37:14 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions on 8/20/2011. Congratulations! ~OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-08-21 04:36:34 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 8/14/2011 to 8/19/2011. Congratulations! ~OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-08-21 04:30:33 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

For matches played during the ICGE of 20 August 2011.

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2011-08-20 21:18:34 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

<I>Guardian Saarin Vahn stood in a dark room with a single shaft of light flowing down onto him, amidst an otherwise impenetrable darkness. </I>Darkness is infinite,<I> the Guardian thought to himself.<BR><BR> "That is correct, young one," came a voice from the void somewhere near the Guardian. "You have reached a certain plateau in your training, a place where you may either embrace the darkness or reject it. The decision is one you should not make lightly." <BR><BR> "I understand," said the Guardian, a bit shaken but not visibly so. <BR><BR> The Guardian knelt down and focused on his shadow, flickering beneath him in the dim light. It seemed to be struggling though the Guardian remained unmoving. Suddenly the shadow lifted from the ground and floated before the Guardian in a liquid-like blob. As though taking a ball he threw his shadow straight up toward the source of the light. The ball of shadow ascended and, at its zenith, seemed to explode into a million shards of black. <BR><BR> Only darkness remained. <BR><BR> The Guardian could feel the presence of his shadow returning in the darkness and spoke out. <BR><BR> "I am ready." <BR><BR> "Indeed you are, Guardian Saarin Vahn." A voice rang, and for the Guardian the darkness seemed to lift and he could discern the outlines of bodies around him. As he stood one of the figures called out to him.<BR><BR> "Light is limited." <BR><BR> "Darkness is infinite," was the Guardian's reply. <BR><BR> "Stand now, a Jedi Hunter," chorused the figures around the new Jedi Hunter. <BR><BR> "ARCONA INVICTA!" <BR><BR></I> I,Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, would hereby like to request a promotion for Guardian Saarin Vahn, who has fulfilled all requirements for promotion under the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's promotion guidelines, as follows:<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has been a Guardian for over six weeks.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has registered on the Forums.<BR><BR>

Saarin Vahn has completed the Leadership Studies Shadow Academy Exam.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has written a five-page character fiction, approved by the House Leadership.<BR><BR>

Saarin Vahn has earned 25 Clusters of Fire.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has earned a Yes for his services.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has created and run the following competition: New Team.<BR><BR> As Saarin Vahn has met all the necessary qualifications, I respectfully request his promotion to Jedi Hunter. <BR><BR> In darkness, <BR><BR> KPN Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2011-06-08 13:12:03 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

For Second Place in the Gaming Event of Week Two in "Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event" (COMP ID 5657). Congrats!

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-05-30 19:28:55 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
7.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 5/22/2011 to 5/29/2011. Congratulations! ~OE Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-05-29 21:28:09 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Saarin Vahn has, since his return to Arcona, managed to distinguish himself as a member. Not only is he an avid gamer, but he has also shown skill in the Brotherhood's more cerebral proceedings, having gotten a 95%+ score for no less than seven Shadow Academy courses. For his effort, this small token of appreciation seems no less than deserved.

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2011-05-21 03:27:40 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 5/1/2011 to 5/7/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-05-08 07:25:31 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Return
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

For participation in the 2011 Independence Games!

Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-04 09:33:28 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For week 1 of the Independence Games 2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-04-21 21:55:35 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 4/7/2011 to 4/14/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-04-14 18:00:50 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Revenance Virtuom
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-04-11 12:55:35 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-04-11 12:55:35 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 3/24/2011 to 3/31/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-03-31 12:49:54 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
13.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

For matches played during the ICTE of 27 March 2011.

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2011-03-29 13:24:41 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

<I> The confident Protector, Saarin Vahn stood on the high platform within his House’s courtyard. He could not help but notice that the entire House had come to support him on this day of his day of promotion to Guardian. <BR><BR> His Quaestor and Aedile strode down the aisle with their hoods raised, up the stage and past the Protector. He made quick eye contact with his friends, seeing them give him quick grins and nods. Saarin Vahn turned to face the Aedile and Quaestor. The early evening sunlight cast a purple hue over the courtyard and bathed the entirety of the house in a soft glow. <BR><BR> Kneel, Protector Saarin Vahn The Quaestor spoke, and the Protector quickly obeyed. <BR><BR> "Protector Saarin Vahn is it true that you have come before us today seeking elevation?" The Quaestor asked. <BR><BR> "Yes, master, it is," The Protector replied humbly, without looking up. <BR><BR> "I have faith, after speaking with my Aedile, your Battle Team Leader, and your peers that you have fulfilled the trials that were laid before you to attain the rank of Guardian, the Quaestor said as he raised his hand toward the sky and conjured a massive shadow that darkened the entire courtyard. The Aedile lowered his hood as he created his own shadow that joined the Quaestor's and fell onto the Protector like a glove and adding to his own darkness.<BR><BR> "Now stand before your brethren, a Guardian!" The Quaestor boomed as the courtyard erupted in applause and cheers for the newly promoted Guardian. The crowd joined the Quaestor and Aedile, in a cheer of:<BR><BR> "ARCONA INVICTA!"<BR><BR></I> I, Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, hereby request a promotion for Protector Saarin Vahn, who has fulfilled all requirements for promotion under the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's promotion guidelines, as follows:<BR><BR> Saarin has, in lieu of time limitation, gained an extra 20 Clusters of Fire above and beyond the extant requirements.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has logged on to IRC and visited #arcona.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has completed the Obelisk Core Exam. <BR><BR>

Saarin Vahn has completed the following five Shadow Academy Exams: Grammar Studies, Wiki Basics, GMRG History, Combat Tactics I, Combat Tactics II<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has written a two-page character fiction, approved by the House Leadership.<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has completed the Antei Combat Center exam and his Character Sheet.Yes<BR><BR>

Saarin Vahn has started writing his Wiki Article<BR><BR> Saarin Vahn has earned 15 Clusters of Fire.<BR><BR>

As Saarin Vahn has met all the necessary qualifications, I respectfully request his promotion to Guardian. <BR><BR> In darkness, <BR><BR> KPN Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2011-03-29 12:53:43 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions on 3/27/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-03-28 05:01:19 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

The other half of Double CF Day.

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-03-28 05:01:12 UTC