A stylish blue, longer pixie cut frames an average (for a Zeltron) pink face with crystal blue eyes. Her body, though unmistakably feminine, is well toned and never shows more than fading scars, a result of frequent Bacta treatment. A large wardrobe mostly contains form-fitting pieces in a rainbow's worth of colors, as well as neutral clothes to mix and match. Her party wardrobe is even larger and satisfies all tastes. ALL of them.

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var was aware of the Jedi code growing up, but she quickly developed her own justice code, which served her well in her quest to destroy the Sith. Unfortunately, this also led Aurora "Aura" Ta'var to commit horrible crimes, and inevitably a Jedi paid Aurora "Aura" Ta'var a visit. From that moment on, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var was taught the Jedi Code for real with the hope that it would help her find peace again. As a result, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var is now forced to re-exam her own beliefs, particularly on justice, on an almost daily basis. When confronted with moral dilemmas, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var will more often than not freeze up as she attempts to deconflict contradicting precepts. This prevents her from making a lot of questionable decisions, since she will default to the Jedi code when uncertain. Unfortunately, this indecisiveness also leaves her opponent an opening they wouldn’t have otherwise.
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var dreams big, often looking far in the distance as she beats back the naysayers. Whether it is the destruction of the Sith, the collapse of the Iron Throne's empire, or the resurrection of the Jedi Order as a force in the galaxy, it is guaranteed to feel daunting at one time or another. In order to avoid the feeling of possible, or even probable, defeat, she focuses her energies on taking the next step towards whatever she is pursuing. In the end, hope is the spark of life that carries her forward despite the burdens of reality.
As a result, realists, that have to work with her or serve under her, will find her most irritating during times of trouble, often finding themselves looking out for stumbling blocks that Aurora "Aura" Ta'var would never have seen for herself. It can lead to some short tempers depending on just how much is on the line. On the other hand, it can serve as a boon of inspiration and belief for those lucky enough to be around her. Hope is a light that either invigorates her companions or makes them want to throw some shade.
What happens to a Zeltron raised by Humans? They come out somewhere in-between. A Zeltron at heart she can be very playful and passionate, but this is tempered by her cultural upbringing as a Human and more importantly as a Warrior (Father) and Spy (Mother). Discipline isn’t very common for a Zeltron, but she is determined to eliminate her weaknesses. She is also ambitious and actively seeks to improve herself. You can't always have fun. This was drilled into her and continues to be a part of her life. Her fellow Zeltrons find this odd and as such she can be a bit of a oddball on Zeltros. The rest of the universe still views her as hedonistic, causing non-Zeltrons to group her with the rest of her kind. The Zeltrons would disagree but thankfully they know how to deal with the odd one out in a party.
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var has a strong sense of justice that quickly became revenge when left unchecked. Countless innocents died by her hand either by protecting the guilty or not moving out of the way quick enough. Over time, she has learned the hard lesson only a guilty conscious could teach: taking an innocent life directly or indirectly leaves a mark forever. It is something she carries with her wherever she goes, and it acts as a buffer against any urges to take shortcuts in the pursuit of justice.
There are still times when her thirst for revenge still comes through, but on the whole her use of harsher judgments have been reduced by the fear that she might have to carry around another dead soul. As a result, those of the more militaristic mind-set may find at times that her idealistic approach is limiting for vanity's sake.
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var is an honorable warrior that believes true strength comes from utilizing both the body and mind in battle. She will employ both her martial skills and more subtle tactics, such as mind games and pheromone manipulation, both in and out of combat. As a Zeltron, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var has mastered her inborn skills of molding the thoughts and feelings of others with her pheromones. This allows Aurora "Aura" Ta'var to utilize devious, less violent means to meet her goals before she resorts to a physical fight. While she does not find anything wrong in using her pheromones in battle, her reputation has grown slowly and many duelists question the validity of her victories, making some wary and others skeptical of her prowess.
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var has grown to rely on the Force to guide her actions, sometimes quite literally, and as such it is crucial to her that she remain the unmovable anchor amongst the vast sea that is the Force and her emotions. When done correctly, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var is capable of remaining calm in situations where others might not, relying on the Force rather than her skewed emotions for guidance.
Unfortunately, her control is not always perfect, and there are times where her unmovable anchor is tugged by darker currents. These moments often lead to emotional outbursts if provoked enough during a fight. Whether it be an angry punch or subtle means to get revenge or justice, Aurora "Aura" Ta'var's passions can still get her in trouble, even when she does her best to remain calm. As a result, some dark side users will label her a Jedi, while some Jedi don't always see Aurora "Aura" Ta'var for what she truly is: an ally.
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Shadow Step |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form VII (Vaapad) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |