Fremoc Pepoi

Equite 4, Rogues, Sith, Obelisk
Displaying events 561 - 580 of 779 in total
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For matchmaking on 3/1/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-03-01 11:03:38 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

The other half to double cf day. Congrats! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-27 21:22:19 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions on 2/27/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-27 21:15:46 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
7.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For matchmaking on 2/27/2011 x2 since its double CF day as well

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-27 19:55:33 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
3.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For Matchmaking Matches on 2/26/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-26 18:05:25 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For being Trained on 2/26/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-26 20:10:12 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For Matchmaking matches on 2/24/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-24 22:19:07 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For FFA matches on 2/24/2011

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-24 17:42:18 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
8.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 2/12/2011 to 2/20/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-20 05:42:06 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

The other half of Double CF Day. Congrats!

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2011-02-17 14:26:08 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 2/15/2011 to 2/16/2011. Congratulations! ~OE Cethgus Entar

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2011-02-17 14:21:12 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

I have the proud honour of recommending the Fist, Fremoc Pepoi Sadow for an Emerald Dagger. His work for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has been invaluable in helping bring active gamers back as well as the modern gamers. He continued to be active, supporting fellow gamers inside the brotherhood; he is someone that everyone can count on if they need any help. As Fist he has performed his duties tremendously well, including working hard on bringing the Brotherhoods gaming into a new era. Fremoc is always putting all his effort to advance the interest of this club, going above and beyond what is required of him.

Now it’s time to break down what Fremoc has really been doing, let me start with what he has managed to achieve in the small space of time. This son of Sadow has managed to rack up a strong amount of medals, he has got a Legion of the Scholar, as well as showing activity in the Antei Combat Centre by earning himself a impressive nine clusters of ice. Also he has managed to get fifteen Seals of Defiance as well as getting the two Gold Nova’s. If this isn’t enough he also has two Dark Side Scrolls, and a Crescent with Diamond Star.

Onto what he has done as well, Fremoc is always thinking of other members first before himself. Through his busy schedule he has taken on two students in his own time, helping them learn how the Brotherhood works, as well as seeing them get to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. These two members are Araxis Pepoi Farron and Roxas. At the current moment in time he didn’t stop since he got the position of Fist, he still current has and is training a student, Zeak. Helping him go up in the ranks of the brotherhood and learn how the club works. This has already earned him two Scrolls of Foundation.

Fremoc has been an active leader inside the Brotherhood for a while now, helping were ever he can, he has held many different positions and helped his Clan and he Brotherhood as a whole. You will find him working on the Wiki when he can, he has held a position on the Wiki Staff for three months so far, and currently continues to work on maintaining the brotherhoods wiki. As well as this position he also has held the position of Preator under Smoke, learning the ropes for the position, and understand the roles and responsibilities he now has as the current Fist, this position was held for three months. And currently is holding the position of Shadow Academy Docent for the Grand Master’s Royal Guard Exam. Since Fremoc has been busy working on getting as many things done as the Fist, he also has run an impressive amount of competitions totalling twenty nine competitions. As you can see below they are listed: [FIST]Halo Reach Tournament, [FIST] BF2 Space Only ,[FIST]RC Team Up ,[FIST]Special Gaming Event: Sins of a Solar Empire , [FIST]StarCraft 2 ,[FIST] JO CTF , [FIST] Special Platform: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, [FIST]Double CF Days, [FIST]Double CF Days For the Year ,[FIST]EaW:Ground Only , End of the Year Gaming, [FIST] Alien Swarm Returns!, Fist Graphics,[FIST] Beat Down the Fist's Praetor, [FIST] Beat Down the HM , [FIST] JA/RC/EAW Smack Down , [FIST]Console Gaming: Halo Reach , [HNS]Doom Train 2,[FIST]Double CF Weekend , [FIST]Console Gaming: Black Ops, [FIST]BF2 Week , [FIST]Console Gaming: MOH ,[FIST]RC Bag 'em and Tag 'em, [HNS] Markosian City Rebuild, [FIST] JA Guns Only, [FIST]EaW Weekend, HNS Doom Train, Gaming Fun,[HNS] Aedile Report

Now that we have the normal stuff done, we now look at Fremoc’s work he has done inside of the Fist Office. This is a huge amount of time and effort, which has seen a lot of gaming recently being done. Since his time, he has seen new games being added to the approved Brotherhood platforms, these games are the Halo Series, Resistance, Star Craft 2, Alien vs Predator and Killzone, each meaning that moden gamers had a wide choice they could play against each other. As well as this he has created a topic for the Science Fiction games to be brought in as special gaming competitions.

