- Event ID
- 42381
- Award
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [Galeres] WoD Graphics Week 2
- Requested by
- Cethgus Tiberius Entar
- Primary reason
For taking Second place in the War of Domination week two graphic event
Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2010-04-27 15:20:36 UTC
- Event ID
- 42376
- Award
- Crescent with Topaz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [Galeres] WoD Poetry
- Requested by
- Cethgus Tiberius Entar
- Primary reason
For Taking third Place in the War of Domination poetry event
Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2010-04-27 15:20:35 UTC
- Event ID
- 68999
- Old Rank
Jedi Hunter
(Journeyman 3)
- New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight
(Journeyman 4)
- Requested by
- Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
- Primary reason
Iâm both proud and glad to request this promotion to Dark Jedi Knight for Inarya. It has been a long time coming and sheâs finally made it, having encountered many problems along the path to this final step.
Inarya has completed all of the tasks set out for her by the MAA guidelines. She has spent more than 6 weeks at Jedi Hunter. She has also gained 2 Dark Crosses and 2 Anteian Crosses, showing her dedication to the Brotherhood. She has also gained several crescents by participating in the competitions listed below.
She has participated in a total of 15 competitions: Plagueis House Feud: Gaming 1, Plagueis House Feud: Gaming 2, Plagueis House Feud: Fiction Week 1, Orders Run-on 9th GJW, Week 3 Fiction Event, Poetry âHelplessâ, Week 3 Miscellaneous Event: Graph Event, Know your Enemy, Week 5 Fiction Event Poetry âPotent Inkâ, Who Do you Love?, Poetry with Force, Graphics Warm up, GJW RO for Clan Plagueis, Great Hunt event "Who Said That, Great Hunt event "Whats that? III,",Great Hunt event "Hunt the Jedi 2", Great Hunt Event "URL Hunt 2".
Inarya has also passed Leadership Fundamentals and Leadership Studies, which have helped her with her job as a Battleteam Leader. Taking over a largely inactive Battleteam, Inarya is starting to turn the team around, running an awol check and running competitions and writing reports. She is a great addition to the Arconan summit and one that Iâm glad I added. For her summit task, Inarya fleshed out the Galeres House Cruiser with a slew of NPCs for the officer cadre, creating 4 quality wiki articles in the process.
Finally, Inarya has gained 40 clusters of Fire for the games she played in the GJW, and she has received a Dark Maven in Philosophy, fully cementing her claim to DJK.
I have to say it is a pleasure to see my old rival and friend from our times as newbies in Plagueis finally reach Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations Inarya. I hope you continue your path through the Brotherhood and show everyone just what you can achieve.
Sanguinius Tsucyra, Quaestor of House Galeres.
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2010-03-19 06:41:48 UTC
- Event ID
- 42107
- Award
- Dark Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Jorad Erinos
- Primary reason
For her efforts in the RoS, sending entries in for the final week against CNS in fiction and poetry and for her contribution to the Wolf Guard wiki page, via graphics of the NPCs. I would like to award Inarya with this Dark Cross. Congratulations Inarya.
Sanguinius Tsucyra, Quaestor of House Galeres.
Inarya has also bravely taken on the responsibility of BTL of Galeresâ struggling BT, Sukhurâs Legion â no small feat, and has been working her ass off gaining SA courses â she seems set to make a damn good addition to the Summit. Nice work, Inarya.<br>
Sashar Arconae<br><br>
Jorad Erinos, 2010-03-16 14:53:46 UTC
- Event ID
- 90489
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2010-03-09 10:19:48 UTC
- Event ID
- 81308
- Position
Battleteam Leader
- Unit
Revenance Virtuom
- Event ID
- 89852
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Warlord Etah Obsidyn, 2009-10-25 09:43:36 UTC
- Event ID
- 89851
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Warlord Etah Obsidyn, 2009-10-25 09:43:36 UTC
- Event ID
- 89798
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-10-24 22:24:21 UTC
- Event ID
- 89797
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-10-24 22:24:21 UTC
- Event ID
- 68565
- Old Rank
(Journeyman 2)
- New Rank
Jedi Hunter
(Journeyman 3)
- Requested by
- Larrik Dul'vak
- Primary reason
Inarya has demonstrated a considerable amount of activity to earn promotion to the next rank. I am honoured to be able to preside over this elevation, as Inarya will be moving to the next rank of Jedi Hunter. Since her last elevation she has completed the requirements set forth by the Master at Arms. She has been active on IRC and shown her presence consecutively on her clan channel.
She has also earned herself a merit medal which was in the form of an Antei Cross, as well as finding the time to participate in ten competitions including in placing in three of them. She completed the following competitions: Plagueis House Feud: Gaming 1, Plagueis House Feud: Gaming 2, Plagueis House Feud: Fiction Week 1, Orders Run-on 9th GJW, Week 3 Fiction Event Poetry Helpless Week 3 Miscellaneous Event: Graph Event Know your Enemy, Week 5 Fiction Event Poetry Potent Ink, Who Do you Love?, Poetry with Force, Graphics Warm up, GJW RO for Clan Plagueis.
She has gained a Crescent with Sapphire Star She also got a second place for gaming in the Clan Plagueis house feud. She has also completed a five page character fiction which expanded and developed her character into more detail. Also Inarya has managed to earn 60 Clusters of Fire.
Congratulations Inarya!
-Cethgus Kuga
Larrik Dul'vak, 2009-10-16 15:09:27 UTC
- Event ID
- 101880
- Position
Battleteam Sergeant
- Unit
Exar's Shadow
- Event ID
- 73874
- Source Unit
Exar's Shadow
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
I wish to transfer from Plagueis into Clan Arcona. I have been looking at transferring for a while now, and believe that I will enjoy being a member of Arcona. I have made a lot of friends in the clan, and wish to spend my time in the brotherhood with them. I have already spoken to Viv and Alaris and they have accepted my wish to transfer to Arcona. I have also spoken to Braecen and he seems fine with me moving into the clan. With this this mind I wish to transfer to Arcona.
Inarya Tiberius Entar, 2009-10-14 12:12:55 UTC
- Event ID
- 81160
- Position
Battleteam Sergeant
- Unit
Exar's Shadow
- Event ID
- 87340
- Position
Battleteam Leader
- Unit
- Event ID
- 81129
- Position
Battleteam Leader
- Unit
- Event ID
- 89347
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Master Alaris Jinn, 2009-08-18 09:11:10 UTC
- Event ID
- 72260
- Old Name
- New Name
- Inarya
- Primary reason
My old character is now dead, i would very much like to change my name so I can continue on in the Dark Brother but as a different character.
Inarya Tiberius Entar, 2009-08-17 07:24:12 UTC
- Event ID
- 40425
- Award
- Dark Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Liam Torun-Urr
- Primary reason
During the House Feud: Insurrection, Aeshi agreed to sacrifice her character for the sake of the Run-On. It was a decision she made at her own personal loss and of her own free will, and was a large part of our success in the Run-On event of the Feud. Additionally, she has placed in the Week 1 Fiction and Week 2 Gaming events. This activity in a House Feud has earned her a Dark Cross.
Liam Torun-Urr, 2009-08-14 12:53:26 UTC
- Event ID
- 40415
- Award
- Crescent with Sapphire Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Plagueis House Feud: Insurrection
- Requested by
- Master Alaris Jinn
- Primary reason
2nd Place. Gaming 1
Master Alaris Jinn, 2009-08-10 10:34:26 UTC