- Event ID
- 134351
- Old Rank
(Equite 3)
- New Rank
(Equite 4)
- Requested by
- Epis Locke Sonjie
- Primary reason
I am honoured to be recommending Sanguinius for his elevation to the rank of Equite four. He has been a pillar of activity not only in the Clan but in the Brotherhood as a whole. He has spent time inside of three units of the brotherhood, helping develop them and drive activity and member interaction up with everyone he meets. Setting a true example of what members of the brotherhood should aspire to become.
Since his last promotion Sanguinius has become a leader and member who is consistant and reliable. He has taken on the style leading by example and for all of this work he has participated in an amazing 130 competitions. For all the time and effort he puts in he has been awarded with a Crescent with Diamond Star, two Crescents with Ruby Stars, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star, three Crescents with Topaz Star and seven Legion of the Scholar. As well as the impressive Crescents he has also managed to earn himself three Gold Nova, two Silver and two Bronze for effort during war times inside of the clans. Helping participation for the units during times of War.
Thought his participation has been outstanding, Sanguinius has always been giving members projects and tasks to complete inside his time as Quaestor. He has organised a total of forty-six competitions and Co-Organized another three, giving members a way to earn crescents and also help boost their activity alike. Each competition he runs is aimed at the members inside his unit, these can be a variety from gaming, fiction to graphics allowing for all members to compete. As well as managing to keep his unit up to date with all news and information every month with regular reports having a total of nine news posts as well as countless emails to the House to maintain a constant line of communication for his members.
Sanguinius continues to this day to surprise even me, recently getting into the gaming scene for members of the Clan. He recently got involved in Star Wars the Old Republic, since I have been around watching he constantly runs members threw heroics, low level story line and continues to help members progress there own characters towards reaching end game material. I can tell you from experience this takes time and devotion easily spending at least three hours a night with members helping them develop, he has earned himself twenty-five Clusters of Fire.
Thought Sang continued to expand his reach into all areas of the brotherhood including the ACC and Fiction, this includes Run-Ons earning himself a total of seventeen Clusters of Ice. Sang contuines to proof work for other members as others will mention and gives his time to the roll of Quaestor for a total of twelve months so far. As well as helping the Headmasters Office for a total of two years, which is the longest serving Professor grading a huge number of exams in that time.
During all his hard work over the past two and a half years he has continued to gain an impressive total of medals and sacramentals, ranging from a Ruby Scepter for all his hard work mentoring and working inside of the Shadow Academy. Sapphire Blade for his work inside of Arcona and leading Galeres as Quaestor and mentoring even myself. On Top of those two awards he managed to earn a Steel Cross, Anteian Cross and two Dark Crosses. His constant hard work in mentoring members and helping to improve the brotherhood experience has earned him thirty-three Scrolls of Foundation and a Scroll of the Master.
Sanguinius has constantly allowed his reach to touch many members in the club, including his actions mentoring Armad and Darkblade as BTL’s of House Marka Ragnos. Helping them learn and develop inside of the their roles and being able to run two active teams which has seen the steady increase in activity from House MArka Ragnos. Also helping Maelous to learn the full role of Maelous as Aedile. His hard work is explained by more people below detailing his accomplishments.
Since I have known Sang he has always been prepared to go the extra mile for anyone that asks for help. He honestly has helped me in times when I need someone to give me an honest opinion he is ready and willing. He embodies what it means to be a leader that will go that extra mile for you, and always progresses each day that I watch him. His members respect him, his higher ups rely on him and honestly without him this Clan would be missing someone that can both inspire and help the progress for future members.
From the bottom of my heart Sanguinius I am honoured and proud to be elevating you to the final rank of the Equites. Thank you for everything you do day in and day out and continue to do for this club and its members. For Clan Naga Sadow we looked forward to seeing you continue to help us in the future, and I look forward to working with you each day. Congratulations Sang this is well deserved.
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-11-06 09:44:07 UTC
- Additional reasons
Sanguinius has served as Quaestor for eight months in Naga Sadow, almost since the day he joined the clan. In that time, he has been an invaluable asset. In addition to his role as Shadow Academy professor, he has served as an exemplary Quaestor. Sang has organized or co-organized 17 competitions in this time, including the Homecomings event he led for House Marka Ragnos and the recent Ashes Fall event for the entirety of the clan.
In Homecomings, Sang established a House story where before there wasn't one. He gave House members an opportunity to be important to the future of the House's story by making the competition results tie into it. He helped his Summit members learn how to run events by ensuring that his Aedile and Battleteam Leaders were involved in running the competitions and co-organized them with him.
Later, in Ashes Fall, Sanguinius and Atra worked together along with their Aediles to run an event for the entire clan. I will leave the specifics to another rec, but I can say that Sang was visibly available to all participants who had questions, usually on Telegram or via email. Even though he was an event organizer, he still encouraged his House to participate.
The competitions organized or co-organized by Sang since he joined Naga Sadow and became Quaestor have resulted in 41 unique participants, as well as approximately 132 unique entries, including both many members of CNS and other units as well. This is just one example of how his actions have helped to provide content for the Brotherhood and supported the clan's members. 115 of those entries were CNS members, and that accounted for more than a quarter of all CNS competition entries over the past several months. That's a huge number and a big influence, considering that Sang is one of several Summit members and the leader of one House. There's no doubt in my mind that Sang is a huge part of why CNS was able to reach our awesome 70% participation rate as of the last unit review in September and I don't think we could have done it without him.
As a participant, Sang has participated in 18 competitions since joining the clan. Even here, he continues to be a leader. He wrote over 3000 words for the Awakenings competition set, including for the runon, which he won. It's important to note here that a key measure by which this competition was judged was involvement with other members, including leading off their posts, providing openings for them to continue the story, and showing that posts do not exist in a vacuum. Sang did all of these very well. He supported clan members. He helped lead involvement in the runon (since the organizers did not participate). He crafted a story that thoughtfully included others and this is no small part of why he was victorious. He was a big part of why the competiton grew to a total of 47,243 words on it's own, from 22 members.
Finally, I'd like to note some other ways that Sang has shown he cared about the clan . He is very available on Telegram and email, where he has answered many questions and always offered me good discussions on the way things should go and in planning for the clan's future. He is the clan's first light-side member and, while this was a decision he probably would have made anyway, he has worked hard to integrate it with his leadership role so that other members who may make the same decision can see how they might go about it, and know that they would still be able to integrate their character in the clan.
For the above reasons, I would like to add my recommendation to the others for Sang's elevation.
Congratulations, Sang!
Consul of Naga Sadow
Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-11-06 09:40:09 UTC
Sang is a reliable, dedicated member of the Shadow Academy staff. He has served as a professor for more than four and a half years, and has graded over 500 courses in the Department of Lore Studies since his last promotion. Beyond his course load and impressive longevity, Sang has been engaged in revisions to his courses on a regular basis and provided substantial help to my audit team when they did a pass over his department last year. Thank you for your hard work, Sang!
Dacien Victae di Plagia
Headmaster of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Lord Dacien Victae, 2015-11-06 09:40:44 UTC
It's been a long time since I got to work with Sang, but the impression his ability and leadership left has always stayed with me. Sang was my very first Quaestor when I joined the Brotherhood, and he was always there to look out for me and take care of me just like he did all his other members. I'm nothing but grateful for his early guiance, and so it makes me glad, now, to be able to write this small recommendation for him.
During his time in Arcona, Sang served as a Battleteam leader, an Aedile, and a Quaestor on more than one occasion, culminating in a total of 17 months as Quaestor and 26 months of Brotherhood leadership. Since his last promotion in particular, Sang had performed as Quaestor of our House Galeres for four distinguished months, in which time he lead his members through the first stages of the Dark Crusade, organized several large-scale House events, wrote fictional updates for the House, earned several Novae and Crescents for his participation, and helped his people new, like me, and old to be productive, happy members of our Brotherhood. Even when he departed the role of Quaestor, he did not do so lightly nor leave his House stranded: he had mentored his Aedile, Cethgus, diligently, creating the perfect replacement to keep his legacy, and the House's legacy, alive. These mindblowing and dedicated feats as a teacher and leader are what ultimately earned him a Sapphire Blade, his first sacramental, nearly two years ago. But he didn't stop there.
The fact that Sang went on, thereafter, to help Naga Sadow grow and flourish as one of its own Quaestors should truly speak to his merit. It is easy - if nonetheless admirable - to proclaim life and loyalty to a given Clan, but it is a great thing to be a leader to anyone in need of it, and Sang has ever been one of the heroes to answer that call. In the multitude of reasons you will surely see for his elevation in the other reccomendations present, I ask that you remember this best: Sang is a champion of everyone here. And for that, above all else, I say congratulations.
Atyiru Caesura Entar
Consul of Clan Arcona
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-11-06 09:41:14 UTC
Sanguinius is dear to Odan-Urr, even if he has since moved on to seek other horizons with the prestigious Clan Naga Sadow. As a founder, I value him as someone who has a role in Odan-Urr's formation, but that isn't the reason for this recommendation.
Although I can't speak for his actions in Clan Naga Sadow, Sanguinius returned to Odan-Urr for a time after serving in Arcona. In that short time, he was a boon to Odan-Urr and made a crater of an impact in our activity levels. In fact, his awards earned here are among some of the most coveted in the Brotherhood. These include the 16 Scrolls of Foundation he earned for work in the Shadow Academy, no simple task to be shrugged off or neglected. Rather, this earned him a spot under our radar, where he was awarded a Seal of Loyalty and an Anteian Cross for his efforts in not just his work for the Shadow Academy, but his insane participation in events that would gain him 18 Seals of the Crusader and 4 Seals of Revelation in Vendetta-level events, in which he won a Gold Nova for an excellent Battle Plan.
Less notable but nonetheless mentionable is the 3 Clusters of Ice, 2 Crescents with Topaz stars and 16 Clusters of Fire he was awarded for participation outside of Vendetta-level events and gaming. This no doubt is small when compared to his other acheievements elsewhere but is something that most would hold pride in having accomplished. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I wish him luck in Clan Naga Sadow and recommend that he be elevated to the fourth level of Equites. Well done!
Consul of Clan Odan-Urr
Seer A'lora Kituri, 2015-11-06 09:41:42 UTC
Sang may be our ‘odd one out’, a light-sider in a mostly dark clan, but people gravitate towards him. It’s this quality that makes him such an excellent leader and centerpiece in the Brotherhood.
During my time here, Sang has never stopped encouraging me to better myself, to put myself out there and try on new challenges. He pushed me to open myself to new members, something I’ve always had trouble with, and has encouraged me to take the steps necessary to become a Shadow Academy Professor.
He is always available to proof something, if you’re in a hurry he’ll even put his own business on pause for you, and never shies away from helping someone. Whether you’re new or old, Sang is there for you with encouragement, advice, or some friendly words.
While he’s not the only one I can easily say that without him I wouldn’t be where I am today, and that both the Clan and Brotherhood wouldn’t be the same without his enthusiasm and guidance.
Congratulations on your promotion to EQ4 Sang. You’ve earned it!
Marcus Kiriyu
Clan Naga Sadow Rollmaster
Marcus Kiriyu, 2015-11-06 09:42:06 UTC
Sanguinius Entar is the ultimate example of what I consider to be a reliable team member. No matter the task, all one must do is ask and he will make sure it gets done. I would not be writing this without first hand evidence of that fact. Most recently, I have worked alongside Sang in running the Ashes Fall month-long event in Clan Naga Sadow and it is that recent experience I will focus on, as it shows all the facets of his nature. Going into the planning phase, I had a basic premise and the desire to do something grand. Sang took this and ran with it, helping me not only devise every detail down to the specific qualities each potential enemy possessed, but he also helped designing the various NPC's that would be featured in our fictions. He took to my vision without complaint, even providing two weeks worth of Act fiction to help lighten my load.
I cannot stress enough how much of a boon Sang is for any group in the DB. I would not have been able to do as I have done without it. When it comes to running our respective Houses, he is a constant voice in my ear and we are always in communication. He is always able to respond within a half hour of reaching out to him, save for when he is sleeping, and that enables him to work efficiently and set a constantly present example for his members.
Thank you for all the help you continue to provide, without complaint, and without ever asking for more. You merely do what is needed, when it is needed, and that is an example that should be followed by all levels of the Brotherhood.
-- Seer Keira Viru,
Quaestor of Shar Dakhan
Darth Renatus, 2015-11-06 09:42:44 UTC