At the current moment in time, Fremoc also maintains the upkeep on the Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Republic Commando servers, allowing the Brotherhood Gamers to continue to fight against each other in their own private server. He also awards the Clusters of Fire weekly, and makes sure on the last week of the month; everyone gets them in time for the GMRG update. Also awards he Pendant of Blood Weekly normally awarding it on the Sunday or Saturday. Keeping this up he also administrates the Grand Masters Royal Guard at the beginning of every month, promoting the members that have earned the amount of Clusters of Fire required.

Most of the time Fremoc will be around watching #DBgaming for potential match dodgers, as well as to make sure that everything is in order inside of the channel. As well as doing this he has began to rewrite the Rites of Combat, so that the wording on the wiki document flows better. Inside all of this Fremoc will talk to the members, seeing what they would like to see inside of the Gaming side of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

At all the time I have none Fremoc, he has always been trying to get people to give their opinion on the gaming inside of the brotherhood. He does this by keeping a close eye on the gaming forum, as well as answering peoples questions on ask the Fist. Overall he will talk to people getting there feedback and begin to put it into action, this is how we have seen the Gaming part evolve a lot recently. He is always being helpful and polite, someone that the younger members look up to now days.

Now comes my part to speak about Fremoc, but really the above states enough about the type of person he is. He is always helpful and making sure that his gaming staff continues to do the best that they can. He is always online, and is an approachable guy at all times, but the thing that stands out for me most. He always wants to improve the brotherhood in any way he can, and he continues to do so in gaming, bringing more life into it. Each day I see more people gaming, and he is always running competitions and going above and beyond what is required of him.

For these reasons I believe that Fremoc deserves this Emerald Dagger, his hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, we thank you for all your hard work that you continue to put in each day Fremoc, and congratulations.

Praetor to the Fist Cethgus Entar

Since taking the job as Fist of the Brotherhood in December, Fremoc Pepoi Sadow has ushered in a new wave of officially supported gaming that sees more constant and regular gaming throughout the masses. Along with that, when the club lost it's JA/JO/RC/etc servers, Fremoc stepped up and purchased new servers almost immediatly, so that the Brotherhood would misses too much time away from them, something not a lot of people would have done. The amount of competitions he has successfully run, both as Preator to the Fist, and as the Fist, have made the competitive threshold for gaming, at the highest I've ever seen it, which is exactly what gaming is all about. He is also constantly working, outside of games, to ensure the overall experience is one everyone can agree apon. Making RoC Wiki updates so that fair play is observed across all the platforms, to fixing/improving the CF tables (as well as awarding them on a weekly bases like clock work), to suggesting easier ways of scores being submitted. The list goes on and on, but it's obvious to everyone the amount of work Fremoc puts into this job, this passion, and as one of his Magistrates I get to be there to see it first hand. I personally can't speak of the top level of work being done with the DJB, but so far as I can tell, Fremoc is a defining "Balls to the Wall Dedicated" as it gets around here. The amount of planning, and depth of details to those plans, he has set out for the coming year will make not only him proud, but even the people of the DJB who don't game. It's a true honor to work with someone like Fremoc, and he truly deserves this award bestowed onto him.

Congrats Papa Smurf! ~ Araxis Pepoi Farron, Magistrate to the Fist

What can I say about Fremoc that hasn’t already been or will be stated by his staff? Fremoc is one of those people who are a boon to the Brotherhood; loyal and dedicated to a fault, the kind of person whom once assigned to a position will do anything and everything in his power to enhance the Brotherhood for the greater using the tools at his disposal. While I could easily speak of all the changes and work he’s done in the Office of the Fist, I’ve decided to speak more on the great services he offered his home before his appointment. Following his ascension to Aedile of Naga Sadow, Fremoc immediately began a campaign to rebuild the home he knew and loved. Redeveloping the antiquated Prefect system and reorganizing the Order of the Black Guard were amongst his first objectives to offer incentives for member activity, what better way to motivate Journeymen than to offer a chance to join the monthly Conclave? His drive was infectious, motivating many members to push with their summit towards the greatest goal for the House; competitions and changes were plentiful during his term as Aedile including a drive to initiate a co-operative event between Tarentum, Taldryan and Naga Sadow which successfully created a competitive nature between the Houses while promoting greater interactivity . His loyalty and duty led to his addition to the Sons of Sadow, the highest honour our House can issue to one of our own; this all completed while offering his services to not only as a member of the Wiki Tribunal, but also to the Office of the Fist as Praetor. It is a great honour for me to be able to write this recommendation for this great merit, you’ve earned it buddy!

Templar Methyas Pepoi L’eonheart Aedile of House Naga Sadow

Fremoc is currently the First in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, while I know not of what the does in the particular position others can speak of his achievements there. I am the Rollmaster of House Naga Sadow, I have worked with Fremoc in the house and have seen firsthand what this man has done in the house during his time as Aedile and even now when he has higher duties to the entire brotherhood as a hole, he still extends a hand out to the House.

He became Aedile at the end of October, upon his appointment he dove headfirst into project after project, working on many at a time. He, with assistance from other, redid the Inner Order system, which is now being actively utilized by the House. He did the same with the Prefects title in the house; it is now a journeyman only perk. He was the creator of the House’s Doomtrain Competition that not only rewards the house members for their hard work; it helps pick the Blackguard members for the summit members.

Shortly after his appointment my laptop computer blew up, he took over my duties that involved emailing Journeymen and running the houses MSP program for a short time until I got a replacement laptop. He’s also assisted me on several of my own projects, giving me input and advice as needed. I am working on the Schools of Learning project, however it would not have gotten to the stages of completion it is at if it were not for his help. When I wrote the initial proposal to send to Sai, I sent it to him for his input, taking the suggestions he gave me I reworked the proposal again and again until it was something that I felt would benefit the entire house in the entirety.

Fremoc Pepoi Sadow has been a trivial force within and outside the House, even during his time as Aedile he was on the Fists staff working on his projects there, some of which I’m still not sure of, much of his work that he has done with in the house has gone without notice. Fremoc more than deserves this award, for what he does for the brotherhood as a whole and what he has done and continues to do for House Naga Sadow. Fremoc, I would like to say thank you for what you have done. You are a very awesome person, one I am happy to get the chance to know. You have just started to make an impact on the club and have made the House proud of you. Congrats on your Emerald Dagger Fremoc!

Templar Teu Pepoi

House Naga Sadow Rollmaster

Fremoc is by far, one of my closest friends here in the Brotherhood. I talk to the guy pretty much everyday, and he's always willing to give his advice and help out. Fremoc Sadow has also been one of the three most active members of my staff, with Ben and Windos. Fremoc has patrolled over seven hundred edits - a great start for someone who had just become a member of the staff under four months ago. In addition, he continually welcomes new members, getting them on their way to becoming productive DJBWikipedians. He's created a couple userbox templates, for Chrome and Opera web browsers, no making the list almost complete.

He's added inumerous links to pages, ensuring that they have enough links to be removed from the underlinked category. This single act helps connect the DJBWiki to other pages, whether they be our own, or Wookieepedia and is very important. In addition to these acts, Fremoc regularly reviews articles, ensuring that DJBWikipedians are adhering to the rules and guidelines that have been set for them. He examines realism, as well as page structure. Unfortunately, these things pale in comparison to the things that he does as Fist of the Brotherhood, A position that he's held for a while now. A busy man, he still finds time for his other duties - including being a friend to many others. Without Fremoc Sadow around, I'm sure this place would be missing something. As such, it is my pleasure, no, my honour, to be putting forth my recommendation for an Amythest Kukri in the name of Fremoc Pepoi Sadow. Congratulations, ol' chap. You've more then earned this prize.

Anubis Annedu Aedile of House Taldryan Wiki Tribune

Since his appointment to the position of Praetor to the Fist, Fremoc Pepoi Sadow displayed a knack for the job. In that position, he was known to frequently take up administrative duties and run competitions. As hard as Smoke worked to give the Brotherhood a nerve center for gaming, and as much as his work was impactful for the Brotherhood, it was largely Fremoc who kept it afloat. More than that, though, Fremoc provided not only stability but an explosive wave of success to the position. It therefore made sense to appoint him to the position of Fist of the Brotherhood following Smoke's departure.

Of course, Fremoc's success doesn't stop there. In a position that was unique in the Brotherhood and only recently pioneered, he still somehow managed to blow everyone's expectations out of the water. Since being appointed, Fremoc has done a few great things for the Fist position and the Brotherhood itself. He's expanded the Brotherhood's horizons and diverged into out-of-universe games such as Aliens vs. Predator, StarCraft 2, and the juggernaut Halo series. Even as he acts in such an unprecedented way, he doesn't even dent the Star Wars identity of the group. Far from this preconception, he gives gamers a way past the outdated games we love but are forced to play and expands our Gaming sphere to not just computer, but console as well.

Next in his successes is the appointment of Praetor Cethgus Entar. Since Entar's appointment, we've seen the initiation of Training Days for the Gamers of the Brotherhood. These events have increased the skills of members in my House and others, and have been enough of a success to appoint a Trainer for just about every gaming aspect of the DJB. Such innovation is coupled with Fremoc's constant running of gaming competitions and events, designed to reward heavy activity without giving away a free pass to any member that picks up a controller. Events like his Double CF Days and constant player-versus-player competitions have brought out enough DJB gamers to not only make the Trainers welcome, but a necessity. It's like watching a Gaming analog to the ACC spring up out of the ground, and in my opinion, it's a fantastic thing to see.

Following his success at appointing and working with a Praetor, Fremoc shows us that foresight is among his many skills and advantages. In addition to the copious task of having to learn to function in the genre of MMORPG, he is faced with preparing for the unknown. This shows itself in the form of Star Wars: The Old Republic, an MMORPG that will have an active and dedicated Brotherhood guild or component from the get-go. To accomplish this end, he has hired as Magistrate one Araxis Pepoi Farron, an MMO expert. Since that appointment, I've seen a persistent rise in overall Brotherhood awareness of TOR. It seems fitting that a man who can push the boundaries in an already-innovative position will guide us smoothly into an innovative and unprecedented game.

Another big achievement is the integration of the reborn GMRG. Fremoc has helped to create a system that functions without relying on members that will disappear or underperform. Furthermore, he's made the Cluster of Fire more than just the proverbial five-cent candy of the medal case, using it as a requirement for advancement in the Royal Guard. The addition of reward robes, weapons, and responsibilities only furthers the fact that Fremoc has been a large part of turning the GMRG into an independent and potent part of this club. For once in my DJB career, it's exciting to consider being a Guardsman.

Overall, though, the biggest success I've seen from Fremoc's work has come from within my own House. For some time, Plagueis has been a place where writers were dominant and gamers scarce. Now, without the intervention of an Elder, the heavy expense of outfitting all of our members to game, or the difficulty of phasing new members into outdated technologies and gameplay methods, we've grown a gaming core. Moreover, that gaming core has become a contender for the most powerful part of Plagueis. Just about every day, I see several Clusters of Fire requested and approved for my members. To see so much success, such ease of access and integration for members that are far from veteran or well-versed, points to the efforts of the Fist to make gaming easy and fun again. In this way, for this hard work and dedication, one could say that Fremoc is one of the main support pillars in my House's survival.

From his transformation of a new position into a key component of the Brotherhood, his expansion and advancement of the Brotherhood's gaming scene, his exceptional foresight and cooperation with two fantastically-chosen support staff, his transformation of gaming into a successful counterpart for writing's ACC, his creation of the GMRG as a viable entity that is successful and yet still independant of the powerful mainstream gaming, and his work to turn Plagueis and other Houses into gamer-filled dens of activity, it's hard not to ramble on about Fremoc. From the fact that he's one of the first Fists of the Brotherhood to the fact that he's innovated and expanded in pretty much every possible way and more, it seems fitting that a man with a Mandalorian character pushes the boundaries and adapts an age-old titan into a new-age juggernaut without encountering any true difficulty. He has established himself as a DJB pillar of strength and a potent Dark Councillor over just a few short months. To that end, for innovating, improving, and pushing the boundaries in every facet of a pioneer position, I say that Fremoc Pepoi Sadow has more than earned the prestigious Emerald Dagger. Congratulations, well done, and very thoroughly deserved.

Kal Quaestor of House Plagueis

This exceptional member has and continues to blow the roof off of the Gaming of the Brotherhood. Since attaining the position of Fist, there has not only been a dramatic influx in my own gaming, but the gaming of members within my Unit and in the DJB-wide. Fremoc has taken the meaning of activity in gaming and turned it into something enjoyable and an activity in itself. No longer are there are only a small handful of members gaming, rather a plethora of gamers throughout the DB on all platforms.

Fremoc has establish training days on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, ensuring steady and capable trainers are around to remain faithful in showing up for the training days, and awarding them for their hard work. In addition to establishing training days, Fremoc has put towards holding a substantial and well-capable Staff backing him up. Understanding the need for projects and the like to get done, Fremoc is not one to procrastinate, rather to plunge ahead and get stuff done. In doing so, the DJB is better off due to his hard work.

Working on double-Cluster of Fire days into each month, he makes sure that members WANT to game, and come back for more. He’s always thinking of incentives, and bouncing them off various members that he goes to for feedback, myself being one of them. Open minded, Fremoc has opened the door to multiple platforms being added to the gaming arena; from standard Sci-Fi games being allowed in the DB, there are now Console games! Something that was once seen as impossible to bring into the DJB, Fremoc has done just that. Not only has he implanted them into the DJB’s average gaming, but he has made sure to get a hand on the necessary platforms and gaming systems so that he can be right there and gaming with his fellow club-mates.

One thing a good leader needs to do, is pace themselves and keep a good Activity Tracking Record of his subordinates, as well as keeping a steady calendar as to what is going on. Fremoc has both. He maintains a calendar for each month, chalk full of various exclusive gaming competitions, Double-CF days, awarding CF’s once a week, updating the GMRG ranks once a month, grading the Grand Masters Royal Guard Shadow Academy Exam, and the list goes on. Not only does Fremoc do this on a monthly basis, but he has competitions and events lined up for months in advance! Fremoc is by far one of the most organized members I have yet to see, and for being new to the Dark Council, he has been a fantastic addition.

It is not enough that he keeps up actively on IRC and emails, awarding medals and CF’s and the like, but he keeps the members of the DJB in the know as to what he is doing via reports. He reminds everyone of the Rites of Combat, the various scripts that are available via IRC to lookup the rules. He keeps people in the know in regards to the GMRG rankings, he makes SURE everyone knows what days are open for competitions and those special CF’ days. He also lets members know of stuff coming up. Keeping the DJB in the know as to what is going on his one of his top priorities, and he does it magnificently.

The role of Dark Councilor is to advise and guide their target members and aid their fellow DC’ers. Fremoc is an exemplary member and one hell of a leader. Being newer to the DJB (2 years), he shows his youth in his charisma, but keeps his advice and knowledge tied to what he’s learned as an active member and from other great leaders before him. There is no question in my mind that Fremoc is deserving of this Emerald Dagger, as the requirement for this substantial award requires that said member have changed the DJB through their position. Fremoc has done so, and will continue to do so. I am so happy to have a good friend and leader like Fremoc in the DJB. Congrats Fremoc, and keep up the good work!

