Kylath Tynblade

Journeyman 1, Rogues, Sith
Kylath Tynblade has collected 8 Academic Credits, with an average score of 85.5%
Kylath Tynblade has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Kylath Tynblade has completed 9 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 10 Jun, 2008 10 Jun, 2008 Complete
Department of Writing Test of Wisdom 11 Jun, 2008 11 Jun, 2008 Complete
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 3 Jun, 2008 3 Jun, 2008 73%
The Archives IRC Basics 2 Jun, 2008 2 Jun, 2008 100%
The Archives Training Saber Basics 3 Jun, 2008 3 Jun, 2008 Complete
The Archives ACC Basics 2 Jun, 2008 2 Jun, 2008 90%
The Archives Dark Brotherhood Basics 1 Jun, 2008 1 Jun, 2008 98%
Character Creation & Development Wiki Basics: Character Creation 4 Jun, 2008 4 Jun, 2008 98%
N/A Trial of Identity 29 May, 2008 29 May, 2008 Complete