On behalf of Taldryan and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, - Quaestor of Taldryan, Shaz'air Taldrya, AKA Sidarace

I submit this recommendation on behalf of Fremoc Pepoi, the current Fist of the Brotherhood. Since his arrival in the Brotherhood two years ago, I have been impressed with Fremoc’s activity and leadership abilities. Time and time again, I have seen him doing his utmost to further himself and the Brotherhood at large during his short itme in the club. Within his house and clan, he has consistently proven time and time again that he is a successful leader on all levels as he has spent time as a battle team leader, Aedile and Quaestor of a clanned House, and as Aedile of House Naga Sadow following the dissolution of clans. On the Brotherhood level, Fremoc has served as Magistrate to the Fist, Praetor to the Fist, and as the current Fist of the Brotherhood.

This Son of Sadow’s activity speaks for itself. He has worked to improve himself in every way: the Antei Combat Center, the Shadow Academy, Gaming, Fiction, and even graphics. His 8 degrees from the Shadow Academy show that he is a devoted student of the ways of the Brotherhood, and he is simply not just another “gamer” who trolls the IRC channel looking for gobs of clusters of fire. A fine gamer, Fremoc’s list of honors proves that he is indeed one of the new all around types of members that the club needs in order to continue to survive in today’s era. The one thing that stands out to me is his running of 61 competitions both in his former House and the Brotherhood at large. That is a tremendous number of opportunities that he has given the membership to participate in the activities of our club.

During his time as Praetor to the Fist, Fremoc did an excellent job serving as an apprentice to Smoke. He learned the ins and outs of the DB gaming scene from the leadership side of the house, and he has taken the lessons learned and applied them. For someone of his age, Fremoc has done an outstanding job in dealing with the sometimes contentious members of our club.

His ascension to the position of Fist came fairly abruptly, but he has done an excellent job during his firs few months on the Dark Council. His selection of both old and new members to his gaming staff shows that he is not afraid to have experienced members around him as well as showing that he is trying to grow and develop new leadership talent on the staff level.

Overall, Fremoc is one of the best of the crop of members that has appeared in our club over the past few years, and I am proud to bring forward this recommendation on his behalf. ~~Dante, Former Gaming Tribune

Fremoc is only the second Fist of the Brotherhood and already he has been working hard in making his mark on the position. Following Smoke's dynamic turn, he has not only worked to keep energy high in gaming by innovation in games as well as pursuit of new games to add to the DB's repertoire, but also in his planning for the future of gaming in the club. Working enthusiastically on plans for the Brotherhood's involvement in the coming Old Republic MMO when little detail has been released is incredible... the amount of thought and alternative contingency plans for variations in the release have been wonderful to see. I feel confident that we will not be left behind when this game comes out, a major concern as we have seen in the past. On top of all this, he practices what he preaches. He is constantly in the trenches, server-side, taking on all comers to show people what fun it is to game with our members. He has helped to arrange Training Nights, an often abandoned idea to help hone our games into better players, and make us more formidable on open servers, a traditional weakness associated with our typically insular gaming practices. All in all, this work has been top notch, and I believe that his work as one of the newest Dark Councilors has been well received and he will continue to add to the might of our Brotherhood. Please accept this sacrificial blade as a token of our esteem, Fremoc. We hope to award you many more in the future. ~~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2011-02-16 21:32:11 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 2/5/2011 to 2/12/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-12 22:58:54 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5 XP
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

For posting in the Run-On "Unrest in the City", Month #9

Lord Halcyon, 2011-02-11 20:05:27 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
16.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

The other half of Double CF Day. Congrats! ~ OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-06 22:45:48 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
16.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions on 2/6/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-06 22:39:39 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
92.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in all gaming competitions from 1/29/2011 to 2/5/2011. Congratulations! ~OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-05 20:25:43 UTC
Event ID
Shadow Academy: Docent
Event ID
Source Unit
Naga Sadow
Destination Unit
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Darth Aeternus, 2011-02-02 06:47:52 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Naga Sadow
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy database

Darth Aeternus, 2011-02-02 06:38:17 UTC